The Merciad, Nov. 9, 1995

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From The WorldtArena

By Gagan Suri
Merciad News Editor

«SS$S^ss ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^»i
Yitzhak Rabin Assassinated
The Prime Minister of Israel, Yitzhak Rabin was shot by Yigal
Amir, whil e Rabin addressing a crowd of 10,000. The assassination §
of Prime Minister Rabin by a fellow Jew stunned the Israelis. I
Thousands of Israelis paid their final tribute to their slain leader.
They lighted candles on the square where he was slain, prayed at the
Western Wall, and went filing through the afternoon and into the
night past his simple soldier's coffin, wrapped in an Israeli flag.
Many world leaders attended the last journey of Prime Minister
Rabin; others sent condolence messages. The assassin was captured
and Israelis are holding his brother as a suspect, accomplice in the
plot apt I.
i. Israel's Acting Prime Minister, Shimon Peres, said that he would
* not call for an early el ection as expected by the citizens of Israel. The
>*law requires at least 100 days notice in Israel before an election can
be held, so the earliest election can be held in February next year.

Hindustan for Hindus Only

A Hindu nationalist group, Shiv Sena, also classified as guerrilla
militants, recently gathered for* a demonstration in Bombay to Well Maintained
protest against the different ethnic groups who live in India. This
group has a concept of India in which non-Hindus, especially the
110 million Muslims, must accept the primacy of the 700 million Grounds
Hindus in-virtually every sphere of fife.
Balasahed K/Thakeray, 68, the Shiv Sena leader; who calls himself
the "Hitler of Bombay," launched this protest march.
In 1992, millions ofHindus gathered and destroyed a 500-year-old
mosque at Ayohdhya, in Uttar Pradesh. A riot erupted following the Above: View of
incident and the Hindus killed over 1,200 Muslims. They burned Preston - Hall
down many Muslim homes and businesses. There are fears amongst from Baldwin
the Muslims mat a similar incident may occur again because of the
Hall. I
movement launched by Shiv Sena.

Cutbacks on Foreign Doctors in U.S. Below: Garvey

Park and the
The recent overflow of foreign medical doctors who come to the
United States for advanced training and residency and continue to
clock, the "Cen-
stay on has made the CI inton Administration cutback on the inflow tral Park" of
of foreign doctors. j Mercyhurst
There are 149,000 international medical graduates now practicing
in the United States, which amounts to 20 percent of the nations
_yslcians/~ J
The House Medicare bill that passed last month will cut federal
ubsidies for doctors in training who are international medical MKSMMMBH <W*

chool graduates and neither citizens nor permanent residents. Fifty

•rcentof thedoctors in trainingfoll into this category atmany inner Excellent Grounds of Mercyhurst MSG News
ity hospitals. $
The Department of Health and Human services is seeking to curtail Wins Award! By Dan Hilfiker
visa program which has allowed foreign doctorstoreside in U.S. Editor-in-Chief
fter their residency in U.S. if they practice in poor areas. By Gagan Suri As Monday, Nov. 6 was the
wxmommon^^ nl&WS EllltOT first meeting of the month for
MSG, it was committee report
Law Student is Ruled Insane after Last week the College received the national award for its highly time. The Facilities Use Com-
mittee announced that the heating
maintained campus grounds with the second position in the 360
killing 2 j£ educational facilities j that competed and are maintained by is back on in Sullivan Hall J Pre-
ServiceMaster. James Barden, director of operations for viously, the heat was not opera-
ServiceMaster, extended his hearty congratulations to all those who tional, causing classroom tem-
Wendell Williamson, a law student at Chapel Hill, N.C. shot two
are involved in earning this award. Dr. William P.Garvey said that peratures to plummet. -The com-
people on Jan. 26 to prove that he had a telepathic mind. Mr. mittee also announced that Old
Wiliamson ,was treated twice at the University for paranoid Schizo- the Mercyhurst was proud ofits ground crew for this achievementThe
award is significant because of the fact that Mercyhurst faces the Main, as well as the Computer
phrenia. Mr. Williamson' s lawyer sa id that this was not a ca se aboul Lab, will now be open until 1a.m.
long harsh winters, which the other competing educational facilities in
evil-heartedness, but was a case of mental illness. *
the south do not face. ! The College had to meet the 18 strict during the week.
The jury reached its verdict a day after it began deliberating and
criteria before entering the national competition, which included the The Residence Life Committee
Williamson was found not guilty by reason of insanity
compilation of a book, a video, presentation of literature and forms, talked about privacy when secu-
and a project analysis/This was the first time that Mercyhurst had rity and maintenance personnel
entered such a competetion. j ILL cont...2
November 9,1995

Commuter Corner IMSG

Just so you Know m
cont. from front page
need to enter apartments. "Italked
By Kim Coughlin
Health Services Graduate Intern, c$ I to Terry Camp about the privacy
Flu shots are currently being administered between 9 a.m. and 4 Office of the Student Union St Student Activities issue and he told me that mainte-
p.m. at the Student Health Services offices located in Preston 101. § nance workers start work, at 9
There is no charge for the shot Persons who are allergic to eggs or a.m.. They leave the slips on the
are pregnant (or suspect they are) should not receive this shot T H A N K Y O U ! to all commuters who gaveblood on Nov. 3 during
j door or on the table telling what
the Blood Drive. repa irs were made, and what time
Yearbooks the work was done," Katie
Yearbooks are now available at the student union front desk. H U R R Y , H U R R Y , H U R R Y - Mercyhurst Student Govern- McGlynn said.
ment has 1 commuter spot left This position is open to any commuter The committee also gave a re-
student who would like to be involved, make a difference and represent port regarding the communica-
Seniors the commuter population in Student Government For more information tion between students and RA's.
Retakes of senior portraits will be done on Dec. 5 and 6. Look for contact Tim Duble, Vice-President of MSG at 824-2428. "If you are having a problem you
more information coming soon posted in the Student Union. should tell your RA, and the RA
is supposed to direct you to other
More Parking It's that time of the term when... - AII commuters are people who you can talk to,"

Digging began on Wednesday, Nov. 8, for the addition of about 90 invited to crack the books at FOOD FOR FINALS in the Laker Inn on McGlynn said. "Maybe we are
parking spaces on the west side of the campus. The new spaces will November 14 at 9 p.m. dwelling too much on the RA's
be located along the west and south sides of the Mercy hurst Ice who are performing below aver-
Center. There will also be spaces added to the lot on the south side Q U I E T S T U D Y - If you are lookingfora quiet place to study for age and not enough on the RA's
of Baldwin Hall, and also to the parking lot behind Zurn Hall. "They final exams, joinfollowstudents in the Egan Cafeteria beginning Tues- who are doing a good job." MSG
will have all of the paving done by the first week in December. This day, November 14 through Thursday, November 16from11 p.m. to 3 President Jessica CufGa said.
should help ease the parking problems for many of the commuters a.m. (Group study is not permitted).! The Fund Raiser Committee
and also for the Mercy apartment residents and during athletic also narrowed down the choices
events," Director of Security Bud Dever said. for the fund raiser to three Mercy
S I G N U P - To be a Big Buddy or volunteer for Christmas on charities. They were the Mercy
Security Campus, on December 9fromnoon to 5 p.m. This is a program that brings ™Center For Women, the Mercy
Director of Security Bud Dever said that he will be working with | childrenfromthe inner city to campus to celebrate Christmas, s Sign-up m Center for Aging and the Mercy
Mr. John Leisering, WMCE station manager, on some internal I lists will be available outside the Student Union Office beginning Novem- p Center for the Performing Arts.
thefts. Various tapes and compact disks were found to be missing, I ber 27. Stay tunedformore details. Discussion followed. A motion
but the cases were left behind, indicating that it was probably was made by Kevin Segedi to
someone knowledgeable with the radio station who took the items. C O M M U T E R C O U N C I L | The next "Commuter Coun- give only to the Mercy Center For
* r cil" meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 6 at 4:30 p.m. in the Aging, and was passed unani-
Student Government Chambers of the Student Union. For more informa- ax mously. :•;•:•

Winter Formal "I think that it is a good idea to

The theme of this years Winter Formal is "Enchantment in the t 4-2422. I
give to the Mercy Center For
Snow," and will be held on Dec 2 at Sabella 's of Union Station.
Dinner will be served at 7:30 p.m., and dancing will begin at 9 p.m. MARK YOUR CALENDARS: 1 Aging because many times older
people are neglected," ^Brad
. *. .. .

Tickets for this year's formal will cost $15 and will be sold for N o V t l l O - Need a stress reliever before finals? Come out and play if Rybczynski said.
Seniors only on Monday, Nov. 27 from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. m LASER TAG from 6 p.m. to midnight in the Rec Center. M J "It is all retirees. Elderly people,
Beginning Tuesday, ticket sales will be open to everyonefrom1
NOV. 1 1 - Come and enjoy the works ofAmanda Castro, Poet Laureate I much 1 ike teenagers, have a lot of
p.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday, 11 a.m. to 2p.m. Wednesday, and 1 p.m. to
4 p.m. Thursday. Tickets are limited. i from Honduras at 2 p.m. in the Student Government Chambers. A l problems that they haven't met
reception and book signing will follow. yet They bring in a lot of speak-
NOV* 1 3 - 1 5 - Early birds catch the sale! Natural Instincts Sterling | | ers to teach them what to do if
Library hours they fall, etc." SAC President
For exam week, the library will be open during the following Silver Jewelry will be on sale in the Student Union each dayfrom9 a.m. | | Brian Marshall said.
times: to 5 p.m.
It's a problem to try to help
Saturday, Nov. 11,9 a.m. to 5 p.m. people to not go to highly expen-
Sunday, Nov. 12,1 p.m. to midnight Holiday Hours for the Student Union - Nov. \i i sive full-time care. It is kind of
* * *

Monday, Nov. 13 through Thursday, Nov. 16, 8 a.m. to closed at 4 p.m.; Nov. 18 & 19 CLOSED; Nov. 20,21,22, openfrom8 § like a day care for the elderly,"
Midnight a.m. to 4 p.m.; Nov. 23 - 26 CLOSED. Normal Union hours will resume 1 Advisor Cass Shimek said.
Friday, Nov. 17,8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Nov. 2 7 j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^^
* * *
^^— In other MSG news, President

T O » T l Jessica Cu ffiaannounced that the


ice skates available for the stu-
m dents need to be sharpened. The
• a•

vK ice skates desperately need sharp-

• hi

Sell trips," earn cash & go free!!!

:oS *•.*.»
ening. We were under the as-
.m *m* .
t * 4

sumption that we could use the
m Student Travel Services Is now hiring sharpener that the hockey team
campus representatives. ^ ^ - ~ « uses in the Ice Center. I contacted
Lowest rates to Jamaica, C a n c a n , D a y t o n a l Hockey coach Rick Gotkin and
« " *O
he said we couldn't use the one at

& Panama CityBeach. the Ice Center because we would
Cain- blow out the motor," Cuffia said.
The skates will be sent out for
& A
sharpening. Cuffia also addressed
the bigger problem of housing the


i skates. "Everyone agrees that the


Attention: Students skates should be housed a t the Ice

Earn $2000.00 + monthly. Parttime / Fulltime. Center but we first have to get
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MAC where we can secure them,"
Advisor Cass Shimek said.
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PAGE 3 MERCIAD November 9,1995


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Conceived and Adapted for the Stage
by Stephen Currens



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"Rusted Roof will be back in Erie for a concert at The Civic Center on Dec. 8
7?*€Roadhouse Theatre for Contemporary Art gratefully acknowledges

What' s Up
the support ofthe PA. Coundl on the Arts, The Erie Area Fundfor the Arts,
The Erie Art Museum andthe Erie CommunityFoundation. ~ T ~ ' V

Movie Beat The Mercyhurst College

Radio Station, WMCE (88.5
FM)|is having a "Listener
Cola intravenously. It's not sur- Call-in Survey,"fromMon-
Tunes On Tails By James Ha in
Merciad Columnist prising that Fincher started out day Nov. 13 - Sunday Nov.
a directing music videos, especially 19. The station is interested
What is it about serial killers in given a prolonged chase scene
bint! * % Jvffj if abrasive, and features breaks from that looks like an outtake from in knowing where you are
By Jason Ulery , one-time Soul Assassin brothers movies? Every screen psychopath
Merciad Columnist seems to be a closet Andy Rooney, "Cops." t& f I % I listening from, how the re-
House of Pain, whose albums Seven is lucky to have two gre at $ ception is and your likes and
were heavily influenced and pro- hoping to comment on the times
In my book, ecclecticism is de- through creative bloodletting. Say actors in the mix, namely Free- dislikes about the station.
duced by Muggs. "House of Pain man, who does more for the film
fined as the meshing of different, what youfwill about Jeffreyj| Please call 824-2260 or
ain't down with us" are the words than it does for him, and Kevin
perhaps even contrasting, styles. Dahmer, at least!he never at-
The last few weeks as I have been
uttered on the track "Strictly Hip-
tempted to dress up his looruness Spacey, who is mesmerizing as 2261. Your cooperation is
Hop," which also lashes out at the killer. But even they can't appreciated.
discussing myfirsttrue love: punk in some pretentious political state-
trendy, sell-out R & B artists, make up for an ending so twisted
rock. This week the focus shifts to ment. The killer in Seven,
which is just about alhof them. Hollywood's latest splatterfest, and depressing that it'll leave you
a style that gets across much the If you are interested in meet-
"Spark Another Owl" also fea- uses the seven deadly sins as the wondering that kind of a sick
same message in a very different
tures a mock session of "MTV inspiration for his gory killings. puppy would write this stuff. The ing (so to speak) new people
way. It's the'return of Cypress
News" with Kurt Loder. This is supposed to be original, canine in question is Andrew from different colleges all
mivnthCypressHUini (Temples
Cypress Hillfrontman B-Real but Vincent Price was far creepier Kevin Walker, who also wrote over the country, you might
of Boom).
is as nasal as he wants to be on this doing pretty much the same thing Brainscan and Hideaway, two
T think very few people realize
album, and^Sen-Dog iswperfect
want to check the new "Web
that punk has had considerable in the 1970's Dr. Phibes movies, low-rent slasher pics you may
support to him, taking the lead on stumble across between Site" called Loci. Loci is a
influence on the world of hip- substituting the plagues of Egypt
tracks like "Killa Hill N*****," for the seven deadly sins. infomercials on 3 a.m. cable. link of different colleges
hop: the attitude. Hip-hop artists
produced by the Wu-Tang Clans'
today rap about what guys such as RZA. Tracks such as "Throw What Seven lacks in originality Seven is really no better, and it and has more 800 pages on
it makes up for in sheer ugliness, coasts as far as it- does on the travel, music, films. There
Keith Morris, Jello Biafra, and Your Set in the Air" and "Locotes" making The Silence of jtne considerable talent of the actors are also debate and chat
Greg Ginn were singing about have the old Cypress Hill sound, Lambs look like a Jerry Lewis involved. One last word of ad-
fifteen years ago. Songs such as while|"Illusions" and "Boom vice: don't see Seven unless rooms, interactive games
Black Flag's "Police Story," the Biddy Bye Bye" mark the new, pmovie. Seven is a stylish downer,
its muddy photography and you're in a bad mood to begin and dialogues with celebri-
Dead Kennedys "Police Truck »»

more mellow sound in which the ^muffled soundtrack perfectly with, because you will be in one ties. The address is: http://
and the Bad Brains "Regulator »>

trio is heading. ^complementing its gruesome sub- by the time it's over. |!
lashed out from the underground Overall I think this is one of the ject matter. Brad Pitt and Morgan But that's really all it is. The
at police brutality. best hip-hop albums I have ever Freeman play the two detectives ^real stars of Seven are the gim- Most of you have heard of
Anyway, to the review. The new bought. The group was able to
assigned to the case. Pitt is a hot- fmicky ways in which the killer
album. ///, has a new and im- break new ground without com- the Mercury recording art-
shot rookie, Freeman a seen-it-all does away with his victims, from
proved Cypress Hill sound that promising their old style or what ists "Rusted Root," as they
veteran who's about to retire. The force-feeding a man to death to
makes up for the repetitive ness of they stand for. If anything, they film takes place in an unnamed represent gluttony to tying a guy played at SpringfFest two
1992's Black Sunday. It features have even hardened their position city over a period of one week, J to a bed for a year (sloth). Seven yearsfback. They will re-
a much more mellow sound, start- and solidified a spot as one of during which it never stops rain- rates a ten on the Yuck-O-Meter, turn to Erie on Friday, Dec.
ing with the anthem to the Hill's today's best pure hip-hop acts. ing, which is probably some but ifthe sight of mangled corpses
inspiration, "Spark Another Owl." This is the last column before clumsy attempt at symbolism, 8 at 7:30 p.m. at^The Civic
isn't enough to make you toss
The whole album has a dankness we go on break, but I must also 9
given Seven s ofte n silly attempts your popcorn, director David Center, which is at* 809
to it, lent by DJ Muggs' spooky mention the new self-titled album at being more than your average Fincher throws in so many herky- French St. Tickets have al-
sampling and bad beats that go from the band BossjHog. This slasher movie. jerky camera movements that ready gone on sale at?the
boom-boom-bip. This is more than group features Jon Spencer from you'd think he was receiving Jolt
even I expected from the Hill, theater itself and all
the Blues Explosion and is fronted
who could *ve thrown some of the by his wife Cristina Martinez. Ticketmaster locations. You
more original tracks from Black
I EARN EXTRA INCOME can also charge by phone at
They also have a blues-type sound
Sunday onto their self-titled but they rock out more. Anyway, Earn $200-$500 weekly mailing travel 814-452-4857ior 814-456-
breakthrough album. - that's material for a whole new brochures. For information send a self- 7070. The price of the show
Hrhe new album is much more £t rnlumn. Good-bye. 4% addressed stamped envelope to: lnc-1, is $18.50.
ROiBox 1354, Miami, FL 33160-1354
HELMET By Nick Krayger
Integration Christopher's classroom and I was 1 set in for the kill. I headed
Merciad Columnist introduced to his teacher. She over to the teacher and asked her
By Dan Hilfiker seemed nice enough, and there about the chair.
Editor-in-Chief My nephew Christopher started were several volunteer parents She smiled and said: "you like
a pre-school program this year at sitting around while the kids had that idea, huh?"
Well, here I sit again at the computer trying to write another the! neighborhood elementary their "circle time snack." - I reassured her that I did like
column for the Merciad. This is the very last issue of the Merciad school. When I went home for the Since I am so interested in chil- that idea, and J that I thought it
for this Fall term, and it was very hard thinking of a topic to write long weekend, I went around with dren and the quality of the educa- would be a great model to use to
on this week, but I came to a decision mis weekend while talking his mother to pick him up at the tional program Christopher is en- embarrass tenth graders who get
with my roommate. There is a definite problem with the operations end of the day. rolled in, I walked around the caught smoking in the hallway.
of the HammermiU Library. I know that this is an old and long | W e also took my three year old room to check out what actually Then I told her that I thought that
debated problem around this campus, but I guess that you never nephew John along for the trip. goes on in Room 106. no child needed to sit in a chair
think to say anything about it until the problems with the library John is a riot. My dad watches It was all pretty age appropri- with afrownon it to remind them
actually touch home. him while his parents are at work, ate, and the kids even had a crab how bad they had been. Espe-
and while I was home I spent a lot called "Kermit" that went home cially not a four year old.
On Saturday, Nov. 4,1 needed to research a topic for a term paper. with someone different each And especially not Christopher.
of time hanging out with him. f
I decided that the Info-Trac was the best way to .access this weekend. "What is that all about?", I
My relationship with him is very
information, but was very disappointed when I found a line of about Then I saw IT in the corner of asked.
different than the one I share with
four people waiting to use the terminals. One of the computers does the room by the teacher's desk. She looked at me kind ofpuzzled
Christopher. John is pretty far out
not even have printing capabilities because it is down for repair. The and went on to try to explain why
there. I like to think of him as a I didn't want to see it; I tried to
only way to retain any information was to sit there and write down she used that method of reinforce-
little space cadet kind of kid. Al- pretend I didn't see it Butl did. It
all of your information by hand, on a sheet of paper. This would not ment. I half listened, half ignored
though he is three, he speaks only was there.
be a problem if you onl y have two or three things to write down, but her.
in one word sentences. Big as life, smack in the middle
what are you going to do when there are multitudes of resources to I didn't really want to get into a
For instance, when you 're walk- of what I assumed Was the "time
record into a notebook. confrontation with her. Rjust
ing out the door, he doesn't say out" chair, was a hugefrown.Just
It is my opinion that there should be at least two of these Info-Trac didn't want my nephew to be ex-
"Where are you going?", he just a giant smile face with a gigantic
computers on each floor, or six altogether. This would reduce the posed to that kind of "punish-
says (in a enthusiastic, inquisitive frown on it on a big piece of
number of people wasting their time waiting in line to use the ment". It would be one thing ifthe
tone)* "Going?". Or when he paper.
machines and also make all of the resources in the library more chair had been used for redirec-
accessible to more students. would see my typing at the table, II was not the only one in the
he wouldn't say "What are you room making discoveries. tion, but obviously it was not
There also should be more of an attempt made to speed up the
doing?", he just says "Doing?". John was wandering around and Anyway, Chris' mom saw what
automation process at the library. I know that there is a Library
For awhile I thought it was be- decided to join Chris for a snack was coming and quick rushed us
Automation Committee which is working on the advanced automa-
cause he was developmentally that he conveniently borrowed out of the room. She said she
tion of the library, but I have heard that the expected date for the final
dela yed. My mom got upset about from someone else. I* reasoned needed to go home and check on
automation of the 1 ibrary is set for another year and a half. Not until
that and said that I shouldn't label that it must belong to the little girl something in the oven, or some-
the Fall of 1997. If this is so, then I will not even be able to enjoy the
him because he is still very young, in the corner who was pouting, thing like that I just left the room,
new advances in automation. Not to sound selfish, but we need
butl have to admit that my curios- and I urged John to return the wanting to say more but biting
automation now so that the present students, as well as faculty and
ity was up. cookie to its owner. * my tongue.
staff, can enjoy the benefits of automation.
Why not hire a few more work studies to help in the task? Are four As time went on, I realized that "No, my cookie Unka Nick", he It would be really easy for me to
more computers, with Info-Trac capabilities^going to break the John is not delayed. He just lives said. walk in to that classroom and tell
budget for the library? If not, then why has the school not bought in a different place than we do. See, I told you he could form Chris' teacher what she should be
them already, if am sure that the library and its workers would It's not that he isn't capable of full sentences when he needed to. doing, but I am not the one who
appreciate more workstudy help as well as about four new comput- forming complete sentences, he I ran across the room to bribe will have to deal with her for the
ers that are capable of running the Info-Trac program* just doesn't want to. the little girl with thefrownon her rest of the year.
Other areas in which the library dramatically needs to improve, are So when I asked John if he face to find that she was less inter- I was mad, but I didn't want to
Electronic mail (E-mail), and internet access. These are areas that wanted to go around to pick up ested in the cookie than she was in ruin the time I had to spend with
the school must upgrade if it is committed to moving in the right Chris from school with Chris' my presence. the kids. It's rare that I get the
direction and becoming a modernized institution, one that is capable mom, he just excitedly shook his She turned and asked me rather opportunity!to spend time with
of moving into the 21st century. head and screamed, "Chrisafa arrogantly, "Who are you?" "little people" who understand
I was told that the college is working on getting the entire school school! Going!" % I just smiled and walked away. me.
access to the internet and also E-mail accounts,.but why has this John was dancing around on Forget you honey. I see why John I watched as John raced behind
process been so slow? I know that almost all of myfriendsin other my shoulders as we walked around took your cookie. Chris to catch up. Chris looked
colleges and universities, many ofwhich are smaller than Mercyhurst, the corner, covering my eyes and Then I looked back over to the behind to make sure that John
have access to the internet and E-mail accounts. These people have sticking his fingers up my nose. frown on the time out chair. You wasn't gaining any ground. They
been asking me for some time to give them my E-mail account, but I'd forgotten how liberating it is know the one. The one that arrived at the edge of the pave-
my reply is always "I don't have one yet, the college does not give to have afingerup there, i matched that little cookie-less girl ment and waited for Kim and me.
us access." This is a sad inconvenience because it is cheaper, faster, Anyway, we walked into two minutes before. Chris held sce
on to John so that he
and easier to send messages through the E-mail, than having to write \H~, •ik Krayger p. 5 J 1
everything down on paper and paying for the postage.
In a listing of the minutes of the College Senate Library Commit-
The Merciad
tee meeting on Oct 24, it says that the library's budget was trimmed Vol. 69 No. 9 November 9,1995
by 15 percent last year in order to cover some ofthe costs associated Merciad Editors
with automating the library, and that it is anticipated that the budget Dan Hilfiker Editor in Chief Nicole Ponstingle A& E Editor
will be reduced again this year. Furthermore, the library has already John Murphy Sports Editor Marc Johnston Advertising^
spent over 80 percent of its budget on basic purchases such as Gagan Suri News Editor • Megan Circle Copy Editor
periodical subscriptions. This is not the way to automate the library. Features Editor Jerry Trambley *
l/essica Russell Adviser
The budget should not have to be trimmed in order to facilitate the 11

automation of the library. That only serves to hurt the students,

because the lower budget means jfewer new resources will be Mercbd Staff
available for the needs of the student and faculty population as a Kevin Segedi Bridget Anderson Jean McFeely
whole. Lee Ann Kelly Mike Lorenz Scott Williamson
If the college were truly interested in offering the students of * Nick Krayger Mamie Jasinski Stephen Nolan!
Mercyhurst College a top notch education, men they would not cut Scott Vance f James Hain Brad Rybczynski
resources and budgeted money <in order to further automate the Jason Ulery
college library. They would allow more money into the budget for
this new endeavor. No matter how much money has to be spent, The Merciad is the student-produced newspaper of Mercyhurst College, Box 161,
don't you think it would be in the best interest of the college and the 501E. 38th St., Erie, Pa.,fl6546. fPhone 824-2376.1
student body? With a more updated library, maybe the college will
be getting more acceptances!for everyffall term. Also, with the The Merciad welcomes letters to the editor.
raising of the admissionistandards here at Mercyhurst, you are
getting a more intelligent and more technologically inclined student
population, one that is going to be more familiar with the operation
of the internet and E-mail capabilities, and who will demand that holding final responsibility. The opinions expressed in The
these capabilities be present before deciding to accept admission to The Merciad. its staff or Mercyhurst Collcec.
college here.
PAGES THE MERCIAD November 9,1995

The Heavyweight Champion

of the Right Speaks! Out Krayger, cont from p. 4 John and Chris were running to
By Emilio Colaiacovo "this is as devastating as the as- erations of Israelis and Palestin- wouldn't accidentally trip into the the corner that day in early Octo-
Merciad Columnist sassination of Anwar el-SadaL" ians. street. ber.
Rabin, like Sadat, was a man It is imperative that his light of A few weeks later, I talked to I thought of how we all have
I have taken a moment this week who in the beginning, was quite peace is never extinguished. As a my mom on Halloween night. She those people who grab on to us so
not to write about the dcmagogu- skeptical of the peace process. world, weineed to all realize told me all about Christopher's that we don't fall into the street
ery of Democrats in Congress, or He believed that only a military Yitzhak Rabin's vision for peace. school parade. John went with and get run over by a car. And I
the flip flopping of President sol u tion would bring about peace. We must continue his work, so my parent's and Kim to see Chris thought ofhow it feels when some-
Clinton, but to honor a peace- However, Rabin, like Sadat, the future of peace negotiations do his thing. one is so overcome by your mere
maker who was slain last Satur- learned that a peace achieved can continue, and the bloodshed In the middle of the procession, presence that they just have to
day night On Saturday evening a though diplomacy is greater than in Israel and the Middle East will Johnny lost all control and ran to jump up and hug and kiss you.
right wing Israeli fundamentalist peace achieved on the battlefield. stop. Christopher, overcome by the urge But most of all, I thought about
gunned down, Yitzhak Rabin, the History has shown that * Before to run up and hug his best friend. how it is the spontaneity of the
Israeli Prime Minister, and the he was tragically gunned down, It was kind of ironic, and maybe Chris then made a space for John actions that make the magic.
author of peace agreements with he said before a peace rally, "I intended by God, that just before in line, and handed him some of Yeah, true magic can't be cre-
the Palestinians, and Jordanians. was an army man for twenty-seven he was assassinated he was sing- the candy he had collected. From ated. It just has to happen.|
We together, as people of the years. I fought while there was no ing "the peace song" of Israel. what my mom said, it was a magi- It's amazing what I see when I
world, mourn the loss of a great chance for peace. I believe there When Rabin was shot, his blood cal moment take the time to get out of my own
peacemaker. is a chance of peace, and we must stained his copy of "the peace And that reminded me of when way.
As I was walking across our take it." After so many years of song" in his coat pocket. It is kind
beautiful campus, I looked up at fighting, Rabin had a chance to of sad that the peace he worked
our flag and I noticed that it was forgeja peace that would save for required his blood. However,
flying at half mast I felt glad that we must learn from his life and
lives, and prevent further blood- we all must continue the work
it was flying at half-mast,) be- shed in a war torn area. He ulti-
cause it symbolized that the en- that he gave his life for.
mately was a martyr for peace.
tire world, not just Israel, lost a What does this symbolize for Acting Prime Minister Shimon
great man who gave his life for the rest of the world? As a world, Peres, while fighting back tears,
the sake of peace. I looked at our we have lost a visionary who said to all of Israel, 'There is
flag, and said to myself that this wished that peace might come to nothing else we can do, as com-
flag stands forfreedomand peace, a land that desperately needed it rades, as friends but to continue
two things!that Yitzhakf Rabin He, along with Shimon Peres and along a*| great roadfpaved by a
ultimately gave his life for. Yasser Arafat, brought peace be- great leader." Mr. Peres summed
I was so distraught when I heard tween two nations that had been it up better than I ever could. We
of Prime Minister Rabin's death. feuding for many years. He was all must continue the road to peace,
I was so confused as to why a man the guiding light to the peace pro- the one that Yitzhak Rabin made
so great had to be assassinated. cess. We must see that his 1 ight of possible through his vision and
Immediately, I said to my friends, peace continues for future gen- dream. God Bless Yitzhak Rabin.

How many of you attended those coordinator. She has done a tre-
EditorAnthony Skarote and Jeff
late night apartment parties on mendous job so far this year and Monreal. You can even catch a
Friday? Well 15 Mercyhurst stu- we loook for m ore exciting events glimpse of him in the Cove with
dents and 1 faculty member chose to come! Chad Martin. The main;:reason
to spend the night engaging in Along with Michelle, Campus for writing this article was due to
friendship, bonding and religious Ministry has >;Sister Elisabethf a comment he had heard. Some-
experiences. Lintsen. Over the past several! one approached him and asked,
gjFor the past several years, Cam- years Sister Elisabeth has taken! "What do we do at Campus Min-
pus Ministry has been going on on the job of organizing the for- istry and our Retreats?" He ex-
eign students, so all you Canadi- plained, but, I got the feeling that
Loss of a Peacemaker its annual Peer Minister's Retreat.
Peer Ministers are a group of 26
students ranging from RA's,
ans should know her well!! She is
in charge of acquiring Social Se-
he wished (more students knew
about Campus Ministry's work.
By Meredith Toback especially the words of the Torah
(Bible). Thou shall not kill is one ROTCmembers, to football play- curity numbers for them, as well I hope that in reading this article
On Saturday, Nov. 4,1995, the of the ten commandments in the ers and more. Many, in our high as work study. One of Sister's the Mercyhurst community has
world had lost a piece of itself. Torah. Apparently, Amir did not school years were involved in our fund raisers she supports is our become more educated about
Thatwas the day that Israeli Prime live by those words devoutly. community churches or service balloon selling. All of the profits Campus Ministry. Whatever your
When arrested by the Israeli area back home. They have de- made go to a school in Tanzania religion, Campus Ministry is there
Minister Yitzhak Rabin was as-
army (police), Amir stated that cided to continue by becoming for children who are deaf and for you. \ As you enter the Union,
sassinated by Yigal Amir. Prime
he assassinated Rabin "for involved {in Campus Ministry. blind. Before Campus Ministry pick up your mail, come and sit
Minister Rabin did not deserve to
God." God was not the only rea- The goal of Campus Ministry is and others became involved, the down inside CM. to read it. Pick
be killed.) He was a dove in a
son that led him to murder. It was to be of service to the Mercyhurst children barely had one meal a up a cup of coffee or buy a bal-
world ofvultures, sharing the hope loon.
for political reasons also. Amir Community. It has dedicated its day, now they are nourished with
and dream of peace. For centu-
felt that Rabin was making too time to help any student who has at least three. For those of you Throughout the rest of the year,
ries, Israel and her Arab neigh-
many concessions with the Ar- a problem or just needs to talk. interested in purchasing balloons, Campus Ministry will be offering
bors have been at each other's
abs. Amir did not realize that the The Peer Ministers offer sev- they are available for all occa- many exciting events. Tom
throats. It has been ingrained in Bender, one ofour Peer Ministers
compromise was one of the many eral areas of service such as sions. The cost is $.50 for a latex
both cultures to hate one another. balloon and $2.00 for a mylar«| will be starting a prayer/Bible
steps toward peace. Adoj>f-A-Grandparent and the
Rabin defied what was taught He study group. You don't have to
>&l will close this article with these Soup Kitchen. Just recently they The main man of Campus Min-
was the first of toad'siPrime istry is Father Steve Anderson. be Catholic to join. In the spring
remaining thoughts of the late completed the annual Mercyhurst
Ministers to start the process of Fr. Steve has been with the col- we hope to have a Retreat open to
Prime Minister. Not only Israel College%bod Drive.f MSG,3he
peace. lege nearly eight years,and dur- the entire campus. It will be a
and the Jews, but the entire world Hockey Team and Women's Soc-
Ironically, that is why he was ing that time he has accomplished chance to relax and get away from
has lost a great man. To see Arabs cer, just to name a few, all came
killed - for peace. Yigal Amir, a out to help. It was an incredible many goals he set for the Campus your busy study schedules. So
and Jews push for peace has re-
45 year old staunch Orthodox Jew, success. Much of the success of Ministry. Many, if not all of you don't be a stranger, stop in and
stored my faith in humankind. In
assassinated Rabin in cold blood. my heart, I hope that the steps these programsps due to a "new know him from our church ser- say "Hi.'" 'w '11 end up staying an
Amir is a very well educated * to Campus Ministry. vices and religious dasses that he hour.
toward peace] 5 still taken. I may
man. At the University of Ben- Michelle Gavey, who is the new teaches here at the college.
Han he studied law, computers, not have personally known Music Director, has taken on the Throughout the course of a day
and Jewish studies. He also de- Yitzbak|Rabin, but my prayers awesome responsiblity of service he has his regular visitors such as
voutly believed in his religion. are with him. Shalom.
PAGE 6 THE MERCIAD November 9,1995

Face to Face W i t h Deaths in El Salvador

?r &SP*
Marlene Bertke, O. S. B. ber 2,1988, and had the privilege Ita: Am I willing to suffer with
^ ^
••-: >*W7W the people here, the suffering of
of going to the spot on the lonely
^ A*

Maura Clarke, Ita Ford, Dor- country road where they were the powerless, the feeling of utter
iJPKl^ othy Kazel, Jean Donovan—four ma rtyred, where their bodies were powerlessness? Can I say to these
North American Church women people, 'I have no solutions to
first placed in a shallow grave, I
raped, tortured, murdered on a this situation; I don't know the

4 was with a Maryknoll sister who

small back road in El Salvador, knew all four ofthese women and answers, but I win walk with you,
Dec. 2,1980.1 remember exactly shared their stories with us. search with you, be with you.'? M

where I was, What I was doing Dorothy:"We talked quite a bit

when I heard this news. I remem- We then went to the burial site today about what happens IF
ber that I kept thinking,"It can't of Maura and Ita in Chalatenango something happens. And most of
be true. No one would murder j—Maryknollers are buried where us feel that we would want to stay

four citizens ofthe United States." they die, their bodies are not here if there is a way we can help
«4fc But it was true, Maura and Ita brought home. On the long ride like run a refugee center or
were Mary knoll sisters, Dorothy from the| murder site to something. We wouldn't want to
was an Ursuline from Cleveland Chalatenango I kept meditating just run out on these people."
and Jean was a young laywoman on the words of these women: Maura:"What is happening here
from Cleveland. They were mis- Jean: "The situation is bad and is all so impossible but it is hap-
sionaries and they were raped, believe it or not, at times I a m | pening. My fear of death is being
tortured|and murdered because actually helpful. Right now Fmi shot and cut up with machetes
they were trying to save the lives trying to deal w ith some very close l\ and bodies thrown by the road
of Salvador campesinas being friends who were killed by the, j and people forbidden to bury
slaughtered by-the Salvadoran military last week. Several times^j them. One cries out, 'How long,
military during a cruel and sense- I have decided to leave El Salva-I God?' and then, too, what*creeps
less civil war in El Salvador., dor. I almost could except for the ; into my mind is the little fear or
Sister Marlene at the graves of Ita and Maura in Chalatenango. big, that when it touches me per-
k These, women knew their lives
She has been to Central America eight times, beginning in 1984. sonally, will I be faithful? i » danger but they chose to children, the poor bruised victims
She presently works for the U.S. section of Alliance for Interna- Oh yes, Ita, Dorothy, Jean and
remain in El Salvador in the face of this insanity. Who would care
tional Monasticiam, an international organization "composed of Maura, you were faithful. And
of persecution and death threats for them? Whose heart could be
Benedictine and Cistercian monasteries in the First World that you have really not died, for you
and false accusations. They chose sq staunch as to favor the reason-
Third to walk the journey with the poor, able thing in a sea of their tears live today?jin me and so many
America, and Mexico. and it cost them their lives. and loneliness. Not mine, dear others who reverence your
Photo: Mary Victor, OSB t

friend, not mine." * memory.

I was in El Salvador on Decern-'

By Jessica Russell ties that can be useful once out of p.m. in the faculty dinning room.
Merciad Features Editor college. Elections for a board will be held
This Saturday, Nov. 11, will be before Christmas for those who
While in high school, students
Club, j were able to be|ajpart;of the
Kiwanis Club. Now, because of
the kickoff for Circle K on -dam-
pus. In the student union from 11
a.m. till 1 p.m. students will be
wish to have a leadership?ole in.
the club. ^
For more information please

Begins the efforts of Sister Carol Ann

Voltz, R.S.M., Mercyhurst stu-
dents canjjbe involved in the
welcome to sign up for a mem-
bership in the club. Also included
on Saturday will be members from
contact Sister Carol Ann at ex.
2473 or visit her office in 42 Egan.
When commenting on the goals
Kiwanis Club's college counter-
at the part, Circle K International. Circle
K, a service club, includes ser-
the Circle K clubs from Slippery
Rock University and Thiel Col-
lege, who will be available to talk
of Circle IK, Sister Carol Ann
quoted Benjamin Spock saying
that "a human being is happiest

Hurst vice to school and community,

^ that can last a life-
time, and leadership opportuni-
to students. and most successful when dedi-
The first meeting will be held 1 cated to a cause outside his own
on Tuesday, Nov. 28, from 7 to 8 individual, self-satisfaction

(Not A Lot Of Money)

MSRP Starting Under $ 1 0 , 5 00


• 7* * m
THE MERCIAD November 9.1995
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Lady Ends

Compiled by M a m i e .lasinski and Jean McFeelv

Ann Kelly
This past weekend the Mercyhurst Novice/Freshmen crew team Merciad Sports Editor Mt
participated in the Yalefreshmanregatta. Two boats from the college • w

participated in this event

For the second year in a row, the
The women's eight team finished 19 out of a field of 27 boats. Lady Lakers soccer team fell to
Considering they were up against mostly Ivy League schools he felt they the Franklin Pierce Ravens in the
really held their own. The men's eight which competed in the regatta NCAA Division II tournament.
finished 18 out of 29 boats. They were a bit disappointed, but feel it was The 8-0 victory carried the de- <v
a lack of racing experience that led to theirfinalstanding. fending national champions to the &

Volleyball Ends Dismal Season + Final Four, leaving Mercyhurst
This past weekend the Mercyhurst volleyball, team wrapped up its and its 13 graduating seniors with
season. The team ended in last place in the Great Lakes Intercollegiate only broken dreams. #g
Athletic Conference. Coach Craig Davie says, "Right now the team Franklin Fierce scored only two i

doesn't have the right tools to compete, but the season was a good eye minutes into play. Twelve min-
opener. We have a good future ahead ofus." The team also broke a couple utes later the Ravens struck again
of records. Natalie Pellegrine, a junior, had the most assist blocks against on a set piece. And' two 333

the University of Charleston. Heather Lenley held the most digs during the breakaways gave the home side a
season, 282. She also became the all-time dig leader at Mercyhurst with 4-0 lead going into the second
596 digs. half, making it very difficult for a '<:-

Country Has Final Meet Of Its Season the Lakers to come bade. Defen- • j &

Mercy hurst's men's and women's cross country teams completed their sive errors and the failure to clear
seasons at the NCAA Division II Great Lakes Regional Championship. A the ball led to four additional goals
brisk wind and temperatures in the mid 30s made conditions icy cold at the early into the second half.
I start of both races.; The Laker womenfinished13 th with 292 points. The The score was not indicative of
the kind of gamelthe Lakers illlgil
men's team was 20th in their 10k competition with 561 points.

The women ran well as a team and individually, with several runners played. Improving tremendously
achieving their personal best times. Melissa Hall led and Katie Fox both on last year's below-par perfor- Streakin' Scanno: Senior forward, Claire Scanlan had another great
had personal best times; Hall was awarded "ALL-REGION" honors. mance, Mercyhurst-was only season for the Lakers. She was named GLIAC Player of the Year.
Senior and team captain Dan Chase led the Laker men with the best race outshot 12-9 by Franklin Pierce. seniors had to end their careers at
The ladies were unable to capital- in 1993.), as well as all-region
of bis running career in a time of 34:52 for 10k. Mercyhurst," said Hartis. But af-
ize on scoring opportunities, miss- selections, Erin Srewart(1993-
Intermural Deadline For 3 on 3 B-Ball Entry Forms ter four successful years, the loss
ing freekicks and fa iling to score 94), Sarah Connelly (1993-94),
Deadline for submitting entry forms for 3 on 3 basketball (men and cannot overshadow the great
on a penalty kick. But, against a Claire Scanlan (1992, 93, 94),
womens) is Friday November 17 at noon. Play will begin the last week in things that these seniors have ac-
team of older, more experienced, Tracy Cross (1992,94). ^| }
November through February '96. For more info.,check MAC bulletin complished.
board or contact coach Paul Demyanovich at ext. 2221. foreign players, the odds were •1995 GLIAC Women's Soc-
Four Year Glory: cer Champions
stacked against the Lakers. *In four years, the Lakers have
You^ Gotta Believe
By Patrick Duff Gould
"It was one of those days that
everything that could have gone
wrong for us did got wrong.
achieved an impressive overall
record of 53-11-2, allowing for 3
NCAA playoff appearances.
*Six 1995 first team selections as
well as one second team selec-
Franklin Pierce is by far the best *Two Final Four appearances And this is just a brief glimpse
Contributing writer of what these 13?seniors have
team in Div ision II. There is not a losing to eventual national cham-
team in the country that can touch pions each time. done. Their dedication and pas-
Sometime in your life, when you least expect it, fate will intervene. A
dream that seemed so distant and unobtainable can be miraculously be them," said coach Rich Hartis. * A national top ten ranking for all sion for the game have helped to
It was a devastating loss for the but one week of last four years. build a strong and prestigious
placed within grasp of your shaking hands. You will look up smiling and
team, especially the 13 seniors *NSCAA All-American selec- Mercyhurst soccer program, and
wonder why you've been given the chance. My advice, for what it's
who anchored the squad. "I am tions (Tracy Cross and Claire they will be deeply missed.
worth, is don't question it, but go after it with all the strength and power
that you possess. The Mercyhurst men's soccer team has been given the very disappointed in the way our Scanlan in 1994, and Erin Stewart
chance. We were voted into the NCAA playoffs on Monday. We are one
of 12 teams in the country to make that cut 379 other teams had the same
dream we did, and for 348 other teams, the season is over. After a
leers Score Another Easy Win dog-like aggressiveness of the
in the 2nd period McKinnon got
devastating loss to Oakland University, we thought hopes of realizing our Scott Vance
dream werefinished,thank God they weren't i Merciad Sports Writer defiance and goal ten ding of Buf-
the 5th and probably the best goal
falo state. The dead-lock though
of the game as he faked out two
So now, after a long hard season, we have the opportunity to play, to
really plat for what we came to college dreaming of, a National Champi- The Hurst entertained Buffalo defenders and banged an accurate was broken by freshman
onship. We have come together from the corners of the Earth to be here. State in Hockey last Tuesday night slap shot into the bottom right defenseman Mike Lewandowski
England, Scotland, Antigua, and even as far away as Erie. These players for the second time in two weeks hand corner to leave the Bu ffalo put the icing on the cake as he
are all so different white, black, sort of smart, pretty dumb, and yet, still and cruised to an effortless 10-2 State bench in awe, and get the added a further goal, to send Buf-
the same deep down. They all have the hearts of lions and share the desire victory to improve their overall momentum flowing Mercyhurst*s falo State home to a humiliating
record to 3-1. Although Buffalo way once again. 10-2 defeat
to compete.
Sometimes at practice I stop and look around me amazed at what I see. State came into the game with j Steve 'TNT" Torriero added One particular area of improve-
I stand and watch Greig Waddel, our captain,flyinto a tackle studs up, and confidence, having won the the second goal of the period in ment this year is the success of the
wince. I see his passion and am inspired. I watch Glenn Francis climb Geneseo tournament last week, ty pica 1 Torriero fashion as he took penalty billing with only one goal
higher into the air than I ever thought possible. I watch Ian Dickerson spin they were unable to stop the steam up the poacher's position in front conceded in 40 minutes of oppo-
defenders with such skill that you don't know whether to laugh or cry for roller effect of the men in green of the net to capitalize on a re- sition power play. Gotkin said
them. I hear a piercing scream from the leftflank,and see Shawn Kroener and white. bound. Bobby Ackin and John The guys take a lot of pride in
somehow slip through three defenders that end up looking as though they The Hurst layed an all out seige Evangelista added a goal a piece penalty killing, it takes a lot of
just seen a "futbol" for thefirsttime. I watch Jimmy Reene pull the ball in the Buffalo State half and were on a period which saw the Lakers hard word, and they really do a
onto his foot as though it was surgically attached. I watch Mike Domm and rewarded with a 3 goal lead cour- out-shoot their opposition by 15- greatjob." Overall, Coach Gotkin
I feel his determination, his spirit indomitable. I watch Keith Selvitelli and tesy of 2 goals from Kevin "hands" 9. J described the game as "sloppy",
understand why they call him Killer. I see Stuart Hogg and wonder if he McKinnon and a goal from Scott probably due to poor quality of
ever slows down. I see Jack Lengel and Avery Jonas streak down the MacDonald in an exciting first After being the week opposition.
flanks with more speed than Keanu Reeves. I see Mike Shiels and Erik three minutes. injured for the first few games of Games Broadcast
Clark intermittently rocket past countless dazed defenders. I turn around But the Lakers took their foot off the season, Thomas McKinnon The Hurst travels to the Badger
the pedal, and Buffalo State fought his way back to fitness, state of Wisconsin next weekend
to see Darren Murray turn into an inpenetrable wall. ^
crawled their way back into the and started his Hurst career in the for a pair off games against the
I see all these things, and I cannot doubt that we will be competing for game with 2 goals courtesy of 3rd period, in which he saved all
a National Championship. I'm not being unrealistic, just optimistic. We Saint Norbcrt College Green
"sloppy pi a J 9 on the Lakers' be- 5 shots on goal* Knights. The games can be heard
have the opportunity to grab hold of something that is so special, I have half. It took a goal in the last The third period started at the at 7:50 PM both Friday and Satur-
trouble comprehending it 50Years from now, we will lookback on minute by the ever hard working samefranticpace as the previous day on WMCE 88.5 FM. "We'll
this...and still smile. Trevor "Stinky" Brandt to bring two, with the Lakers attacking the have our hands full this weekend;
I Very few people ever get this close to their dreams; even fewer can make the score to 4-2 and send the Lak- opposition at every opportunity. St Norbcrt college has a great
them come true. I hope we canfindin ourselves that magic of belief, that ers into the dressing room with a 'The Hurst could have added 4 program, it's going to be a very
feeling of optimism and determination that creates champions. Because deserved 2 goal lead. or 5 goals in thefirst10 minutes physical game, and it'll be a great
that's where it starts, from the inside. I hope for us and for you that our With just over 4 minutes gone offthe third period, but for the test for us," said Gotkin
dream comes true. j
PAGE 8 THE MERCIAD November 2,1995
* •••


History M a k e r s Get First Ever Bid for National Playoffs

Merciad Sports Writer t GLIAC OVERALL
W |L I T W L T
Despite a 2-1 loss to Oakland Mercyhurst* 3 1 0 10 6 3
University on Saturday, the 1995 Gannon* 3 1 0 14 6 0
Lakers soccer squad made his- Oakland 2 1 1 10 5 3
tory on Monday when they re- Ashland 1 2 1 10 4 1
ceived a bid for the NCAA Divi- Saginaw Valley State 0 4 0 1 15 1
sion II playoffs. * 1995 GLIAC Chanpions
This weekend, the Lakers (num-
ber three in the region) will play a long season etched on their faces of GLIAC champions to
East Stroudsburg University the Laker players took the field in Mercyhurst. Instead they will
(number two in the region) to see overtime and continued to put share it with Gannon. More im-
who will advance from the cen- soccer on the pressure. \ But even with a portant] y,lit meant the men's
tral region. The winner of the players during half time of Saturday's 2-1 loss to Oakland. countless number of crosses, chances of making the playoffs
contest will go on to face North- cornerkicks and freekicks, the were in the hands of the selection
east Missouri State, the number
one team in the region. Northeast
Missouri has received a first round
Last Game Scare
John Murphy field and unleashed a pile-driver
Lakers could not find the winning
goal. Disgustingly, for the play-
ers, Oakland did get the winner
committee. Fittingly perhaps, it
was Gannon's 1-0 win over Lock
Haven over the weekend that was
bye. Merciad Sports Editor that was just barely deflected over after 110 minutes of play. critical in Mercyhurst getting the
Twelve teams across the coun- the crossbar. The loss denied the outright title playoff bid.
try were selected to compete in On a cold, sleety and snowy 1 Despite the dominance of the
the tournament Tampa Univer- Saturday afternoon, men's soc- Lakers it was Oakland who
sity (18-0-2), the defending 1994 cer played their final game of the opened the scoring with a well
national champions, is favored to regular season against Oakland taken goal from a cornerkick with
win the crown again. Mercyhurst University. The team knew that a just seven minutes gone in the
and Presbyterian are the only two win would guarantee them a spot game. The home side's goal came
schools that are making their first both in the playoffs and also in offa breakaway attack which they
playoff appearance. *- Laker sports history. On the day used to good effect through the
After a slow start to the season, it seemed as*if the pressure of game. Content on soaking up
the Lakers came on strong at the what rested on thesgame over- intense Laker pressure, Oakland
end, winning seven of their last came (someiof the players and would suddenly spring a sweep-
ten matches for an overall record without displaying their best soc- ing attack of their own that more
of 10-6-3. Gannon University cer they fell to a frustrating and than once nearl y produced a goal.
thought they had the number three heartbreaking 2-1 overtime loss. The Lakers continued to con-
spot in the region locked up. How- Going into the game the Lakers trol the majority of play as they
ever, a four game losing streak, were ranked number three in the sea rched agonizingl y for an equal-
including a 1 -0 loss to Mercyhurst, region as opposed to Oakland's izer. In the 66th minu te, the search
inhibited their selection. number eight ranking. As was answered by sophomore for-
Mercyhurst has already de- Saturday's game began, it looked ward Mike Domm as he poked
feated the East Stroudsburg War- as if the rankings were justified as the ball in for his 13th goal of the
riors once this season 2-0. They the visiting Lakers dominated pro- year. Despite some near misses
also played Northeast Missouri ceedings. Just after kick-off, jun- neither side scored in the remain-
earlier in the season, falling by a ior defender Jack Lengel made a der of regulation time.
1 With the pain and exhaustion of Freshman Eric Clark holds his player off the ball. In his first
close score of 2-1. solo run up the entire length ofthe season, Clark has made a big impact. Photo: Bridget Anderson

Blue and Green Takes the Shine iOff Gannon Gold !

By John Murphy all record to 6-3. Awin nextweek- Throughout the remainder of the who gave the Lakers their first rivals for another year.
Merciad Sports Editor end against C.W. Post would send first quarter both defenses were points when he rumbled for 19 "We were in control for most of
the team to the ECAC playoffs. on top and the score remained 0- yards and a touchdown. Wick's the game and it shouldn't have
The biting cold at Vets stadium Early in Saturday's game jun- 0 after 15 minutes of play. after point attempt was blocked been such a close game," said
on Saturday was nothing like the ior defensive back Sean Hamlin Mercyhurst tried to get on the and the half ended with the men Kimball, "but when you play your
biting tensions that filled the air warmed the hearts of the Laker scoreboard early in the second from the hill leading 6-0. arch rival, 90% of the time it'll
as the Mercyhurst Lakers squared fins when he had an interception quarter but sophomore Eric Wicks As the second half got under come down to the wire." The Lak-
up against archrivalsthe Gannon just 50 seconds into the game. was wide of the posts with a 37 way, defense ruled supreme and ers had over 150 yards more of-
Knights. "It's the game that you're The Laker*offense took posses- yard field goal attempt. Wicks neither side looked like scoring fense than Gannon.
most uptight about, most con- sion and after three plays were would get a chance to make until a Laker fumble on their own problem for the offense is that
cerned, most worried about It's fourth down and four. The gamble amends later on. 1 yard line was recovered by they failed to convert on three
the game that gives you the great- to go for it did not pay off and Their next possession the Laker Gannon and returned for the occasions inside8the opponents
est feeling when you win it!" said Gannon got the ball back. saw offense really got going as touchdown. The Lakers blocked 20 yard line, X
head coach Joe Kimball about his On the next drive Gannon tried they maintained an almost 10 the point after attempt to leave the There were very few prob-
teams 9-6 victory. to convert on fourth and one but minute long drive, going 93 yards score tied at 6-6. | lems on defense for the Lakers,
The win was the Lakers third the Laker defense stood strong in 17 plays. In the end it was Both sides traded possession of "Defensively we did a tremen-
stra ight and it improves their over- and prevented the first down. senior tailback Craig Woodard the ball as the game headed into dous job, we played very solid
diefinal15 minutes. Early in this and consistent," said Kimball.
quarter the Lakers were faced with Senior linebacker ^Pat
a fourth and one situation on the Klingensmith led the Lakers with
Gannon three yard line. They once 12 tackles on the day
again took the gamble and went First Class Post ||
for first down, once again they "They're very good, probably
failed to make it the best team we'll face all year,"
Some staunch defending by the said Kimball, commenting on next
Laker defense kept Gannon out week's opposition C.W. Post
of scoring range and with less "Defensively they 're very fast and
than three minutes remaining athletic and they've got a lot of
Laker kicker Wicks was faced weapons offensively," he said.
with a 32 yardfieldgoal to give The Lakers have suffered!two
his team the lead.* He held his crushing defeats to Post in the last
nerve and put the Lakers up 9-6. two years, "They don't have a lot •

Gannon failed on fourth down of respect for us," said Kimball,

and eight on theirfinaldrive and "but, the guys are ticked off and
Shovin* in the Snow: Lakers and Gannon players mix it up during Saturday's clash. The Lakers *f the blue and green captured the they're going to show them what
came out on top, 9-6. Photo: Bridget Anderson win a nd braggingrightsover their we're made of."

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