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Firstname-middle-intinal: Lastname

Mailing Address
City, State Zip 12345 - 1234

Date: 02/28/2022
PennyMac Financial Services, Inc.
C/O: David Spector
3043 Townsgate Rd, Suite 200
Westlake Village, CA 91361

I ______________ am sending the billing/coupon statement as the payment of what is owed. I have recently found
out that these detachable coupons of this statement that you sent me as a bill, are a way of payment; I’ve noticed that
you send me these statements with the coupons on them and I've been paying with notes, via web bank for various
amounts with the minimal payment being $_______, payment is accepted and then you're redeeming the
coupon/bond; you all are double dipping and getting paid twice;

I've noticed you're doing this, but I am willing to overlook this crime; Enclosed you will find the coupon, on the
back I've endorsed it with the beneficiary signature in acceptance for payment; Below I have listed the definitions
just in case a refresher is needed;


Billing Statement: “A written record prepared by a financial institution, usually once a month, listing all credit card
transactions for an account, including purchases, payments, fees and finance charges. It may be mailed to consumers
or provided electronically online. Also called a monthly statement or periodic statement.
Coupon: “A coupon or coupon payment is the annual interest rate paid on a bond, expressed as a percentage of the
face value and paid from the issue date until maturity. Coupons are usually referred to in terms of the coupon rate
(the sum of coupons paid in a year divided by the face value of a bond in question). A certificate attached to a loan
instrument that can be separated from the instrument and presented after a specified time for the collection of
Coupon Bonds: “bonds to which are attached coupons for the several successive installments of interest to
Bond, barear: “A negotiable instrument payable to its holder.”
Instrument: “A written legal document such as a contract, lease, deed, will or bond.”

Also, a coupon is worth whatever the face value it has printed on it; Moreover, I am making a last and final attempt
to clear this debt. Attached you will find the coupon endorsed on the back with a beneficiary signature with the
payoff amount found on the statement written in, which constitutes payment in full, accepted by you under the
postal rule. Also, if my payment is refused then by this law the billing statement is void;

EXTINGUISHMENT OF OBLIGATION CHAPTER 4 Article 1256. “If the creditor to whom the lender of payment
has been made refuses, the debtor shall be released from responsibility by the consignation of the thing or sum”

Be It Known: The green return receipt returned to me evidences a Common Law-contract between us under the
Postal rule, which states:
“The postal rule (also known as the mailbox rule or "deposited acceptance rule") is a term of common law-
contracts which determines the timing of acceptance of an offer when mail is contemplated as the medium of
acceptance. The general principle is that a contract is formed when acceptance is communicated to the offeror. The
mailbox rule is an exception to the general principle. The mailbox rule provides that the contract is formed when a
properly prepaid and properly addressed letter of acceptance is posted. One rationale given for the rule is that the
offeror nominates the post office as implied agent and thus receipt of the acceptance by the post office is regarded as
that of the offeree. The main effect of the mailbox rule is that the risk of acceptance being delivered late or lost in
the post is placed upon the offeror. If the offeror is reluctant to accept this risk, he can always require actual receipt
before being legally bound.”

There must be assignment of rights interest, rents and credits on account. All future remittance on account will be
grant same titles and interest of credits and I grant you the rights to them for settlement of account. If you have any
questions please feel free to contact me at ……..

Thanks in advance for your prompt process of payment.

Sincerely and without no ill will, vexation, or frivolity.

By: _________________________________

Please address all future correspondence in the matter to a direct Human Self, namely Firstname: of the Lastname
family, as commonly called.
Please Note: I wish to deal with this matter in writing and I do not give your organization permission to contact me
by telephone.

Dated: _____ Day of ______________________, 20___

Notary Public’s Signature: ________________________________
Notary Public’s Seal:

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