Dancing Is Part of Our Everyday Lives: Work Cited Browning, Sarah. The Importance of Dance. 22nd April. 2012. Web

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Most people only think of dance as a form of entertainment. Dancing is not only
enjoyable; it is also a form of physical activity that requires specific skill sets and can
be classified as a sport. Dancing has the potential to put us into a trance. It has the
ability to immerse us completely in the present moment. Some dances are spiritual,
some are cultural, and some are just for fun and enjoyment.

Dancing can be used as a symbol of unit. Among the several symbols of unity in
different people in the world, such as taboos, cultures, songs, color and many others,
dance is the most common way of expressing the sense of unity (Browning). It can
also be a Form of Exercise. This is because of the movements that are involved in
dancing. It is proven that dancing can considerably improve one health by reducing
the risk of some worse health conditions such as high blood pressure, weight gain
and heart diseases (Browning). Furthermore, we can find our longing for
entertainment with dancing. Happiness can come from the activities one gets
involves into will in dance groups, which include, making friends, dancing settings
and of course learning new dance styles. It can also serve as source of income.
Dancing is a skill that if specialize can lead into career. So many professional dancers
nowadays are able to form affiliates and make a living from training interested
people and competitions. Finally, dance provides an emotional outlet that allows a
person to express himself or herself clearly by coordinating body movement with
music. This ability translates into a sense of creativity in the real world (Browning).

Dancing is not my sport. It is my passion for which I want to work hard in my spare
time, and I never want to give up no matter what. Overall, dance is an excellent way
to develop valuable social skills. But, more importantly, it is an opportunity to teach
us the value of belonging to something bigger than ourselves. As we work in a group,
dancers learn to take turns, share attention, and cooperate with others. These life
lessons are a great way to encourage ourselves to be better in all situations.

Work Cited

Browning, Sarah. The Importance of Dance. 22nd April. 2012. Web.

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