Chromatography Experiment

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Name: Tasheka Jarrett

Date: January 04,2021                                                                                            

Title: Separation Techniques 2
Format: Simulation/Home experiment                                                                 
Skill: Analysis and Interpretation
Aim: To separate the components in a dye.
Apparatus:   Filter paper, colour substances (food colourings, dye, etc.,), glass
container, water from sink, ruler, pencil,
Process and Expectations: 
  A filter paper (napkin or coffee filter) was cut into a rectangular strip. 
 A line with a pencil 1.5 cm was marked from one edge. 
 On one side of the line a drop of screened methyl orange indicator was
placed (or food colouring or extracted leaf). 
 On the other side a drop of methyl orange indicator (or another food
colouring or another extracted leaf) was placed. The filter paper was held
upright in a small beaker with water (the depth of water must be 1 cm).
 The water was moved up towards the filter paper to an appropriate level. 
 The filter paper was removed and dried.
 The process is called Chromatography. The purpose of the water is that if
the solvent is present, then there will be the movement of only the water-
soluble pigments up the chromatography paper. In the experiment the
components that moved the furthest were the blue ink. The ink was a
different pigment from the food colouring, so I believe that they attached
to the fibres of the paper differently (hydrogen bonds, etc.) Therefore,
both the pigments move at different rates. The distance the component in
the blue dye moved was 9.6 cm so to get the retention, the distance the
dye moved was divided by the distance of the solvent front (10.4cm) so
the retention factor of blue dye came out to be 0.9230769231. 
 The distance the components in the green food colouring moved was 8.3
cm which to get the retention was divided by the solvent front which in
this case was 9.5cm so the retention factor was 0.8736842105. The
similarities of the dye and the food colouring so happens to be that they
both absorb to the top, they had the same conditions (same measurement
of water, etc.). The differences of the dye as pertaining to the food
colouring was that they both had different retention factors, the food
colouring was also removed early so the solvent front of both are

Blue dye-

Green dye-

 Data to be collected - Table showing the distance the dye moved vs the
solvent front
Distance of blue dye 9.6cm
Distance of solvent 10.4c
front m
Retention factor of blue dye =
Distance of green food 8.3cm
Distance of solvent 9.5cm
Retention factor of green food colouring 
= 0.8736842105

Variables: Responding- The filter paper

                 Controlled- The depth of water and the line measurement marked
                 Manipulating- The coloured substances. 
Limitations and precautions:  Use good quality pencil for drawing the
reference line at the 1.5cm so that the mark does not dissolve in the solvent
in which the chromatography is carried out. The utmost care has to be taken
while hanging the paper in the chromatography chamber. If the paper is
tilted, the solvent front will be uneven due to which calculating the correct
Retention factor value will be almost impossible. A similar problem arises
when the paper is cut unevenly.

Conclusion: The purpose of the experiment was to separate the components in

the dye by using paper chromatography and water solvent. 

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