EDAIC Sept, 2021 Part-1 Paper-A

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EDAIC Sept, 2021


1. Neostigmine can reverse effect of cns depressants drugs because

A. Quarternary amm compd
B competitively antagonize cns depressant drugs
C. Small size
D high protein binding
E. Physostigmine better than neostig in doing so because of...

2. Cancer pain manage with-

a) fentanyl
b) meperidine
c) tramadol
d) Gabapentine
e) Amitryptyline

3. Dantrolene
A muscle relaxant
b) works at muscle level
c) dose 1mg/kg
d) may cause cardiac depression
E) Water insoluble

4. Fat embolism features

A petechiae
B Increased hematocrit
C confusion
D Pulmonary edema
E Hypocalcemia

5. Cerebral blood flow increased by

a. Snp
b. Ketamine
c. Isoflurnae
d. Desflurane
e. Nitrous oxide

6. Drugs that can cause dka in a diabetic pt?

a. Ace inhibitors?
b. Hydrochlorothiazide?
c. beta blockers
7. Sevoflurare/isoflurane measurement methods in gas mixture
A pneumotachography
B absorption spectrometry
C mass spectro
D Raman spectrometry
E Paramagnatic
Photoacoustic spectrophotometry

8. Modified mallamapti
a) Epiglottis visible grade 3
b) Hard palate grade 4
c) High PPV for difficult intubation
d) High NPV for difficult intubation
e) MPG asseses witj mouth fully open and phonation

9. Atracurium
A blocks ganglion
B excreted after being inactivated

10. dopamine effects:

- splancnic vasodilation (?)

11. Alpha 1 agonism cause

A tachycardia
B intestinal relaxation
C relaxation of uterus

12. Frusemide causes

A hyperyricemia
B hypermagnesemia
C hypocloremia

13. Deficiency of prothrombin due to

B liver dysfunction
C altered intestinal flora
E decresed gastrointestinal mobility

14. Desmopressin
1) antagonist at V2 receptor
2) can be given in all types of vWD
3) if given with tranaxemic acid can increase thromoembolic complications
15. CYP inducer drugs-
a) rifampin
b) diazepam
c) Omeprazole
d) Phenytoin

16. Soda lime reactions involve

A. Formation of sod carbonate
b) Calcium carbonate
c) Water
d) Carbon monoxide
e) Heat

17. Increase cardiac output 8l/min and svr 800dynes….

a) Av shunt ms septic shock
b) Gram neg septicemia
c) MS
d) Acute MI

18. Decrese thoracic lung compliance increase

a) Intrinsic peep
b) Inflation pressure
c) Flow
d) Resistance

19. Arterial wave form

a) Already radial art will try ulnar art
b) Dichrotic notch av closure
c) Overdamping by air bub clot

20. Electrode which differentiate location between Rt atrium from svc

A) doppler sound
B) ecg p wave
C) waveform (pressure)
D) ventricular arrhythmia

21. Which techniques use obstruction to measure flow -

a) Wright respirometer
b) Wright flow meter
c) Pneumotochograph
d) Wet spirometer
e) rotameter

22. Antibiotic penicillin

a) Affect cell wall synthesis
b) Contain beta lactam ring
c) Renal excretion

23. Nerve stimulator electrode placement

A. Ulnar side of flexor carpi radialis
B ulnar side of palmaris longus
C radial side of flexor carpi ulnaris
D ulnar side of flexor carpi ulnaris
E ulnar side of elbow

24. Vit-K dependent clotting factors

a) Factor 1
b) Factor 9
c) Factor 10
d) Antithrombin 3

25. Reynold depends on

a) Viscosity
b) Density
c) Flow
d) Unitless
e) Less value means turbulent flow

26. Laplace
A) not effected by tension altering agents
B) can be used to measure blood pressure
C)depends on length of tube

27. Temperature monitoring

1) heat loss occur with humidified and warm respiratory gases
2) increasing ambient temp reduces heat loss by conduction
3) thermal insulation reduces heat loss by convection
4) heat loss by radiation is directly proportional to square root of temp difference between body and

28. Preset TV with low compliance increases

A) tidal volume
b) Airway resistance
c) Peak pressure
d) Flow
e) Intrinsic peep

29. ECG normal durations:

a) P wave 0.06-0.10
b) Q wave -0.04
c) QT interval 0.3-0.4
d) QRS interval -?
e) PR interval
30. Sickle cell trait:
A) sickling occur same as in sickle cell disease
B) avoid temp >39
C) avoid hypercarbia
D) hemolytic anemia associated
E) resistant to malaria

31. Medication with high hepatic clearance:

A)decreased clearance with hypovolumia
B) independent of cardiac output
C)more with polar or non lipophilic drugs
D)increased metabolism with hepatic enzyme inhibitors

32. One on low fgf during maintenance of anaesthesia depends on

1) compressible fraction
2) apparatus dead space
3) inhalational MAC
4)minute ventilation
5)oxygen uptake

33. Alveolar uptake of inhalationals inversly proportional to

A) oil /water coefficient
B) blood gas coefficient
D) boiling point
E) MAC value

34. Increased carotid baroreceptor stimulation

1) increases heart rate
2) decreases sympethetic response

35. Thoracic pulmonary compliance depends on

1)change in volume over transpulmonary pressure
2)combination of thoracic and pulmonary compliance
3) changes with phases of respiration
4) low with shallow breathing
5)low in COPD

36. Increased carotid baroreceptor stimulation

1) increases heart rate
2) decreases sympethetic response
3) Afferent to CNS

37. One lung ventilation:

1) perfusion increases in dependent lung
2) airway pressure increases in dependent lung
3) alveolar dead space decreases
4)CPAP application to non dependent lung
5)pulmonary vascular resistance decreases

38. The reaction of carbon dioxide with soda lime includes the
A. formation of sodium bicarbonate
B. formation of calcium carbonate
C. release of heat
D. release of water
E. production of carbon monoxide

39. Total compliance of lung and chest wall is

A. dividing change in lung volume to trans-pulmonary pressure
B. represented by the area of the loop in a pressure volume diagram
C. sum of chest wall and lung compliance
D. same at all lung volumes
E. reduced by shallow breathing

40. Extra-pyramidal side effects are recognized complication of treatment with

A. Metoclopramide
B. Scopolamine
C. Phenothiazines
D. Nalaxone
E. Droperidol

41. Relaxation of gravid uterus is rapidly achieved by

A. spinal anaesthesia
B. nitrous oxide
C. Salbutamol
E. Sevoflurane

42. Pregnancy changes

B. Hypercapnea
C. Increased minute ventilation
D. Decreased frc
E. Decreased pulmonary parameters

43. Propofol
A. Context sensitive half life after 8 ? hr infusion ---
B metabolised by kidney
c) Mainly excreted in faces

44. Fetal hb
A. Saturated fully at 80 mm hg of pao2
B Has low P50 value than adult hb
C Has higher affinity for oxygen

D Present in thalasemia in adult

E.One of thalessemia type has fetal hb

45. coronary artery-

a) supply all 3 myocardial layers
b) lcx coming from lca predominantly
c) AV node supplied with rca
d) all three layers of myocardium supplied by coronaries

46. Lv
1) there is no change in pressure during isovolumetric relaxation
2)mitral valve closes at end diastole
3)during isovolumetric contraction all valves are closes
4) PV loop area represent stroke work

47. Muscle blood flow

1) higher than myocardial blood flow per gram
2) increases during local acidosis
3) increases with sympethectomy
4)muscles receive less than 1% cardiac output

48. Supine to standing frc:

A) FRC is more in erect posture than supine
B) measured by nitrogen washout method
C)FRC is low in copd
D) Volume remaining after normal inspiration is frc

49. Dead space is

A) 2ml/kg
B) physiological dead space measured by nitrogen method
C) for measuring physiological dead space by bohr eqaution measurement of expired and alveolar paco2

50. Vit b12 def

A) 6 hrs or more exposure to Nitrous Oxide
B) dna synthesis defect
C) megaloblastic anemia
D)can b due to dietry deficiency
E) Intrinsic factor deficiency

52. Pulse ox overestimate

1) jaundice
2) smoker > 20 pack years
3) neonates

53. Myastheniagravis q
Associated with small cell carcinoma
Defect in calcium release
Defect in muscle function
Associated with heardt disease

54. Factor affecting placental drug transfer:

55. Catecholamines:
a) Dopamine causing splanchnic vasodilation
b) Dobutamine is contraindicated in bronchial asthma

56. Renin
a) Renin directly increases aldosterone release
b) Angiotensin 1 in plasma is a substrate
c) It directly acts and increases blood pressure

57. Insulin... effects on metabolism

1) increased gluconeogenesis
2) increased fatty acid synthesis
3) increased protein synthesis
4) increased glycogenesis

EDAIC Sept, 2021

1. Cause of preoperative stoma breakdown ileostomy-

a) previous radiotherapy
b) excessive intraoperative fluid
c) intraoperative shock
D. steroid
E. Anemia

2. anesthesia for Parkinson's disease patient-

a) nondepolarizing nmb contraindicated
b) Discontinue Dopa
c) avoid Thiopental (?)
d) give atropine
e) droperidol

3. New Cardiac risk index assessment include

a) hypertension
b) previous MI within 3 m
C. Age > 70 isolated risk factor
D 3 risk factors indicates mortality risk more than 20 percent
e) CKD with creatinine >2

4. 3 y/o kid comes to ER with resp distress dysphagia and throat pain. Immediate management-
a) Lateral X-ray cervical spine
b) LMA
c) Nebulized adrenaline
d) inj salbutamol
e) IV dexamethasone

5. Tenon's block
A. Chemosis
B. Inferior scleral incision
c. Conjunctival hge
d. 10ml 2% lignocaine enough
e. need scleral incision

6. Sympathetic nerve block helps in

A thrombophlebitis
B Intermittent claudication
C Trigeminal neuralgia
D pancreatic cancer
E Rib fracture
7. Fate of surgical closure of ductus arteriosus in 2 months old infant
a) decrease PVR
b) increased pulmonary artery pressure
c) increase
d) improved PaO2

8. Head injury with respiratory distress-

a) CMV
b) 'always' hyperventilate to keep PaCO2 25
e) if fail to decrease ICP after CSF drain give mannitol (?)

9. lacerated tongue, fracture maxilla and mandible & Rhinorrhea - airway management option-
a) awake intubation with topical spray
b) tracheostomy
c) blind nasal
d) fiberoptic nasal
e) mask ventilation (?)

10. in A&E polytrauma patient-

a) keep BP near normal with fluids
b) early tranexamic acid
c) Platlets transfusion with female donors prevent TRALI
d) PC < 50000/uL is indication for platelet transfusion
e) Some PLT ratio <7.4

11. Regurgitation chances more in

A. n g tube
B. Mask venti
C metoclopramide

12. Bronchopleural fistula

a) intermittent PPV
b) Pre-op ICD
c) Spontaneous breathing
d) Endobronchial
e) Mask ventilation preferred

13. Caudal anesthesia in child

A) hypoglycemia correlates with caudal
B) peak levels are reached later in infants than in children
C) distance from skin to epidural space directly correlate to weight of children
D) catheter can’t be inserted due to risk of infection
e) 1.25 ml/kg would reach T4 and beyond
14. Anesthesia plan in patient with full stomach and hypersensitivity to lidocaine in family With an
dislocated elbow fracture. What would be the optimal anaesthesia choice?
a) skin prick test with lidocaine
b) plexus brachialis with 20 ml 0,5% levobupivacaine
c) RSI and Intubation
d) brachial plexus block
e) ivra with prilocain

15. In obstructive cardiomyopathy contraindicated :

a) digoxin
b) sevo
c) dobutamin
d) cc blockers
e) beta blockers

16. What helps to detect air embolism:

a) tee
b) pre cardiac doppler
c) cvp
d) Pulse oximetry
e) EtCO2

17. Myasthesia
a) aggravated by emotional stress
b) can involve cardiac muscle
c) affects muscle contraction
d) Pathology in release of acetylcholine
e) Effect mechanism of muscle contraction

18. Block level affected by

A- gender
B- Extremes of height
C- volume
d) dose
e) patient position

19. How to reach rapid uterus relaxation

a) neuroaxial block
b) Nitrous oxide inhalation
c) isoflurane
d) Beta agonist (salbutamol)
e) NTG

20. about Deep cervical block

a) risk of vertebral artery injury
b) horner syndrome (?)
c) Hyperventilation
d) Mydriasis

21. Cranial nerve X stimulation during neurosurgery-

a) bradycardia
b) trapezius jerk

22. Laryngeal Ca for Laryngectomy

A. premedication with opioid contraindicated or not
B. hypotension during larynx stimulation
C No stridor
Tracheostomy under local
D Tracheostomy under local
E calcuim monitoring

23. Anterior cerebral artery thrombosis

a) ipsilateral hemiparesis
b) contralateral sensory lose
c) involves face

24. asynchronous eye movement

A. Post iecteal
B incease in ICP/ Brain stem lession
C Unconscious
D. Epilespy
E hysterical

25. Burn
A In deep burn more in elderly than young
B 4ml x TBSA (%) x body weight (kg) in 8 hours

26. Yes TPN for 70 kg adult in ICU

a) minimum glucose 150 mg/d
b) nitrogen 0.2g/kg
c) potassium 15-30 mmol/day

27. Intra op circulatory arrest and protect brain,…

a) by increased plasma o2 content,
b) total o2 content
c) Low temperature
d) Plasma pH
e) Total body co2 content

28. Constrictive pericarditis:

A) Pulses paradoxus
b) Tiredness

29. In acute left ventricular failure

b) Iv NTG
c) Parenteral morphine
e) IV frusemide

30. Surgeon stimulate 10th nerve during post fossa surgery

A) shoulder jerk
B) bradycardia
C)facial palsy
D) nystagmus

31. Myringotomy effect following nerves

C)spinal accessory

32. During turp patient wid altered consciousness under spinal u will
1) check serum glycine
2) abg
3) free hemoglobin level
4)check serum electrolytes

33. Causes of perioperative oliguria

1) increased intraabdominal pressure
2) increased aldosterone level
3) increase ANP levels

34. Copd preop investigations

3) Nitrogen wash out method
4)CO diffusion factor

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