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Field Study 1

Learning Diversity: Developmental Characteristics, Needs and Interests

NAME: Abellanosa, Shiela Mae L. DATE: Sep. 29, 2021


Learning Development Matrix

Development Preschool Elementary High School

(5 Years Old) (10 Years Old) (15 Years Old)


 Gross motor  Five-year-olds are  Have developed  Starts to develop the

skills more likely to move control of their large complex muscle
around than older and small muscles. abilities required for
children. They are They are able to enjoy sports, develops an
naturally active and activities that use interest in active
enjoy exercising their these skills, such as outdoor activities,
large muscles by basketball, dancing, and often finds
walking, running, and soccer. hobbies.
climbing, and so on.

 Fine motor  Children can copy  With less effort, they

skills geometric shapes can draw and write  With both hands, they
with their hands and correctly. They can can control little and
fingers, draw a also build basic huge objects. Their
person with a head, constructions out of writing is getting
body, arms, and legs, wood and other better, and they can
dress and undress materials. now comfortably
themselves, write create paragraphs.
some small and
capital letters from
the alphabet, and eat
with a fork and spoon.

 Self-help skills  Children at this age  Children at this age

and Others can dress can stay home alone  They've grown up and
independently, feed and are capable of learned to take care of
themselves without doing basic themselves. They are
difficulty, take a bath, household chores more self-sufficient
brush their teeth, such as cleaning. and capable of
comb their hair and They can also look for performing complex
can express their younger siblings and household tasks such
emotions. are able to use basic as laundry, cooking,
hand tools. toilet cleaning,
ironing clothes, and
keeping everything in
order and clean.


 Interaction  They are likely to  They started to feel  As teachers'

with Teachers interact and respond ashamed of asking approaches become
with teachers, questions, and the more formal, then
especially during interaction was interaction tends to
discussions, and they decrease.
are fond of asking minimized as it started
questions. to be formal.

 Interaction  They love to interact  They love to interact  They love to interact
with with one another, with peers and share with their classmates
Classmates particularly in their their own opinions on and discuss more
plays. The interaction things. The personal things. The
is very active. interaction focuses on interaction becomes
the things around more interesting.

 Interest  They love to play  They’re becoming  They’re becoming

And Others with their mates and independent and like mature and focusing
explore new things to do extraordinary more on their
around them. activities with appearance on how
friends. they appear to others.


 Moods and  Children under 5  At 10 years of age,  At the age of 15,

Temperament, years old are much children are children may become
Expression of better at handling developing a better more aware of their
feeling, and their emotions and sense of who they are abilities and become
Emotional are more likely to in the world. They more conscious of
Independence express their feelings can control their how they appear to
easily. When they get emotions and are others. They engage
mad, they've started better at handling fewer conflicts but
to use mean words conflicts and making become more
instead of getting solutions with emotional and
physical or throwing friends. At the same stressed by conflicts
a tantrum to other time, their emotions like grades,
children. are unpredictable relationships, and
because of their mood teenage issues.
swings, particularly
with girls reaching

 Communication  At the age of 5,  10 year olds enjoy  They have already

Skills cognitive abilities may putting themselves in improved their
 Thinking Skills occur from the more difficult communication
 Problem- influence of the situations and abilities. They are
Solving skills environment. Children participating in capable of
 Others: are more likely to difficult activities. communicating and
explore simple things They can expressing
and usually gear their communicate themselves in a
cognitive development effectively with their variety of ways.
toward play with their peers, including those Critical thinking has
friends. They start who are older. They improved there, and
simple conversations, are critical thinkers students have begun
understand simple who seek solutions to to comprehend world
things from their problems. They also challenges. They
surroundings, and start enjoy manipulating become more
to solve problems as objects and creating involved in
they are more curious something out of community projects
about things they them, such as making or activities as their
encounter. toys out of various influence in the
materials. environment or
society grows, and
they try to discover
answers to society's

Write the most salient developmental characteristic of the learners you observed. Based on these
characteristics. Think of its implication for the teacher.

Level Salient Characteristic Implication to the Teaching-

Learning Process

Preschool: 5 Years Old They like to play a lot. -The teacher should integrate
play in activities.

-The teacher should also

provide manipulative objects
like toys and other learning
Elementary: 10 Years Old They are more independent. -The teacher should allow self-
pace activities.

-The teacher should also

encourage group activities to
understand social relationships
towards other peers.
High School: 15 Years Old They are developing community -The teacher should let them
consciousness. engage in a community project
or events such in a program.

-The teacher should expose

them to sports and other

1. While you were doing the activity, did you recall your own experiences when you were
their age? What similarities and differences do you have with the learners you observe?

 While doing in the activity, I reflected on my own experiences when I was their age. But, unlike
other kids, I was not confident in expressing myself and my abilities, and until high school, I was
even a shy girl. When I looked at those children, ages 5, 10, and 15 years old, they all had unique
ways of living. Even if all of the five-year-old children are at the same developmental stage, they
each have their own unique way of interpreting and understanding things, as well as their own
developmental style. Indeed, even if we share the same experiences in life, we all have different
ways of living it.

2. Think of a teacher you cannot forget for positive and negative reasons. How did she/he
affect you?

 Way back in my third year high school, I had a teacher in English who gave me a grade of zero after
all the effort I put into making an essay and reciting it in front of my classmates. Actually, it was
the most awful event of my life. I cannot imagine that she gave that kind of score. She can give me a
5, a 10, or even a 15 over 50, and not with a zero. But that experience made me realize that I
should do all my best, don’t lose hope, and take away all my shyness because it cannot give me a
wonderful life. Starting that day, I began to believe in myself and to be as good as others.

3. What is your challenge now as soon to be a teacher in the elementary grades?

 Being a teacher is my ultimate challenge to myself, because since then I have wanted to conquer
my shyness and become more confident, which I have seen in this profession. Regarding children
with different learning perspectives, I am confident that I can pass on the struggles and hardships
encountered along the way. Because I believe that if your dream and your passion all come
together, then nothing is impossible and everything will be great as long as we all have love and

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