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ACTIVITY 2: Growth and Development


Course and Section: BEED BLOCK-B


1. Define maturation.

Is the process of becoming mature; the emergence of individual and behavioral characteristics
through growth processes over time.

2. How is maturation related to growth and development?

Maturation is the process of development that occurs as we grow and change. There are many
types of maturation including physical and cognitive. Physical maturation occurs when our body
grows and changes as we get older. Cognitive maturation is the process of development in the
way we think as we grow.

My answer: maturation is very important that an Individual how can they think throuhh ,,and
also the times goes by the maturity level is increase.


The following are the principles of child development and learning which are the bases of
developmentally appropriate practice (DAP) in early childhood program for children from birth through
age 8, which were stated in the position paper of the National Association for Education of Young
Children (2009). They affirm the characteristics of life-span development approach. Based from the five
characteristics of life-span approach, list down on the second column which one is re-statement of the
principles of human development.

Principles of Human Development Characteristics of Human

(NAEC, 2009) Development from Life-span
1. All domains of development and learning – physical, social, Development is
and emotional and cognitive – are important and they are Multidimensional
closely interrelated.

2. Many aspects of children’s learning and development Development is Growth

follow well-documented sequences, with later abilities,
skills, and knowledge building on those already acquired.
3. Development and learning proceed varying rates from child Development is Plastic
to child, as well as at even rates across different areas of a
child’s individual functioning.
4. Development and learning result from a dynamic and Development is Lifelong
continuous interaction of biological maturation and
5. Early experiences have profound effects, both cumulative Development is Contextual
and delayed, on a child’s development and learning; and
optimal periods exist for certain types of development and
learning to occur.
6. Development proceeds toward greater complexity, self- Development is Growth
regulation, and symbolic or representational capacities.
7. Children develop best when they have secure, consistent Development is Contextual
relationships with responsive adults and opportunities for
positive relationships with peers.
8. Development and learning occur in and are influenced by Development is Plastic
multiple social and cultural contexts.
9. Always mentally active and seeking to understand the Development is Plastic
world around them, children learn in a variety of ways; a
wide range of teaching strategies and interactions are
effective in supporting all these kinds of learning.
10. Play is an important vehicle for developing self-regulation Development is Growth
as well as for promoting language, cognition, and social-
11. Development and learning advance when children are Development is Plastic
challenged to achieve at a level just beyond their current
mastery, and also when they have many opportunities to
practice newly acquired skills.
12. Children’s experience shape their motivation and Development is Lifelong
approaches to learning, such as persistence, initiative, and
flexibility; in turn, these dispositions and behaviors affect
their learning and development.

Deadline: November 12, 2021 @ 5pm (MS Teams)

Filename Format: 102-Act02-SurnameFirstname-CourseandSection

(Ex. 102-Act02-TabaderoJerome-BEE2C)

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