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Yogic Prac*ces For First Assessment

PARVATASANA (Mountain Pose )

Technique- Sit in padmasana or ardh padmasana.
Keep the back straight. Join both palms together in
namaskar mudra slightly away from the chest. Use
the elbows and the shoulder to slowly raise the
palms upwards towards the top of the head and
then straighten the elbow upwards. Try to bring
the upper arms closer to the ears and keep the
palms joined together completely.
Close the eyes and focus on the breathing.
Maintain the posture for 3-4 comfortable breaths.
To release gently start lowering both the palms
down , release in the reverse order.
Benefits –
1.This asana stretches the spinal column. The
blood circula*on to the spinal nerves
2.Improves the posture by straightening the
spine. Is helpful in increasing the height of
children during the growing years.
3.Develops the muscles of the chest and
improves the breathing capacity.
Contraindica*ons- Spinal injury, severe

VAKRASANA (spinal twist pose )

Technique – Sit in the ini*al stage with the feet
together and the back straight. Now fold the right
leg in such a way that the right foot is placed close
to the leW knee. With the help of right palm push
the right knee slightly towards the leW, now bring
the leW hand across the right knee by slightly
twis*ng the torso. The leW shoulder should be
close to the right folded knee. And the leW palm
should ideally be placed on the floor close to the
right foot or on the right ankle.
Place the right hand on the floor by twis*ng close
to the spine. Turn the head and look back from the
right shoulder. Keep the eyes closed and focus on
the breathing. Maintain for 3-4 breaths.
To release the asana do it in the reverse order.
Repeat the same steps on the leW side.
Benefits –
1.The muscles of the abdomen, the chest and
the spine become more strong and flexible.
2.The twist gives a massaging effect on the
internal organs of the abdomen, therby
improving blood circula*on in that area.
3.The fat deposits in the abdominal area is
reduced. Is helpful in ailments like diabetes
and menstrual disorders in women.
4.Improves the func*oning of the lungs, the
spine and the neck.
Contraindica*ons- Acute abdominal problems
like ulcers, hernia. Any pain in the spine etc.

JANUSHIRASANA ( head to knee pose )

Technique – Sit in the ini*al stage with legs
stretched and feet together, back straight. Fold
the right leg and bring the right sole towards the
leW inner thigh. Keep both the palms on the leW
thigh, keeping the chin slightly outstretched try
to lean forward from the lower back. Start sliding
the palms on the leW leg towards the toes. Bend
forward gradually from the lower back. Touch
the toes and try to bring the forhead towards the
leW knee. Try to maintain the posture by keeping
the eyes closed and relaxing the breath.
To release gently slide the palms on the
outstretched leg towards the thighs and straighten
the back. Open the folded right leg and repeat the
prac*ce with the leW leg.
Benefits -
1. The spinal column stretches completely and
thereby improves the health of the spine and
the back muscles, by improving blood
circula*on in the area.
2. Helps in increasing the height of children of
growing age.
3.Corrects minor postural defects.
4.Due to the pressure to the abdominal area,
the fat deposits are trimmed and helps in
be^er diges*on. Menstrual problems in
women is corrected.
5.Improves blood circula*on to the legs and
corrects condi*ons like scia*ca.
Contraindica*ons – Acute abdominal pain or back
pain, spondylosis should not prac*ce this asana.


of yoga )
Technique – Start by siang in padmasana or ardha
padmasana. Keeping the back and head straight
take both hands behind towards the lower back.
Catch hold of the leW wrist with the right palm. Pull
both the elbows backwards towards each other
and open the shoulders. Keeping the chin
outstretched , start bending downwards from the
waist. Keep the chin upwards and try to come
down slowly tring to touch the abdomen to the
heel, bring the chest down slowly, touch the
forehead to the floor.
Now relax the elbows,shoulder and the neck.
Keeping the eyes closed focus on the breathing.
Maintain for 3-4 breaths. To release start in the
reverse order by pulling the elbows together and
bringing the chin out, slowly straighten the back.
Release the hands and then the legs.
Benefits –
1.Strengthens the abdominal muscles and
improves the health of the organs in the
2.Improves the lumber flexibility and the blood
flow to the lower part of the body.
3. Improves the health of the diges*ve organs
and eliminates conges*on in the area.
4.Effec*ve prac*ce to calm the mind and
improve overall health.
Contraindica*ons – This asana should not be
prac*ced in case of severe back ache or neck ache,
abdominal disorders.

HASTAPADASANA ( hands to feet pose )

Technique- Stand straight with feet slightly apart,
hands by the side of the body and head straight.
Start by raising both the hands towards the head
slowly, as the palms go above the head, start
bending back gently raising the head to look up at
the palms. Now keeping the knees straight start
bending forward slowly from the waist. Keep the
chin a li^le upward and the gaze at the fingers.
Bend down completely as far as you can. Once the
limit is reached, relax and leave the hands and
head loose to hang. Closing the eyes try to
maintain normal breathing.
To release just gently straighten the back, donot
raise the hands above the head again.
Benefits & Contraindica*ons – Same as

VRIKSHASANA ( Palm tree pose )

Technique- Stand straight with both feet together
and head straight, looking straight ahead. Gently
raise the right leg, folding the knee fix the sole of
the foot on the inner thigh of the leW leg. Keeping
the back straight, join the palms in namaskar
mudra. Slowly raise the joined palms towards the
head. Try to straighten the elbows and bring the
upper arms closer to the ears.
Keeping the focus in front try to maintain the
balance for 3-4 breaths. To release, gently start
bringing the palms down and release the hands
and then the leg. Repeat the same on the leW leg.
Benefits –
1.Helps in improving concentra*on and body
2.Strengthens the legs, shoulders and the spine.
3.Corrects the posture. Helps in growth of height
in growing children.
Contraindica*ons – People with high blood
pressure, ver*go, migrane should avoid this
prac*ce. Injury to the legs, back pain or shoulder
pain should avoid this prac*ce. Severe arthri*s
or joint pain should also refrain from doing this.

PAWANMUKTASANA( wind-free pose)

Technique-Lie down on the back with both feet
together and hands by the side of the body,
palms facing downwards. Raise both the legs to
about 45 degree angle keeping the knee straight.
Bend the knees and bring them close to the
abdomen. Now hold the knees by interlocking
the fingers or holding right palm over the leW
elbow and vise-versa.
Press the legs to put slight pressure on the
abdomen. Con*nue normal breathing. Gently
raise the chin towards the knee. Keeping the
eyes closed maintain the posture for 3-4 breaths.
To release gently lower the head to the floor.
Release both hands, place the palms down.
Slowly straighten both the legs to 45 degree
angle and lower the legs slowly to the floor.
Benefits –
1. Improves the health of the diges*ve system
and the excretory system. Relieves gastric
2.Helps in trimming the abdominal fat.
3.Improves the core strength.
4.Makes the spine flexible.
Contraindica*ons- People who have a recent
surgery or any ailments related to the abdomen
and back should this prac*ce. People with cervical
issues should avoid liWing their head up.

ARDH-DRONASANA (half bowl pose )

Technique- Lie down on the back with both feet
together and hands by the side of the body.
Contrac*ng the abdominal muscles gently raise the
head , upper back and both hands just above the
floor. Close the eyes and maintain the pose for 3-4
normal breaths. To release gently lower the head
and the hands towards the floor.
Benefits –
1.Helps to streghten the abdominal muscles.
2.Makes the spinal column flexible and strong.
Contraindica*ons- People with abdominal
problems like ulcers, appendici*s or any pain
should avoid this prac*ce. Any spinal spinal
problems also should prac*ce with cau*on.

SETHUBANDHASANA ( bridge pose)

Technique – Lie down on the back with both feet
together and hands by the side of the body. Gently
fold both legs at the knee, keeping li^le distance
between the feet and the knees. Hands by the side
of the body with palms face downwards. Gently
raise the hips and the back up. Let the weight of
the body come towards the shoulders. Maintain
the pose 3-4 breaths with eyes closed. To release
gently lower the back and hips towards the floor.
Open both the legs and relax.
Benefits –
1. Release stress from the spine. Makes the spine
flexible and strong.
2.Strengthens the leg muscles, improves blood
circula*on towards the legs.
3.Helps in strengthening the cervical area and
the shoulders.
Contraindica*ons- People with spinal injuries or
cervical problems should avoid this prac*ce.

BHUJANGASANA (cobra pose )

Technique- Lie down on the abdomen with
forehead on the floor, feet together and toes
relaxed. Place the palms close to the chest with the
elbows touching the body and shoulders pulled
back. Without taking support of the palms slowly
start raising the chin and forehead and chest from
the floor with the support of the lower back. Keep
the shoulders open and the elbows pulled
backwards. Maintain the pose for 3-4 breaths with
eyes closed. To release gently start relaxing the
back and bring the forehead down on the floor.
Turn the head one side, release the hands and
1.Abdomen and chest muscles are stretched and
thus increases their flexibility. Improves the
lung capacity.
2.Improves diges*on by increasing the blood
circula*on in the area. Any conges*on or
cons*pa*on is released.
3. By stretching the neck the thyroid gland
func*oning improves. Strengthens the cervical
4.With the ac*ve use of the lower back to
maintain the posture, strengthens the spine
and the back muscles. Minor back problems
can be corrected with this prac*ce.
5.The leg and back muscles that become s*ff due
to long hours of siang on a chair are relaxed.
6.Improper posture is corrected.
Contraindica*ons- Any person having major spinal
or cervical problems should avoid this prac*ce.
Any issues in the abdominal area like ulcers,
appendici*s or hernia should avoid this prac*ce.


Technique- Lie down on the abdomen with the
chin on the floor, hands by the side of the body,
palms facing upwards and both the feet together.
Gently liW the right leg up with the knee straight as
comfortably as possible. Keeping the eyes closed
maintain the pose for 3-4 breaths. Keep the chin
and the shoulder relaxed. To release gently lower
the right leg down. Repeat the same with the leW
1.The muscles of the waist and the lower
abdomen are strengthened. The lower por*on
of the spine gets a backward bend releasing
any stress in the area due to long hours of
2.Strengthens the leg muscles. Corrects
problems like scia*ca and lumbargo.
3.Due to pressure on the lower abdomen clears
problems of indiges*on.
Contraindica*ons-Anyone with major spinal
problems and any recent opera*ons should avoid
this prac*ce. Any problems of the abdominal area
like hernia and appendici*s should also avoid this




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