Urban Water Management

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Guiding urban water management towards 1.5 °C

Simon Parkinson

Reliable access to clean and affordable water is prerequisite for human well being, but its provision in cities generates
environmental externalities including greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. As policy-makers target opportunities to mitigate GHGs in
line with the Paris Agreement, it remains vague how urban water management can contribute to the goal of limiting climate
warming to 1.5 °C. This perspective guides policy-makers in the selection of innovative technologies and strategies for leveraging
urban water management as a climate change mitigation solution. Recent literature, data and scenarios are reviewed to shine a
light on the GHG mitigation potential and the key areas requiring future research. Increasing urban water demands in emerging
economies and over-consumption in developed regions pose mitigation challenges due to energy and material requirements that
can be partly offset through end-use water conservation and expansion of decentralized, nature-based solutions. Policies that
integrate urban water and energy flows, or reconfigure urban water allocation at the river basin-level remain untapped mitigation
solutions with large gaps in our understanding of potentials.
npj Clean Water (2021)4:34 ; https://doi.org/10.1038/s41545-021-00126-1

INTRODUCTION Despite a number of studies outlining individual urban water

The Paris Agreement targets limiting global mean temperature solutions for reducing GHGs, there is an absence of synthesis
change from pre-industrial levels to 1.5 °C. Achieving the ambition distilling the innovations and challenges in the context of
requires a global transformation to net-zero greenhouse gases achieving net-zero emissions by mid-century in line with the
(GHGs) by mid-century across all sectors of society1. Simulta- Paris Agreement’s goal of 1.5 °C. This perspective fills this
neously, there is the drive to construct, operate and refurbish knowledge gap by reviewing recent observations and analyzing
urban water infrastructure in line with the Sustainable Develop- quantitative scenarios generated by engineering and economic
ment Goals (SDGs). Lifecycle analyses of cities in different regions models. The perspective links the major innovations, and identifies
of the world estimate that extraction, distribution, and treatment where future research and partnerships will be most fruitful. The
of urban water creates between 0.5 and 2.5 kg of equivalent main opportunities, policy linkages, and implementation chal-
lifecycle CO2 emissions per m3 of freshwater delivered to end- lenges are categorized across five solution themes in Table 1. The
use2–6. The CO2 intensity range suggests mid-century urban water following sections detail each solution theme and discuss the
demands, projected to reach 550–1100 km3/yr7, could create implications for policy-making.
between 0.3 and 2.8 GtCO2/yr (0.2–2.6% of global annual GHGs).
Enhanced mitigation action in the urban water sector will be
needed to achieve the net-zero goals of the Paris Agreement. SAVE WATER AT END-USE TO AVOID EMBODIED ENERGY AND
Urban water actions that reduce GHGs will be different across MATERIALS
geographies due to differences in development status, water If the urban freshwater supply-chain creates GHGs, a low-risk
resource availability, and urban form. Energy used for water mitigation pathway is to reduce urban water withdrawals and
pumping and treatment is the main source of urban water sector wastewater generation at end-use. This strategy avoids the
GHGs in developed economies8. An estimated 4% of electricity embodied energy and materials associated with the development
generated globally in 2010 was delivered to the global water and operation of urban water infrastructure12. The scale of
sector, and this share could grow to 6% by mid-century under the potential urban water savings is dependent on how inflexible
implementation of the SDGs9. current water uses are to behavioral changes and the accessibility
Cities employing energy-intensive wastewater reuse and of financing for implementing technological solutions13.
desalination processes supplied by fossil power generation are Urban water uses are diverse, covering all water-related
associated with the largest GHG footprints4. Importantly, one- activities in the domestic, commercial, and industrial sectors of
quarter of urban dwellers live in water-stressed cities10, which are cities. Sectoral water use trends vary across cities due to
at risk from increased water supply costs due to energy-intensive differences in incomes, industries, and urban form14,15. Recent
water sources and GHG emissions pricing consistent with the Paris analysis of Spain finds cities therein are on average using 69% of
Agreement9. Similar risks are posed by a growing global demand urban water in households, 11% for commercial services, 10% for
for advanced wastewater treatment in response to pharmaceu- industry, and the remaining 9% for public space maintenance16.
ticals, petrochemicals, and plastics found in urban wastewater11. The manufacturing sector generally features wide differences in
GHG mitigation from urban water systems reduces risks from water intensities across products17. In the domestic sector, water
future GHG emission pricing; thus, under the Paris Agreement heating is a particularly energy-intense aspect of the urban water
urban planners and policy-makers are expected to integrate system12. Co-designed industry standards and labeling schemes
increasingly ambitious GHG mitigation solutions throughout the targeting combined water and energy efficiency are needed at the
urban water sector. appliance- or process-level18. Ratcheting-up standards over time

Energy, Climate and Environment (ECE) Program, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria. ✉email: parkinso@iiasa.ac.at

Published in partnership with King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals

S. Parkinson
Table 1. Solution themes for guiding urban water management towards 1.5 °C.

Solution theme Prospective urban policies Implementation challenges Mitigation Literature


Save water at end-use to i. Incentives for wastewater reuse, water i. Anticipated demand growth ~0.5–1.1 GtCO2/ Attari19
avoid embodied energy conservation and low-carbon materials/ combined with energy-intensive water yr avoided Britton et al.22
and materials processing chemicals treatment in rapidly developing, water- by 2050 Dieu-Hang
ii. Education to support understanding stressed regions et al.18
differences between curtailment and ii. Costs for ICT-enabled smart Dworak et al.13
technological efficiency metering technology Escriva-Bou
iii. Water, energy and material standards iii. Lack of wholesale water markets et al.12
for appliances and distribution system and GHG prices Flörke et al.14
auditing iv. Rebounds after implementation of Gonzales, P.
iv. Smart meter implementation and conservation and efficiency measures et al.20
incentive programs Grafton et al.21
v. Water pricing including GHG costs Gurung et al.24
vi. Subsidies to protect low-income Hsien et al.5
populations from GHG price impacts in Kajenthira
water-stressed regions et al.25
Meron et al.4
Mo et al.2
Parkinson et al.9
et al.8
Sambito et al.3
Slagstad et al.6

Stillwell et al.26
Vassolo et al.17
Tap the energy and i. Incentives and establishment of markets i. Investment, energy, and material ~0.2–0.7 GtCO2/ Bertrand et al.35
nutrient potential of for nutrient capture and distribution requirements for pumping, yr avoided Gomez
wastewater ii. Incentives for renewable energy and distributing and/or transporting by 2050 Sanabria 30
energy efficiency targeting wastewater recovered resources Guo et al.36
treatment ii. Social acceptance of McCarty et al.33
wastewater reuse Qadir et al.32
Song et al.31
Stillwell et al.27
Tubiello et al.34
Integrate decentralized i. Spatially-explicit capacity expansion i. High investment costs for distributed ? Engström
and nature-based solutions planning considering energy and net-zero technologies and system et al.42
GHG paths reconfiguration Guo et al.38
ii. Prioritizing parks, wetlands and ii. ICT requirements for managing Kavvada et al.28
reforestation projects in urban and peri- water quality at decentralized Lafortezza
urban areas for combined water storage, suppliers et al.41
urban cooling, wastewater/stormwater iii. Recovering nutrients and flexible Liu et al.39
management and carbon sequestration. energy services for nature-based Wu et al.40
Market system flexibility in i. Incentives for water efficiency solutions i. ICT investment requirements ? Kernan et al.45
real-time that enable automated response to ii. Harmonizing water and electricity Kernan et al.43
electricity pricing market time and spatial scales Menke et al.44
ii. Including demand response in power iii. Reliability of the control strategies Muhanji et al.48
sector capacity markets and their ability to fully replace Oikonomou
conventional storage et al.49
Santosh et al.29
Wang et al.46
Reprioritize users to Establishment of a basin system operator Existing user prioritization and ? Vinca et al.51
support decarbonization to coordinate urban water savings across transboundary policies
basin-connected cities and with other
sectoral water uses
Each theme is linked to prospective urban policies and implementation challenges. The global mitigation potential is measured relative to a business-as-usual
scenario in which no mitigation actions are taken in the urban water sector, and has been estimated based on the literature indicated.

will help guide technology manufacturers and end-users towards Water savings achieved through conservation and efficiency
solutions aligned with ambitious sustainability goals. Additionally, can be negated by increased water use elsewhere in the system20.
improving public understanding of key differences between This rebound effect has the potential to impact GHGs, with net
curtailment (behavioral change) and efficiency (technological changes determined by the relative GHG intensity of the shifted
change) will accelerate water-saving efforts19, leading to GHG water demands. If rebounds occur in sectors with higher energy
savings through avoided development and operation of urban and material use, there is the potential for increased GHGs.
water infrastructure. Rebounds are managed by setting and tracking absolute water-

npj Clean Water (2021) 34 Published in partnership with King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
S. Parkinson
saving targets at both the end-user and river basin (aquifer) similar technologies embedded within the Paris water supply
levels21. Multi-scale water budgeting helps prevent reallocation of systems estimates a 75% reduction in GHGs typically resulting
saved water to other uses, but requires a framework for from building heating and cooling36. Additional research is
monitoring and control. needed to generalize these results for other cities, particularly
Digital technologies including smart water meters support real- for more extreme climates where there could be challenges with
time tracking of water resource use, identification of leaks, user reliability.
demand feedback, and dynamic resource pricing22,23. Research on
savings potentials in the EU highlights behavioral changes
induced by metering have the potential to provide 8–25%
reduction in urban water demands13,23. The incremental cost INTEGRATE DECENTRALIZED AND NATURE-BASED SOLUTIONS
and GHGs from developing smart water metering are likely Many urban water systems were originally designed at a time
minimal, as modern appliances are already incorporating informa- when water resources were assumed to be more plentiful and
tion and communications technology (ICT) for alternate reasons predictable. Opportunities for resource recovery and reuse were
(e.g., increased end-user controllability). The highly resolved data neglected. The result is a propensity for unidirectional system
from smart meters and ICT-enabled appliances support distribu- designs, where wastewater treatment plants are typically located
tion system monitoring and optimization of water supply across an elevation gradient that reduces energy use during
planning24. These enhancements bring further opportunities for pumping from consumers37. Nevertheless, energy used for
energy, GHG, and cost savings at the municipal or utility level. pumping urban water can still be greater than that used in the
Urban water withdrawals from rivers and aquifers and the treatment processes38. Moreover, the configuration makes pump-
associated material and energy footprint for pumping and
ing recycled wastewater back to consumers particularly energy-
distribution infrastructure can further be avoided through the
intensive, because it must be moved in reverse across the
direct reuse of urban wastewater for applications that do not
require potable quality25,26. For example, industrial processing, elevation gradient. When wastewater systems are distributed
power plant cooling, and park/garden irrigation can be supported throughout cities and communities, there is less need to pump/
with urban wastewater17,27. Pumping distances and GHG impacts transport recovered resources over great distances and elevations.
are minimized by focusing on applications located within the There is also potential to use smaller distribution pipes.
same building, industry, or neighborhood28. In the reverse Decentralization can therefore reduce the energy and material
direction, the expansion of distributed low-carbon thermal power footprint of resource recovery from wastewater treatment.
generation in response to the Paris Agreement has the potential Reconfiguring urban water systems for decentralization drives
to create a new source of waste heat. This heat can be repurposed massive investments into new infrastructure and the replacement
to offset thermal energy requirements in co-located advanced of existing distribution systems. For regions lacking existing
water treatment29. The cross-sector efficiency benefits will be infrastructure, there is the opportunity to integrate decentraliza-
realized in the future through the integrated planning of tion from the bottom up. Challenges for decentralization include
distributed power and water projects serving urban areas. missing out on economies of scale, both in terms of capital cost,
maintenance, and process energy efficiency38. Capacity invest-
ment planning trade-offs have not been assessed comprehen-
WASTEWATER sively from the perspective of future GHG price implications of the
Paris Agreement. The GHG impacts of system reconfiguration have
Recent inventories estimate that 4% of anthropogenic methane
been demonstrated for the city of Houston, Texas in the United
emissions are caused by the degradation of organic material in
domestic wastewater30. The emissions can be captured as biogas States39. The data-driven analysis of hybrid system designs finds
at wastewater treatment plants using mature technologies31. energy savings on the order of 80% compared with a baseline
Globally, there is potential to generate between 70 and 530 TWh centralized configuration. Direct comparison between the degree
of renewable electricity each year30,32, which if fully exploited of centralization and lifecycle energy use for a given urban area is
could support more than half of the existing global water sector needed to understand and manage GHG trade-offs.
electricity requirements9. Emerging microbial fuel cell technolo- Water quality tracking is another important consideration for
gies demonstrate even greater electricity conversion efficiencies, decentralized water treatment systems, which otherwise pose
and are making the prospect of energy positive wastewater risks to human health. City-scale distributed monitoring of water
treatment a promising target for the future33. quality in real-time will help manage water quality risks40. These
Recent work further estimates that 13.4% of global agricultural functions could be co-developed with smart metering and ICT
demand for nitrogen (14.4%), phosphorous (6.8%), and potassium targeting conservation and energy flexibility.
(18.6%) can be recovered from domestic wastewater flows32. Nature-based solutions (NBS) are also relevant for urban water
Synthetic fertilizers delivering these nutrients are often produced management, and include urban design choices such as green
from fossil fuels, with annual global emissions from these sources roofs, permeable concrete, parks, and wetlands41. These systems
estimated at 0.68 GtCO2eq34. By combining the nutrient retain precipitation and reduce wastewater and stormwater flows.
availability estimates with the reported emission intensity ranges NBS can mitigate GHGs from urban water systems by avoiding the
for each fertilizer it is estimated here that 0.03–0.09 GtCO2eq yr−1 development and operation of conventional water infrastructure
can be mitigated through nutrient recovery from urban waste-
providing similar services. A recent cost-benefit analysis of NBS
water. This excludes the additional GHG impacts resulting from
options for municipal planners in New York City indicates some
the collection and distribution of nutrients to agricultural regions.
Thermal energy recovery in urban wastewater systems repre- options are no-regret (i.e., negative cost) due to combined savings
sents additional GHG mitigation potential. Heat exchangers on energy and water infrastructure42. Despite the potential
installed on wastewater pipes and in sewers can be used to benefits, NBS remains largely passive; there is limited potential
repurpose thermal energy in domestic and industrial wastewater to recover nutrients, energy resources, and flexibility. The
flows for low-grade building heating services35. Similarly, building associated trade-offs for GHG mitigation have not been assessed.
cooling services can be recovered from urban water systems by Required is lifecycle analysis with the scope to compare the
exchanging heat with low-temperature water found in the material and operational impacts of NBS versus conventional
freshwater distribution system36. Recent technical assessment of water system solutions.

Published in partnership with King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals npj Clean Water (2021) 34
S. Parkinson
MARKET SYSTEM FLEXIBILITY IN REAL-TIME solar); (ii) additional water to support manufacturing and
Urban water systems must be reliable and resilient; thus, the operation of low-carbon technologies, including for cooling of
pumps, pressure valves, and intermediate storage tanks contained concentrating solar power and for carbon capture, utilization and
therein are designed to handle extreme conditions, including storage (CCUS) processes; and (iii) displacement of alternative
peak demands, droughts, and storm surges. The drive for energy-intensive water sources (e.g., desalination) from operating
reliability results in operating capacity that sits idle under normal downstream.
operating conditions. This idle capacity can be engaged for real- Long-term river basin scenarios generated for the Indus Basin
time energy flexibility. with the Nexus Solutions Tool (NEST) provide new insights into the
Specifically, the operation of pumps, pressure valves, and potential scale of GHG mitigation cost benefits from reallocation51.
storage tanks can be deferred for short periods or initiated earlier The configuration of the Indus Basin in relation to the urban areas
than planned to modulate electricity usage in response to real- it contains means urban water savings translate to more water for
time prices or requests from the electricity system operator43,44. hydropower generation in the lower Indus Basin, and for meeting
These real-time requests help manage the variability from loads future urban demand growth in the water-stressed delta without
and generation on the grid45. Supplying these services with urban switching to unconventional and energy-intensive freshwater
water systems avoids the development of dedicated energy supply resources. Marginal benefits of enhanced basin-scale
storage infrastructure. Future energy storage investments could coordination are likely less important in regions that do not face
be directed towards the digitization and modernization of flexible water scarcity, and this requires future research. Research is also
urban water supplies. needed to understand if the integration of CCUS in the urban
Urban water managers at the municipal- or utility-level can play industrial sectors will be constrained by the availability of water
an important role in enabling effective demand response resources. A combination of urban water efficiency solutions and
programs by: i) acting as a service aggregator that compiles reprioritization might compete as cost-competitive water supply
options, with implications for GHG mitigation costs.
real-time information on urban water assets to estimate systemic
flexibility; ii) brokering the interactions with the real-time energy
market operators; and iii) dispatching the resulting control DISCUSSION
requests to achieve the electricity demand response46. Managing
If urban water demand can be governed so that it reduces in
the latter at a municipal- or utility-level could be important for
developed economies and grows slowly in developing regions,
ensuring control requests do not threaten the simultaneous goals
there is more room to reduce absolute GHG emissions from the
for water quality.
urban water sector. If urban water-related GHGs increase,
Third-party operators have emerged as alternative demand
enhanced mitigation actions will be needed in other sectors of
response service aggregators in the water sector, particularly for the economy to reach the net-zero ambitions of the Paris
large consumers such as wastewater treatment plants47. These Agreement. Reducing future water demands and wastewater
electricity customers receive revenue from participating as a flows relative to those observed today hedges against risks from
balancing reserve in electricity markets. Balancing services might uncertainties in future costs of alternative technological solutions,
alternatively be configured using real-time pricing of electricity43. and is the strategy with the least uncertainty and complexity for
Customers utilize automated control technologies to respond to urban water managers to promote GHG mitigation.
real-time price changes in an intuitive way. Urban water planners can further mitigate GHGs through the
Challenges with real-time pricing include potential impacts to integration of low-carbon materials and decentralized technolo-
affordable access and data privacy. Operational decision-making gies for water treatment and resource recovery. Moreover, urban
in urban water systems would also need to be harmonized with water managers can support decarbonization of electricity by
the same time frames used in the electricity market48,49. Moreover, cooperating with utilities on the implementation of demand
significant investment into ICT-based technologies will be needed response programs. Purchasing zero-carbon electricity will be
to track and dispatch urban water sector demand response. To critical for supporting the widespread roll-out of advanced water
reduce these costs, energy flexibility considerations should be co- treatment in line with the SDGs. Redistribution of water-intensive
integrated with smart metering technologies targeting water manufacturing activities away from energy-intensive water
conservation and system monitoring. Further cost-sharing with sources present additional GHG mitigation opportunities, but
the electricity sector might be sought to account for the multi- come with uncertain costs and impacts for other resources.
sector benefits of enhanced ICT in the urban water sector. Multi- Integrated water-energy efficiency standards for appliances and
sector system studies will be needed to quantify the scale of the manufacturing processes combined with GHG-aware water pricing
offered energy flexibility, and to assess an appropriate benefit- represent important future policy levers for driving urban water
sharing mechanism with the electricity sector. users towards low-carbon, water-efficient decision-making. Yet,
increased municipal water costs could pose challenges for low-
income populations. Subsidies will protect these consumers under
REPRIORITIZE USERS TO SUPPORT DECARBONIZATION a real-time, GHG-aware water pricing strategy consistent with the
Urban water savings can in principle be reallocated to other uses Paris Agreement.
within the same river basin. These managed rebounds are Urban water managers seek an economic characterization of
particularly appealing where and when basin water resources GHG mitigation opportunities, so they can prioritize efforts while
offer limited room for expanded use because of a lack of minimizing costs for consumers. Marginal abatement cost curves
precipitation, excessive consumption upstream, or user prioritiza- have previously been proposed for this purpose, particularly for
tions. In non-cooperative transboundary basins, existing geopo- coordinating climate action at the municipal level; however, the
litical disputes are leading to sub-optimal coordination of static view and limited scope neglect the effects from project
sustainable development across regions50. These water manage- sequencing and opportunities to reduce GHGs through cross-
ment inefficiencies are anticipated to create GHGs indirectly, sector and basin-scale water reallocation. Quantifying the climate
through the constraints they impose on water use across multiple change mitigation potential of urban water instead requires a
sectors. The potential benefits of reallocation for decarbonization comprehensive characterization of existing systems from supply
include: (i) more flexibility with hydrologically-connected hydro- to end-use over a timeframe consistent with project lifecycles52,53.
power assets to generate low-carbon electricity and to support High-resolution mapping of urban water systems and asso-
grid-integration of other low-carbon renewables (e.g., wind and ciated energy use should be used by utilities and municipalities to

npj Clean Water (2021) 34 Published in partnership with King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
S. Parkinson
Urban Infrastructure + Basin Pathways Modeling Least-cost portfolio of
Policy Options • Multi-decadal time horizon infrastructure projects/policies
• Multiple sectors and the sequential
Basin-connected city 1
• Basin-wide coordination implementation plan
Basin-connected city 2
• Hydrological impacts

Basin-connected city N
Net-zero GHG target
date consistent with
the Paris Agreement

Net-zero GHG basin transformation pathway

Fig. 1 Basin pathways modeling incorporating urban infrastructure and policy options across basin-connected cities informs the
economic optimization of net-zero GHG transformations under constrained water resources. Multiple sectors, decades and spatial scales
are represented simultaneously to identify a least-cost portfolio of projects and policies and the sequential implementation plan.

inform the design of economically optimized pathways for management opens new doors for GHG mitigation through
sequential water system transformations at a river basin-scale coordinated, multi-scale planning.
(Fig. 1). In this context, urban water sector mitigation opportu-
nities are coordinated with other municipal and regional
mitigation solutions53. A basin pathways approach enables DATA AVAILABILITY
intelligent prioritization of efforts that aim at reducing GHGs, Data sharing not applicable to this article as no datasets were generated or analyzed
while maintaining water quality and enhancing environmental during the current study
flows both to surface and groundwater systems51. Basin-scale
models can be co-developed and shared with urban stakeholders Received: 20 November 2020; Accepted: 5 May 2021;
to enable their widespread use in urban planning54.
Potential synergies with the electricity sector that could be
beneficial to explore include establishment of an independent
system operator at the basin-scale. Similar to a grid operator
orchestrating electric load balancing, the basin operator’s REFERENCES
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npj Clean Water (2021) 34 Published in partnership with King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals

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