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Tasheka Jarrett 5s Mr.

Graded Classwork
Answer ALL questions.
1) Explain TWO reasons why it is important for animals to move their
whole bodies from place to place, whereas plants remain stationary. 
 (4 marks)
ANS: Animals move to search for food whereas plants make their own
food by photosynthesis so their roots must remain anchored in the
soil to absorb water and mineral salts. Another reason is that animals
move to search for a mate for sexual reproduction but plants rely on
external agents such as insects and wind to carry their pollen grains
for reproduction.

2) Define the term movement.      (1 mark)

ANS: Movement is defined as the change in the position of a whole
organism or of parts of an organism.

3) Distinguish between ligaments and tendons.    (2marks)

ANS: Ligament refers to a connective tissue that connects one bone to
another bone. Tendon refers to a connective tissue that connects
muscle to bone.
4) Why is it important that ligaments are slightly elastic but tendons
are non- elastic?            (2 marks)
ANS: Ligaments are slightly elastic, so they can be stretched and
gradually lengthen, increasing flexibility. The ligaments need to stretch
and bend when the body is used so that the bones can move, but if the
tendons stretched or bent, the bones would not move when the
muscles pulled on them
5) What is the name given to the end of a muscle that is attached to:
     a. The bone that moves at a joint
ANS: insertion
     b. The bone that does not move at a joint              (2 marks)
ANS: origin

6)The muscle that bends a joint is called the flexor muscle. The muscle
that straightens a joint is called the extensor muscle.   (2 marks)

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