Vocab B1-C1 Nâng Cao

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Topic 1: Accidents

No Word Definition (Vietnamese) Example

accidentally Một cách tình cờ, bất As i turned around, I accidentally hit him in
adv. B2 ngờ the face
collision n.
2 Sự va chạm His car was in collision with a motorbike
The car was completely crushed under the
3 crush v. C1 Nghiền nát
Mảnh vỡ, mảnh vụn, Emergency teams are still clearing the
4 debris n. C1
đống đổ nát debris from the plane crash
Two children drowned after falling into the
5 drown v. C1 Chết đuối
evacuate v. Families were evacuated to safer parts of
6 Sơ tán
C1 the city
evident adj. The full extent of the damage only became
7 Hiển nhiên, rõ rệt
B2 evident the following morning
fragile adj. Dễ vỡ, dễ gãy; mỏng
8 Be careful not to drop it; it’s very fragile
C1 manh
fragment n. The shattered vase lay in fragments on the
9 Mảnh vỡ, mảnh, mẩu
B2 floor
identification The identification of the crash victims was a
10 Sự nhận diện, nhận dạng
n. C1 long and difficult task
inevitable The accident was the inevitable result of
11 Không thể tránh khỏi
adj. B2 carelessness
inevitably Một cách không thể tránh
12 Older cars inevitably pose a risk to safety
adv. B2 khỏi
minimal adj. There were no injuries and damage to the
13 tối thiểu
C1 building was minimal.
motorist n. The accident was reported by a passing
14 người lái xe hơi
C1 motorist.
She lost her balance and plunged 100 feet
15 plunge v. C1 lao vào, lao xuống
to her death
dđóng sầm I heard the door slam behind him.
16 slam v. C1 Ném phịch (vật gì, xuống She slammed down the phone angrily.
bàn...) The car skidded and slammed into a tree.
Vỗ, phát, vả
Đặt (cái gì) vào đâu đó He slapped the newspaper down on the
17 slap v. C1
với một tiếng vỗ, tiếng desk.
We had to slash our way through the
18 slash v. C1 Chém, rạch, cắt, khía
undergrowth with sticks.
vỡ ra từng mảnh
19 smash v. C1 Several windows had been smashed.
phá tan
táp, đớp
20 snap v. C1 The wind had snapped the tree in two.
bẻ gãy
Water had spilled out of the bucket onto the
Làm tràn, làm đổ floor.
21 spill v. B2
tiết lộ He has spilled his guts in his new
Sự quay tròn, sự xoay
spin v., n.
22 Động tác bổ nhào quay pulse
(thông tục) sự đi chơi;
cuộc đi chơi ngắn
Injuries to the spine are common amongst
23 spine n. C1 xương sống
these workers.
stumble v. Running along the beach, she stumbled on
24 vấp, sẩy chân
C1 a log and fell on the sand.
tragedy n.
25 Bi kịch It's a tragedy that she died so young
tragic adj., He was killed in a tragic accident at the age
26 Bi thảm, thảm thương
B2 of 24
27 wrist n.B2 cổ tay I sprained my wrist playing tennis.

28 yell v. C1 hét lên The boy yelled with pain as the car crashed.

Topic 2: Appearance

No Word Example
1 absurd adj. C1 Ngớ ngẩn That uniform makes you look absurd
She felt comfortable in casual clothes
2 casual adj. B2 Đơn giản, bình thường
and wore them most of the time
3 colourful adj. B2 Sặc sỡ Her dress is very colourful
4 crystal n. C1 Khoáng vật trong suốt She was wearing a crystal pendant
5 differ v. B2 Khác, không giống The models differ in size and shape
differentiate v. The male's yellow beak differentiates
6 Phân biệt
C1 it from the female
A face, much like a signature, has a
7 distinct adj. B2 Khác biệt
distinct look and shape
It was a subtle distinction but a very
8 distinction n. C1 Sự phân biệt
important one
distinctive adj. The name comes from its distinctive
9 Đặc biệt
C1 appearance
It was hard to distinguish one twin
10 distinguish v. B2 Phân biệt
from the other
elaborate adj. Tỉ mỉ, công phu; chi tiết; You want a plain blouse to go with
C1 chau chuốt that skirt - nothing too elaborate
They sell a wide variety of printed
12 fabric n. B2 Vải
cotton fabric
I want an outfit that'll make me look
13 fabulous adj. B2 Tuyệt vời
14 fade v. C1 Nhạt, phai He was wearing faded blue jeans
There were a few stalls selling fake
15 fake adj. B2 Giả
designer clothing
16 gaze n., v. C1 Nhìn chằm chằm grin
Once upon a time there was a
Bằng vàng; có màu
17 golden adj. B2 beautiful young princess with long
golden hair
gorgeous adj. He's just started going out with this
18 Lộng lẫy
B2 really gorgeous girl
Vẻ duyên dáng, yểu She moves with the natural grace of a
19 grace n. C1
điệu ballerina
20 identical adj. B2 Giống hệt Her dress is almost identical to mine
magnificent adj. She looked magnificent in her
21 tráng lễ, lộng lẫy
B2 wedding dress.
22 naked adj. B2 trần truồng The children were half naked
She was wearing an expensive new
23 outfit n. B2 trang phục
I sewed patches on the knees of my
24 patch n. C1 miếng vá
ridiculous adj.
25 trông buồn cười, lố bịch Do I look ridiculous in this hat?
He seems to be in robust (good)
26 robust adj. C1 khỏe; tráng kiện
She was almost 90, but still very
She looked incredibly sexy in a black
27 sexy adj. B2 gợi cảm
evening gown.
(trong từ ghép) có hình a huge balloon shaped like a giant
28 shaped adj. B2 dáng được chỉ rõ cow
định hình almond-shaped eyes
She wore a single strand of pearls
29 strand n. C1 sợi
around her neck
He's good-looking, but he's not as
30 striking adj. B2 nổi bật, thu hút sự chú ý
striking as his brother
Kết cấu; cách dệt, lối
31 texture n. C1 The cloth was rough in texture
dệt (vải)
He was wearing a robe embroidered
32 thread n. C1 Chỉ, sợi
with gold thread
transformation I'd never seen Jose in a tuxedo before
33 Sự biến đổi
n. C1 - it was quite a transformation
Her hair was twisted into a knot on top
34 twist v., n. C1 Quấn, xoắn
of her head

Topic 3: Communication

No Word Definition (Vietnamese) Example

You owe him an apology for what
1 apology n. B2 Lời xin lỗi
you said
She had great ideas in her mind
2 articulate v. C1 Giải thích rõ ràng
but struggle to articulate them
Xác nhận, khẳng định
She continued to assert that she
3 assert v. C1 một cách quả quyết, quả
was innocent
Sự xác nhận, khẳng định
Do you have any evidence to
4 assertion n. C1 một cách quả quyết, quả
support your assertions?
She gave us her assurance that
5 assurance n. C1 Sự chắc chắn, đảm bảo she would sign the contract
I can assure you that she's
6 assure v. B2 Đảm bảo
perfectly safe
There has obviously been a
7 breakdown n. C1 Sự thất bại, sự sụp độ breakdown in communications
between the two sides
Broadly speaking, I agree with
8 broadly adv. B2 Nói chung
9 clarify v. B2 Làm sáng tỏ I hope this clarifies my position
The brilliant clarity of his
10 clarity n. C1 Sự rõ ràng, sáng sủa
argument could not be faulted
She sat down to conceal the fact
11 conceal v. C1 Giấu diếm
that she was trembling
He reluctantly conceded the point
12 concede v. C1 Thừa nhận
to me
I congratulated them all on their
13 congratulate v. C1 Chúc mừng
Have you consulted your lawyer
14 consult v. B2 Hỏi ý kiến
about this?
He was happy to act as a
15 consultant n. B2 Chuyên viên tham vấn
consultant to the company
The decision was taken after
16 consultation n. C1 Sự hỏi ý kiến close consultation with local
He managed to convey his
17 convey v. B2 Diễn đạt
enthusiasm to her
She corresponded regularly with
18 correspond v. C1 Trao đổi thư từ
her former teacher
I have seen the correspondence
correspondence n.
19 Thư từ between the company and the
correspondent n.
20 Người trao đổi thư từ She's a poor correspondent
I tried to argue but he countered
counter (argue
21 Phản đối, chống lại that the plans were not yet
against) v. C1
She stood in the wings and
22 cue n. B2 Ra hiệu
waited for her cue to go on
Hỏi thăm, hỏi han; Điều I called the station to enquire
23 enquire v. C1
tra about train times
Writing paper and envelopes are
24 envelope n. B2 Bao bì, phong bì
provided in your room
He gave me very explicit
25 explicit adj. C1 Rõ ràng, rành mạch
directions on how to get there
Một cách rõ ràng, rành The text does not explicitly
26 explicitly adv. C1
mạch mention him by name
Một cách thẳng thắn, thật They frankly admitted their
27 frankly adv. C1
tình responsibility
Sự ra hiệu (bằng tay, They communicated entirely by
28 gesture n. B2
bằng đầu) gesture
He gave a hint that he was
29 hint n., v. C1 Sự gợi ý
thinking of retiring
Metaphor and simile are the most
30 metaphor n. B2 phép ẩn dụ commonly used figures of speech
in everyday language.
The huge distances involved
have proved an obstacle to
communication between villages
31 obstacle n. B2 vật chướng ngại; trở ngại
Mosquitoes were a great obstacle
to the building of the Panama
He spoke for an hour without a
32 pause v., n. B2 (sự) tạm nghỉ, tạm ngừng
câu hỏi, chất vấn, thắc We have received many written
33 query n. C1
mắc queries about the product.
He was a recipient of the Civilian
Service Award.
34 recipient n. C1 người nhận..
They are the country's biggest
recipient of government funds.
If he forgot to pay his rent, his
35 reminder n. C1 sự nhắc nhở landlady would send him a
Viễn cảnh; viễn tưởng,
Let me suggest a possible
36 scenario n. B2 chuỗi sự kiện tương lai
(do tưởng tượng)
He had seldom seen a child with
37 seldom n. C1 hiếm khi
so much talent.
I get thousands of spam emails
38 spam n. C1 thư rác
each month.

Topic 4: Countryside

No Word Definition (Vietnamese) Example

agricultural The country's economy is mainly
1 Thuộc nông nghiệp
adj. C1 agricultural
agriculture n. 50% of the country's population
2 Nông nghiệp
B2 depends on agriculture
backdrop n. The mountains provided a dramatic
3 Khung cảnh nền
C1 backdrop for our picnic
Ha Long Bay is one of the most
4 bay n. C1 Vịnh
famous tourist attractions in Vietnam
In Amsterdam we had a boat ride on
5 canal n. B2 Kênh, sông đào
the canals
He moved his cattle farther down
6 cattle n. C1 Gia súc
into the valley in winter
At one point during our trip we found
7 cave n. B2 Hang động
ourselves in a dark cave
8 cliff n. B2 Vách đá Steep cliffs towered above the river
coastal adj. Nha Trang is a coastal city in the
9 Thuộc bờ biển, ven biển
C1 South of Vietnam
The land around here has never
10 cultivate v. C1 Canh tác, trồng trọt
been cultivated
Farmers are extremely busy during
11 harvest n. C1 Vụ thu hoạch; vụ gặt
the harvest
xưởng, nhà máy (về một
The mill can be seen grinding
12 mill n. C1 nghề như làm giấy, xẻ
Tons of internationally donated food
13 peasant n. C1 nông dân was distributed to the starving
spectacular Scotland is famous for its
14 hùng vĩ, ngoạn mục
adj. B2 spectacular countryside.
A lot of villagers have migrated to
15 villager n. C1 người sống trong làng
the city.

Topic 5: Culture and Religion

No Word Definition (Vietnamese) Example

1 angel n. C1 Thiên thần, thiên sứ She looks like an angel
He was appointed the new Bishop of
2 bishop n. C1 Giám mục
the city church
They brought the children to Jesus
3 bless v. C1 Ban phước
and he blessed them
They asked God's blessing on their
4 blessing n. C1 Phúc lành
pastoral work
congregation The congregation stood to sing the
5 Giáo đoàn
n. C1 hymn
Sự thờ cúng, cúng bái/Sự Their son ran away from home and
6 cult n., adj. C1
ham thích, mốt thịnh hành joined a religious cult
The people believed the girl was
7 demon n. C1 Quỷ, ma quỷ
possessed by demons
They believed she was possessed by
8 devil n. C1 Ma, quỷ
diverse adj. People from diverse cultures were
9 Đa dạng
B2 invited to the event
People are being encouraged to
10 diversity n. B2 Sự đa dạng celebrate the diversity of their
He woked up after 10 years in a
11 divine adj. C1 Thuộc thần thánh coma. Pepole are saying it's divine
She rejected the traditional Christian
12 doctrine n. C1 Học thuyết, chủ nghĩa
They set off fireworks in their back
13 firework n. B2 Pháo hoa
Folk songs are part of our common
14 heritage n. C1 Di sản
indigenous Antarctica has no indigenous
15 Bản địa, bản xứ
adj. C1 population
The Greeks have a rich legacy of
16 legacy n. C1 di sản
An example of a monk is a Buddhist
17 monk n. C1 thầy tu, thầy tăng man living with other Buddhists and
following strict life rules.
The designs for the new mosque
18 mosque n. B2 đền thờ Hồi giáo
have attracted widespread criticism.
Most societies have their own creation
19 myth n. B2 huyền thoại
Many people visit Shinto shrines to
20 offering n. C1 sự đề nghị make offerings of fruit or rice to the
21 parish n. C1 xứ đạo, giáo khu She lived her whole life in this parish.
He was ordained a pastor in the
22 pastor n. C1 mục sư
Lutheran Church.
thuyết giáo, giảng đạo,
khuyên răn They preach the abolition of
23 preach v. C1 chủ trương, ra sức thuyết established systems but propose
phục ai chấp nhận một nothing to replace them.
điều gì
sự bảo tồn, duy trì
preservation The central issue in the strike was the
24 sự bảo quản (thức ăn,
n. C1 preservation of jobs.
Sunday lunch with the in-laws has
become something of a ritual.
25 ritual n. C1 trình tự hành lễ; nghi lễ
She objects to the ritual of organized
thần thánh, của thần;
26 sacred adj. C1 Cows are sacred to Hindus.
thiêng liêng
Sự cúng thần; sự tế lễ;
They offered sacrifices to the gods.
sacrifice n., v. vật hiến tế
27 Her parents made sacrifices so that
C1 Sự hy sinh; vật hy sinh
she could have a good education.
Hy sinh
The children were all named after
28 saint n. C1 thánh, thần
Trường kỳ, muôn thuở
secular adj.
29 trần tục, không thiêng We live in a largely secular society.
30 sin n. C1 tội lỗi The Bible says that stealing is a sin.
symbolic adj. The moon in this culture is symbolic of
31 mang tính đại diện
C1 death.
32 theology n. C1 Thần học He studied theology at college
He photographed Tahitian men with
33 tribal adj. C1
traditional tribal tattoos
The dancers are all members of the
34 tribe n. B2
Tembu tribe
After the awful meals we had last
35 vow v. C1 lời thề Christmas, I vowed to do more of the
cooking myself.
worship n., v. On the island the people worshipped
36 tôn thờ, thờ phụng
C1 different gods.

Topic 6: Education

No Word Example
Time is needed to absorb all this
1 absorb v. B2 Hấp thu
Research shows that pre-school children
2 abstract adj. B2 Trừu tượng
can think in abstract terrms

3 academy n. C1 Học viện She trained at the Royal Academy of Music

4 accent n. B2 Giọng She speaks English with a French accent

Thực hiện, hoàn The students accomplished the tasks in
5 accomplish v. B2
thành less than ten minutes
accomplishment Thành tựu, thành Learning English is one of my greatest
n. C1 tích accomplishments
7 accumulate v. C1 Tích lũy, tích tụ I have accumulated a lot of books
accumulation n. The river became almost unrecognizable
8 Sự tích lũy, tích tụ
C1 because of the accumulation of rubbish
Sự dành được, There are different theories of child
9 acquisition n. C1
đạt được language acquisition
Sự thich nghi, The process of adaptation to a new school
10 adaptation n. C1
thich ứng is difficult for sone children
Sự thu nạp, kết She failed to gain admission to the
11 admission n. C1
nạp university of her choice
Chỉ định, chia Millions have been allocated to improve
12 allocate v. C1
phần students' performance
Sự chỉ định, chia The allocation of food to those who need it
13 allocation n. C1
phần most
Sự tương tự, The teacher draw an analogy between the
14 analogy n. C1
giống nhau human heart and a pump

15 array n. C1 Dãy, chuỗi The college offers a wide array of subjects

The teacher assigned each of the children

16 assign v. B2 Phân công
a different task
Đạt được, giành Most of the students attained 'A' grades in
17 attain v. C1
được their exams
Attendance at these lectures is not
18 attendance n. C1 Sự có mặt
Tests provide a benchmark for future
19 benchmark n. C1 Sự kiểm chuẩn
Chứng chỉ, bằng, A certificate of completion will be issued to
20 certificate n. B2
văn bằng all who complete the course.
compulsory adj.
21 Bắt buộc English is a compulsory subject at this level
Chương trình
22 curriculum n. B2 Spanish is in the curriculum
giảng dạy
Người được ủy
He was appointed deputy head of the
23 deputy n. C1 quyền, người đại
24 ease n., v. C1 Dễ dàng He passed the exam with ease
The video is being used by health
25 educator n. C1 Nhà sư phạm
educators in remote areas
elementary adj.
26 Sơ cấp, sơ đẳng They offer elementary English courses
Ghi tên vào, kết
27 enrol v. C1 You need to enrol before the end of August
nạp vào
The course is designed to equip students
28 equip v. B2 Trang bị
for a career in nursing
equivalent n., Tương đương/Vật Is there a French word that is the exact
adj. B2 tương đương equivalent of the English word ‘home’?
Sự trội, sự xuất The college has a reputation for academic
30 excellence n. C1
sắc excellence
She felt excluded by the other girls in her
31 exclude v. B2 Loại trừ
Sự ngăn chặn, the exclusion of disruptive students from
32 exclusion n. C1
không cho vào school
Some of the most prestigious institutions of
Riêng biệt, dành
33 exclusive adj. C1 higher learning in the US are also the
country's most exclusive
exclusively adv. Most of the degree programmes are
34 Chỉ riêng cho
C1 exclusively taught in English
The school's experimental teaching
experimental adj. Dựa trên thí
35 methods include letting the children decide
C1 nghiệm
what to study
extract n. B2, v.
36 Đoạn trích The extract is taken from a long essay
Làm cho dễ dàng,
37 facilitate v. C1 tạo điều kiện dễ Structured teaching facilitates learning
Today the principal will meet students who
38 faculty n. C1 Khoa
are doing degrees in the Arts Faculty
Khuyến khích, cổ I try to foster an appreciation for classical
vũ music in my students
39 foster v. C1
Nhận nuôi (con We couldn't adopt a child, so we decided to
của người khác) foster
Sự chỉ đạo, The handbook gives helpful guidance on
40 guidance n. C1
hướng dẫn writing essays
Nguyên tắc chỉ
We encourage self-discipline in all students
41 guideline n. B2 đạo, đường lối chỉ
by setting clear guideline
42 incorrect adj. B2 Không đúng, sai The student gave an incorrect answer

43 index n. B2 Bảng mục lục Try looking up "heart disease" in the index

Thuộc trí tuệ; có

intellectual adj. I don't think he has the intellectual skills
44 tri thức, tài
B2, n. C1 necessary to study at this level
trí/Người tri thức
Teachers have a limited amoutn of time to
45 interact v. B2 Tương tác
interact with each child
Some modules require complete self-study
46 interaction n. B2 Sự tương tác and offer very little instruction or class
interactive adj. Mang tính tương The school believes in using ICT to create
C1 tác an interactive learning experience
This is an intermediate course for those
intermediate adj.
48 Trung cấp who have already mastered the basics of
English grammar
mỉa mai, châm
49 ironic adj. C1 It is such an ironic comment
một cách mỉa mai,
50 ironically adv. C1 The tone of the novel is ironically comic.
châm biếm
sự mỉa mai, sự
51 irony n. C1 There was a note of irony in his voice.
châm biếm
sự biết viết biết Most of the students here need help with
52 literacy n. C1
đọc literacy and numeracy.
(thuộc) văn
Her internationally acclaimed novel has
53 literary adj. B2 chương, (thuộc)
won several literary prizes.
văn học
mathematical The schools need to assess children’s
54 [thuộc] toán học
adj. C1 mathematical ability
methodology n. There are recent changes in the
55 phương pháp học
C1 methodology of language teaching.
She's been neglecting her studies this
56 neglect v., n. C1 sao lãng, lơ là
I carry a notebook so that I can jot down
57 notebook n. B2 sổ tay
any ideas.
người viết tiểu I would class her among the top ten
58 novelist n. B2
thuyết American novelists.
This type of nursery care may well be the
59 nursery n. C1 nhà trẻ
best choice for your child.
Fewer students are opting for science
60 opt v. C1 chọn
courses nowadays.
bằng lời nói; nói Only in borderline cases will pupils have an
61 oral adj. C1
miệng oral exam.
She always kept a pad and pencil by the
62 pad n. C1 tập giấy
participation n. sự tham gia, sự We encourage students to participate fully
B2 tham dự in the running of the college.
người ngang địa
He wasn't a great scholar, but as a teacher
64 peer n. B2 vị; người ngang
he had few peers.
philosopher n. nhà triết học, triết We studied the writings of the Greek
C1 gia philosopher Aristotle.
philosophical adj. (thuộc) triết học; There are many philosophical
C1 theo triết học writings/essays.
The exams have been postponed until next
67 postpone v. C1 hoãn
potentially adv. tiềm năng, tiềm This crisis is potentially the most serious in
B2 tàng the organization's history.
người thực hành He has years of experience as a senior
69 practitioner n. C1 một kỹ năng, practitioner in the financial services
người hành nghề industry.
They had started with the premise that all
70 premise n. C1 giả thuyết, tiền đề men are created equal.
The argument rests on a false premise.
prestigious adj. có uy tín, có thanh My parents wanted me to go to a more
C1 thế, đem lại uy tín prestigious university.
Education should be a universal right and
72 privilege n. C1 đặc ân, đặc quyền
not a privilege.
We are currently witnessing a progressive
progressive adj. lũy tiến, tăng tiến
73 decline in the number of students entering
B2 tiến bộ
higher education.
I felt the performance/speech/presentation
một cú đấm
lacked punch.
74 punch n., v. C1 sức hút mạnh,
The boxer was felled by a punch to the
ảnh hưởng mạnh
sự xếp hạng, vị trí She has retained her No.1 world ranking in
75 ranking n. C1
xếp hạng tennis
The school has a very high teacher-student
76 ratio n. C1 tỷ số, tỷ lệ
Registration for the course will take place a
77 registration n. B2 sự đăng kí
week before the start of term.
78 remainder n. C1 phần còn lại 9 divided by 4 is 2, remainder 1.
sự đọc lại, ôn lại She did no revision, but she still got a very
79 revision n. B2
bài vở high mark.
Nhà nghiên cứu; He was the most distinguished scholar in
80 scholar n. B2
học giả his field.
She won a scholarship to study at
81 scholarship n. B2 học bổng
hội nghị chuyên
82 seminar n. B2 Teaching is by lectures and seminars.
I often skip breakfast altogether.
83 skip v. C1 nhảy, bỏ qua
She decided to skip class that afternoon.
Khuyến khích, Good teachers should ask questions that
84 stimulate v. B2
thúc đẩy ai đó stimulate students to think.
The teacher's praise is a stimulus to work
85 stimulus n. C1 sự khuyến khích
đình chỉ (học, She was suspended from school for
86 suspend v. B2
công tác...) fighting.
sự đình chỉ (học, The school is imposing the suspension of
87 suspension n. C1
công tác...) indisciplined pupils from school.
thời gian nắm giữ During his tenure as dean, he had a real
88 tenure n. C1
chức vụ influence on the students.
I would not recommend it as a classroom
89 textbook n. B2 Sách giáo khoa
Luận đề, luận
Students must submit a thesis on an
90 thesis n. B2 cương, luận văn,
agreed subject within four years
luận án
You will need a thorough understanding of
91 thorough adj. B2 Kỹ lưỡng, tỉ mỉ
the subject
thoroughly adv. Một cách hoàn You will need to read the textbook
B2 toàn thoroughly
Sự dạy học; sự
93 tuition n. C1 She received private tuition in French
kèm học
undergraduate n. It is important for undergraduates to attend
94 sinh viên đại học
C1 this seminar.
đảm nhận, thực Students are required to undertake simple
95 undertake v. B2
hiện cái gì experiments.
At the end of the course, we need to
96 verse n. C1 thơ
analyze several verses of Shakespeare.

Topic 7: Entertainment and Media

No Word Definition (Vietnamese) Example

aesthetic adj. The songs have an aesthetic
1 Thẩm mỹ
C1 appeal to them
amusing adj.
2 Hài hước It was a very amusing film
The first animation ever was made
3 animation n. B2 Hoạt hình
in the 1900s
His face was blurred out in the
anonymous adj.
4 Ẩn danh interview clip because he wished to
remain anonymous
The eagerly anticipated movie will
5 anticipate v. B2 Dự đoán, lường trước
be released next month
Can you send me the finished
Ảnh và minh họa trên sách
6 artwork n. B2 artwork for the poster before
The audio quality at the show was
7 audio adj. B2 Thuộc về âm thanh
really poor
authentic adj. I'm not sure if the painting is
8 Đích thực, xác thực
C1 authentic
9 bass1 n. C1 Âm trầm He sings bass in our local choir
The book gives potted biographies
10 biography n. C1 Tiểu sử
of all the major painters
He bowed low to the assembled
11 bow1 v., n. C1 Cúi chào
broadcaster n. She is a writer and broadcaster on
12 Phát thanh viên
B2 environmental matters
The children's choir will perform
13 choir n. B2 Đội hát
some Christmas songs
classification n. It's a style of music that defies
14 Sự phân loại
C1 classification
The records are classified
15 classify v. B2 Phân loại
according to genre
16 clip n. B2 Đoạn phim ngắn Here is a clip from her latest movie
Mozart composed his last opera
17 compose v. B2 Sáng tác
shortly before he died
Verdi was a prolific composer of
18 composer n. B2 Nhà soạn nhạc
composition n. Moonlight Sonata was one of
19 Bài sáng tác
C1 Beethoven’s finest compositions
The collection comprises 327
20 comprise v. B2 Bao gồm, gồm có
contributor n.
21 Người đóng góp I am a contributor to several blogs
Who owns the copyright on this
22 copyright n. C1 Bản quyền
Media coverage of the march
23 coverage n. B2 Sự đưa tin, tường thuật focused on the few fights that broke
She had kept all the press cuttings
24 cutting n. C1 Bài báo cắt ra/Cành giâm
about the murder.
Buổi ra mắt đầu tiên trước The band’s debut album was a
25 debut n. C1
công chúng huge success
The artist had depicted her lying on
26 depict v. C1 Tả, mô tả
a bed
She refused to disclose the source
27 disclose v. C1 Để lộ ra; tiết lộ
of her information
The newspaper made damaging
disclosure n.
28 Sự tiết lộ disclosures of management
Newspapers are often guilty of
29 distort v. C1 Làm méo mó, bóp méo
distorting the truth
The media dubbed anorexia ‘the
30 dub v. C1 Gán cho một biệt danh
slimming disease’
The famous magician duo Penn &
31 duo n. C1 Đôi, cặp biểu diễn
Teller is having a new TV show
The paper follows an editorial
32 editorial adj. B2 Thuộc công tác biên tập
policy that puts great emphasis on
foreign news

Reading good literature can enrich

33 enrich v. C1 Làm giàu thêm
all our lives
His paintings capture the essence
34 essence n. C1 Thực chất, bản chất
of France
Although she made intermittent
essentially adv.
35 Về cơ bản movie appearances, she was
essentially a stage actres
The music evoked memories of her
36 evoke v. C1 Gợi lên, gợi nhớ
Only one painting was exhibited in
37 exhibit v., n. B2 Trưng bày, triển lãm
the artist's lifetime
She found fame on the Broadway
38 fame n. B2 Danh tiếng, tiếng tăm
film-maker n. Alfred Hitchcock is one of the most
39 Nhà làm phim
C1 influential filmmakers of all time
The film contained some old
40 footage n. C1 Đoạn phim
newsreel footage
Is the painting a genuine Picasso?
Thật, đích thực
41 genuine adj. B2 He came across as a very genuine
Thành thật, chân thật
There are some genuinely funny
genuinely adv. Một cách thành thật, chân
42 moments in the film
B2 thật
She was genuinely sorry
(khẩu ngữ) sự biểu diễn He played with the band at a recent
43 gig n. B2
một đêm nhạc gig
The poem is full of religious
44 imagery n. C1 Hình tượng
influential adj. Có ảnh hưởng, tác động; Bethoven is one of the most
C1 có uy thế, quyền lực influential composers of all time
46 ink n. B2 Mực Be careful. The ink is still wet
inspiration n. Love is a rich source of inspiration
47 Cảm hứng
C1 for an artist
journalism n. My son's planning to go into
48 nghề làm báo
B2 journalism.
A leaflet about the new bus
49 leaflet n. B2 tờ quảng cáo rời services came through the door
We've got a star-studded line-up of
50 line-up n. C1 hàng người, đội ngũ
guests on tonight's show.
To find the correct TV channel,
51 listing n. C1 sự lập danh sách
check the listings in your local

All over the world there are red and

52 logo n. B2 biểu tượng white paper cups bearing the
company logo.
Paul Simon writes the lyrics for
53 lyric n. B2 (thường số nhiều) lời ca
most of his songs.
mainstream n., This is the director's first
54 thịnh hành
adj. C1 mainstream Hollywood film.
quá trình/ hoạt động sản There's an article on the making of
55 making n. B2
xuất the series.
manuscript n. She has submitted a manuscript to
56 bản thảo
C1 an editor
In the second part of the play, the
57 mask n. C1 mặt nạ
actors take off their masks.
He played a few well-known
58 melody n. C1 giai điệu
His songs are always strong on
She has written a memoir of her
59 memoir n. C1 ký sự encounters with famous movie
stars over the years.
Brierley's book has the merit of
60 merit n. C1 giá trị being both informative and
misleading adj. Adverts must not create a
61 lừa dối, gây lạc hướng
C1 misleading impression.
Parts of the film were shown again
sự chuyển động
62 motion n. B2 in slow motion
điệu bộ
She has a very graceful motion
newsletter n. You did a good job on the brevity of
63 bản tin
C1 this newsletter this week.
64 opera n. B2 opera, nhạc kịch "Carmen" is my favourite opera.
65 orchestra n. B2 dàn nhạc He plays the flute in an orchestra.
Her outstanding performances set
outstanding adj.
66 xuất sắc, nổi bật a new benchmark for singers
throughout the world.
(trước tính từ, động từ) His films have been criticized for
67 overly adv. C1
quá, quá mức being overly violent.
The painting portrays a beautiful
68 portray v. C1 vẽ chân dung (của ai)
young woman in a blue dress.
The interviewer probed deep into
her private life.
The article probes (= tries to
describe and explain) the mysteries
69 probe n., v. C1 dò xét, thăm dò
of nationalism in modern Europe.
Detectives questioned him for
hours, probing for any
inconsistencies in his story.
sự công khai, làm cho mọi
There has been a lot of advance
70 publicity n. B2 người biết đến
publicity for her new film.
sự quảng cáo, rao hàng
publishing n. công việc xuất bản, ngành She used to be a teacher, but now
B2 xuất bản she works in publishing.
một loại nhạc rock phổ biến
thập niên 70-80
72 punk n. B2 They love this punk band.
người mang phong cách
câu đố, The deeper meaning of the poem
73 puzzle n. B2
sự bí ẩn remains a puzzle.
sự đánh giá, xếp loại một ‘The Big Bang Theory’ was the
74 rating n. B2 sự vật/việc/người tốt, phổ network show with the highest
biến như thế nào rating.
renowned adj.
75 nổi tiếng, có tiếng She is renowned as an actress.
reportedly adv. theo như tường trình, theo The actress is reportedly very
C1 như đưa tin upset by the incident.
Reporting restrictions on the trial
77 reporting n. B2 bản tin (báo chí)
have been lifted
Shocking revelations about their
78 revelation n. C1 sự tiết lộ
private life appeared in the papers.
Recently, there has been some
79 revival n. C1 sự phục hồi, hồi sinh lại
revival of interest in ancient music.
[làm] rung chuyển, làm náo the town was rocked by an
80 rock v. C1
động earthquake
There has been no hint of scandal
Vụ bê bối, vụ tai tiếng, xì
during his time in office.
81 scandal n. B2 căng đan, chuyện gây xôn
People can find newspapers full of
xao dư luận
Sự chiếu một bộ phim (một This will be the movie's first
82 screening n. B2
chương trình..) screening in this country.
shocking adj. Gây ra sửng sốt, khích It is shocking that they involved
B2 động children in the crime.
Bức vẽ phác, bức phác hoạ The artist is making sketches for
84 sketch n. C1
Vẽ phác, phác hoạ his next painting.
The crowd began chanting anti-
85 slogan n. B2 Khẩu hiệu
government slogans.
đơn ca, độc tấu After three years with the band he
86 solo adj., n. C1
một mình decided to go solo.
The carnival was a magnificent
87 spectacle n. C1 sự trình diễn, sự biểu diễn
The orchestra receives £2 million a
sponsorship n.
88 sự tài trợ year in sponsorship from
Spotlights followed the two dancers
89 spotlight n. C1 ánh đèn sân khấu
around the stage.
"Did you enjoy the film?" "Yes, I
90 super adj. B2 tuyệt vời, cực kì tốt
thought it was super."
91 superb adj. C1 tuyệt vời, tài giỏi He is a superb dancer.
theatrical adj.
92 Thuộc sân khấu Dance is a very theatrical art
Đáng suy nghĩ, kích thích This is an entertaining yet thought-
93 provoking adj.
tư duy provoking film
The singing trio were on tour all
94 trio n. C1 Bộ ba
Gradually, the reporter unfolded the
95 unfold v. B2 để lộ, làm bộc lộ
president's scandals.
thuộc phát âm, liên quan
96 vocal adj. C1 I played some vocal music.
đến phát âm

Topic 8: Environment and the Natural World

No Word Definition (Vietnamese) Example
abundance n. The rainforest has an abundance
1 Sự phong phú
C1 of wildlife
In some areas, severe air pollution
acid n. B2, has resulted in acid rain
2 Axit
adj. C1 It's a very juicy fruit with a slightly
acid flavour
There are 3000 acres of parkland
3 acre n. C1 Mẫu Anh (đơn vị đo diện tích)
in this region
Thousands of environmental
4 activist n. C1 Nhà hoạt động xã hội/chính trị activists are marching to demand
action on climate change
advocate n., He's an advocate of newable
5 Người tán thành, ủng hộ
v. C1 energy
ancestor n. A reptile was the common
6 Tổ tiên
B2 ancestor of lizards and turtles
Ash from the volcano fell over a
7 ash n. C1 Tro
wide area
Now, more than ever, we need to
awareness n.
8 Nhận thức increase public awareness about
environmental problems
Protesters carried a banner
9 banner n. C1 Biểu ngữ
reading ‘Save our Wildlife’
We looked out over a bare, open
10 bare adj. C1 Trần, trọc
landscape, stripped of vegetation
He was ripped apart by wild beasts
11 beast n. C1 Thú vật
in the forest
breed v., n. Many animals breed only at certain
12 Sinh, đẻ, nhân giống
C1 times of the year
There's a bug crawling up your
13 bug n. B2 Sâu bọ/Lỗi máy tính My computer's really slow at the
moment—it must be some kind of
Carbon emissions are rising at an
14 carbon n. B2 Cacbon
alarming rate
15 cling v. C1 Bám chặt vào Leaves still clung to the branches
compound n. Compounds derived from plants
16 Hợp chất
B2 are used as organic fertilizer
conservation There is a national park and
17 Sự bảo tồn
n. B2 conservation area in this region
Renewable energy resources can
conserve v.
18 Bảo tồn help conserve fossil fuels and
reduce carbon emissions
The dam burst and the valley was
19 dam n. C1 Đập
designate v. This area is a designated nature
20 Chỉ định
C1 reserve
The destruction of the rainforests
destruction n.
21 Sự phá hoại, hủy hoại is one of the most important driving
forces of climate change
Coal mining is among the most
22 Mang tính phá hoại, hủy diệt environmentally destructive
adj. C1
diminish v. The world's resources are rapidly
23 Bớt, giảm bớt
C1 diminishing
Pollution can have disastrous
24 Tai họa, thảm hại effects on the delicately balanced
adj. C1
The grass was littered with
25 discard v. C1 Bỏ, loại bỏ, vứt bỏ
discarded plastic bags
disposal n. The waste must be taken to an
26 Sự vứt bỏ
C1 approved disposal facility
Plastic waste must be disposed of
27 dispose v. C1 Vứt bỏ
driving adj. Human activities are the main
28 Mạnh mẽ, có ảnh hưởng lớn
C1 driving force of climate change
Farmers are facing ruin after two
29 drought n. B2 Hạn hán
years of severe drought
Too much toxic waste is being
30 dump v. B2 Vứt bỏ, đổ thành đống
dumped at sea
Dội, vang/Tiếng dội, tiếng The call echoed off the walls of the
31 echo v., n. C1
vang cave
ecological We risk upsetting the ecological
32 Thuộc sinh thái
adj. C1 balance of the area
emission n. We must take action to cut global
33 Sự phát ra, bốc ra, tỏa ra
B2 emissions of carbon dioxide
The volcano could erupt at any
34 erupt v. B2 Phun trào
The national park was full of exotic
35 exotic adj. B2 Kỳ lạ
plants and animals
forecast n., v. The forecast said there would be
36 Dự đoán
B2 sunny intervals and showers
greenhouse Gladys grows a lot of tomatoes in
37 Nhà kính (trồng cây)
n. B2 her greenhouse
Môi trường sống, nơi sống The panda's natural habitat is the
38 habitat n. B2
(của động vật cây cối) bamboo forest
We must ensure that tourism
harmony n. Sự hòa thuận, hòa hợp, hài
39 develops in harmony with the
C1 hòa
hidden adj. Hidden dangers lurk in the ocean
40 Ẩn, khuất
B2 depths
41 horizon n. C1 Chân trời The sun sank below the horizon
The bull lowered its horns and
42 horn n. C1 Sừng, gạc
charged straight at him
large-scale We must improve our response to
43 có quy mô, phạm vi lớn
adj. C1 large-scale natural disasters.
rác rưởi (loại nhẹ như giấy There will be fines for people who
44 litter n. B2
vụn, chai…) drop litter.
(n): khúc củi There are many logs for the fire
45 log n., v. C1 (v): ghi khoảng cách đã đi The pilot had logged over 200
được hours in the air
Dark storm clouds loomed on the
46 loom v. C1 hiện ra lờ mờ
Marine biologists are concerned
marine adj. about the effects of untreated
47 (thuộc) biển/ hải quân
C1 sewage that is flowing into coastal
Environmentalists are doing
minimize v.
48 giảm đến mức tối thiểu everything within their power to
minimize the impact of the oil spill.
rất nhỏ (về kích thước hoặc Water contains minute quantities
49 minute
số lượng) of lead.
monster n. the Loch Ness monster
50 quái vật
B2 a sea monster
The snake will attack if disturbed
51 nest n. C1 tổ
inside its nest.
It's good to get a view from the
52 pond n. C1 cái ao
other side of the pond.
Kofi Annan preceded Ban Ki-moon
đi trước, đến trước, xảy ra
53 precede v. B2 as the Secretary-General of the
Quyết định, sự kiện... được
Some politicians fear that agreeing
precedent n. xem là mẫu mực cho các
54 to the concession would set a
C1 quyết định hoặc các sự kiện
dangerous precedent.
sau này; tiền lệ
In court, he was accused of being
predator n. dã thú, động vật ăn thịt a merciless predator who had
C1 người lợi dụng người khác tricked his grandmother out of her
The police are all over town. He’s
56 rat n. B2 chuột
caught, like a rat in a trap.
Some creatures were better at
reproduce v.
57 sinh sôi nảy nở surviving and reproducing
themselves than others.
reproduction We are researching reproduction
58 sự sinh sôi nảy nở
n. C1 in elephants
A rose is the national emblem of
59 rose n. B2 Hoa hồng; cây hoa hồng
Rubbish of all sorts is washed up
60 shore n. B2 Bờ biển, bờ hồ lớn
on the shore.
We are striving to protect the
61 strive v. C1 cố gắng, phấn đấu làm gì
On this day in 1784, Dr Michel
62 summit n. C1 đỉnh (núi...) Paccard and Jacques Balmat
reached the summit of Mont Blanc.
surge n., v. A tidal surge caused severe
63 sự tràn, sự dâng lên
C1 flooding in coastal areas.
A large international meeting was
sustainable bền vững, không gây hại đến held with the aim of promoting
adj. B2 môi trường sustainable development in all
They walked for miles across
65 terrain n. C1 địa hình
steep terrain
66 tide n. C1 Thủy triều Is the tide coming in or going out?
This chemical is toxic to many
67 toxic adj. C1 Độc
forms of life
They put rabbit traps all over the
68 trap v., n. B2 Cái bẫy
A tsunami early warning system
69 tsunami n. B2 Sóng thần
was set up in Hawaii
variable n., British weather is perhaps at its
70 biến động, hay thay đổi
adj. C1 most variable in the spring.
variation n. There are global temperature
71 sự biến động, sự thay đổi
B2 variations over the last 140 years
With its varied climate, the country
72 varied adj. C1 đa dạng, khác nhau attracts both winter and summer
sports enthusiasts.
She looked over the cliff and found
vertical adj.
73 thẳng đứng she was standing at the edge of a
vertical drop.
74 weed n. C1 cỏ dại My garden is overrun with weeds.
widespread Minnesota has experienced
75 trên diện rộng
adj. B2 widespread flooding.
The width of the river at this point
76 width n. C1 chiều rộng, bề ngang
is quite amazing.
There are a lot of worms in my
77 worm n. B2 giun, sâu

Topic 9: Family and Relationships

No Word Example
She adopted three children from the
1 adoption n. C1 Nhận làm con nuôi
She felt betrayed when she found out
2 betray v. C1 Phản bội
the truth about him
I’d like you to meet an old college
3 buddy n. C1 Bạn
buddy of mine
She often had to act as a buffer
4 buffer n. C1 Vật đệm
between father and son
Geoff was my companion on the
5 companion n. C1 Bạn đồng hành
compromise n., In any relationship, you have to make
6 Sự thỏa hiệp
v. C1 compromises
He confronted her with a choice
7 confront v. C1 Chạm trán, đối đầu between her career or their
confrontation n. She wanted to avoid another
8 Sự chạm trán, đối đầu
C1 confrontation with her father
The couple decided to go for
9 counselling n. C1 Khuyên bảo, chỉ bảo
relationship counselling
The couple met a marriage guidance
10 counsellor n. C1 Cố vấn
dependence n. Sự tùy thuộc, phụ Our relationship was based on mutual
C1 thuộc dependence
dependent adj. Dựa vào, tùy thuộc, Most children remain dependent on
B2 phụ thuộc their parents while at university
Thế lưỡng nan, khó She faces the dilemma of disobeying
13 dilemma n. C1
xử her father or losing the man she loves
14 divorce n., v. B2 Ly hôn The marriage ended in divorce in 1996
15 embrace v. B2 Ôm He held her in a warm embrace
encouragement Sự khuyến khích, With a little encouragement from his
n. C1 khích lệ, cổ vũ parents he should do well
encouraging adj. His parents remain encouraging
17 Khích lệ, cổ vũ
C1 despite bad grades
engagement n. He announced his engagement to his
18 Sự đính hôn, hứa hôn
C1 long-time girlfriend
Sự tụ tập; cuộc họp We're having a small family gathering
19 gathering n. C1
mặt (đông người) to mark our wedding anniversary
20 inherit v. B2 Thừa kế, thừa hưởng She inherited a fortune from her father
Can thiệp vào, xen It's their problem and I'm not going to
21 interfere v. C1
vào interfere
You should watch out for unnecessary
interference n.
22 Sự can thiệp interference by your friends into your
23 lifelong adj. C1 suốt đời She is my lifelong friend.
long-standing [tồn tại] lâu dài; lâu
24 They have a long-standing relationship
adj. C1 đời
25 long-time adj. C1 lâu ngày She is a long-time friend of the family.
There is something magical about the
26 magical adj. C1 có phép màu, kì diệu pure exchange of love between parent
and child.
ghép đôi
I usually go out with some of my mates
27 mate n., v. B2 bạn (bạn đời, bạn
from the office on Saturdays.
meaningful adj. She found it difficult to form meaningful
28 có ý nghĩa, có giá trị
C1 relationships.
29 mutual adj. C1 lẫn nhau We are mutual friends
She's the offspring of a scientist and a
30 offspring n. C1 con; con cái
bắt nguồn từ, khởi The quarrel originated in rivalry
31 originate v. C1
đầu từ between the two families.
passionate adj. It was a passionate and often stormy
32 say đắm
B2 relationship.
He played a passive role in the
33 passive adj. C1 bị động; thụ động
quý giá, cầu kì, đẹp The museum is full of rare and
34 precious adj. B2
tuyệt precious treasures.
There is a growing realization that
sự nhận thức changes must be made.
35 realization n. C1
sự thực hiện It was the realization of his greatest
You resemble your mother very
36 resemble v. C1 giống ai
The family now resides in southern
37 reside v. C1 sinh sống, cư trú
Her parents took up residence in
38 residence n. C1 sự sinh sống, cư trú
Canada 20 years ago.
residential adj.
39 thuộc nhà riêng What is your residential address?
Không khí lãng mạn;
tình cảm lãng mạn
Truyện tình lãng mạn;
40 romance n. B2 They had a whirlwind romance.
mối tình lãng mạn
Sự mơ mộng, tính
lãng mạn
I believe in education for its own sake.
41 sake n. C1 Mục đích, lợi ích They stayed together for the sake of
the children.
Lác đác; lưa thưa; rải Her family are scattered around the
42 scattered adj. C1
rác world.
Sự phân ly; sự chia Prolonged separations of this kind are
43 separation n. C1
tay; sự ly thân damaging to very young children.
The younger children were badly
44 sibling n. B2 anh chị em ruột
treated by older siblings.
Sự thu hút, sự làm
The witch cast/put a spell on the prince
45 spell n. C1 say mê
and he turned into a frog.
câu thần chú
46 spoil v. B2 làm hư hỏng He is sulking like a spoilt child.
In 60 percent of the households
47 spouse n. C1 vợ/ chồng surveyed both spouses went out to
supportive adj. khuyến khích, đem lại Children with supportive parents often
C1 sự giúp đỡ do better at school than those without.
My grandmother has been a widow
49 widow n. C1 góa phụ
since her husband died 30 years ago.

Topic 10: Food and Cooking

No Word Example
Sự ngon miệng, He suffered from headaches and loss of
1 appetite n. C1
thèm ăn appetite
balanced adj.
2 Cân bằng A balanced diet will help you keep fit
3 barrel n. C1 Thùng (đáy tròn) They filled the barrels with cider
Blend the flour with the milk to make a
4 blend v., n. C1 Pha trộn
smooth paste
5 cater v. C1 Phục vụ ăn uống Who will be catering the wedding?
6 chop v. B2 Bổ, chặt Add the finely chopped onions
7 chunk n. C1 Khúc, tảng He cut the food up into bite-size chunks
8 cocktail n. C1 Rượu cốc tay He made me fruit cocktail
complement The excellent menu is complemented by a
9 Phần bổ sung
v. C1 good wine list
consumption The meat was declared unfit for human
10 Sự tiêu thụ
n. B2 consumption
dairy n., adj. The doctor told me to eat less red meat and
11 Bơ sữa
B2 dairy
12 dip v. C1 Nhúng, dìm The fruit had been dipped in chocolate
13 drain v. C1 Làm ráo nước Drain off any liquid that is left in the rice
eliminate v. This diet claims to eliminate toxins from the
14 Loại ra, loại bỏ
B2 body
Mùi thơm, vị ngon, The tomatoes give extra flavour to the
15 flavour n. B2
mùi vị sauce
grasp v., n. Túm lấy; ngoạm lấy,
16 He grasped the pan by its handle
C1 chộp lấy
17 grind v. C1 Xay, nghiền, tán The coffee is ground to a fine powder
18 handful n. C1 Một nhúm, một nắm He grabbed a handful of cookies and left
The shop sells a large range of herbs and
19 herb n. B2 Dược thảo
lít (đơn vị đo thể Add a scant half litre of milk to the mixture
20 litre n. B2
tích) and stir well.
organic adj. Supermarkets have recognized the
21 hữu cơ
B2 increasing popularity of organic food.
They found cans containing rotting meat,
sự chế biến, gia which was the result of poor processing
processing n.
22 công when the cans were sealed.
xử lý These files enable you to control image
processing on your PC.
Peas, beans and lentils are a good source
23 protein n. B2 pro-tê-in, chất đạm
of vegetable protein.
The remains of the meal were put on the
24 remains n. C1 đồ ăn thừa
She cut off the best meat and threw away
25 residue n. C1 phần còn lại
the residue.

26 soak v. C1 nhúng, ngâm nước Leave the apricots to soak for 20 minutes.

Đồ gia vị; gia vị We need an exciting trip to add some spice

27 spice n. B2 (nghĩa bóng) điều to our lives.
làm thêm hấp dẫn The danger added spice to their romance.
28 stall n. B2 quầy, sạp hàng She runs a vegetable stall in the market.
khuấy, quấy trộn cái
29 stir v. C1 Stir the sauce gently until it begins to boil.

She was sitting in the dining room sucking
30 suck v. C1 bú, mút
lemonade through a straw.
He put a grape into his mouth and
31 swallow v. B2 nuốt (đồ ăn...)
swallowed it whole.
32 warming n. B2 ấm I want a warming bowl of soup.
Wheat is a staple crop for millions of people
33 wheat n. B2 lúa mì
across the world.
34 whip v. C1 đánh (kem, trứng...) Could you whip the cream for me?
Topic 11: Health and Well-being

No Word Definition (Vietnamese) Example

1 abortion n. C1 Nạo phá thai She decided to have an abortion
accelerate v. Exposure to the sun can accelerate
2 Tăng tốc
C1 the ageing process
He was suffering from acute chest
3 acute adj. C1 Cấp tính
He's now fighting this alcohol
4 addiction n. B2 Sự nghiện ngập
5 adhere v. C1 Tuân thủ The diet will work if it is adhered to
This drug is known to have adverse
6 adverse adj. C1 Bất lợi, có hại
side effects
Hội chứng suy giảm miễn He developed AIDS five years after
7 AIDS n. B2
dịch mắc phải contracting HIV
The recommended daily allowance
8 allowance n. C1 Liều lượng cho phép
of Vitamin C is 60-90 miligrams
ambulance n. Xe cứu thương, xe cấp The ambulance crew rush her to
B2 cứu the hospital
Some hospital patients experience
10 anxiety n. B2 Lo âu, lo lắng
high levels of anxiety
beneficial adj.
11 Có lợi A good diet is beneficial to health
The biggest beneficiary of
beneficiary n.
12 Người hưởng lợi exercising is none other than
13 bleed v. C1 Chảy máu My finger's bleeding
14 chronic adj. C1 Mãn tính, kinh niên He's a chronic alcoholic
The condition prevents the blood
15 circulate v. C1 Lưu thông
from circulating freely
Regular exercise will improve blood
16 circulation n. C1 Sự lưu thông
Bệnh viện chuyên khoa, Your local family planning clinic can
17 clinic n. B2
phòng khám give you advice about birth control
Clinical trials of a COVID drug are
18 clinical adj. C1 Lâm sàng
starting soon
Doctors are worried about what
19 cluster n. C1 Cụm appear to be cancer clusters
occurring in these areas
complication n. She developed complications after
20 Biến chứng
C1 the surgery
She was confined to bed with the
21 confine v. C1 Bị hạn chế
confirmation n. I'm still waiting for confirmation of
22 Sự xác nhận
C1 the test results
consciousness She did not regain consciousness
23 Ý thức
n. C1 and died the next day
Considerable progress has been
24 Rất lớn, to tát made in finding a cure for the
adj. B2
considerably The need for sleep varies
25 Một cách rất lớn, nhiều
adv. B2 considerably from person to person
Đối phó, đương đầu với He wasn't able to cope with the
26 cope v. B2
khó khăn stresses and strains of the job
A high-fat diet correlates with a
27 correlate v. C1 Có tương quan với
greater risk of heart disease
There is a direct correlation
correlation n.
28 Sự tương quan between exposure to sun and skin
The new treatment could save
countless adj.
29 Vô số Emma's life and the lives of
countless others
30 crack v., n. B2 Làm nứt, rạn/Vết nứt, rạn He has cracked a bone in his arm
damaging adj. Lead is potentially damaging to
31 Tổn hại
C1 children's health
Thiếu sót, sai sót; Khuyết
32 defect n. C1 The child had a mild heart defect
Vitamin deficiency in the diet can
33 deficiency n. C1 Sự thiếu sót
cause illness
In order to lose weight, you should
34 deficit n. C1 Sự thiếu hụt
aim for a calorie deficit
The eye is one of the most delicate
35 delicate adj. C1 Mong manh
organs of the body
depression n. She suffered from severe
36 Sự trầm cảm
B2 depression after losing her job
You can't function properly when
37 deprive v. C1 Lấy đi, tước đi
you're deprived of sleep
deteriorate v. Her health deteriorated rapidly, and
38 Hư hỏng
C1 she died shortly afterwards
Her condition was wrongly
39 diagnose v. C1 Chẩn đoán
diagnosed by the doctor
Sự chẩn đoán, kết quả They are waiting for the doctor's
40 diagnosis n. C1
chẩn đoán diagnosis
No one knows what causes
41 disability n. B2 Sự tàn tật
learning disabilities
The museum has special facilities
42 disabled adj. B2 Người tàn tật
for disabled people
Cho xuất viện/Cho giải Patients were being discharged
43 discharge v. C1
ngũ from the hospital too early
discourage v. Làm nản lòng; can ngăn, Smoking is actively discouraged in
B2 ngăn cản the university
She suffers from a rare blood
45 disorder n. B2 Sự rối loạn
Organ donation has not kept pace
46 donation n. B2 Sự biếu tặng, quyên góp
with the demand for transplants
The heart transplant will take place
Người cho tặng, người
47 donor n. C1 as soon as a suitable donor can be
I always take my daily dose of
48 dose n. C1 Liều (thuốc)
vitamin C
49 elbow n. B2 Khuỷu tay He rested his elbows on his knees
There was an operation to remove
50 embed v. C1 Ăn sâu, cắm chặt
glass embedded in his leg
The pain was almost too great to
51 endure v. C1 Chịu đựng
A flu epidemic broke out, and over
52 epidemic n. C1 Bệnh dịch
200 children died
excess n., adj. Sự quá mức, số lượng The drug can be harmful if taken in
C1 vượt quá excess
excessive adj. Excessive drinking can lead to
54 Thái quá
B2 stomach disorders
At high exposures, the chemical
55 exposure n. B2 Sự phơi nhiễm
can affect the liver and kidneys
If she gets ill again it could prove
56 fatal adj. C1 Làm chết người
57 fever n. B2 Cơn sốt He has a high fever
Dried fruits are especially high in
58 fibre n. C1 Chất xơ
I was feeling fine when I got up this
59 fine n., v. C1 Khỏe khắn
He suffered from headaches and
60 fit n.C1 Cơn; trận
fainting fits
The knife cut through flesh and
61 flesh n. C1 Thịt
The doctor told him to drink plenty
62 fluid n. C1 Chất lỏng
of fluids
63 forbid v. B2 Cấm Smoking is strictly forbidden
64 hazard n. C1 Mối nguy Smoking is a serious health hazard
Chữa khỏi (bệnh), làm It took a long time for the wounds to
65 heal v. B2
lành (vết thương) heal
healthcare n. Dịch vụ chăm sóc sức Many people in the country cannot
B2 khỏe afford health care
Many people are immune to this
67 immune adj. B2 Miễn dịch
All the indications are that she will
68 indication n. B2 Sự biểu thị; dấu hiệu
make a full recovery
Người chỉ; vật chỉ. Vật Nightly snoring can be an indicator
69 indicator n. C1
biểu thị of underlying health problems
It is not possible to infect another
70 infect v. C1 Làm lây lan
person with HIV through kissing
Ngăn chặn, kiềm chế, ức A lack of oxygen may inhibit brain
71 inhibit v. C1
chế development in the unborn child
She has been injecting herself with
72 inject v. C1 Tiêm, chích
insulin since the age of 16
He was treated with penicillin
73 injection n. C1 Mũi tiêm
They inserted a tube in his mouth
74 insert v. B2 Cài vào, lồng vào
to help him breathe
An examination is carried out
75 insertion n. C1 Sự cài vào, lồng vào
before the insertion of the tube
76 instruct v. C1 Chỉ dẫn, bảo I took the pills as instructed
Vật lấy vào; số lượng lấy You should maintain a low intake of
77 intake n. C1
vào fat
He intensified his training, running
78 intensify v. C1 Tăng cường; gia tăng
45 miles a week
Her headaches started to increase
79 intensity n. C1 Cường độ, độ mãnh liệt
in intensity
Following the surgery, Mr. Y was
intensive adj. Tập trung, câu; cực kỳ kỹ
80 rushed to the ICU (Intensive Care
C1 lưỡng
Patients with the disease should be
81 isolate v. B2 cách li
She suffered kidney failure and
82 kidney n. C1 quả cật
needed a blood transfusion.
dụng cụ làm việc, bộ đồ a first-aid/tool kit
83 kit n. B2
nghề We didn't have our sports kit with

The children sat on my lap.
84 lap n. C1 (thể dục,thể thao) vòng
He was overtaken on the final lap.
chạy, vòng đua
For a while, she lost the use of her
85 limb n. C1 tay, chân
gan (của người, của súc
86 liver n. C1 He died of liver cancer.
sự bốc thuốc, sự cho
medication n. He is currently taking medication
87 thuốc
B2 for his heart.
thuốc, dược phẩm
meditation n.
88 sự suy ngẫm, sự trầm tư I left him deep in meditation.
The doctor said her recovery was a
89 miracle n. C1 phép màu, phép kì diệu
There has been a moderate
moderate adj.
90 vừa phải, có mức độ improvement in her health since
she began the treatment.
(người mẹ) cho con bú Nursing mothers are advised to eat
91 nursing adj. B2
bằng sữa mẹ plenty of leafy green vegetables.
Good nutrition is essential if
92 nutrition n. B2 sự dinh dưỡng patients are to make a quick
A diet that is high in fat and sugar
93 obesity n. B2 sự béo phì
can lead to obesity.
94 partially adv. C1 một phần He is partially paralysed.
Please consult your physician
95 physician n. C1 thầy thuốc before beginning any new exercise
The doctor prescribed her some
96 pill n. B2 (dược phẩm) viên tròn
pills to help her sleep.
My first pregnancy was very
pregnancy n.
97 sự có thai, mang thai straightforward - there were no
Preliminary results show that the
preliminary adj. vaccine is effective, but this has to
98 mở đầu, sơ bộ, dẫn nhập
C1 be confirmed by further medical
He may be able to prescribe you
99 prescribe v. C1 kê đơn thuốc
something for that cough.
Antibiotics are only available on
prescription n. đơn thuốc, toa thuốc, prescription.
C1 thuốc được kê The doctor gave me a prescription
for antibiotics.
This is an interesting psychiatric
psychiatric adj.
101 (thuộc) bệnh tâm thần case study of a child with extreme
behavioural difficulties.
Abuse can lead to both
102 (thuộc) tâm lý, tâm lý học psychological and emotional
adj. B2
The doctor took/felt my pulse.
103 pulse n. C1 The music pulses with soul, Creole,
nhịp đập, nhịp điệu
and Cuban rhythms.
rehabilitation n. The patient is undergoing a slow
104 sự phục hồi
C1 rehabilitation
làm dịu đi, làm nhẹ bớt She was given a shot of morphine
105 relieve v. B2
cơn đau to relieve the pain.
You can buy most cold remedies
106 remedy n. C1 phương thuốc chữa bệnh
over the counter.
His condition required the removal
107 removal n. C1 sự cắt bỏ
of a kidney
noun: vết xước; vết
thương nhẹ
Từ con số không, từ bàn I'd scratched my leg and it was
108 scratch v., n. B2
tay trắng bleeding.
Cào, làm xước da
Khắc khe, gay gắt The crops were severely damaged.
severely adv.
109 rất gay go, khốc liệt, dữ Anyone breaking the law will be
dội severely punished.
Her skull was crammed with too
110 skull n. B2 bộ óc, đầu óc
many thoughts.
She had a stroke that left her
111 stroke n. B2 cơn đột quỵ
unable to speak.
supplement n., The doctor said she should be
112 thực phẩm bổ sung
v. C1 taking vitamin supplements.
The surgeon makes a small
113 surgeon n. B2 bác sĩ phẫu thuật incision into which a tube is
These surgical procedures are
rarely used today and have been
114 surgical adj. C1 thuộc về phẫu thuật
replaced by additive hormonal
The doctors told my wife I had a
115 survival n. B2 sự sống sót
50/50 chance of survival.
116 survivor n. B2 người sống sót She's a cancer survivor.
Down's syndrome is a genedic
117 syndrome n. C1 hội chứng
terminal n., adj.
118 giai đoạn cuối She has terminal cancer.
Some women prefer the use of
119 terminate v. C1 kết thúc, chấm dứt
medicine to terminate a pregnancy
Thử, kiểm định, thí A promising new COVID drug is
120 testing n. B2
nghiệm currently under testing
Bác sĩ điều trị chuyên He's been seeing a therapist to try
121 therapist n. B2
khoa to control his anger
He smiled and raised a thumb in
122 thumb n. B2 Ngón tay cái
123 tissue n. B2 Giấy lau He wiped his nose on a tissue
We cannot sell tobacco or alcohol
124 tobacco n. C1 Thuốc lá (cây lá)
to anyone under 16
transmission n. The virus's usual transmission
125 Sự truyền
C1 route is by sneezing
The disease cannot be transmitted
126 transmit v. B2 Truyền
through coughing or sneezing
Chấn thương, tổn thương
The children showed no signs of
127 trauma n. C1 (chấn động về cảm xúc
trauma after their ordeal
gây tác hại lâu dài)
trigger v. B2, n. Nuts can trigger off a violent
128 Gây ra
C1 allergic reaction
trải qua (cuộc phẫu She underwent an operation on a
129 undergo v. B2
thuật...) tumour in her left lung last year.
This drug is useless in the
130 useless adj. B2 vô dụng
treatment of patients with AIDS
The function of the veins is to carry
131 vein n. C1 tĩnh mạch
blood to the heart.
There are few visible signs of the
có thể nhìn thấy được, rõ
132 visible adj. B2 illness that kept her in hospital for
so long.
You could see the poor dog
133 weaken v. C1 yếu dần weakening daily as the disease
spread through its body.
tình trạng hạnh phúc, People doing yoga benefit from an
134 well-being n. C1
khỏe mạnh increased feeling of well-being.
Always wear good shoes for your
135 workout n. C1 việc luyện tập thân thể

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