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Database Management

A database is a collection of information that is organized so that it can easily be accessed, managed,
and updated.

In computing, databases are sometimes classified according to their organizational approach. The most
prevalent approach is the relational database, a tabular database in which data is defined so that it can
be reorganized and accessed in a number of different ways. A distributed database is one that can be
dispersed or replicated among different points in a network.

Computer/Digital databases typically contain aggregations of data records or files, such as sales
transactions, product catalogues and inventories, and customer profiles. Typically, a database manager
provides users the capabilities of controlling read/write access, specifying report generation, and
analyzing usage. Databases and database managers are prevalent in large mainframe systems, but are
also present in smaller distributed workstation and mid-range systems such as the AS-400 and on
personal computers. SQL (Structured Query Language) is a standard language for making interactive
queries from and updating a database such as MySQL, IBM's DB2, Microsoft's Access, and database
products from Oracle, Sybase, and Computer Associates.

Digital databases are managed using database management systems, which stores database contents,
allowing data creation and maintenance as well as search and other types of access.

Database management systems

A special data processing system, or part of a data processing system, which aids in the storage,
manipulation, reporting, management, and control of data, abbreviated DBMS.

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A database management system (DBMS) consists of software that operates databases, providing
storage, access, security, backup and other facilities. Database management systems can be categorized
according to the database model that they support. Examples of some commonly used DBMS are
MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft Access, SQL Server, FileMaker, Oracle, Sybase, dBASE, Clipper, FoxPro.

Revised: March 2013 1

Indexing is a technique for improving database performance. The many types of index share the
common property that they eliminate the need to examine every entry when running a query. In large
databases, this can reduce query time and cost. The simplest form of index is a sorted list of values that
can be searched using a binary search with an adjacent reference to the location of the entry, analogous
to the index in the back of a book. The same data can have multiple indexes (an employee database
could be indexed by last name and hire date.)

Indexes affect performance, but not results. Database designers can add or remove indexes without
changing application logic, reducing maintenance costs as the database grows and database usage

Given a particular query, the DBMS' query optimizer is responsible for devising the most efficient
strategy for finding matching data. The optimizer decides which index or indexes to use, how to
combine data from different parts of the database, how to provide data in the order requested, etc.

Indexes can speed up data access, but they consume space in the database, and must be updated each
time the data is altered. Indexes therefore can speed up data access but slow data maintenance. These
two properties determine whether a given index is worth the cost.

Database security denotes the system, processes, and procedures that protect a database from
unauthorized activity.

‘DBMS’s usually enforce security through access control, auditing, and encryption:

• Access control manages who can connect to the database via authentication and what they can
do via authorization.
• Auditing records information about database activity: who, what, when, and possibly where.
• Encryption protects data at the lowest possible level by storing and possibly transmitting data in
an unreadable form. The DBMS encrypts data when it is added to the database and decrypts it
when returning query results. This process can occur on the client side of a network connection
to prevent unauthorized access at the point of use.


Law and regulation governs the release of information from some databases, protecting medical history,
driving records, telephone logs, etc.

In the United Kingdom, database privacy regulation falls under the Office of the Information
Commissioner. Organizations based in the United Kingdom and holding personal data in digital format
such as databases must register with the Office.

Revised: March 2013 2

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