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Assignment One Name: Suki

March 4, 2022
Part I: Latest Transportation- Choose one of the top trends in transportation and
describe in details (e.g. their appearance, capacity, functions and so on). (3 pts)
Hyperloop Transportation systems
Hyperloop is a transportation system that can transport passengers as well as goods. It is an
automatic operation control system. It has three essential components: tubes, pods, and terminals.
The tube is a large sealed, low-pressure system. Hyperloop tubes have almost no air inside,
and the pod travel on closed tracks with no air resistance. The pod can reach a speed
of more than 1,000 km per hour, exceeding the speed of many airplanes. Its
advantages are safety, efficiency, low energy consumption and environmental

Part II: Evaluation (2 pts)

Is the invention useful? Why? Would you like to try it out?
This invention has many advantages, such as reliability, efficiency and time saving.
It’s a safer way to travel for people with acrophobia compared with airplanes. In fact,
if I don’t care about the ticket price, I would like to have the opportunity to
experience it. The existing medium-distance high-speed public transport systems
include planes and high-speed trains. Although commercial aircraft can reach a
maximum speed of 900km per hour, the average travel time of the high-speed trains is
shorter than planes, because the planes require taking off, landing, and waiting at the
airport. In addition, the average speed of high-speed trains depends on the distance
between the stations and the stopping time at the intermediate stations. Hyperloop has
a high frequency of round trips; therefore, it can carry more passengers every day.
Part III: Writing (10 pts)
a) Does your city or town have problems with traffic, pollution, and parking?
What do you think is the biggest problem? (4pts)
Let me recall my second hometown, Shenzhen, where I have lived for more than ten
years. Before I left the city, the roads were congested during the rush hours. In recent
years, when I went back to visit relatives during the holidays, I found that the road
congestion was getting worse. According to media statistics, the current vehicle
density on Shenzhen's roads has exceeded 300 vehicles/km, exceeding the
international warning value of 270 vehicles/km. With the mass production of domestic
vehicles and domestic electric vehicles, each family has at least one vehicle. Due to
the lack of parking spaces in some shopping malls and the lack of underground
parking lots in some old communities and residential buildings, many vehicles can
only choose to park on both sides of the road. It also caused the problem of difficult
parking. Since Shenzhen is a city with the largest number of migrant workers, every
New Year's holiday or national statutory holiday, the expressways are also jammed,
and it takes the whole day to reach the destination that normally would take only two
b) How does the invention solve the problem? (6pts)
Shenzhen is located in South China. It is a national logistics hub, an international
comprehensive transportation hub, and an international innovation center city for
science and technology industries. This international city is known as the "Silicon
Valley of China". On November 5, 2021, the complete hyperloop passenger cabin was
unveiled at the China International Import Expo in Shanghai, creating a brand-new
future travel experience. If the hyperloop can connect Shenzhen and other cities in the
future, then the city's economy will be more prosperous. Although Shenzhen's
transportation system is far ahead, and the sea, land and air are connected in all
directions, there are still problems such as urban road congestion. We can experience
super high-speed trains faster, which can relieve traffic pressure for the city. This will
create more opportunities for domestic and foreign talent to flow into the city, as the
high-speed rail may attract them to visit the city. The emergency relief supplies can
reach the places in need of rescue in the shortest time. Finally, a well-developed
transportation system is also conducive to further urban construction, which will
generate more economic benefits and improve the living standards of local people.

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