C CO Heat C O+Co Calcium Carbonate Quick Lime

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Cement = are materials that exhibit properties of setting and hardening when mixed to a

paste with water.

Two classifications
1. Non-Hydraulic Cements = do not have the ability to set and harden under water
but require air to harden. Ex. Lime
2. Hydraulic Cement = have the ability to set and harden under water.

Non – Hydraulic Cement

Lime = strength of the cement is weak

= oldest known cementing material
=produced by burning limestone (Calcium Carbonate) with impurities such as
magnesia, silica, iron, alkalis, alumina and sulfur.
This burning process takes place in either a vertical or a rotary kiln at a
temperature of 988oC. Calcium carbonate is decomposed into a calcium oxide and
carbon dioxide according to the following reaction

C a CO 3 heat C a O+CO 2

calcium carbonate quick lime

The calcium oxide that is formed is called “quick lime” which is when the pressure
of water, reacts to form calcium hydroxide together with a great evolution of heat

C a O+ H 2 O→ C a ( OH )2+ heat
This process is called “slaking” and the product, calcium hydroxide is called “slaked lime”
or hydrated lime.

Commercial quick lime is classified into three groups: quick, medium and slow
Depending upon the amount of water added during the “slaking process”, lime,
putty and hydrated lime is produced by adding just enough water (1/3 of its weight) to
quick lime. Lime putty is formed when an oven extended amount of water is added to
the quicklime.
Both lime putty and hydrated lime are always mixed with mortar and sand in
proportions of 1 part lime to 3 parts sand by volume, to prevent shrinkage.
The setting of lime mortar is the result of the loss of water by the block, brick or
whatever or by the reaction of carbon dioxide in the air with the hydrated lime as follows

C a ( OH )2+ CO2 →C a CO 3 + H 2 O

Hydraulic cement
Hydraulic lime
Pozzolan cement
Composition of Portland Cement

Four Principal Compounds in Cement

1. Tricalcium Silicate (Ca 3 SiO5 →C 3 S ) = is the most desirable constituent because it

hardens rapidly and accounts for the high early strength of the cement.
2. Dicalcium Silicate (Ca2 Si O4 → C2 S ) = hardens slowly and contributes largely to
strength increases at ages beyond 1 week.
3. Tricalcium Aluminate (Ca3 Al 2 O6 →C 3 A ) = liberates a large amount of heat
during the first few days of hardening. It also contributes to early strength
development. It reacts with gypsum for the retardation of setting.
4. Tetra calcium Alumino Ferrite (4 CaO ∙ Al 2 O3 ∙ Fe2 O3 → C 4 AF ) = The formation of
this compound reduces the clinkering temperature thereby assisting in the
manufacture of Portland cement. It hydrates rather rapidly but contributes very
little to strength.

Types of Portland Cement

Type I: Normal Portland cement = is a general-purpose cement. It is used when the
special properties specified for any other type are not required. Not used when exposed
to severe climate changes or severe exposure to sulfates attack from water or soil.

Type II: Moderate Portland cement = is a general-purpose cement to be used when

moderate sulfate resistance or moderate heat of hydration is desired. It is used in
structures of considerable mass. It is used to minimize temperature rise when concrete
is placed in warm weather.

Type III: Early carbon, strength portland cement. For use when high early strength is

Type IV: Low heat of hydration portland cement = is used when a low heat of hydration is
required. Intended for mass structure such as large gravity dams.

Type V: Sulfate resisting Portland cement = is used when high sulfate resistance is

Type IA, IIA, and IIIA

Air entraining cement. It is used in concrete for improved resistance to freezing
and throwing action and action of salt scaling by chemical process.

Typical Compound Composition of Cements

Type of Ignition Free
C3 S C2S C3 A C4AF MgO SO3
Cement Loss CaO
Type I 49 26 11 8 3.0 2.2 1.3 1.0
Type II 46 30 6 12 2.1 2.1 1.5 1.2
Type III 55 14 10 7 2.1 2.8 1.5 1.6
Type IV 30 47 5 13 2.1 2.1 1.4 0.8
Type V 41 36 4 10 2.8 1.9 1.3 0.8

Type of Age of Specimen

Cement 1 day 7 days 28 days 3 mons
I Common or
100 100 100 100
II Modified 75 85 90 100
III High Early
190 120 110 100
IV Low Heat 55 55 75 100
V Sulfate
65 75 85 100

Portland Cement = a hydraulic cement produced by pulverizing clinker consisting

essentially of hydraulic calcium silicates, usually containing one or more of the forms of
calcium sulfate as an inter ground addition.

Properties of Portland Cement

Lime (CaO) 60 – 55%
Silica (SiO2) 20 – 25%
Iron Oxide Vs Alumina (Fe2O3 & Al2O3) 7 – 12 %

1 day (MPa) 28 days (MPa)
I 5 26
II 3.75 25.4
III 9.5 28.6
IV 7.75 19.5
V 3.25 22.1

Raw Materials

Three Groups
A. Calcareous (CaCO3>75%)
 Limestone
 Chalks
 Shale

B. Argillo calcareous (CaCO3 = 40 – 75%)

 Clayey limestone, clayey chalk
 Clayey marl

C. Argillaceous (CaCO3 < 40%)

 Slate
 Shale
 Clay

Iron oxide = iron ore, mill scale, blast furnace flu dust.

Alumina = clay, shale, slag

Portland Cement = named by Joseph Aspdin, Portland, England

Physical Properties of Portland Cement

 Color
 Fineness
 Soundness
 Setting time
 Compressive strength
 Heat of hydration
 Loss of (on) ignition
 Specific gravity

Color = not an indication of quality. Fine ground cement is normally lighter in color than
a coarse cement of the same chemical composition.

Fineness = measured using Wagner Turbidimeter or the Blair Air Permeability Apparatus.
Affects the rate of hydration. The greater the cement fineness, the greater the rate of
hydration and hence the greater the strength development during the first seven days.

Soundness = the soundness of hardened cement paste is a measure of the potential

expansion of the several constituent parts or the ability to retain its volume after setting.
Lack of soundness is attributed to excessive amounts of hard burned free lime or
magnesia. This free lime takes on water and at some later date develops expansive
forces. Most specifications call for the use of an autoclave (high – pressure steam of
boiler) to indicate the soundness of the cement.

Curing temperature = 23oC

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