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Raman Systems Manual

Eddu Raman System


Almad Raman System


Gem Raman System

TO-GRS-532/ TO-GRS-532-E
Eddu Raman System

Figure 1. Eddu Raman System Setup

1 Computer
2 USB cable
3 Eddu Spectrometer (Avantes)
4 Optical fibers for excitation and collection
5 Raman Probe
6 Laser — 2 —
Almad Raman System

Figure 2. Almad Raman System Setup

1 Computer
2 USB cable
3 Almad Spectrometer
4 Optical fibers for excitation and collection
5 Raman Probe
6 Laser — 3 —
Gem Raman System

Figure 3. Gem Raman System Setup

1 Computer
2 USB cable
3 R-Spectrometer
4 Optical fibers for excitation and collection
5 Raman Probe
6 Laser — 4 —
Raman System mounting
1. Connect a spectrometer (3) to a computer (1) using an USB cable (2).
2. Connect a Raman probe (5) to a laser (6) with an orange excitation optical fiber (4) 200µm
core diameter.
3. Connect the Raman probe (5) to the spectrometer (3) with a blue collection optical fiber (4)
400µm core diameter.

Due to the dangers to handle and use lasers, It is recommended to use the laser with the proper
googles that block the wavelength emitted by the laser.
The laser delivers a variable power from 0 to 75mW. This power is measured at the exit of the SMA
connector of the laser and not on the surface of the sample. The power of the laser can be variated
with the blue knob.
The laser should be plugged first, and the power should be increased slowly by the knob. Never
direct the laser beam to your eyes, the damage will be permanent.
Never introduce any metallic tool inside the laser or to its connectors. It is recommended to use a
stand or a handler to fix the Raman probe and be able to adjust it for precise focalization of the
excitation light from the laser.

Software activation
1. Download and install Spectragryph software:
2. Activate the software using a provided individual license key. Click the button «Activation»
in the welcome window during the software starting process. — 5 —
Software and experiment settings
1. Go to the «Acquire» tab (A), then click the «Device Type» (B) and select «Thunder Optics
RS» in the list or «Avantes» for TO-ERS (C).
2. Click on «Connect» button (D), then click on the «Acquire» button (E) to start acquiring
3. Select «Continuous» acquisition mode (F), to be able to focus the laser on a sample.



4. Set the raman spectrum (G) at «Raman shift» settings (H). Convert the x-axis units to cm^-
1after setting:
TO-ERS-532 110 cm^-1
TO-ARS-532/TO-ARS-532-E laser wavelength 532 nm

TO-ERS-785 110 cm^-1

laser wavelength 785 nm — 6 —
5. Select the sample of a high Raman scattering for the first tests. For example, a slice of
carotte due to the high Raman scattering probability of a carotteen molecule.
6. Place a sample under the objective of Raman probe.
7. Move the objective back and forth untill you get the best Raman signal.
8. Increase or lower the laser power to get a better signal or to avoid the saturation of the
spectrometer detector.

Hints to improve the quality of the spectra:

Increase the laser power if the Raman signal is weak.

Increase the acquisiton time to improuve the Raman signal.
Make overages to improve the statistics.
Save and suvstract the dark current (it should be saved at the same acquisition time and
average than the Raman spectra)
Move back and forth the Raman probe to have the best focusing of the laser on the sample.
Work in dark environement to avoid light pollution.
Even if the procedure seems simple and easy, acquiring nice Raman spectra requires
sometimes a good epxerience and patience. — 7 —

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