Gen Operators - Max 8 Documentation

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gen~ Operators

CO N T E N T gen~ Operators
The following Gen operators are unique to the gen~ object, and
Convert operate in the audio domain.

Dsp Buffer

FFT buffer : References an external named buffer~ object. The first

argument specifies a name by which to refer to this data in
other objects in the gen patcher (such as peek and poke); the
second optional argument specifies the name of the external
Integrator buffer~ object to reference (if ommitted, the first argument
Numeric name is used). The first outlet sends the length of the buffer in
samples; the second outlet sends the number of channels.
channels : The number of channels of a data/buffer object. The
SE E A LS O first argument should be a name of a data or buffer object in the
gen patcher.
cycle : An interpolating oscillator that reads repeatedly through
MC and Gen
one cycle of a sine wave. By default it is driven by a frequency
input, but if the @index attribute is set to 'phase', it can be
driven by a phase input instead.
data : Stores an array of sample data (64-bit floats) usable for
sampling, wavetable synthesis and other purposes. The first
argument specifies a name by which to refer to this data in
other objects in the gen patcher (such as peek and poke); the
second optional argument specifies the length of the array
(default 512 samples); and the third optional argument
specifies the number of channels (default 1). The first outlet
sends the length of the buffer in samples; the second outlet
sends the number of channels.
dim : The length (in samples) of a data/buffer object. The first
argument should be a name of a data or buffer object in the gen
lookup : Index a data/buffer object using a signal, for
waveshaping. The first argument should be a name of a data or
buffer object in the gen patcher. The second argument specifies
the number of output channels. Input signals in the range -1 to
1 are mapped to the full size of the data/buffer, with linear
interpolation. The last inlet specifies a channel offset (default
nearest : Multi-channel lookup a data/buffer object (no
interpolation). The first argument should be a name of a data or
buffer object in the gen patcher. The second argument specifies
the number of output channels. The input phase ranges from 0
to 1, and wraps outside this range. The last inlet specifies a
channel offset (default 0).
peek : Read values from a data/buffer object. The first
argument should be a name of a data or buffer object in the gen
patcher. The second argument specifies the number of output
channels. The first inlet specifes a sample index to read (no
interpolation); indices out of range return zero. The last inlet
specifies a channel offset (default 0).
poke : Write values into a data/buffer object. The first
argument should be a name of a data or buffer object in the gen
patcher. The second argument (or third inlet if omitted)
specifies which channel to use. The first inlet specifies a value to
write, while the second inlet specifies the sample index within
the data/buffer. If the index is out of range, no value is written.
sample : Linear interpolated multi-channel lookup of a
data/buffer object. The first argument should be a name of a
data or buffer object in the gen patcher. The second argument
specifies the number of output channels. The last inlet specifies
a channel offset (default 0).
splat : Mix values into a data/buffer object, with linear
interpolated overdubbing. The first argument should be a name
of a data or buffer object in the gen patcher. The second
argument (or third inlet if omitted) specifies which channel to
use. The first inlet specifies a value to write, while the fractional
component of the second inlet specifies a phase (0..1) within
the data/buffer (indices out of range will wrap). Splat writes
with linear interpolation between samples, and mixes new
values with the existing data (overdubbing).
wave : Wavetable synthesis using a data/buffer object. The first
argument should be a name of a data or buffer object in the gen
patcher. The second argument specifies the number of output
channels. The first inlet specifies phase (0..1), while the second
and third inlets specify start/end sample positions within the
data/buffer. The last inlet specifies a channel offset (default 0).

atodb : Convert linear amplitude to deciBel value
dbtoa : Convert deciBel value to linear amplitude
ftom : Frequency given in Hertz is converted to MIDI note
number (0-127). Fractional note numbers are supported. The
second input sets the tuning base (default 440).
mstosamps : Convert period in milliseconds to samples
mtof : MIDI note number (0-127) is converted to frequency in
Hertz. Fractional note numbers are supported. The second
input sets the tuning base (default 440).
sampstoms : Convert period in samples to milliseconds

fftfullspect, FFTFULLSPECT : The pfft~ full spectrum flag (0/1)
ffthop, FFTHOP : The pfft~ FFT hop size
fftoffset, FFTOFFSET : The pfft~ FFT offset
fftsize, FFTSIZE : The pfft~ FFT frame size
samplerate, SAMPLERATE : The DSP samplerate
vectorsize, VECTORSIZE : The DSP vectorsize

fixdenorm : This operator detects denormal numbers and
replaces them with zero. Note: As of Max 6.0 the x87 control
flags are set to flush to zero and disable exception handling in
audio processing, so denormal fixing should only be required
for exported code. A denormal number is a floating point value
very close to zero (filling the underflow gap). Calculations with
denormal values can be up to 100 times more expensive, so it is
often beneficial to replace them with zeroes. Denormals often
occur in feedback loops with multipliers, such as filters, delays
and exponential decays. Denormal detection is based on a
bitmask. Note that feedback operators in gen~ (delay, history)
apply fixdenorm to their input signals by default.
fixnan : This operator replaces NaNs with zero. A NaN (Not a
Number) is a floating point data value which represents an
undefined or unrepresentable value, such as the result of
dividing by zero. Computations on NaNs produce more NaNs,
and so it is often preferable to replace the NaN with a zero
value. Note that division and modulo operators in gen~ protect
against generating NaNs by default.
isdenorm : This operator detects denormal numbers and
returns 1 if the input is denormal, and zero otherwise. Note: As
of Max 6.0 the x87 control flags are set to flush to zero and
disable exception handling in audio processing, so denormal
fixing should only be required for exported code. A denormal
number is a floating point value very close to zero (filling the
underflow gap). Calculations with denormal values can be up to
100 times more expensive, so it is often beneficial to replace
them with zeroes. Denormals often occur in feedback loops
with multipliers, such as filters, delays and exponential decays.
Denormal detection is based on a bitmask. Note that feedback
operators in gen~ (delay, history) apply fixdenorm to their input
signals by default.
isnan : This operator detects the presence of NaN values,
returning 1 if the input is NaN, and zero otherwise. A NaN (Not
a Number) is a floating point data value which represents an
undefined or unrepresentable value, such as the result of
dividing by zero. Computations on NaNs produce more NaNs,
and so it is often preferable to replace the NaN with a zero
value. Note that division and modulo operators in gen~ protect
against generating NaNs by default.
t60 : Given an input T, returns a number X such that, after T
multiplications of a signal by X, that signal would be attenuated
by 60 decibels. Roughly, -60db = 0db * pow(X, T). This could be
used as a per-sample multiplier (X) to ensure a decay time (of T
samples), for example. The name t60 is borrowed form the
RT60 time used to measure reverberation time, which specifies
the time taken for a signal to decay by 60db, as an
approximation of fading to inaudibility.
t60time : Estimates the decay time (in samples) of a given decay
factor. That is, given a multiplier X, returns a number T such
that, after T multiplications of a signal by X, that signal would be
attenuated by 60 decibels. It is the dual of the t60 object.

delay : Delays a signal by a certain amount of time (specified in
samples). The first argument specifies the maximum delay time
(in samples, default samplerate). The second argument specifies
the number of tap inlet/outlet pairs (default 1). The first inlet is
the signal to be delayed. Additional inlets specify the delay time
per tap (in samples). With @feedback 1, like history, delay
allows feedback loops in the patcher, but minium delay is 1
sample. With @feedback 0, minimum delay time is zero samples
(or more if @interp is cubic, spline, or spline6)
history : The history operator allows feedback in the gen
patcher through the insertion of a single-sample delay. The first
argument is an optional name for the history operator, which
allows it to also be set externally (in the same way as the param
operator). The second argument specifies an initial value of
stored history (defaults to zero).

fftinfo : fftinfo gets constant data about the FFT frames in a
patcher loaded by pfft~. If it is used in a patcher that is not
loaded by pfft~, it returns default constants instead.

change : Returns the sign of the difference between the current
and previous input: 1 if the input is increasing, -1 if decreasing,
and 0 if unchanging.
dcblock : A one-pole high-pass filter to remove DC components.
Equivalent to the GenExpr: History x1, y1; y = in1 - x1 +
y1*0.9997; x1 = in1; y1 = y; out1 = y;
delta : Returns the difference between the current and
previous input.
interp : Smoothly mix between inputs, according to an
interpolation factor in the range of 0 to 1 (first inlet). The
@mode attribute can choose between linear or cosine
interpolation to mix between two additional inlets, cubic or
spline to mix between four inlets, and spline6 to mix between
six inlets. The default mode is linear.
latch : Conditionally passes or holds input. The first inlet is the
'input' and the second inlet is the 'control'. When the control is
non-zero, the input value is passed through. When the control
is zero, the previous input value is output. It can be used to
periodically sample & hold a source signal with a simpler trigger
logic than the sah operator.
phasewrap : Wrap input to the range -pi to +pi
sah : The first inlet is the 'input' and the second inlet is the
'control'. When the control makes a transition from being at or
below the trigger value to being above the trigger threshold,
the input is sampled. The sampled value is output until another
control transition occurs, at which point the input is sampled
again. The default threshold value is 0, but can be specified as
the last inlet/argument. The @init attribute sets the initial
previous value to compare to (default 0).
slide : Use the slide operator for envelope following and
lowpass filtering. Related to the MSP slide~ object.

elapsed : The number of samples elapsed since the patcher DSP
began, or since the last reset.
mc_channel : If used within a patcher inside mc.gen~, the
mc_channel operator will return the current channel index.
Otherwise, it always returns 1.
mc_channelcount : If used within a patcher inside mc.gen~, the
mc_channelcount operator will return the channel count of the
mc.gen~. Otherwise, it always returns 1.
voice : If used within a poly~ patcher, the voice operator will
return the current voice index (similar to thispoly~). Otherwise,
it always returns 1.
voicecount : If used within a poly~ patcher, the voicecount
operator will return the current voice count. Otherwise, it
always returns 1.

*=, mulequals : The object multiplies by, and then outputs, an
internal value. This occurs at sample-rate, so the stored value
can grow very large or very small, very fast. The value to be
multiplied by is specified by either the first inlet or argument.
The internal sum can be reset to the minimum by sending a
nonzero value to the right-most inlet. The minimum value is 0
by default, but can be changed with the @min attribute. An
optional maximum value can be specified with the @max
attribute; values will wrap at the maximum.
+=, accum, plusequals : The object adds to, and then outputs, an
internal sum. This occurs at sample-rate, so the sum can grow
very large, very fast. The value to be added is specified by either
the first inlet or argument. The internal sum can be reset to the
minimum by sending a nonzero value to the right-most inlet.
The minimum value is 0 by default, but can be changed with the
@min attribute. An optional maximum value can be specified
with the @max attribute; values will wrap at the maximum.
counter : Accumulates and outputs a stored count, similarly to
Max's counter object, but triggered at sample-rate. The amount
to accumulate per sample is set by the first input (incr). The
count can be reset by a non-zero value in the second input
(reset). The third inlet (max) sets a maximum value; the counter
will wrap if it reaches this value. However if the maximum value
is set to 0 (the default), the counter will assume no limit and
count indefinitely. The first outlet outputs the current count,
the second outlet outputs 1 when the count wraps at the
maximum and zero otherwise, and the third outlet outputs the
number of wraps (the carry count).

round : Returns the integral value that is nearest to the input,
with halfway cases rounded away from zero.

phasor : A non-bandlimited sawtooth-waveform signal
generator which can be used as LFO audio signal or a sample-
accurate timing/control signal.
rate : The rate operator time-scales an input phase (such as
from a phasor) by a multiplier. Multipliers less than 1 create
several ramps per phase cycle.
train : train~ generates a pulse signal whose period is
specifiable in terms of samples. The first input sets the pulse
period (in samples). The second input sets the pulse width
(default 0.5). The third inlet sets the phase of the 'on' portion
(default 0.)
triangle : A triangle/ramp wavetable with input to change phase
offset of the peak value. The phase ranges from 0 to 1 (and
wraps outside these values). With a duty cycle of 0, it produces
a descending sawtooth; with a duty cycle of 1 it produces
ascending sawtooth; with a duty cycle of 0.5 it produces a
triangle waveform. Output values always bounded in 0 to 1.

See Also

Name Description

Gen Gen

MC and Gen MC and Gen

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