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Exceptions to the Copyright Notice E. Required Permission for Re-

and Draft Notice Requirements publication of Works

The following are exempt from the Copyright Re-publication of 300 words or fewer of
Notice and Draft Notice Requirements: Works or Conference-approved literature
may occur without permission from F.W.S.
• Any literature containing exclusively Re-publication of more than 300 words of
committee procedures or operations; any Work or Conference-approved literature
• Meeting agendas, service flyers and
posters that do not quote any of the
requires the permission of the Board
Copyright-Translations Committee. Is it Really
• Literature intended to be Exceptions to the “300-word-rule” are as Necessary?
informational about service; follows:
• Fundraising literature; Permissions For Use of
• F.W.S. and Conference operation 1. The 8 Core Documents
literature intended for distribution 2. The 5 Free Pamphlets
only within the service chains, Conference Approved
intergroups and groups; These documents are available for Literature,
• Letters, correspondence or other download (PDFs) at
communications not intended as a
and Draft Literature
download/core-files/ and they contain the
template or model for future use; and appropriate copyright notice and disclaimers. Notice Requirements
• Personal works of authorship that are These pages can be printed and used by
not intended to be given to or used by any member, meeting, group or intergroup
F.W.S., in which case, each work of without permission.
authorship should indicate that it is Sex and Love Addicts
the exclusive property of its author, Anonymous
and not the property or intellectual
property of F.W.S. The author
shall also state that (a) the views
expressed, if any, in any personal
work of authorship are the views of
the author, (b) the views expressed,
if any, are not the views of F.W.S., This pamphlet is S.L.A.A.
Conference-approved Literature
and (c) F.W.S. has not and does not
sponsor the views expressed in the
personal work of authorship.

©2021 The Augustine Fellowship, S.L.A.A.,

Fellowship-Wide Services, Inc.
All rights reserved

PAM-021 P01/21
Policy for Use of Copyrighted • The five (5) Free Pamphlets of or intended to be sold by the F.W.S.
Literature and Materials S.L.A.A: Office; and
◦◦ Addicted to Sex? Addicted to Love? • Any other Conference-approved
The Augustine Fellowship, S.L.A.A., Information about S.L.A.A. for You literature.
Fellowship Wide Services, Inc. or Someone You Know;
◦◦ For the Professional: Information B. Requirement to Provide Notice
A. Works of Authorship Covered about S.L.A.A.; of F.W.S. Copyright
◦◦ 12 Recommended Guidelines for
Dealing with the Media; It is the Policy of F.W.S. to require notices
This Policy for Use of Copyrighted
◦◦ Supporting S.L.A.A. the 60/40 Way; of Copyright for any of the Works set forth
Literature and Materials (the “Policy”) applies
◦◦ Is it Really Necessary?; herein, subject to the exclusions set forth
to Works of Authorship belonging to The
◦◦ Taking care that it never becomes herein. This Policy applies to any Work that
Augustine Fellowship, S.L.A.A., Fellowship
the seat of perilous wealth or power; is intended to be distributed to any third
Wide Services, Inc. (hereinafter “F.W.S.”).
• Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous party, including any members, committee
Works of Authorship, as used herein, means,
Basic Text; members, or non-members of F.W.S. The
in its broadest sense, literary works, musical
• Am I Anorexic – 50 Questions for proper Notice of Copyright shall be “©
works, dramatic works, pantomimes and
Self-Diagnosis; [Year(s) of publication of the Work] The
choreographic works, pictorial, graphic and
• Anything written for the purpose of Augustine Fellowship, S.L.A.A., Fellowship-
sculptural works, motion pictures and other
being sold or disseminated by F.W.S. Wide Services, Inc. All rights reserved.” For
audiovisual works, sound recordings, and
as a print publication; example, for a Work published in 2020, the
architectural works belonging to F.W.S.,
• Website or electronically distributed Copyright Notice should read:
whether in electronic or hard copy form. It
articles, or other electronic
is, however, contemplated by F.W.S. that this
publications that contain recovery or © 2020 The Augustine Fellowship,
Policy will primarily apply to literary works
other information relating to sex and S.L.A.A., Fellowship-Wide Services, Inc.
now or hereafter used and approved by F.W.S.
love addiction; All rights reserved.
through its various committees from time to
• Any Work of Authorship that is
time, and include the following (hereinafter,
intended to eventually be presented to C. Requirement to Provide Notice of
the “Works”):
the Conference for approval and sale Draft
through the F.W.S. store;
• The eight (8) Core Documents: • Works of Authorship about recovery
◦ ◦ Twelve Steps; It is the Policy of F.W.S. to require notices
which are intended to be posted
◦ ◦ Twelve Traditions; of drafts of all literature, whether a Work or
on the F.W.S. website – Examples
◦ ◦ Preamble; not, or a work or intended to be a Work in the
include, but are not limited to Works
◦ ◦ The Twelve Concepts for World future. Notice of a draft shall be accomplished
of Authorship that describe sex and
Service of S.L.A.A.; by placing a diagonal watermark across the
love addiction, information on sex
◦ ◦ Characteristics of Sex and Love literature that indicates “DRAFT”. The Notice
and love addiction, anorexia, etc.;
Addiction; shall be in all capital letters, and not less than
• Any issue of the Journal;
◦ ◦ 40 Questions for Self-Diagnosis; 48 font type. The Notice shall be applied to
• Any issue of the F.W.S. Newsletter;
◦ ◦ Signs of Recovery; all versions or drafts, including the first draft
• The Language of S.L.A.A. Recovery;
◦ ◦ 12 Recommended Guidelines for of literature, and all rough drafts, notes,
• The Welcome packet;
Dealing with the Media; sketches, or brainstorm boards. The Notice
• Any other Work of Authorship sold
shall appear on each page of the draft.

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