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Matching type (2points each)
Choose the correct answer.
1. Scientific knowledge led
humans to discover technologies that have
made life easier.
2. The application of scientific
knowledge is called? a. Applied Science
3. Which develops practical b. Pure Science
uses of scientific knowledge.
c. Science
4. A theoretical study of natural
or physical phenomena without regard to d. Technology
physical application.
e. Experiments and Observation
5. A systematized body of
knowledge based on facts and pieces of
evidence through?

The world is composed of different things like plants, animals, peoples,
infrastructures, and human inventions. People ask questions about the things in the
environment, what causes the event to happen, and how they could make their life easier.
Science came about to improve the life of the people and to provide solutions to some
of their problems. Scientific knowledge led humans to discover technologies that have made
life easier. Some of the discoveries are Telescope, microscope, appliances, machines,
computers, and cellphones.

Hubble Telescope Ultrasound Machine

Cruise ship
The moment you learn to ask questions, you became curious about yourself especially your
body and the things around you; you begin to gather information about the things around you
and you want to gain more knowledge as you search for truth. Science is a search for
knowledge and truth. Therefore, it can be defined as a systematized body of knowledge based
on facts and pieces of evidence through experimentation and observation. The application of
scientific knowledge is called technology.

There are two ways of classifying science: Pure Science, which is a theoretical study
of natural or physical phenomena without regard to physical application; and Applied
science, which develops practical uses of scientific knowledge.
The three main subdivisions of science are physical science, earth science, and life

Physical sciences refer to the study about non-living matter. Some of the sciences that
fall under this category are:
1. Chemistry – it deals with the study of composition, structure, form, and properties of
matter. Chemistry has several other subcategories like organic chemistry, inorganic
chemistry, nuclear chemistry, and biochemistry.

2. Physics – it deals with the study of matter and energy, including light, sound,
electricity, magnetism, radiation and motion.
Earth sciences, on the other hand, deal with the scientific study of earth. The branches of
science that compromise earth science are the following:
1. Geology – it is a branch of science which involves the study of origin, history,
evolution, and structure of the earth’s crust. It also involves the examination of soil
and rocks.
2. Paleontology – it is the scientific study of prehistoric life based mainly on fossils of
animals and plants.
3. Meteorology – it is the study of the atmosphere that focuses on weather processes and
4. Seismology – it is the study of earthquakes and the movement of waves through earth.
5. Astronomy – it is the study of celestial bodies such as stars, comets, planets, galaxies,
and phenomena that originate outside earth’s atmosphere such as the cosmic
background radiation.
Life sciences deal with the study of living organisms. The science under this category
focuses on the study of internal body functions and structures of body cells and tissues. Some
branches of life sciences are:
1. Biology – it is the study of living organisms and their vital processes. It encompasses
all the various aspects of life like the structures and functions of the different organs.
2. Botany – it is the study of plants including the properties and life phenomena.
3. Zoology – it is the study of all aspects of animal life.
4. Ecology – it is the study about relationship of living organisms with one another and
their interaction with their surroundings.
5. Genetics – it is the study of the genetic makeup of the living organisms.

Activity 1: Identification type
1. deals with the study of living organisms and focuses on the study of
internal body functions and structures of body cells and tissues.
2. It encompasses all the various aspects of life like the structures and
functions of the different organs.
3. the study of plants including the properties and life phenomena.
4. the study of all aspects of animal life.
5. the study about relationship of living organisms with one another and
their interaction with their surroundings.
6. the study of the genetic makeup of the living organisms.
7. the study of celestial bodies such as stars, comets, planets, galaxies, and
phenomena that originate outside earth’s atmosphere such as the cosmic background
8. the study of earthquakes and the movement of waves through earth.
9. the study of the atmosphere that focuses on weather processes and
10. the scientific study of prehistoric life based mainly on fossils of animals
and plants.
11. involves the examination of soil and rocks.
12. deal with the scientific study of earth.
13. the study about non-living matter.
14. deals with the study of composition, structure, form, and properties of
15. Study of matter and energy, including light, sound, electricity, magnetism,
radiation and motion.

Activity 2: Enumeration
1-5 Give the 5 branches of life science
6-10 Give the 5 branches of earth science
11-12 The 2 categories of physical
science 13-15 The 3 main subdivisions of









The Four Layers

The Earth is composed of four different layers. Many geologists believe that as the
Earth cooled the heavier, denser materials sank to the center and the lighter materials rose to
the top. Because of this, the crust is made of the lightest materials (rock- basalts and
granites) and the core consists of heavy metals (nickel and iron).

The crust is the layer that you live on, and it is the most widely studied and
understood. The mantle is much hotter and has the ability to flow. The Outer and Inner Cores
are hotter still with pressures so great that you would be squeezed into a ball smaller than a
marble if you were able to go to the center of the Earth.

The Crust
The Earth's Crust is like the
skin of an apple. It is very thin
in comparison to the other three
layers. The crust is only about
3-5 miles (8 kilometers) thick
under the oceans (oceanic
crust) and about 25 miles (32
kilometers) thick under the
continents (continental crust).
The temperatures of the crust
vary from air temperature on
top to about 1600 degrees
Fahrenheit (870 degrees
Celsius) in the deepest parts of
the crust. You can bake a loaf
of bread in your oven at 350
degrees Fahrenheit, at 1600
degrees F. rocks begin to melt.
The crust of the Earth is broken into many pieces called plates. The plates "float" on the soft,
plastic mantle which is located below the crust. These plates usually move along smoothly
but sometimes they stick and build up pressure. The pressure builds and the rock bends until
it snaps. When this occurs, an Earthquake is the result!
Notice how thin the crust of the Earth is in comparison to the other layers. The seven
continents and ocean plates basically float across the mantle which is composed of much
hotter and denser material.

The crust is composed of two basic rock types granite and basalt. The continental crust is
composed mostly of granite. The oceanic crust consists of a volcanic lava rock called basalt.

Basaltic rocks of the ocean plates are much denser and heavier than the granitic rock of the
continental plates. Because of this the continents ride on the denser oceanic plates. The crust
and the upper layer of the mantle together make up a zone of rigid, brittle rock called the
Lithosphere. The layer below the rigid lithosphere is a zone of asphalt-like consistency called
the Asthenosphere. The asthenosphere is the part of the mantle that flows and moves the
plates of the Earth.
The Mantle
The mantle is the layer located directly under the
sima. It is the largest layer of the Earth, 1800
miles thick. The mantle is composed of very hot,
dense rock. This layer of rock even flows like
asphalt under a heavy weight. This flow is due to
great temperature differences from the bottom to
the top of the mantle. The movement of the mantle
is the reason that the plates of the Earth move! The
temperature of the mantle varies from 1600
degrees Fahrenheit at the top to about 4000
degrees Fahrenheit near the bottom!

Convection Currents

The mantle is made of much denser, thicker

material, because of this the plates "float" on it like
oil floats on water. Many geologists believe that the mantle "flows" because of convection
currents. Convection currents are caused by the very hot material at the deepest part of the

mantle rising, then cooling, sinking again and then heating, rising and repeating the cycle
over and over. The next time you heat anything like soup or pudding in a pan you can watch
the convection currents move in the liquid. When the convection currents flow in the mantle
they also move the crust. The crust gets a free ride with these currents. A conveyor belt in a
factory moves boxes like the convection currents in the mantle moves the plates of the Earth.

Outer Core
The core of the Earth is like a ball of very hot
metals. (4000 degrees F. to 9000 degrees F.) The
outer core is so hot that the metals in it are all in the
liquid state. The outer core is located about 1800
miles beneath the crust and is about 1400 miles
thick. The outer core is composed of the melted
metals nickel and iron.

Inner Core
The inner core of the Earth has temperatures and
pressures so great that the metals are squeezed together
and are not able to move about like a liquid, but are
forced to vibrate in place as a solid. The inner core begins
about 4000 miles beneath the crust and is about 800 miles
thick. The temperatures may reach 9000 degrees F. and
the pressures are 45,000,000 pounds per square inch. This
is 3,000,000 times the air pressure on you at sea level.

Fill in the blanks: Write the correct answer on the space provided.
1. The is so hot that the metals in it are all in the liquid state.
2-3. The outer core is composed of the melted metals _ and .
4 . The begins about 4000 miles beneath the crust and is about 800 miles thick.

5. are caused by the very hot material at the deepest part of the
mantle rising, then cooling, sinking again and then heating, rising and repeating the cycle
over and over.
6. The is composed of very hot, dense rock.
7. It is the largest layer of the Earth .
8. The is the part of the mantle that flows and moves the plates of the
9. The crust is composed of two basic rock types and .
10. The crust of the Earth is broken into many pieces called .
11. The Earth's _ is like the skin of an apple.
12. The is the layer that you live on, and it is the most widely studied and
13. The is much hotter and has the ability to flow.
14-15. The and Cores are hotter still with pressures so great that
you would be squeezed into a ball smaller than a marble if you were able to go to
the center of the Earth.


Man as a Factor in the Balance of Nature

Dynamite fishing Kaingin Illegal Logging

Improper garbage disposal

 is defined as the adverse effect on the natural environment including human,
animal or plant life of a harmful substance that does not occur naturally (industrial
and radioactive waste) or the concentration to harmful levels of a naturally occurring
substance (nitrates).
1. Air pollution—the contamination of the air with noxious substances such as
vehicle exhaust fumes, by-products from industrial processes, etc.

Smoke from vehicles Chlorofluorocarbons or CFCs Smoke from factories and

other industrial plants

2. Land pollution—refers to the contamination of land with harmful substances.

Dumping of toxic Landfill seepage

3. Water pollution—refers to the contamination of any body of water with industrial

wastes, sewage and other materials that are considered to be detrimental to living

Dumping of industrial Improper disposal of Oil from defective

Wastes garbage water vehicles

Forest Denudation
1. Kaingin farming

2. Illegal logging

 is the loosening, fragmentation and transport of rock materials by water, wind,
ice, gravity or living organisms including human activity from one place to

This can be caused by the following:

1. Forest denudation or deforestation;
2. Conversion of agricultural lands into residential subdivisions, commercial sites, etc.;
3. Mining activities; etc.

 is the process that contributes tiny soil particles to water bodies through natural
and human-induced erosion.

The following are some of the causes of siltation:
1. agriculture—The processes involved in
farming can loosen the topsoil of agricultural lands which can lead to erosion and later on
2. natural sources, for example, runoff;
3. channelization—the process of building dams and waterways; and
4. mining.

 is the process wherein a body of water becomes over enrich with nutrients from
sewage disposal and runoff of agricultural fertilizers, etc. which results in
overgrowth of algae and depleted oxygen levels in the water leading to the death of
aquatic animals.

The following are some of the causes of eutrophication:

1. improper sewage disposal; and
2. runoff of agricultural fertilizers.

Wildlife Destruction
 refers to wild animals, birds and plants in general.
Endangered species
 are plant and animal species that are in danger of extinction
in the near future either because their populations have fallen to very low levels or
because they only occur naturally in a few restricted areas.
The following are some of the causes of widespread wildlife destruction:
1. transforming their natural habitat into parks and sites for commercial centers;
2. game hunting; and
3. deforestation.
Radiation Fallouts and Leaks
A radiation fallout occurs when a cloud of radioactive dust scatters to nearby places
after a nuclear explosion.
Radiation leaks, on the other hand, occur when a liquid, gas, etc. passes in or out
of a/an chemical/industrial plant accidentally.
Radiation fallouts and leaks include poor maintenance of nuclear plants and
improper disposal of wastes.

Biological Magnification
 is the process by which substances such as pesticides or heavy metals
become concentrated as they move up the food chain.
 refers to all the people/organisms living in a particular country/area.

1. Natality rate
 refers to the number of organisms being born at a given period of time in
a certain locality.
2. Mortality rate
 refers to the number of organisms that die at a given period of time in a certain
3. Immigration rate
 refers to the number of organisms that move into a certain locality at a given
period of time.
4. Emigration rate
 refers to the number of organisms that move out of a certain locality at a
given period of time.
Put the following in a covered container:
— fruit and vegetable peelings
— food leftovers
— eggshells
— animal manure
— grass, tree branches, etc.
Put the following in a separate container (not necessarily covered):
— pieces of paper and cardboard
— scrap metal and old plastic containers, etc.
Put the following in a plastic bag or separate container:
— sanitary napkins
— diapers
— pieces of cloth (old rags)
— old figurines
— candy wrappers,Styrofoam containers, etc.

Activity 1
Multiple choice
1. It refers to the number of organisms that die at a given period of time in a
certain locality.
a. Natality rate
b. Mortality rate
c. Immigration rate
d. Emigration rate
2. It refers to the number of organisms being born at a given period of time in a
certain locality.
a. Natality rate
b. Mortality rate
c. Immigration rate
d. Emigration rate
3. It refers to the number of organisms that move out of a certain locality at a given period
of time.
a. Natality rate
b. Mortality rate
c. Immigration rate
d. Emigration rate
4 . It refers to the number of organisms that move into a certain locality at a given period of
a. Natality rate
b. Mortality rate
c. Immigration rate
d. Emigration rate
5 . It refers to all the people/organisms living in a particular country/area.
a. Population
b. Nature
c. Radiation
d. Cycle
Activity 2
Word bank

Pollution Biological Magnification radiation fallout Wildlife Destruction

Radiation leaksEndangered species
Eutrophication Erosion Siltation Biodegradable Water PollutionLand Pollution
Air Pollution Agriculture RecyclableDisposable Channelization

1. A occurs when a cloud of radioactive dust scatters to nearby
places after a nuclear explosion.
2. , on the other hand, occur when a liquid, gas, etc. passes in or out
of a/an chemical/industrial plant accidentally.
3. is the process by which substances such as pesticides or
heavy metals become concentrated as they move up the food chain.
4. are plant and animal species that are in danger of extinction.
5. refers to wild animals, birds and plants in general.
6. the process wherein a body of water becomes over enrich with
nutrients from sewage disposal and runoff of agricultural fertilizers, etc.
7. the process that contributes tiny soil particles to water bodies
through natural and human-induced erosion.
8. The processes involved in farming can loosen the topsoil of
agricultural lands which can lead to erosion and later on siltation.
9. the loosening, fragmentation and transport of rock materials by
water, wind, ice, gravity or living organisms including human activity from one place
to another.
10. refers to the contamination of any body of water with
industrial wastes, sewage and other materials that are considered to be detrimental to
living organisms.
11. refers to the contamination of land with harmful substances.
12. the contamination of the air with noxious substances such as
vehicle exhaust fumes, by-products from industrial processes, etc.
13. defined as the adverse effect on the natural environment
14. it contains fruits, vegetable peelings, and food leftovers
15. it contains pieces of paper and cardboards.


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