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Don't miss the

Spring Fest this
Saturday —Union/
Rec Center/Garvey

Wish' for bands fulfilledincluding Morrow, TransWorld

Park. 12 p.m.until By Anne L. McNeils HRIM dub and many others have
Copy Editor magazine and K2. Hurd said planned a variety of activities for
8 p.m. Morrow andiK2 have donated tile festival.
"It's one of the biggest things snowboards and apparel for The vendors and other activi-
Reactions to formal letters Page^S that this campus has seen in a long raffles. The demonstration will ties will be located in Garvey Park,
time," said MSG Vice President take place on trampolines at 1:30 infrontof the Union and in front
Kristen Hunt. She's talking about p.m.
of the Rec and Athletic Centers.
ft v * • • I the Spring Fest which is sched- The step show begins at 3 pan. The festival costs $3 for
uled fortillsSaturday, beginning and will take place in the Athletic Mercyhurst students and $5 for
at 12:30 p.m. Center. The AKAs and Alphas of the public. Students who are work-
The festival will benefit the Edinboro University will be per- ing at the festival must pay ad-
JUL Make-A-Wish Foundation, an forming. mission. Tickets can be purchased
organization which grants wishes There will also be a number of in the Student Union office from
to terminally ill children. The fes-
The dirt on the CIA tival was organized by MSG.
President George Paydock first
vendors, crafts and other activi-
ties. Many of the activities have
been orga nized by different dubs
11 a.m. until 2 p.m. and 5 p.m.
until 7 p.m. Tickets will also be
available the day of the festival.
Come this Tuesday, May 10, at 7 p.m. for thefilmfordiscussion. suggested the idea of helping and ] groups. Paydock said the Student ID is required. Anyone
It's sponsored by Amnesty International and is based on the story of Make-A-Wish and the idea for hockey team, Ambassadors, the with questions about the festival
Leonard Peltier. Peltier is a Native American who has been tile festival was born. Council for Exceptional Children, can call 824-2090. 4
imprisoned since the mid-70s, even though the charges against him "I'd heard a lot about the Make- {Honors Society, the Minority Stu- Hurd said students should "hold
are now known to be fraudulent Surprise, surprise, the CIA has a A-Wish program and I thought dent Union, the dance team, the their breath for a great show.?
shady part in the story. This would be something. ^ we
could d o / " said Paydock.
Paydock said the average wish
Library hours during exams costs $3,400 to grant The wishes
are simple, he said. Many chil-
The hours for exam week are as follows: Thursday, May 12,8 a.m. dren want to go to DisneyWorld
to 11 p.m. Friday 8 to 8; Saturday 9 to 8; Sunday 1 p.m. to midnight or to visit relatives.
Monday the 16th and Tuesday the 17th, 8 a.m. to midnight; Wednes- In previous years, MSG has
day 9 to 8; Thursday and Friday (19th and 20th), 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. hosted one big band during the
Spring Term. Paydock said funds
were not available for a big band
Calling alLradioheads i
this year and a decision had been
made to host a number of small
bands. It was suggested this idea
If you plan to work at WMCE radio in the fall, there will be a
mandatory meeting for returning and would-be staff on Tuesday, be incorporated with the fei
May 10, at 8 p.m. in the Baldwin classroom. Students interested in
sports announcing next season are also encouraged to attend. Also, She characterized
WMCE will sign off early on Friday, May 13, because of the their music as
Communications Banquet that night Sign off will be at 6 p.m. The 1
staff positions for next year are: Station Manager: Jay Kennedy; 'earthy.
Program Director: JoAnna Shirey; Music Director. Jim Bean; Assis- -Kristen Hurd
tant Music Director: Kim Sulzmann; Production Director Paul
Smith; Assistant Production Director: Melissa Torres; Public Ser- Four bands will be on campus
vice Director Terre Resslen and Special Events Promoter Heather for the Festival Saturday. Co-
Marshall. headlining are Rusted Root and
First Light-
First Light is a Cleveland reggae Micky Brennan says, "I don't care about 'earthy bands. I'd
Shadowlands of a differentjkind band. Hurd said the band has a
"big following" in Cleveland.
rather study. Merciad photo/Andy Schudlich

hout about rape

Dr. Mario Diaz, assistant professor of physics, will give a talk First Light will playfrom4 p.m.
titled "Suns, Moons and Shadows" about the May 10th solar eclipse. until 5:30 p.m.
This eclipse will be the last one visiblefromthe United States until ! Rusted Root is a Pittsburgh band
2012. Dr. Diaz will present a computer show on a big screen which recently signed a contract
revisiting solar eclipses of the past and will run a simulation of the with Mercury records, said Hurd. By Lee Ann Kelly group walked in darkness around
approaching eclipse. The presentation will be Monday, May 9, in She chara cterized their music as Merciad StaffReporter campus, conclud ing the event at a
2ura 314 at 7 p.m. Free to the Mercyhurst community. "earthy" and said they are very bonfire in Garvey Park. There,
popular. Rusted Root will play "S-T-O-P! Stop the Violence!" Stacy Archer spoke about sexual
from 6 p.m. until 8 pan. "People Unite—Take back the violence and read a poem. The
The festival will open with night!" '£ I: group was then invited to write
Erie's own Ric and Brian Butler, Chants such as these could be the name of an abuser on a piece)
an acoustic cover band. The But-
heard echoing thoughout ofpaper and throw it into the fire
lers will play from 12:30 p.m. Mercyhurst campus last Thurs- "It was a very emotional cer-
until 1:30 p.m. day evening as students gathered emony," commented Kristei
I Friday 1 [• Neville Blues is another band attheTake BacktheNight March, Hurd, vice president of MSG am
60 percent chance of from Pittsburgh. According to the dosing event of a week of coordinator of the event
showers and possible 1 Senior Michael Arrigo, the band activities focused on heightening T h i s was the first yea
plays blues and will soon be relo- awareness and increasing educa- Mercyhurst participated in Takej
thunderstorms; highs in tion on sexual violence. 1 Back the Night Overall it was a
cating to Washington, DC to fur-
I the 40s. ther its career. Take Back the Night was a success—-about thirty people
All bands will be located in the march designed to r MJ'4t
^^^^^^ showed up on a very cold night in
\Saturday Erie. We hope to try it again next
parking lot behind the Rec Cen- sexual crimes that plague our so-
Partly sunny; high 55 - ter. |f | n ciety. Both men and women were year, maybefirsttcral HM ,„,

65; low 35 - 45.J I In addition to the bands, there inv)ted to march in remembrance The purpose of the march was
will be a snowboard demonstra- of the victims of sexual viola- to heighten awareness of sexual
Sunday tion and a step show. tions, such as rape and molesta- violence and remember the vic-
The snowboard demonstration tion. JL tims of such crimes. Such was the
•Sunny; high 60 - 70; is I soonsored
sponsored bv by several * The march began at McAuley goal of the whole week: to in-
I flow 35 - 45. snowboard industry! frill panies, Hall at 19 D.m. 'From there the l See Take/ page 2

board n a m e d ?

By Megan € arship, and board members, who the discussion went well; but Dr.
News Editor now receive $500, will receive Garvey is concerned the whole
$750 scholarships next year. equality issue may go too far.
MSG announced next year's Reps also discussed i Spring Nixon stated that he will know
SAC board members: Rich Activities Week. Thursday's more by Friday. i
Straub-Chair, Erin McGuinness- movie, The Pelican Brief, may Reps also discussed the new
Secretary; Holly Heid-Treasurer, be shown outside, weather per- gumball machine that has been
Judah |Sussman-Coffeehouse; mitting. Also, activities will be- placed in the union. Student gov-
Vanessa, Pappalardo-Special gin on Friday at 5:30 p.m. and ernment will receive 50 percent
Events; Kristin Schmidtfirerick, will go until 8:30 p.m. Prizes will of the proceeds, and the company
Donna Leonard-Weekends; be awarded tofirst,second, and will make all repairs and also re-
Mindi McDowel I-Mov ies; Vyom third place winners. First prize is fill the machine.
Bhuta-Tournaments. $100, second prize is $75, and MSG meetings are held every
Raising the scholarship amount third prize is $50. Monday at 8:30 pm in the Gov-
for the SAC executive board was Reps also discussed the situa- ernment Chambers in the Union.
also discussed. The chairperson, tion with the townhouses. Senior All students are encouraged to
who now receives a $2500 schol- Rep. Kevin Nixon spoke with Dr. attend.
ars hio. will receive a $3500 schol- Garvey this week. He stated mat

Rybczynski runs with it

Tradition at the Merciad be-
• a •

years with a style slant for straight for holding the most positions at
gins with the last two issues. In news. the Merciad. v i-?
order to break in the new staff, Sports Editor: Leon Mumford. Photo Editor: Andy Schudlich
they are required to plunge in Leon is also a junior, majoring in will take over the photo depart-
before the year's out As of mis history. He; wanted to [become ment from Jim Doherty. We don't
week, Craig Rybczynski has taken more involved with the paper this know much about Andy at the
onmechallengeofEditormChief. year. After this appointment, he moment, but samples of his work
Craig is a junior Communica- wills become the authority on were very impressive.
tions major with a history minor. Mercyhurst athletics. We are currently interviewing
He served as Sports Editor his Features and Art and Entertain- candidates for a Business Man- torture for is that
sophomore and junior years. He ment (A&E) Editor: -Nick ager. unidentified victim. iJAndy Schudlich
has many ideas for the newspaper Krayger. Anj ambitious colum-
(most of which will be formu- nist this year, Nick will do the job
la ted this summer when he has previously done by two. He plans
time to think it over). Seriously to bring the music and concerns
though, look for big changes from of our I generation to these two
him next year. If you have any pages. He is a sophomore Family
suggestions for Craig, call him at Ecology major.
the Merciad, ext 2376. Advertising Manager/Copy
Craig succeeds Jule Gardner, Editor: Anne McNelis. Anne has
who was named Senior Writer. been a dedicated editor, reporter
She is a junior Political Journal- and columnist since her freshman
ism major. Prior to being editor, year. She has saved as A&E edi-
she was Features Editor and News tor, then added Features editor
Editor and has written columns her sophomore year. This year
for the past two years. Other staff she was Assistant News and Copy
appointments are as follows: Editor. After adding a marketing
News Editor: Megan Circle. minor, she wants to try her hand
Megan is a sophomore English at advertising. Anne is a junior
major. She has been a very de- English major a nd wins the awa rd
pendable staff reporter for two

Don't be eclipsed
How many things happen once in a lifetime? The annular solar
eclipse coming to Erie on May 10m will begin around 11:30 a.m.
and take shape around 1 p.m. Such an eclipse only happens, on the
average, every 360 years at any given geographical point on the
Earth's surface. This eclipse will be the last one visiblefromthe
United States until 2012 and it will be most visible in Cleveland, 2 YOU WANT TO 8 TILL 2
Erie and Buffalo (the line of annularityis about 150 miles over Lake r PARTY WERE
Erie). ^ MUST HAVE
To encourage interest and safety during the annular solar eclipse, VALID
Mercy hurst is sponsoring several seminars and presentations inErie
and Norm East Educators, students, professional' and amateur STUDENT I.D.
astronomers, as well as all Erie residents are welcome. MMNM'.-UX DANCE
from page 1
a* •
$5 COl/Efl
crease awareness and education. ered for next y ear' s sexual aware- DANCE SimiEK LOSG
"There is a fine line between ness activities. "Next year we hope
appropriate conduct and rape. On the events will be bigger and bet-
Mercy hurst campus, you are most
likely to be raped by someone
ter. We are forever striving for
increased awareness on campus,"
mat you know so we want people the VPconcluded.'MSG is also 418 E.12 th. MUST BE \8 YRS. OF AGZ 455-7647
to be aware ofwhere thatfineline looking to implement a new pro-
is," Hurd said. cedure to deal with sexual vio-
Plans are already being consid- lence on campus.

#.Scrutinizing! Schindler' s List i

By Howard Wilson Poland 1939. The Nazi blitzkrieg from their homes to the slums of
Merciad Contributing Writer
had conquered the entire nation Aushwitcz, we watch. We stand
of Poland in just two weeks and in the showers-with the naked
The confusion. The smoke. The had begun the systematic exter- women waiting in terrorforthe
horror. So powerful was the im- mination of Jews. Liam Neeson gas to come forth. Wewatch while
age I closed my eyes briefly to plays Oskar Schindler, a hard children are trucked away to their
escape and fight back the tears. drinking, womanizing, German deaths with mothers' futile at-
By Headier Marshall Opening my eyes I looked about businessman, drawn to Poland by tempts to save them. The emaci-
Merciad Staff Columnist the theater to see I was not alone the prospect of vacant factories ated bodies are stacked high be-
with my feelings.* People wept and slave labor. He saw the op- yond belief.
"Jam the voice inside your head. lam the lover in your bed. openly. So completely absorbing portunity to make a fortune manu- At the war's end, wefindthe
lam the hate you try to hide. I take you where you want to go.mwas the experience offered to us facturing enamelware. With the people of Schindler's List in
I tell you all you need to know. I drag you down, I use you up. by film maker Stephen Spielberg help of a Jewish accountantplayed Schindler's hometown in Ger-
Mr. Self Destruct." B ft in his latest film Schindler's List. by Ben Kingsley, Schindler, prac- many with nothing left but then-
Those words, combined with thrashing beats and metallic blasts Through the use of black and tically penniless, enlists the aid of lives. Schindler, now running for
greet the listener who pops in The Downward Spiral, the second white cinematography to enhance several Jewish ex-businessmen his life from the Russians con-
full length album by Nine Inch Nails. the realism and capture the time then composed the list of Jewish fronts the people who have ac-
NIN's newest attempt at tryingtowrestle the human emotions of period, excellent actors like Ben workers to buyfromcorrupt Nazi cepted him as their savior in a
frustration, hatred and Unrest is a successful one. By combining Kingsley and English actor Ralph officials. very emotional J good-bye. His
these elements in nearly all ofthe fourteen new songs on the LP, NIN Fiennes and with a storyline based Inevitably, Schindler is faced only regret- - inot having die re-
boldly goes where no other artists have gone before. on truth and impressive direction, with the horrors of war. He is a sources to save even one more
Through the continued use and abuse of state ofthe art technology, Spielberg immersed me in the witness to beatings and torture, to person.
front man Trent Renzor places more emphasis on texture and mood, Holocaust as I had never been families torn apart, and countless Spielberg shows us the atroci-
and I believe this truly allows the listener to feel as well as hear. before. Otherfilmmakers-used executions. He tries to reconcile ties leveled at the Jews in a very
The feelings exuded by this album have gone above and beyond all the aforementioned methods for this with the millions ofdollars he graphic and personal way. He also
their past attempts. If you enjoyed NIN's first full length album films ofa similarnature with vary-makes, but he becomes increas- reveals to us that in the midst of
Pretty Hate Machine, then you will enjoy the true hard-core ing degrees of success, but ingly sympathetic to the Jews' such unconscionablef barbarism
simplicity and brazenness of their newest album. Most closely Spielberg'sfilmis unique in that pi ight and cannot He soon finds and mass insanity, however un-
related to the sound of the new album is NIN's six song EP Broken. it introduces you to a group of himself in a desperate battle to likely it may seem, there is al-
If listeners enjoyed the instrumental trickery displayed on that 1,100 Jewish people. The people save as many people as he can ii ways a beacon of hope.
album, as well as the body slamming rhythms, then The Downward ofSchindler's List are introduced despite great personal risk and I found this movie very com-
Spiral will have mass appeal. as individuals, as parents and chil- die expenditure of his entire for- pelling. Three hours passed
N Songs such as "March of the Pigs ? which simply has a really g dren, as doctors, tailors, and fac- tune.
. • : • : • | quickly, and in my opinion, to
beat, are ideal for those people who keep their anger pent up, on the tory workers. We also follow the Jews on refer to thisfilmas anything less
verge of explosion- , .£*-.. 1 The story begins in Krakow, yArpughheJLDrivenf than exceptioiial would be doing
- • » "
Now doesnt U make you feel better? * is even one of,the often
<$ I JS it a disservice.
ji&!n.a£ L«wr « v- u* *?#v:' 4 3M
repeated Imes. F * '3^w^ ^3^w^s*
"Closer^ my favorite song on die album, combines powerful,
colorful, vivid lyrics with a thrashing beat That's another song to
just listen to when that angry mood creeps up on you.
It* •making how the music of Nine Inch Nails can empower a By Fran Foltz "
Dancers run the show captivating and enthralling. whelmed. Some pieces, such as
person. Renzor has fully succeeded in making his listeners feel Merciad Contributing Writer For Kirk's class, die choreo- sophomore Danielle Quill's "Dy-
IJIIlething while they are listening. He is said to have compiled the graphed pieces were an assign- ing Young" and junior Karen
album as a complete work, not just a collection of different songs. On Thursday, April 28 and ment The class requires all stu- Universal's "Classical Variation,"
NIN has succeeded in expressing themes that run throughout the Friday April 29 die Mercyhurst dents to choreograph their own were indeed both classic and beau-
album. i Dance Department invited the dance pieces, complete with tiful. I i
Hie Downward Spiral overall portrays a person's need to get Mercyhurst community and sev- lights, music and costumes. Other Modern pieces such as Tho-
away by indulging in things that may not necessarily be good or right eral otherfriendsand family in dance department students helped mas Smith's "Cross of Change"
for diem. This recording is a whirlwind of sounds combined with from the cold nights of Spring to to make die production a success. and Diane Yelenic's "Freedom
overpowering lyrics that speak die truth about life in general. witness studentsfromJay Kirk's With a vast array of both Now" also featured excellent
Although at times die picture it paints ofthis life is dark, grim and choreography class give their all music and styles, the dancers left style. These pieces seemed to pro-
angry, it enables the listener to see and feel these emotions as well. in a performance that was both the audience enterta ined and over- duce an even more powerful re-
It is perfect music if you 're out to change your mood. While angry, action from the audience. '
it can be consoling. At the same time, it can be really thrashing music
to really get you moving. .* ;
I highly recommend purchasing this album if you haven't already.
Bring yourself into a world of whirling, dark melodies, painfully
honest lyrics and pulsing, throbbing beats. You won't be sorry.
Along with the release of their new album, Nine Inch Nails is also The D'Angelo School of Mu- strumental Ensembles at the "Suite in F" by Hoist,
launching it'sfirst world tour since 1991 's Lollapoalooza. The sic will present the D'Angelo D'Angelo School. The program "Trumpeter's Lullaby" by Leroy
show is selling at record breaking speed. Wind Ensemble performing Sun- will?include: "Liberty Fanfare" Anderson, featuring faculty mem-
In Chicago, the show scheduled for the Riviera sold out in four day, May 8 at 2:30 p.m. in Zurn by John Williams, "Mary Mount ber Doug Stephenson on trumpet,
minutes. In Los Angeles, tickets for three different shows sold out Recital Hall. 7 * * M Suite" by Howard Hanson, and Gershwin Selections.
in twenty minutes. The Cleveland show, which will be at the Agora The concert will be conducted "Crown Imperial" by Walton, Admission is free.
Theatre on May 9th, sold out in six minutes. by Frank Collura, Director of In-
Marilyn Manson will be opening that show, and for all those who
have tickets- 111 see you there. ALASKA SUMMER
At a time in the school year when nearly everyone is tying up some EMN.OYMENT
1 ends andfinishingthings up, I begin this new column. With
• X I X ]

Students Needed!
my stress levels up, I look forward to escaping time and time again
Earn up to $8/0004* in two months. Many Are you creative and
into die world that Trent Renzor createsforhis listeners. I hope that responsible? Then the$
5 employers provide room k board &
in the coming year you will escape with me. ' \
in the coming year, I hope my column will communicate changes
transportation. Male or Female. No aeterita (yearbook) has
experience necessary. Join thousands of other ust the position for you!
in music trends, and also inform the general public on what ia new
students and enjoy the most beautiful scenery [Activity Editor posi-
in music. I wel ie and encourage ^ ^ ^ all suggestions
, — ^ « ^ and comments.
___ the United States has to offer. $
So I offer you one sure Gre way to relieve yourselvesfromsome 1-206-545-4155 ext A5249 ,' on is available for the 94
of the stressesfromthe end of the year. The perfect prescription to Student Employment Services 95 school year. Scholar-
heal those emotional scars is tofirst,purchase a dartboard. Then, ship money available!!
turn on Downwni* Splnd, ("Mr- Self-Destruct and «Qoser J H CRUISE SHIP JOBS!
again are good selections). t
Students needed! Earn $2000+unonthly. Send all inquiries and
Finally, crank it up to eight or ten (if you're daring...). Affix the
Summer/holidaya/ftilItime. World travel.
Caribbean, Hawaii, Europe, Mexico.
letters of intent to Box
picture of that certain roommate, that killer test or paper to the dart Tour Guides, Gift Shop Sales. Deck Hands, 1 |l62. Deadline is May 13.
Casino Workers, etc. No experience necessary.'
board and ahn for the bulls eye. 47. Ext. C147 L


The Ryb Roast McNelis lashes out on violence

By Craig Rybczynsld By Anne L. McNelis carjacking in California. When rules, one of which would cer-
Editor in Chief Copy Editor the story hit the Japanese news, tainly be, "No painting black
reporters had to first explain the stripes on white shirts." She has
Imagine that you are an edi- I hate violence. I hate it I don't concept of carj a eking to the Japa - broken that rule; her husband haa
tor-sports editor ofa certain col- like to watch violent movies or nese public. every right to punish her in wha t-
lege newspaper and suddenly television programs. If I read a The crime rate in Japan is sig- ever manner he sees fit-he has to
you find out that you are in book or story that contains graph ic nificantly lower than in the United prevent her from ever breaking
charge of the entire paper. violence, I actually turn my face die rules of their marriage. So he
States. I did a little research and
No longer does your world away because the descriptions V l i l l l l l its an actof violence against
found that one of the reasons for
revolve around pitchers and turn my stomach. this seems to lie in the nature of her. That'll teach her, right?
hockey pucks, but now encom- I don't believe violence is justi- Japanese society. Anyone who What makes her vandalism dif-
passes the news and stories th a t fied under any circumstances. I has taken Japanese Culture prob- ferentfromMichael Fay's? What
deeply affect the campus. Wow! I'm glad that's not me. Wait, it is am against all wars on the grounds ably knows what I'm talking makes him less human than the
me. of the violent acts that are com- about wife? What are these punishers
The moment that I was asked to be editor by Jule Gardner, of mitted in the course of ba ttl e. I am Japanese society is much less thinking when they commit these
"Weeding it Out" fame, I thought of a quote that always pops into aga inst violence because I believe aggressive than American soci- heinous acts?
my head when I feel nervous and apprehensive. violent acts against human beings ety. While aggression is not nec-
"Remember, Craig,tojust do your best. And whatever happens, are in direct violation of their ba- essarily negative, a great deal of
your father and I will still be proud of you." sic human rights, no matter what American aggression seems to I wrote this column for last
With Mother's Day May 8, it is really ironic that this quote has crime they have—or in some manifest itself in violence. Look week's Merciad. Since then, a
survived as long as it has. Yes, it may seem like a cliche^ but it sums cases—have not committed. at football. A major objective in decision has been made in Mich a el
lip what my motherfeelsand believes in her heart The Campus Question of two the game is to knock someone Fay's case. He will receive four
My mother has been my source of strength and courage from the weeks ago dealt with the violent down. I've seen games where sev- lashes. Some people a re probably
time of my youth up to the present day. Good Ole Mom has given act about to be committed against eral players pile on top of the lone glad. "That brat will learn his
much of her time and effort to my development as an adult ^ Michael Fay in Singapore. It player who has the ball. Some lesson."
She taught me the meaning of dedication pecially sacrifice. sparked heated discussion in the people might consider this to be Yep, he sure will—he won't be
One incident in particular that still haunts me sometimes occurred Merciad office; some staffmem- slightly antisocial behavior. able to sit down or lie on his back
when I was eleven years old. * bers feel it is an acceptable pun- I don't think American crimi- for a few days or weeks. Not only
I was born with asthma and I suffered from attacks every so often. ishment I do not nals commit crimes because they will Michael Fay learn his lesson,
The worst attack happened on a Saturday night, I can remember this I am not arguing with the fact aren't punished properly and I others around the world will also
because Saturday Night Live was on and my,parents took turns that Fay is subject to the laws of certainly don't think that publicly learn.
watching me because I couldn'tfellasleep. Singapore. As a matter of fact I whipping criminals is going to I know I've learned. I've learned
Mom was there when I needed medicine, comfort and the soft don't think the United States has accomplish anything. If these something I never thought I
words to lefi me mat I would get over this illness. The thing is I never the right to interfere. I'm object- whippings work, then we better would. Human beings just aren't
have; but the asthma is now in remission. . <#•
ing to the laws of Singapore. condone child-beating and as good as I'd like to think. I don't
However, that night I was rushed to two hospitals, Buffalo's Some people I talked to said spouse-beating. After all, those just mean the people who decided
Mercy Hospital and Child ren's Hospital. I was scared and nervous, they are in favor of the caning people are usually being punished to cane Michael Fay or any other
like I am now, as I sat on the examination table at Mercy Hospital because it will deter other crimi- for some crime they've commit- criminal.
waitingforthe doctor to tell me what was wrong. nals from committing the same ted,ieal or imagined, againsttheir I've learned that many people
My mother, fearing as her child slowly weakened from the crimes. Some of them said if we abuser. 1 don't believe in humans' basic
disease, stayed by my side with my father. had the same kind of punishment Think of it this way. A husband rights. Violence doesn't solve
They met with the doctor and listened to his advice thinking the system in the United States, our and wife have afightand in retali- anything. To think that people are
night wasfinallyover. It wasn't crime rate would be much lower. ation, she paints a black stripe going to find satisfaction in
In the middle of the night, my condition worsened and I had to be I doubt it down the back ofeach of his white Michael Fay's caning horrifies
taken to the best hospital for the illness in the Buffalo area, I don't think the American crime shirts. When he discovers her me. It actually makes me sick.
Children's. Mom sacrificed a night's sleep and accompanied me to rate is a result ofpoor punishment "crime," he breaks both her arms I've been pretty mad at people in
my second hospital. practices. I think it's a result of and gives her two black eyes. die past, but I would never want
This time I was in gi d hands as the specialists pumped steroids
• : • : • the state of American society. That's okay, right? themtobe punished like that, no
into my weak body to try and restore some of my lost energy. After About a month ago, two Japanese After all, she should know that matter what they did to mc.
two hours of treatment I was released to my parents, who were students were killed in ia her marriage involves certain
exhausted and looking worse man I did.
From mis trial in my life I learned so much. My parents sacrificed
for me and mat willforeverremain a constant thought in my mind.
life requires people to make a lot of sacrifices and the Merciad
is now on my list
I have never thanked my parents for the years of living through
asthma or whatever else has troubled their eldest son. 1
So I thought it appropriatetothank the people who helped me get
this position. They are my parents, especially my mother.
This Mother's Day remember who fought and worked hard to get
you to mis college and who you call for advice, money or justtosay
hi f* A m ;
Take time out of your busy schedules to thank mom. She has
worked her whole lifetogive you whatever she could, isn't it time
that you gave something back?
Don't let May 8th pass by as just another day to party or drink,
make it a special day. :,
In my case, it means thanking her for helping to nurture me and
give me the drive to "just do my best "because I know that my
parents will be there when I need them.
Oops! I almost forgot, "Happy Mother's Day, Mom."

This is vour Mercvhurst!

If you have something you want to say and
can put it in written form, The Merdad j
gladly welco/nes letters to the editor. Letters
must be signed, but can be withheld by re-
quest under certain conditions.
— » .. ..- . • • • - • -:-.*.- -.-. - . .

Bruno rebuts 'inferno f

Dear Editor.

Our editorial "Underclassmen:

there is no formal. (unrelated to MSG/ SAC or the
f We mentioned in the editorial Merciad) with over a half dozen
our dissatisfaction with $1 mov- people present When activities
Behind the
Pay Attention" has sparked a burn- ies, frequent euchre tournaments weekend was brought up, Hunt
ing inferno.
In one sense, I'm glad Michelle
Ryan and I got people to do what
we had suggested—pay attention!
and activities that we missed be- started to explain the upcoming
cause of mix-ups with time and activities by insinuating ithat
location. We also mentioned our Michelle and I were "unin-
satisfaction with coffeehouse, die formed.": I sat in the meeting
In another sense we were both hypnotist and the dating game. quite embarrassed because I By Nick Krayger f&
surprised so many MSG/SAC We based all comments regard- wasn't able to (nor didlfeelit was A&E and Features Editor
representativestookit so person- ing these activities on our own appropriate to) respond at that
ally. « | H experiences. meeting. Back home, I live in a little
Our intent was not to upset Second, the responses to our After the meeting I stepped into row housej around the corner
people. Our intent was to raise rhetorical question, "What hap- the MSG office and informed from the Bridge and Pratt streets
eyebrows and offer our thoughts pened to our leadership on cam- Hurd t2at our comments were, in terminal. If you'refromPhila-
to the community (especially pus" needstobe addressed. fact, based on what we were told delphia, you probably know my
underclassmen) to contemplate. Michael Arrigo pulled Michelle by MSG reps. gg neighborhood is not one of the
There are two major things that and me aside, individually and I feel badly that our dissatisfac- nicest - or safest - to live in. But
sparked this response. together, to discuss some of the tion with some of the activities on I've lived in the same house all
First, a few people h ave assumed points we had raised. campus was taken personally by of my life, and I could never J
we didn't "investigate" our facts. anyone. As I said, thatwas not our imagine calling anywhere else
Michael, you are to be villi home. Not home in the same way, at least r
WK '
This simply isn't true.
mended. Your abilitytoseparate intent I listen to the stories my parents tell us when my brothers and I
We wrote the editorial only af- The series of editorials and let-
our comments about MSG/SAC complain about the neighborhood - about how it was so beautiful
ter having discussed the "facts"
activities from our friendship is ters to the editor is getting quite a when they moved in, and how all of the people were so nice.
with fellow students, Merciad bit of attention. Obviously, the
admirable. Now, if I try really hard and turn down the TV, I can sometimes
sta ffers, each other and MSG rep- I appreciate and commend the community is split in their satis-
resentatives. Yes, that's right: hear the guy next door banging his wife's head against the wall.
professionalism and tact with faction (or dissatisfaction) with
MSG representatives told us that Every once in awhile, the people on the other side willfightand call
which you dealt with the situa- some of the activities offered. the cops on one another. It's fun to sit and watch them try to explain
the reason the formal was can- tion. That says two tilings. One: that "Everything'sfineofficer," because it's taken the cops so long
celed is because "we forgot," and I also must address, however, MSG/SAC have done a pretty
told us that a picnic on campus to get there. If
the way MSG Vice President goodjob on thewhole. Two: There
was to be planned to make up for Don't get me wrong -1 have a really nice house. It's not like I
Kristin Huid dealt with the edito- is always room for imorovement
die fact that there will be no spring dodge bullets every time I walk out the door. ButI know my parental
rial. The Grst and only time Huid
formal. We also heard MSG Presi- aren't happy living in that house anymore, simply because they 've
approached either Michelle or me Respectfully, lived there for 25 years and they deserve something more.
dent George Paydock, as he sa t in was unsettling. Grace Bruno But they would never admit to that They consistently assure me
the Merciad office, tell a reporter,
Hurd and I sat in a meeting to "just worry about the books" and "not worry that we'll manage.''
"I don't have an excuse" why AM teiki&ti «•**£.-= a • *&?,,,-.
t- "•-'
But deep down, I know they*re trying to spread their dimes as fir as

they cantokeep me enrolled here at the Hurst I don't know if I'll
ever be able to repay them for everything they've done for me.
I don't know ifI would want to take the pride they have in knowing
their "baby" is going to college awayfromdiem.

response m•yvc
So they settle for the nice little house in the not so nice area. They
don't go on their annual Memorial Day vacation for a couple of

Dear Editor,
How do you i p l about years. But my education is worth it, to mem and to me, right?
You see, I had this conversation the other nigjit with my mother.
I was complaining about how people really ddn't know how g• I l . t

This letter is in response to the

formal being cancelled? they have it here at Mercyhurst You have some of thesefriends-
they're not the majority, but still - they're the one's who call
articles and letters written on be- Katie Wiedmann, Senior, English: "daddy" to send some cash three times a week. Then mere are ones
halfofthe Spring Formal. I would It's just very aggravating becau$||j^y were not organized this who can't comprehend why you can't go to the .movies when "just
like to say I feel Mercyhurst could year. And we are disappointed a| die other day you said you wanted to see it" $' $iA: f
and should have the Spring For- ' My mother said, "at least you can appreciate it when you have it
mal on campus in die Rec Center. Heidie Bock, Freshman, English: 5 Maybe they can't Don't complain about it Think about all die
Yes, I understand mat there would "I think it's terrible. I think we should have one." character you're building." And she says laughs it off.
not be alcohol in this case, but I What I want to know is how to measure their character. I'm sure
don't feel there has to be. Chris Serafini, Freshman, Business Finance: many of your parents are also sacrificing a lottosend you here - be
"Lord knows" people will get It's too bad, especially for the seniors. It's one of die last times it without a new BMW in the tall, or a loaf of bread on the table. Do
alcohol on their own. If people they can get together with their dose Mends and party." we really appreciate it? If we do, how do we really appreciate it?
are going to drink they'll do it Do we show our gratitude by pulling off » 4.0? or maybe by
regardless of whether it is pro- Psychology winning the game of the season for them? Or maybe by getting a
vided at the formal. :it: itdoesn' $200,000 a year job when we've graduated? Or maybe a simple
Alcohol is die whole reason this thank you would suffice.
formal was canceled. Whatlmean Katie Mcdynn, Sophomore, Special/Elementary Education You see, all year I've been trying to be so socially conscious that
by this is MSG voted to cancel the I ' m not very happy about it It's especially unfair to the senior I think I've sort of neglected die most important people of all.
formal on their "own" beliefs that dass because there has always been twoformateevery year. It's It's all been a big yearforme. My mind's been focused on die 1

no alcohol means no formal. a reflection of die student body's mistakes in past years. Hope- bigger picture, unemployment, homelessness, rape, sexual harass-
I think that ifdie student body's folly in the future we will be able to have one again." | 1 ment, religion, homophobia, abortion, education, andfriendshipare
opinion was taken into consider- things that bounce around the surface of my brain, things mat in my
ation they 1 would find J that the Quotes compiled by Nicole GeracL
naivete I believe I can change because I believe that I can and will
majority of students would go. make a difference.
I agree that the formal is a chance
for seniors to gather together with This is my last column on this page until next year. In it, I would
the whole student body for the like to say, "thank you"toall of the people who supported me after
last time. Now we (die seniors) my column came out To all the people who stopped me in the halls
will miss out on this event be- Cralf Rybciy»iki Editorin Chief Leo« Mara ford Sport* Editor to argue about something I wrote. To everyone who took the time to
cause MSG overlooked it Advertising Manager Arts, Entertainment
Lumc L. McNeUs
± A Copy Editor NkkKrajpr A Features Editor write letters to the editor, letters to me and to other s about me. I
I am not blaming anyone in Senior Writer News Editor appreciate and respect the opinions of everyone who took the time
particular because mistakes do Aady Scaadlkk fhoto Editor MegaaCtrck Faculty Advisor to give them. > | n
Jtrry Trambky
happen, but it bothers me that die But most of all, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the two
seniors have to miss out on an TricUWebb Lee Ann Kelly Jay Kennedy Jennifer Trinidad most beautiful, strong, hilarious, irritating, aggravating, intelligent,
event that is so lookedforwardto. KiiaPrcsler Headier Ryan Mike Brown Janet McBiide caring, giving, supportive, inspirational people I know.
Fun Foltz Beth Nichols Nicole Geiad Tonya Beebe If I can become just afractionof the person that either one of you
Dan McQuiUen Divid McQuillen Kevin Pude Howard Wilson
Sincerely, Mind! McDowell Rlchaid Snellen are, men all of your money is worth it Thanks mom and dad. I love
Heather Maishall
Laurie Pezich, { you.
Senior, Elementary Education
MAY 5,1994

Crossing t h e bar: T h e e n d o f ' S h o e g a z i n g stow upon on us knowledge of the
By Daniel McQuillen music broadcast/The Red-Neck up pushing pens and our fat guts like Moses, the shoegazer led us
Merciad Staff Columnist Fancy Show." His spiritual na- around a dull office^ The seniors to .the promised land of free land of plenty. At Wegmans he is
ture could not be restrained, how- cringed. The juniors rethought samples and 30 different flavors a legend. Here, we turn to him for
He is leaving. ever, and soon he was writing their life plans. The freshmen kept of designer coffee beans. He jour- knowledge of produce and canned
Our moral force, our guiding columns on bigger stuff. Better trying to pronounce executive. neyed into the heart of the beast, goods.
light is leaving us. We are being stuff. He began urging students Weemans. tamed it and came back to be- Lake a true legend, however,
abandoned, left alone with our to action, stirring up emotions McQuillen must leave before we
blank stares and flaccid minds, and excitement and big puffs of realize he's a fake. He is off, and
left without his voice to guide us dirt. He was brilliant. Mercyhurst must carry on with-
and show us the way. Who can forget earlier this year out him. He must begin his mad
David "Duck" McQuillen will when he urged students to wear struggle in the afterworld with the
write his last "Shoegazing" col- black in defiance of the RAs fas- thousands of other blood-thirsty
umn for the Merciad next week. cist-like military crackdown. As graduates. The battle for the fat-
McQuillen, the Ann Landers of the RAs cruised Briggs in armored test salaries and best health plans
Mercyworld, the Rush Limbaugh tanks, McQuillen wrote feverishly awaits him.
of intelligent minds, the Harley through the night With a surge of So, when you see him at
Davidson of motorcycles, is go- literary genius, he urged a day of Hermans, ignore his state. When
ing out into the wide, wide world mourning during the repression you see him stumbling past 6th
to do everything he told us he of all and any types of fun. We and State, keep driving. Pretend
wouldn't. And oh, how we will mourned the death of amusement, you don't see him. Instead, re-
miss him* diversion, socialization and most member him as he was. A guid-
McQuillen started his auspicious forms of happiness. We wore ing star. A voice calling to
career at the Merciad two years black in his name. Mercyworld. Although most of
ago, reviewing the music he was *He wrote about getting old, and the time nobody knew just what
nlavine on his WMCE alternative how most of us will probably end he was saying, he always sounded

By Nick Krayger the cultures. In addition to living 1994 Summer Study Abroad
Merciad Editor < in Canada for part of her life, MOSCOW ZBBO, CHINA
McFeely lived in Ireland until she . July 8-23 g , [July 26-August 12
When you askfreshmanJoyce was £ fourteen. They both find Courses: Sociology of Deyiant_ Courses: Contemporary i
O'Hara what she thinks of American students don't seem to behavior W ™ ^ ™ ^* International Issues 'f
Mercyhurst, she 11 tell you it is "a be as mature as foreign students. Russian Culture International Finance |
place of culture." Being a student There is too much emphasis on Exercise Physiology Cost: $2,200
from Ireland, Joyce is involved in the drinking age here," Jean says, International Issues KARACHI, PAKISTANI
the International Students Club, "in Canada, you only have to be Cost: $1,850 July 23-August 7
the Ambassadors Club, the choir 19.That's plenty old." Both stu- Courses: Business Decision Making
and is a coxswain on the crew dents feel mat the one or two extra RABAT, MOROCCO Intro, to Cultural
team.* years they have over other stu- June 12-26 .Anthropology
When asked what she thinks dents is an advantage. Joyce says Courses: Human Learning Psychology & Life i n Asia*
Geography of Middle East World of Islam
about Mercyhurst, Joyce pledges mat gives her "one or two extra History of Modern Africa Cost: $ 1,975
her love and loyalty. As an active years of life, experience and bad Cost: $1,850 | | ! fa •Offered in conjunction with Slippery Rock
member of the Ambassadors dub, happenings."
she said she feels "everyone They feel this gives them coping ROME, ITALY OXFORD, ENGLAND
should know the history of. the strategies for life, and they don't July 9-23 U * August 13-27
Courser* Business Law: Legal Courses: Story Telling & Literature
Environment, Focus on in Early Childhood Ed.
International English Literature & Life
Cost:. $ 1,850 i'i Cost: $1,850
Note: Costs include round-trip airfare from JFK, room, board,
and sight-seeing excursions.
For additional information, contact:
Office of the Dean, International Studies, Programs and Services
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
% Edinboro, PA 16444 |
814-732-2770 or 2924; Fax 814-732-2443

Joyce O'Hara and Jean McFeely don their new jackets.

school. About giving tours, she overreact to stressful situations
says: "Every tour is different, and like most of these eighteen and
you really get into it I really love nineteen year old Americana do."
being at mis school, and it just When asked how it feels to be so
Happy Birthday
comes through with being a tour far away from home, Joyce and Colleen
guide." Jean say that as roommates, "We
Her enthusiasm is shared by never fight We're so far from and
roommate Jean McFeely. Jean, home that we're forced to cope." Carmel
also an international student from O'Hara says she was "accepted
Canada, is involved as well in the to both of the Universities that I
Ambassadors Club and is a mem- applied to" back in Ireland. She
ber of the rowing team. Jean said says she came to America be- Love, the Hotties - Kerry, Megan,
Mercyhurst is'a "cool school," cause "I planned to come after my and Cara F
but she finds that "students only graduation anyway." -
seem to want to be involved only Bothfindthat being in the United
there is a keg involved." States has been "a maturing cxpc-
I Both roommates agree that there rience."
is an obvious difference between

D u b i s z excited a b o u t lacrosse jfuture at M e r c y h u r s t

By Tricia Webb winter term when she received a graduate schools.
Merclad Sports Writer 4.0. I I My i family has always encour-
"I had a lot of supportfrommy aged me to get the most education
Freshman, Rebecca Dubis: teachers and was surprised at how I possibly can, and be active in
truly started her college caret well I adjusted this year. I chose many school activities/' said
in the right direction. Besides tak- elementary/special education as Dubisz.|
ing part in Mercyhurst^ new my major because I'd like to be It definitely appears as if Dubisz
lacrosse team, Dubisz has also able to make a difference in the has taken her parents'advice seri-
participated as a SAC member, children that are the future," said ously. In only one year of college
and was recently inducted into Dubisz. Dubisz has accomplished more
the Freshm a n Honors Society, Phi As for her own future, Dubisz than some students do in four
Eta Sigma. plans to move anywhere down years. She has already proven
Dubisz started playing lacrosse south and pursue her education herself as a strong addition to
just last summer for the WNYLA by attending one of their elite Mercyhurst College.
(Western New York Lacrosse
Association). Upon entering
Mercyhurst she was surprised to
find the school in the midst of
developing a lacrosse dub sport
Interested in wri about
"I think it was a great idea to our favorite
start the program this year. I hope
that in^the future lacrosse may
become a varsity sport in which
they award scholarships," said
j All submissions will be
Dubisz has had a great season
onsidered for publication.
with the team thus far. Already
she has scored two goals and has 4
Rebecca Dubisz Photo by Andy Schudlich
For further information call
had one assist Her assist came in
the team's most recent game referee S who officiate their games. ets," said Dubisz. Leon Mumford at ext. 2376
against St Bonaventure in which "Each game we play we need to On the academic side of things,
Dubisz helped tie the score (6-6) raise $65 in order to pay the ref- Dubisz is performing just as
as time ran out? eree. Sometimes it's hard coining strongly. She has already declared
The team has also been hosting up with that much money espe- her major as elementary/special
numerous fund-ra isers such as car cially when we're trying to do education, and has maintained a
washes. All the'money that is other things with it such as buy grade point average above a 3.5.
raised has been used to pay, the team skirts and warm-up jack- Her biggest achievement came
V **1

- * *

W h e r e will Pablo Klingenberger go n o w ?

waste space in some nameless manded an adherence to disci- In Peru, Klingenberger feels
bar, somewhere, completely pline never asked of him in Peru, "people enjoy being around
oblivious to the fact mat some where soccer is considered to be people more rather than ma-
time has passed by since he last more ofa hobby. "M ore than any- chines.'' Yet, while he has some-
asked "Who's gonna win the thing else I have learned the im- times been labeled as a "drug-
superbowl this year?" But, portance of punctuality and a hard running Latin" in the U.S.; he has
Klingenberger is a marketing work ethic from my stay in also beeng called "Gringo"
major with a G.P A. of over 3.5. America," he sa id. Klingenberger (whitcman) in his native Peru.
He's an All American Academic is aware of the fact that he has Consequently, Klingenberger has
Scholar who intends to work for done a lot of growing up in always been a member of a mi-
an International Financial Ser- America and remembers being nority.
vices Corporation in Peru after he particularly fond of the slogan After being exposed to the •/IK-
has graduated this year.? "Use your head or somebody elae mopolitan Mercyhurst environ-
Klingenberger made the trip will use itforyou." ment, Klingenberger haa made a
from Peru to the U.S. because he However, after being in lot offriendsand hopes to travel
"knew it would be important to America for five years to aa many different countries and
learn to speak English." He spent Klingenberger looks forward to cultures as he can in the future.
six frustrating months at the Uni- going back home to Peru. "If He says he will miss his friends.
versity of Pittsburgh acquainting there's one thing I've noticed There's something uniquely re-
himself with the language before about the land of diefree,it's the freshing iabout the laid j back
he decided that he would stay on sheer amount of rules and regula- Klingenberger philosophy.
and aim toward attaining a de- tions which tend to cause so much Surely, it can't be that hard to
gree. pressure and seriousness in life." enjoy life and get good grades.
He was drawn to Mercyhurst as
rPablo Klingenberger Photo by Andy Schudlich
it provided the opportunity to
By Leon Muni ford seems to be having a good time. combine study with playing com-
Merciad Sports Editor I've never seen him in the library. petitive soccer. "I've enjoyed
Soli comfort myself with the playing soccer all my life," he
Have you seen this man? I have. thought mat his grades must be said. He was good enough to try
I've seen him in the Union, I've slipping. for the Peruvian national side in
seen him in Garvey Park, I've Pablo Klingenberger must be 1988. I
seen him in Herman's. He always one of those people destined to Soccer at the Hurst has de-

Baseball team's streak ends at 24 WOMEN'S LACROSSE TEAM

By Craig Rybczynski Mercyhurst 's top two hitters con- The offense was powered by 13
Editor in Chief tinued to be successful at the plate. hits and Cutshall went 4-for-5 as The Mercyhurst lacrosse team fell behind 5-0 early,
Chris Snusz led the team, as he he increased his team leading av- Saturday, but refused to quit as they roared back to tie the
With one swing of the bat, Cali- went 3-for-4 andfreshmanPat erage to .450. match at 6-6. Thefive-minuteovertime proved indecisive as
fornia University of Cutshall also belted two hits in On the hill, Mike Koziara scat- the Hurst salvaged a tie against St Bonaventure University.
Pennsylvania's Tom Warrick de- defeat teredfourhits and improved his On offense, Erin Trager led the Lady Lakers
railed the Mercyhurst Laker base- Despite the end of the miracle record to 4-1 for the year. With .em i back with five goals and Tiffany Reid chipped in with
ball team's 24-game winning streak, Mercyhurst refocused and die victory, he lowered his ERA ingle tally. Goaltender Kristen Shuemaker also performed
streak. went to work in the nightcap. The to 3.41 j til as she stonewalled the Bonnies in OT.
Warrick belted a David Lee Lakers pounded out eight runs in Even though the Lakers win- undefeated
fastball 460 feet to center Geld to the second inning and cruised to ning streak is over they remain games
give host California a 3-2 victory victory, 14-2. confident They battle fifth-
in extra innings. Kevin Sweeney led the way with ranked Mansfield University, MEN'S CYCLING TEAM
"Well, you get a feeling of dis- three hits, two home runs and Gve Thursday. ENCOUNTERS SETBACKS AT CORNELL
appointment because you lose the RBI. Sweeney was instrumental "We have nothing to lose, we're
game, however, when you look at in the second as herippeda grand in a win-win situation," said With three members of the team out through injury,
it from an objective stand point, slam. His second homer of the Jordano. "We play a great team at only Gregg Troyer and Jim Trout competed in the B division
mat's the way you want to lose" game sparked the Hurst's three- a super facility and we'll see what of the Cornell criterium. Troyer finished 14th while Trout
said Laker Head Coach Joe run fourth. I happens." finished 17th out of afieldof 30.
Jordano. "Somebody goes yard "We were focused in the first The Lakers, twenty-second in This race finished the season in which the Hurst
on J you and the game is over. game, but in the second game we the nation, hostMansfield at Philip found its opponents to be very competitive.
David Lee pitched an outstanding were more aggressive," said Laker D. Hirtzel Field at 1 p.m.
game and we had opportunities to center fielder Sweeney. CREW TEAM PREPARES
Get mountain biking!
win. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ — r * FOR DAD VAIL REGATTA
The loss was Mercyhurst's (27-
4) first since March 26, against
the Niagara University Purple By Leon Mumford team's performance this year, al- Saturday afternoon, the Mercyhurst crew team
Eagles. Merciad Sports Editor though the team only consisted of scrimmaged two of die best rowing programs in the nation
Entering Tuesday *s twinbfll the Gregg Troyer wants more rid- six riders. in order to be ready for the Dad Vail National Champion-
blue and green's streak rolled on ers to join the Mercyhurst Cy- "We trained really hard, had a ships.
with double-header victories ' cling team for next year. great time and although the re- The Hurst began the day with a practice run
against Hilbert College and Slip- "We are thinking of competing sults this year aeem mediocre,^ against Georgetown University. The men's lightweight eight
pery Rock University.t in a mountain bike series in the everyone must remember that we A capturedfirstplace, while the men's and women's freshman
Laker starting pitcher Lee did^ fill, as well as the usual collegiate are competing against Division I eight finished second and third respectively.
look impressive as he hurled a road biking schedule in the powerhouses as there is only one "Later mat day, Mercyhurst challenged two of
complete gamefour-hitter.Lee spring," said Troyer. league in the collegiate series," America'a strongest crews in Boston College and George
(2-2) also fanned eleven Califor- If mountain biking is added, said the Laker cyclist Washington University* The Lakers proved up to the test as
nia hitters and despite the loss he Troyer, next year's captain, be- This year's captain, David the women's heavyweight four and the men's lightweight
still remained confident in his lieves that kaore interest in cy- McQuillcn, also urged people to four each triumphed.
team's ability. cling will be generated on cam- mink about biking for the Hurst After the success Saturday, the crew team
"We'd rather lose now than pus. next year. McQuillen had some traveled to Buffalo, Sunday, to battle the University of
later, it was just a matter -^_^„ "Even if you just enjoy cruising words of wisdom for potential Buffalo and the University of Toronto. The women's ,
said Lee. through nature for the hell of it, cyclists. , heavyweight eight rowed to victory, and the men's light-
The potent Laker offense man- bring your bikes to college next "Cycling can be really exhila- weight eight and the novice heavyweight four also won.
aged nine hits, but failed in the 011," said Troyer. rating and it keeps youfit,"said
run production department But Troyert is satisfied with the McQuillcn, i

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