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Topic Selection Worksheet

Part One: List at least twelve potential speech topics. Place the topics in the categories below.
(It doesn’t really matter where you place particular topics. The categories are just meant to help
you brainstorm.)

Topics related to major/future career Topics related to hobbies/interests

Topics you’ve wanted to learn about Topics you already know about

Topics related to things Topics related to people

Topics related to processes Topics related to concepts

Topics related to current events Topics you’ve come across online

Part Two: Assess the topics you have generated. Ask the following questions: (1) Which topics
are most interesting to me? (2) Which topics would most interest my audience? (3) Which topics
would work best with the speech assignment? Use these questions to narrow your list of twelve
topics down to your top three choices.

First choice:

Second choice:

Third choice:

Part Three: Take your first choice and refine it. Use the textbook (chapter 6) for guidance.


General Purpose:

Specific Purpose:

How will you know if you’ve accomplished your specific purpose?

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