Neuroplasticity Exercises' Influence On Adolescent Students

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Neuroplasticity Exercises’ Influence on Adolescent Students

Sarah Mekhaldi

Michigan Islamic Academy

Senior Project

Sr. Samar Abbasi

December 22, 2021



Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to alter its structure and function due to the repetition of

various activities and experiences. Neuroplasticity occurs when neurons, a type of cell in the

brain, communicate with each other and create neural pathways. The greater the number of times

the pathway is used, the stronger and more developed the pathway becomes. It is important to

note, however, that neuroplasticity is a developing field, in its infancy stages of development.

There are various ways to enhance neuroplasticity, but the activity needs to follow 5 guidelines:

challenge and novelty, intention, specific attention, repetition and intensity, and time. If these

guidelines are followed possible benefits may include an improvement in mental health and an

increase in memory capacity. It is important that the target audience, adolescent students between

the ages of 8 to 11, understand what neuroplasticity is because it can widen their intellectual

capabilities and allow them to understand the “growth mindset” in a more personalized manner.

Keywords; Neuroplasticity, brain plasticity, neural pathways, enhancement, mental health,



In the past, it was believed that the structure and function of the brain and nervous system

are permanent. For example, after a major injury occurs in the brain, doctors believed that it

would be unable to repair itself and regain the functions it lost. However, due to recent and

developing studies, scientists have seen that the brain can truly change and adapt its structure and

function because of various experiences. This phenomenon can be summarized in one word:

neuroplasticity. One thing to note is that the term “neuroplasticity” only began being used in late

1940 and was not widely adopted until around 1960 (Berlucchi & Buchtel, 2008). A great deal of

research has been done from then until now, but the topic is still in its infancy stage. With this in

mind, I wanted to explore what activities influence neuroplasticity and its effects on adolescent

children, specifically upper elementary students, ages 8 to 11. As a student myself, I constantly

search for ways to enhance my health physically and mentally in hopes of noticing

improvements in my school life and overall well-being. After being introduced to the topic of

neuroplasticity, I was intrigued by the potential benefits it had. Using my and other credited

researcher’s data, I concluded that neuroplasticity enhancing exercises, such as physical activity,

fasting, and non-dominant hand exercises, should be encouraged in elementary schools because

it improves a student’s mood and memory.

The Cells of the Nervous System and Neuronal Communication

To understand the concept of neuroplasticity in greater depth, it is necessary to have a

general understanding of the cells of the nervous system. The nervous system is made up of the

central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. The central nervous system is made

up of the brain, and the peripheral nervous system is made up of the spinal cord and spinal

nerves, as well as the autonomous nervous system. The brain is composed of two types of cells:

neurons and glial cells. Glial cells are responsible for providing nutrition and support, by

maintaining homeostasis (American Association of Neurological Surgeons, 2019). Neurons, the

cells that are primarily involved in neuroplasticity, are responsible for sending, receiving, and

processing signals and nerve impulses. Neurons are located in both the brain and spinal cord.

They communicate with each other through the process of synaptic transmission. This occurs

when a neuron gains enough energy to send neurotransmitters, a type of chemical messengers

across the synapse, a space between two neurons in which signals are transmitted. When the

neurotransmitters reach the other neuron, they bind to a receptor, allowing the cell to gain energy,

and the process is repeated (Spielman, Jenkins, & Lovett, 2020).

What is Neuroplasticity?

The term “neuronal plasticity” was used a little over a century ago by the “father of

neuroscience,” Santiago Ramon y Cajal in the early 1900s. He was the first to understand that the

human brain can change and adapt even after reaching adulthood. Then in the 1960s, researchers

Fuchs and Flugge discovered that neurons were responsible for reorganizing after a trauma injury

and that stress can not only change the function of the brain, but it can also alter the brain’s

structure. Then, in the late 1990s, it was discovered that stress can not only change the structure

of the brain but may also kill neurons, although no supporting research has been done to fully

prove it. In summation, over the span of a couple of decades, scientists believed that the brain

was a “nonrenewable organ” with a set number of neurons and neural pathways. However,

because of current research and studies, we have learned that this in fact is not the case

(Ackerman, 2021).

Neuroplasticity is a term that refers to the remarkable ability of the brain to change and

adapt both structurally and functionally throughout a person’s life as a response to the repetition

of various experiences (Voss, Thomas, Cisneros-Franco, & de Villers-Sidani, 2017). It occurs

during the creation of new synapses (neural pathways), the removal and pruning of unused

synapses, and possibly the birth of new neurons. Although neuroplasticity may occur at a greater

degree in younger individuals, it is still very possible in older individuals as well (Spielman,

Jenkins, & Lovett, 2E 2020).

As mentioned, neuroplasticity is an evolving field, so there is no specific unifying theory

that brings into context all that has been studied about it. However, what is for certain is that

there are two types of neuroplasticity; structural neuroplasticity, which refers to the strength of

the connection between synapses and the changes they entail, and functional neuroplasticity,

which refers to permanent changes that occur within the synapses due to the repetition of specific

activities (Ackerman, 2021).

When one repeatedly practices an activity or accesses a memory, the neurons involved in

that specific process perform synaptic transmission, as described previously. If this is done

constantly, the neurons will be able to shape themselves accordingly. However, when one stops

performing an activity on a regular basis or stops accessing a specific memory, the brain will

prune, or remove the unused cells. This is similar to a highway. If there is a lot of congestion,

new lanes will be built. However, if few cars use a specific road, the number of lanes will be

reduced (Bernard, 2010).


Neuroplasticity Enhancing Activities

The list of possible neuroplasticity-enhancing activities is endless. However, these

activities must include these 5 components: challenge and novelty, intention, specific attention,

repetition and intensity, and time. To satisfy the challenge and novelty component, the activity

must be something unfamiliar and a little challenging to learn. An example includes learning to

roller skate for the first time. To satisfy the second component, intention, the activity must be

personally engaging or relevant, since neuroplasticity is associated with feeling pleasure when

performing a task. An example includes an individual noting that they will perform an activity

because they enjoy it. To satisfy the specific attention component, the activity must be given

extreme focus. An example of this may include creating a plan and scheduling a time in which

the activity will be practiced. To satisfy the fourth component, repetition and intensity, an

individual must perform the activity in short bursts on a regular basis in order to create new and

powerful neural connections. An example may include practicing a new language for an hour

every other day. The final component is time since it is required for structural and functional

changes to occur. To satisfy this, the activity must be done over a long span of time. An example

could be practicing mindfulness for a couple of months (Call, 2019).

Some specific examples of neuroplasticity enhancing activities, other than learning a new

skill, include regular physical activity, intermittent fasting, and non-dominant hand exercises. In

the case of physical exercise, researchers Lin, Tsai, and Kua analyzed a total of 59 studies

between the years 1947 to 2009, which concluded that there was a positive correlation between

physical activity and cognitive development within school-aged children. In addition to that, they

reviewed an additional 29 trials, which concluded that adults ages 18 and older saw improvement

in attention span, processing speed, and memory function (Physical Exercise Enhances

Neuroplasticity and Delays Alzheimer’s Disease 2018). Furthermore, exercise-induced function

and structural changes to the brain have been reported in a multitude of human and animal

studies. For example, by using a resting MRI, it was proven that aerobic exercise, over the span

of a couple of months to a year, increased brain volume in regions such as the prefrontal and

temporal cortex (the area of the brain behind the forehead and the area of the brain the sit behind

the ears), as well as the hippocampus (a structure in the brain located in the temporal lobe, and

plays a major role in emotions, learning, and memory storage). In the case of fasting, also known

as IER (intermittent energy restriction), the results are similar to that of physical activity. A study

conducted by Praag, Fleshner, Schwartz, and Mattson showed that when rats were subjected to

IER, it led to several long-term improvements in cognitive function, which is supported by the

enhancement of the hippocampal plasticity. In addition, researchers saw an increase in BDNF (a

protein that stimulates nerve growth and synaptic plasticity) levels in areas of the brain involved

in cognition, sensory and motor behaviors, and motivation (Exercise, Energy Intake, Glucose

Homeostasis, and the Brain 2014). Lastly, non-dominant hand exercises have been shown to

enhance neuroplasticity as well. In a study conducted by Philip and Frey, 22 right-handed adults

were put through an MRI before and after completing 10 days of left-handed drawing tasks.

Results showed that connectivity between the parietal lobe (the area in the back of the head, near

the top, and is responsible for processing sensory information) and the left temporal lobe

strengthened (Increased Functional Connectivity between cortical Hand Areas and Praxis

Network Associated with Training-related Improvements in Non-dominant Hand Precision

Drawing 2016).

Effects of Neuroplasticity on Mental Health and Memory

Research has proven that there is a great overlap between the effects of antidepressant

treatments and the effects of neuroplasticity, raising the question of whether or not the two could

be interchangeable. One of the more distinguishable similarities between the two is the

transcription factor CREB, which is found in learning-related synaptic plasticity and in the

hippocampus as an antidepressant response (Bartoletti et al., 2002) (Tashiro, Makino, & Gage,

2007). With this in mind, it can be claimed that neuroplasticity may improve mental health,

however, additional research must be done to further support that claim.

Neuroplasticity is also proven to have beneficial effects on memory by reducing memory

loss and improving the recollection of new information. University of London researcher Eleanor

Maguire conducted a study in which she assessed two groups of people’s MRI scans; British taxi

drivers and control subjects that did not drive taxis. Taxi drivers in London are required to

memorize a map of the city of Lonon in order to get a London hack license, a process that may

take several months. However, her findings were fascinating; the hippocampus of the taxi drivers

was significantly larger than that of the control group, and the greatest enlargements belonged to

those who had been driving the longest. Improving memories also leads to additional benefits

that neuroplasticity may indirectly influence. For example, a sharper memory allows for greater

focus. Additionally, research suggests that the greater the memory is exercised, the greater

capacity there is for learning (Navigation-related structural change in the hippocampi of taxi

drivers 2000).

Why is this Important?

Neuroplasticity is a fascinating topic to teach on its own. However, it is also immensely

important to educate adolescents and school-age children about the abilities of the brain. This

leads to several benefits, one of which is that students will be able to believe that they are able to

become functionally “smarter.” By 3 to 5th grade, many students begin to understand the “limits”

of their intellectual capabilities, however, if they are taught that they are capable of reshaping

their brain and widening their intellectual capacity, they may put in the extra effort and work to

become the student they want to be (Wilson & Conyers, 2016). They will be able to better

understand the “growth mindset,” which will allow them to take on challenges and obstacles

head-on, which will, overall, increase their abilities and achievements.

The Islamic Perspective

In Surah Al-Mu’minun, Ayah 2, Allah (SWT) says: “Those who offer their Salat

(prayers) with all solemnity and full submissiveness.” The single Arabic word that summarizes

the focus and mindfulness required during prayer is “Khushoo.” The Islamic prayer is a form of

mindfulness and focused attention (FA) meditation that is practiced on a daily basis, and it is

proven to enhance neuroplasticity. A recent study took the fMRI of individuals who did not use

meditation, then instructed them to adopt FA meditation, then a second fMRI scan was taken.

The results showed that activation in the brain occurred in the prefrontal cortex, the visual

cortex, and the cerebral cortex (Davidson, 2008).

Additionally, individuals who memorized and recited the Quran demonstrated

neuroplasticity. Researchers Sumette Sirin, Barus Netin, and Nevzat Tarhan, test students before

and after they were given a hifz education (a school in which students memorize the entire

Quran) in Turkey and assess the effect of memorizing the Quran on functions such as verbal

memory, verbal fluency, visual memory, and attention. Results showed those who took hifz

education for a year or longer saw an increase in brain volume in regions such as the

orbitofrontal cortex, the right perirhinal cortex, the superior parietal cortex, and the posterior and

anterior cingulate cortex. These regions are responsible for sensory processing, decision making,

memory, reading, and pronunciation (The Effect of Memorizing the Quran on Cognitive

Functions 2021).


To conclude, neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to alter its structure and function

due to the repetition of various activities and experiences. It was discovered in the early 1900s,

however, it was not a well-known field of research until around the 1960s. It is crucial to

remember that neuroplasticity is still in its developmental stages, which means limited research

has been done on specific topics. However, what is known is that during neuroplasticity, neural

pathways are formed and strengthened, unused neurons are pruned, and it is possible that new

neurons are generated. In order to enhance neuroplasticity, various activities must be performed,

but following specific components, challenge and novelty, intention, specific attention, repetition

and intensity, and time. Additional activities include physical activity, IER, and non-dominant

hand exercises. If done correctly, some possible benefits include improvements in mental health

and memory, which unfold a greater series of possible beneficial outcomes. It is essential to

teach upper elementary students about neuroplasticity since it allows them to explore their

cognitive horizons and allow them to understand the “growth mindset.”



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Lin, T., Tsai, S., & Kuo, Y. (2018). Physical Exercise Enhances Neuroplasticity and Delays

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Voss, P., Thomas, M. E., Cisneros-Franco, J. M., & De Villers-Sidani, É. (2017). Dynamic Brains

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