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This task is to examine the perspectives of two philosophers named Rene Descartes and

John Locke. Notably, Descartes based his viewpoint on self as I think therefore I am. On the other
hand, Locke sites it as tabula rasa. The two philosophers have an inquisitive mind concept in
examining the self from different perspectives. In this case, we will apprehend their ideas with
theories and knowledge.

The French philosopher and mathematician Rene Descartes gave dualism in the classical
formulation. Beginning from his famous dictum cogito, ergo sum (Latin: I think therefore I am ),
Descartes developed a theory of mind as an immaterial, no extended substance that engages in
various activities or undergoes several states such as rational thought, imagining, feeling
(sensation), and willing (Guignan, 2020). According to Miceli (2018), the phrase (I think therefore I
am) first appears in Discourse on the Method in 1637.

Based on the first RRL, Descartes linked it firmly to dualism. Whitemore, 2021 asserts
dualism as the concept that reality or existence into two parts: mind and body. Hence, Descartes
believed that this ethereal mind holds the seat of consciousness. Where our sentiments, our drive,
our understanding, and our passion. In short, all that we are or identity comes from the mind as
Descartes so aptly I think therefore I am.

However, the book of John Locke an Easy of Concerning Human Understanding utilizes the
perspectives idea of tabula rasa (whiteboard) implies tabula rasa as each step of human growth will
make that blank filled with experience and knowledge. According to Duschinsky (2012), tabula rasa
conceptualize as a significant little-noted thread within the history of Western discourses.
Prepositioning writing as a false analogy for the human mind which in so doing facilitates an account
of the human essential cognitive or moral nature.

Based on the RRL above, in situating this image of characterization of the mind as formless
and without predisposition of birth: Locke explains that when we perceive things, they impress
themselves on our minds and leave their images. These images represent things in our minds and
our ideas of things. This widely spread belief in his and remains so in ours.

To sum it up, both philosophers have significant differences existing the possibility of
similarities. Descartes-perspective of knowledge relies on certainty, and some known principles are
absolute by humans. Locke does not believe that there is explicit knowledge. He argues that the
human mind does not have innate or intuitive ideas though humans are born with reasoning.

In the closing statement, the human mind is a perplexing concept that triggers one to interpret
it as different light on the human mind with philosophies and ideologies statements amounts of
numerous perspectives on the human mind with philosophies and ideologies statements. Some
ideas contradict and even question their thought. Descartes and view perspectives and points of
Locke; take me to the isn’t gained thought that simple knowledge like that when we are just born. It
takes time for us to realize the little things because not all ideas directly are linked to the mind.


Duschinsky, 2012. Tabula Rasa and Human Nature. Philosophy,87, pp 509 529.


Duignan, 2020. mind-body dualism.


Miceli, 2018. I think, therefore I am": Descartes on the Foundations of Knowledge



Mswahela, 2021. Rene Descartes.


Thach, 2012. Viewpoint "Tabula Rasa" by John Locke - From Epistemology to Phi

losophy of Education. EEO. 2021; 20(5): 3159-3166.doi:10.17051/il


Whitemore, 2021. The Self According to Rene Descartes.


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