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Question 1

What were your negotiation's results (terms of the final

settlement)? Briefly provide the details of your agreement.

 In the beginning I was the one who offered $4850 to Red trucks with a 5% rush
fee I also offered a 10% insurance fee

 But the opponent told me that at first we decide the price and will talk about
insurance at last.

 And then he offered me $3100 which was unreasonable for me as the only
production cost is more than $ I completely disagreed on that one.

 After that I offered him 1250 units at the price of $4500 with 10% insurance fees
and (no rush fee but here he has to advertise free for my company vroom-vroom
engines by displaying Vroom-Vroom over their products). But he was not willing to pay
that much.

 so at the end after offerings each other and trying to convince each other we both
agreed upon 1200 units at the price of $4250 which will include 5% of the insurance
fees and no rush fees under which red trucks have to free advertising for our company.

Question 2
Were your proposed strategy & tactics successful? Why or why not?
Yes, I think my strategy succeed as my goal was to sell more and more units at a price
from which I can earn profit and got some free to advertise from the opponent company
to improve the image of my company to get benefits in long-run and to satisfy our
shareholders, and as per the agreement I got what I want to yes my strategy and tactics
was successful.

Question 3
Did your strategy/tactics change during the negotiation process? Why
and How? (Briefly explain)
No, my strategy did not change during the negotiation process as it was very clear to
sell more and more products at a reasonable cost. I decided before negotiating that I
have to get free advertisement at any cost if I have to decrease the price then I will do
and while negotiating I did so I had not changed any strategy and tactics while

Question 4
Why did you achieve the settlement that you did?
I achieved that settlement because that was reasonable for me under which I will gain
profit, satisfy the shareholders, and increase the value of a company under the eyes of
the general public and government which will boost our sales shortly. Honestly saying I
had no other option because if this deal could not happen then vroom-vroom had to
forcefully sell all the units to Hanks super monster for $800 per unit which is the worst
price for a single unit.

Question 5
What would you do differently (or more of) next time?
Next time I will make new and unique tactics as I think this time my
strategy was very simple as I was not ready with something unique but I
promise next time I will definitely improve myself.





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