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What is phenomenology?

-Describes as 'lives experience' mostly based on the person lived experience.

-A study of structure of consciousness as experienced from the first-person-point-of-view.

Phenomenology studies the structure of various types of experiences from the perception though,
including linguistic activity.

It studies many types of experience from:






-Volition to bodily awareness.

Also, Finlay (2009) defined it as a concrete description of lived situation, often first-person accounts, set
down in everyday language and avoiding abstract intellectual generalizations.

what is phenomenology in curriculum?

The phenomenological approach in education includes educational experience, processes, and means of
learning and teaching. The curriculum is connected to the teaching-learning process and experience
within each situation by methods that bring out students' perceptions and descriptions of their

How does phenomenology affect education?

The phenomenological approach allows us to understand the essence of students' perceptions in terms
of their purpose in life, which suggests that educators could inspire the students to realize existential
growth by participating in volunteer activities through practical communications with others.

Overall, phenomenology helps us to understand the meaning of people's lived experience. A

phenomenological study explores what people experienced and focuses on their experience of a

Cognitivism and Curriculum


~'learning is primarily cognitive in nature'

~Most cognitivists believe that growth and development occur in progressive stages (e.g., Piaget's
Theory of Cognitive Development)

Key principles and classroom implications;

• Learning is a process of organizing information into conceptualized models.

• Instructions should be organized, sequenced and presented in a manner that is understandable and
meaningful to the learner.

• Retention and recall are important to build schemas in the brain.

• Memory is supported by organizing learning material.

• Teachers must provide tools that help learner’s brain process information.

Most curriculum specialists tend to show greater adherence to cognitivism than to behaviorism. This
might be because;

• the cognitive approach leads to logical methods for organizing and interpreting learning; and

•the cognitive approach is rooted in the tradition of teaching based on subject matter.

What should be of concern to the curriculum specialists?

They should be aware of the fact that a school/college should be a place where students are not afraid
of asking questions, making mistakes, taking cognitive risks and playing with ideas. Further
colleges/schools should be more humane places where students can explore and fulfil their human
potentials. Obviously, curriculum has to play a vital role to actually realize this objective.
It is a concept about a person’s need for self-fulfillment by reaching their potentials. Therefore, a
curriculum should provide learning activities that targets the learner’s strengths to be enhanced.
But at the same time, they are also challenged to do activities beyond their capabilities for them
to discover new things and learn.
Curriculum development must be aware of the concept of self-actualization since we all
recognize the importance of school and community-based goals are for learners. Self-
actualization is also for knowing and understanding an individual’s interest in learning.
It has been noticed that if personal purposes are disregarded, learners are way too far in
achieving the set goals. So, if the curricular balances the institutional and personal needs, the
impact may be enhanced.

A developmental task is one that develops at or around a given point in one's life and whose
failure to complete results in the inability to undertake activities connected with the following
period or stage.
Any of the basic physical, social, intellectual, and emotional achievements and talents that are
required for normal and healthy growth at each stage of life. Because development is usually
cumulative, failure to master developmental activities at one level is likely to stymie growth at a
later stage.

Developmental Task

1. Learning to get along with friends of both sexes.

To learn to see girls as women and boys mature among grownups, to learn to
collaborate with others for a common goal while ignoring personal feelings and to lead
without dominating.

2. Accepting one's physical body and keeping it healthy.

Accepting one's body and taking care of it through proper eating, exercise, disease
prevention, and other health activities.

3. Becoming more self-sufficient.

To establish respect for older persons without becoming reliant on them; to create
affection for parents without becoming reliant on them.

4. Making decisions about marriage and family life.

To develop respect for older people without becoming dependent on them; to develop
affection for parents without becoming dependent on them.

5. Preparing for a job or career

To develop career/vocational goals and strategies for achieving them; to be able to

support oneself.

6. Acquiring a set of values to guide behavior.

To cultivate a perspective on life that is based on what is important

7. Becoming socially responsible.

To interact with friends at home and in the community in a responsible manner; to build
personal moral ideals that will guide action.
Basic human needs are those needs that are essential for human survival. If any one of these basic
needs is not met, then humans cannot survive.

Physical well-being and health are generally recognized and frequently dealt with through various
programmed such as those on fitness, nutrition and health problems.

A state of physical well-being is not just the absence of disease. It includes

lifestyle behavior choices to ensure health, avoid preventable diseases and
conditions, and live in a balanced state of body, mind, and spirit.

Mental health needs such as those pertaining to acceptance, belonging, security and status have been

widely studied but little emphasized in the area of curriculum .

Here are the two points which concern the topic under consideration to be discuss by
the next presenters.

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