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"Introduction to Successful Synchronous Teaching"

For social connection and clarification (

BREAKOUT ROOM DISCUSSION: What are the challenges of synchronous classes?

 Technology
 Distractions
 Different rules and behaviors
 Lack of social connection
 Lack of clarity
 Lack of purpose


Before synch class

 Send a list of materials students will need ahead of class so they and their parents can get
 Send a link to your synch lesson the day before and check that the link works.
 Login 15 minutes before, test the virtual venue from the computer, and Web connection you
will use in your session.
 Close all unnecessary applications on the computer you are going to use to maximize
computer resources and limit distractions.
 Prepare a back-up plan!

During the class

 Remain calm and in control. If there is a technical problem, acknowledge it and ask for a
brief moment to try to resolve it.
 Do not try to rescue one person at the expense of the entire group.
 If a particular tool isn’t working think of other ways you can still achieve your goal and make
good use of everyone’s time.
 Know when to reschedule. If the technical problem is too big, reschedule the session.


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