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Theology II – Doctrine Project


Instructions (delete these before submitting to Canvas)
1) Read Isaiah 24, 65-66, Matthew 24-25, and the entire Book of Revelation while keeping in mind and
taking notes regarding the following items listed below.
3) Write an explanation of each topic based on your understanding of what is revealed in this section of
the Bible. Be specific. Write in complete sentences. You should have a short paragraph of at least 4
sentences for each of the topics and at least 1 biblical citation for each of the 23 numbered


1. Did you read Isaiah 24, 65-66, Matthew 24-25, the Book of Revelation?

2. God’s wrath

3. God’s judgments

4. God’s righteousness

5. God’s salvation

6. God’s return to earth

7. God’s defeat of the devil and all His enemies

8. God position as King of the world, ruling over all history

9. Humanity’s response to God’s initiatives in salvation and judgment

10. The place of Israel in God’s plans for the world

11. What are your overall impressions from reading this portion of the Bible?

12. Both Heaven and Hell seem untrue to many people. Heaven seems too good and Hell seems
too horrible. Why do you think Christians sometimes have difficulty taking heaven and Hell
seriously as part of regular thinking in daily life?

13. Explain what is so worthwhile about Heaven (with more detail than simply saying “God is

14. What is the value (if any) of meditating on Heaven and Hell in daily life?

15. Some people object that an everlasting punishment is unjust as outweighing the size of the
crimes. Respond to this objection.

16. How is Hell deserved for personal crimes done, while Heaven can only be a gift (not earned
or deserved in any sense)?

17. Some people claim that God, being loving, does not use harm or punishment for people, so
the biblical teaching about Hell must be mistaken. In fact, a loving God would be expected to
save everyone in the end. Respond to this claim.

18. What are the parallels of Heaven and Hell in how the Bible presents these topics?

19. How does the teaching about Heaven relate to suffering that a Christian experiences in this

20. What is good about the punishment of Hell?

21. Write a definition of Hell. Use affirmations (“Hell is a real place”) and denials (“Hell is not
temporary suffering”) that are important to you.

22. Write a definition of Heaven. Use affirmations (“Heaven is a real place”) and denials
(“Heaven is not a continual group singing event”) that are important to you.

23. What do you most look forward to about Heaven?


1. Doctrinal Summary: Write a paragraph in which you explain your understanding of God’s
justice (including Hell and Heaven). Be detailed to state the several things that you think are true,
things you think are false, and why these things matter (5-10 sentences, carefully written).

2. Personal Integration: (a) Take time to pray about God’s work to save the world while
remaining just towards evil. (b) Write a paragraph reporting on what went on for you in this time
contemplation and engagement with God in honest and personal reflection (5-10 sentences). (c)
State what further questions you have for God’s work in you (you must think of something here).

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