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Understanding the Lesson

1. What is your understanding of cognitive and

metacognitive factor?
Use strategic thinking in their approach to learning,
reasoning, problem solving, and concept learning.
They understand and can use a variety of strategies to
help them reach learning and performance goals, and
to apply their knowledge in novel situation.
2. How does a metacognitive factor develop the way
of learning as learners engaged in the thinking
Metacognitive strategies empower students to think
about their own thinking. This awareness of the
learning process enhances their control over their own
learning. It also enhances personal capacity for self-
regulation and managing one's own motivation for
3. How is motivational factor related to affective
factor in terms of acquiring learning?
The motivational factor related to affective factor in
terms of acquiring learning because it is a important
role in the learning process. In brief, this aspect of
learning focuses on how learners feel about their
learning and the course environment. Motivations and
attitudes have been extensively studied in educational
psychology. As you can see from the student videos,
their motivations, attitudes and feelings influence their
learning experience

Read and analyze the statements. If true, write YES before the item; if false, write NO.

____YES__1. Differentiated instruction attempts to resolve diversity of learners in the


___YES___2. The motivation of a learner from the urban community is similar to that

the rural area.

__NO____3. The development of higher-order thinking skills is attainable among the



___YES___4. Making learning alive and active initiates student’s positive love for the


__YES____5. Verbal reinforcements, as they seem fitted for the elementary level, are

in the senior high school level.

__YES____6. The practice of unlocking difficulties for a difficult lesson provides scaffold

the learners.

__NO____7. The assistance of a more advanced student to a slow learner in explaining


lesson is defeating the purpose of active engagement of the learners.

__YES____8. Praising a slow learner for a little effort exerted is a stepping stone for his

her progress.

___YES___9. Using new technologies in the classroom has more disadvantages and

advantages as learners are overwhelmed.

__YES____10. A teacher who facilitates learning becomes the main source of

knowledge in

every lesson in class.

Involved in (1) Knowledge
learning as well as about cognition
the strategies
students use to
learn and their (2) Regulation
of cognition.

Individual self-
regulation for the
Summary of Metacognition
occurs when
purpose of the lesson learners
evaluating one's awareness of their
behaviors to
select effective (Mind cognitive processes
and then monitor
and analyze those
mapping) processes

The use of
The teaching and
support of
thinking and metacognitive skills
strategies enables in the classroom not
students to become only allows learners
flexible, creative to learn more
and self-directed effectively, but it also
learners improves cognition in
all students at all
levels of ability.
Output 1.2
In a three-paragraph essay, explain the cognitive,
metacognitive, motivation, and affective factors of
psychological learner-centered principle of learning in
your own words. Cite at least two classroom situations
that apply two principles of this factor.

The cognitive, metacognitive, motivation, and

affective factors of psychological learner-centered
principle of learning, this domain refers to thought
processes involved in learning as well as the strategies
students use to learn and their reflections about their
thought processes. The Learner-Centered Principles
indicate that the learning process, particularly for
complex material, is most effective when students
intentionally construct meaning from information and
experience, are provided support and guidance over
time to construct coherent representations of
knowledge, can link new knowledge with existing
knowledge in meaningful ways, and can use and
develop various learning strategies. Always consulting
the understanding of the student throughout all the
learning activities. The student’s self-determinism in
his or her use of knowledge is the most important
factor in learning, and this can be drowned or lessen, if
ignored or specifically targeted for reduction.

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