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Pepsi Screening 1

Pepsi Screening of Fatima Moreno

Belem Quiriarte

Edu 220

Dr. Vincent L. Richardson

March 5, 2022
Pepsi Screening 2

Pepsi Screening


Fatime Moreno is a fifteen-year-old Hispanic female born on May 1, 2006, at North Vista

Hospital in Las Vegas, Nevada. She is the youngest of 3 sisters. She is a 10th grader attending

Rancho Highschool. Fatima lives in a 3 bedroom home with her mother, father, 2 older sisters,

and niece. Fatimas Family is part of the lower-middle-class. Her father works in construction and

her mother is a housekeeper. There is a big age gap between Fatima and her older sisters,

between her and the eldest sister there is a 17-year-old gap and between Fatima and the middle

sister, there is an eleven age difference Because of the age gap, her older sisters tend to stick

together while Fatima is left feeling left out. There is arguing and bickering between Fatima and

the middle child. Fatima considers her older sister as a 2nd mother. Her older sister has high

expectations for Fatima. Fatimas parents expect Fatima to have good grades and to attend school.

Because her parents only speak Spanish they are not able to help her or guide her academically.

Fatima seemed to enjoy school academics till she got to the 3rd grade. School academics started

to get difficult for her. In the 3rd grade, her mother had a parent-teacher conference and the

teachers suggested for her to be held back, but she was not. Her family now wishes they would

have advocated for Fatima's education and gotten her the help she needed. Her family believes

she's is just falling thru the cracks in the school system. Fatima continues to struggle in school

earning mostly Ds and Fs.

Physical Development
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Fatima is 15 years of age her height is 5’5 and she weighs 127.6lbs. J’Anne Ellworth

States in “Being aware of the real” that the “Physiology development is generally complete.”

Fatima seems to be content with her body she has a positive body image her family often hears

her practice positive image mantras such as “I am beautiful.” Her family states they have never

heard her complain about her body weight. She is self-conscience if she gets acne on her face.

Fatima mostly eats fast food, she does not like the homemade food her mother makes. Rarely

does she eat fruits and vegetables. Her mom would consider her a picky eater. Sometimes Fatima

will make her own food, her diet consists mostly of carbohydrates. When Fatima was 13 years

old she was diagnosed with high cholesterol. She spends most of her time watching t.v. or

playing video games. She is not active outside of school the only Physical activity she

participates in is her P.E class at school. She gets tired fast. Fatima does not get 8-10 hrs of sleep

as recommended by the CDC. “Encourage your teen to get enough sleep and physical activity,

and to eat healthy, balanced meals. Make sure your teen gets 1 hour or more of physical activity

each day.” She does not prioritize her sleep because spends most of her time talking on the phone

with her friends or boyfriend late at night.

Emotional Development

Fatima's family describes her as a loving affectionate person who is always hugging her

family. Fatima is growing up in a household where all her materialistic basic needs are being

met, but she does wish her family was more affectionate towards her. Her mother stated that she

is an emotional child. Fatima experiences some mood swings due to her hormones. According to

an article in “Emotions can change quickly as teens learn to deal with
school, their friends, and adult expectations. Teen self-esteem is affected by success in school,

sports, and friendships.” She feels misunderstood by her family. She does not open up to her

family and feels and says that her family does not love her. She had a somewhat strong

relationship with her mother. Currently, that relationship is strained due to her mother finding out

about her ditching school. “Most conflicts between parents and their adolescent children are

about such peer-influenced issues as personal appearance, friends, Internet, cell phone use,

dating, hours, and eating habits (Nucci, 2006).” Fatima feels as though she cannot confide in her

sisters because the older sister is more of an authoritative figure and the middle child is always

fighting with her. If she is confronted she reacts very defensively. Fatima walks away when her

family confronts her about her absences and grades. Usually resulting in shutting down. Fatima

is more interested in her social life than her school.

Philosophical Development

Research says in adolescence philosophical development the child starts thinking of the

bigger picture. “During these years, teens become more able to think abstractly.” As stated in

“The growing child: Teenager (13-18 years)” Fatima is growing up in a catholic household. She

does not practice religion herself. Fatima stated she does pray when she's alone. Her mother tries

to instill the same values and morals that she grew up within Mexico but Fatima feels times have

changed and feels her mom is outdated. Fatima is aware of what is right and what is wrong.

Yet, She still chooses to rebel against her family. She chooses to do the wrong thing. The article

“How do teenagers grow and develop during ages 15 to 18 years” states “As they mature, teens

Pepsi Screening
are more able to think about and understand abstract ideas such as morality. They also begin to

understand other people better. Even though they have a certain amount of empathy and can

understand that others have different ideas, they often strongly believe that their ideas are the

most true..” She currently has poor attendance and continues to ditch school and lies about her

whereabouts, even though the issue has already had been addressed by both the school and her

parents. She shows no remorse for her misbehavior. During a conversation with her older sister

“mom can stay mad.” which confirms that she is aware of her actions but does not care about

her consequences. Fatima wishes to keep learning about herself and at the moment she does not

respect her parent's moral values and beliefs. According to J’Anne Ellsworth in the

developmental work chart, it states that teens “Explore beliefs and philosophy of life, purpose”

According to her mother Fatima hardly ever takes responsibility for her actions often blames


Social Development

Fatima is an outgoing 15-year-old it is easy for her to spark a conversation with people.

Growing up Fatima was always a happy child. She would easily make friends anywhere she

would go. She does not have a social life outside of school she only has a close cousin her age

with who she interacts at family gatherings. Fatima had a best friend that she met in middle

school but since starting high school they have become distant, especially when Fatima started

dating her current boyfriend. Her friends at school describe her as loud, always laughing, funny,

and charismatic overall a great friend with whom they could trust. Her family had the same

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comments as to how she is social. Currently, Fatima has developed a very codependent

relationship with a boy in the same grade as her. Fatima has experienced emotional distress

because of her boyfriend. She feels responsible for his well-being. She often worries about her

boyfriend well being. Her mother says she has observed a behavior change since Fatima started

this relationship. In J’Anne Ellsworth's “Early Adolescence” “Being aware of the “real” it states

that in social development this is where .“The “pre-adult” Child starts to recent parental limits

and frequently rebels” As seen in Fatima's recent behavior. Fatima would rather prioritize time

talking to her boyfriend on the phone than spend quality time with her family.

Intellectual Development

Fatimas parents stress the importance of education to their children and have high

expectations, yet they do not implement or demand anything from Fatima. According to Jean

Piaget Fatima is currently in the stage of life in which the individual's thoughts start taking more

of an abstract form and egocentric though decrease. (Piaget.) When asked about how she felt

about school Fatima said “I don't like that a grade defines our intelligence” “I feel like I Have to

do it, I feel obligated” “ I feel stressed” When asked about if she was interested in school she

said “Sometimes when I know what I am doing and don't need help from anyone” When asked

about her goals she said “to graduate with a 3.0 GPA. Even though she is not doing anything to

reach that goal. Fatima does not talk about the future often although she has stated before she

does not have plans on attending college after high school. Recently she stated she would like to

be an esthetician when she is done with high school. She decided to follow an esthetician career

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or plans on doing so because she asked herself what she liked to do and she likes all things

related to beauty and she loves makeup. “Adolescents are expected to come to terms with such

questions as, “Who Am I?” and “Where Am I Going?” (Newman& Newman, 2012.) Fatima's

current teacher comments on her report cards are “incomplete work”, “Needs support with time

and task management”, “Challenges completing work on established timelines,” “Encouraged to

actively participate in class “ “Poor attendance”. According to Duckworth & Quinn Students

with high levels of self-control are conscientious about doing homework, participating in class,

completing projects on time, and avoiding distractions. (Duckworth & Quinn, 2009). There are

no consequences at home for Fatima’s grade or behavior her parents expect her to do better but

there is no guidance. There could be a number of factors that play in why Fatima is getting bad

grades at school the lack of motivation, peer influence could be possible factors, subjects might

be difficult for her.

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Recommendations that I would make for Fatima, for her Psychical development, to try to

incorporate more activity into her daily starting with 10 min a day of physical activity outside of

P.E class and then gradually overtime reach 1 hr a day. Drink more water and add more veggies

to her diet for a balanced meal. I would also suggest she gets at least 8 hrs of sleep to help her

focus, especially at school. For her emotional development, I would suggest for Fatima open up

to her parents about how she really feels and what she needs from them emotionally. Also to be

honest with them. Try and rebuild that trust and relationship she had with her mother. As for her

Philosophical development, I would recommend Fatima take a deeper look into her moral values

and start evaluating how her decisions right now could affect her in the future. For her Social

Development, I would suggest Fatima finds a healthy balance between spending time with her

friends, boyfriend, and family. I would recommend she not isolate herself from friends and

family. Lastly, for her intellectual development, I would recommend Fatima to go talk to her

counselor or a trusted adult at school to guide her about what she needs to do to be on the right

track to achieving her goal of graduating high school. I would recommend for her parents get

involved in her education in any way they can. I would recommend she stay and school and stop

ditching. It would be greatly beneficial for her to ask for help from her teachers when she does

not understand an assignment. Although Fatima is in 10th grade suggests she gets proactive

about her education and focuses on her goal and what she is going to do to get there.
Pepsi Screening 10


Late adolescence being aware of being “real”

Teenagers (15-17 years of age)

Growth and development, Ages 15 to 18 years


Growth and development:13to 18 years adolescence


Developmental work chart

How do teenagers grow and develop during ages 15 to 18?

(Nucci, 2006)pg. 103

Psychology applied to Teaching Jack Snowman; Rick McCown

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