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SC/FR 207/21

Hon M.N.B Fernando – PC. J

A.A.L for the petitioner moves to list the case for Support on 06th.08.2021, 19.08.2021.
20.08.2021. A.A.L Seeks Permission to File Notices Later. A.A.L has not tendered

Submitted for your Lordship’s / Ladyship’s Direction Please.

1)Issue Notices on the Respondents

2)List for Support on

Petitioner tendered notices together with future dates.


For the Information of Court

A.A.L for the Petitioner files a Motion dated 26th July 2021 and moves to accept the same &
field of Record.

Hon. A.H.M.D Nawaz J.

A.A.L for the Petitioner files a motion dated 4-8-2021 & moves to list this matter on




To Support this Application

A.A.L has tendered 5 document set with notices to be issued on the Respondents.

Postal Article receipt of sending motion is Annexed hereto.

Submitted for your Lordship’s Direction Please.


For the Information of Court, A.A.L for the Petitioner has tendered notices with documents &
issued the same to Respondents by registered post.

Submitted Please


The notices to be sent to the Hon A.G is Submitted for your Signature Please.

Hon. Janak De silva , J

A.A.L for the Petitioner files a Motion dated 29th.10.2021 and moves to draw your Lordship’s
kind attention on the Motion.

A.A.L moves to list m=this matter on



07th.12.2021 to support this Application

The Courier receipt of sending motion is annexed herewith.

Submitted for your Lordship’s Direction Please.

List for Support on 17th/12/2021

With notice to all Parties


For the Information of Court

As per the Order dated 03.11.2021 A.A.L has not tendered notices up to date.

Priyantha Jayawrdane SC J.

Achala Wengappuli J &

Mahinda Samayawardana J.

Nuwan Bopage with Chathura Wettasinghe for Petitioners instructed by Ramzi bacha.

Yureshika De silva SSC for A/G

Counsel for Petitioner informs Court that the Relevant … is having Discussions with Relevant
authority to settle the dispute with regard to this case.

A Consent … on 18th/02/2022

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