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Jurnal Suluh Pendidikan (JSP), Vol 9, No 1.

Maret 2021 P ISSN: 23562596 E- ISSN: 27147037


Usman Sidabutar
Derpartment of English Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and
Education, Universitas HKBP Nommensen Medan

The objective of this research is to find the effect of the Audio- Lingual Method on speaking
achievement of the second grade of students on English Department of the HKBP
Nommensen University Medan in academic year 2018/ 2019which is focused on dialog
speaking encompassing the pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, fluency, and
comprehension. This design of the research was the experimental quantitative design which
applied two variables, such as a dependent variable as a speaking ability and an independent
variable as an Audio- Lingual Method. Having analyzed the data, the writer found that the
Audio- Lingual Method affects students‟ speaking ability. There was a different mean score
obtained from the both control group 65, 28 and the experimental group is 8,031. The result of
the calculation is:Tabs > table (P= 0.05); (df= 48) And 8,031 > 2,010 (P = 0.05); (df = 48).
The alternative hypothesis of the method is accepted. The students‟ speaking ability by using
the Audio- Lingual Method shows better results compared to those who did not teach by using
the Audio- Lingual Method. It is suggested for English teacher to use the Audio- Lingual
Method as the way to improve the students‟ English speaking ability.

Keywords: Speaking;English Dialog;Audio- Lingual Method

Background utterances to convey meaning”. The average

An online learning system or a virtual person produces tens of thousands of words
learning system is the learning system by a day. Speaking is a person‟s skill to
integrating an internet connection with the produce sounds that exist at the meaning
teaching-learning process (Bentley, Selassie, and be understood by other people, so that
&Shegunshi, 2012:1). It is the main choice able to create a good
due to the pandemic. It is also distance communication. Fulcher (2003:23) “states
learning. It is a learning approach that is that speaking is the verbal use of language
implemented not face to face in class but to communicate with others”.
through information technology by using According to Hughes (2001: 73) speaking in
internet facilities. One form is method e- an interactive and in accordance to
learning. E-learning is an internet-based accomplish pragmatics goal through
learning method. By integrating an internet interactive discourse with another speaker of
connection, it is hoped that learning language”. Nowadays, most students were
activities can interact with the interaction difficult to engage in a speaking activity,
between teaching staff and students even besides that, they said vocalized pause, lost
though they are not facing to face. idea, and they were sometimes obviously
Speaking is one of the four skills in afraid of making mistakes, few students who
learning a foreign language besides spoke English and they also tend to use
listening, reading, and writing. It has been inappropriate grammar. Moreover, some
taught since Elementary School. However, it students are convinced that most of the
is not easy for the students to communicate English sessions were boring so they think
in English. According to Nunan (2003: 48) that English 3is not important and they can
“Speaking is the productive aural/oral skill, live and find a job without English, this
it consists of producing systematic verbal perhaps is caused by lack of motivation-

Jurnal Suluh Pendidikan (JSP), Vol 9, No 1. Maret 2021 P ISSN: 23562596 E- ISSN: 27147037

related engagement from the teacher during to produce sounds that exist at the meaning
the speaking session. and be understood by other people, so that
The other problems that often happen able to create a good communication.
in the speaking class are often dominated by Scoot (2005:90-91) divides the criteria for
several activities of students. There are speaking tasks must encompass productivity
many activities to make the students to be maximally language productive to
interested and motivated in learning provide the best conditions for autonomous
English. To overcome those problems, language use.
Audio- Lingual can be used as a method to a. Purposefulness, often language
teach speaking to the students. Concerning productivity can be increased by
to method in teaching speaking, the English making sure that the speaking activity
teacher has to be aware of innovative ways has a clear outcome, especially one
and well-selected methods in teaching which requires learners to work
especially in teaching speaking skills. together to achieve a common purpose.
Audio- Lingual Method in teaching b. Interactivity, activities should require
speaking is more congruent with learning learners to take into account the effect
and talking teaching practices. It is more they are having on their audience. If
like the real and able to provide the correct not, they can hardly be said to be good
response directly. The Audio-Lingual preparation for real-life language use.
Method is like the direct method that is also Example: where there is an audience
an oral-based approach. However, it is very present, one which can demonstrate
different in that rather than emphasizing interest, understanding, and even ask
vocabulary acquisition through exposure to questions or make comments at the
its use in situations, the Audio-Lingual end.
Method drills students in the use of c. Challenge, the task should stretch the
grammatical sentence patterns. It also, learners so that they are forced to draw
unlike the Direct Method, has a strong on their available communicative
theoretical base in linguistics and resources to achieve the outcome.
physiology. d. Safety, while learners should be
The objective of the problem is to find challenged, they also need to feel
the effect of the Audio- Lingual Method on confident that, when meeting those
speaking achievement of the second grade challenges and attempting autonomous
of students onEnglish Department of the language use, they can do so without
HKBP Nommensen University Medan in too much risk. The classroom should
academic year 2019/ 2020. This study is provide the right conditions for
focused on dialog speaking which focuses experimentation, including a supportive
on pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, classroom dynamic and a non-
fluency, and comprehension. judgmental attitude to an error on the
Theoretical Framework part of the teacher. Also, learners need
Speaking is one of the four basic skills to be secure in the knowledge that the
in learning a foreign language besides teacher like a driving instructor will
listening, reading, and writing. From the always be there to take over if things
four skills mentioned earlier, it could make get seriously out of hand.
the group into two categories; oral and e. Authenticity, speaking tasks should
written features. According to Nunan (2003: have some relation to real-life language
48) “Speaking is the productive aural/oral use.
skill, it consists of producing systematic Besides some elements of speaking
verbal utterances to convey meaning”. The there are some types of speaking in speaking
average person produces tens of thousands skill. Brown (2004:141) states that six
of words a day. Speaking is a person‟s skill similar categories apply to kinds of oral

Jurnal Suluh Pendidikan (JSP), Vol 9, No 1. Maret 2021 P ISSN: 23562596 E- ISSN: 27147037

production that students are expert to carry line. Then following the teacher‟s cue,
out in the classroom, they are: the students expand what they are
a. Imitative: imitation of this type is repeating part by part until they can
carrying out not for meaningful repeat the entire line.
interaction, but for focusing on some b. Repetition drill
particular element of Language form. Students are asked to repeat the teacher‟s
b. Intensive: intensive speaking goes one model as accurately and as quickly as
step beyond imitative to include any possible. This drill is often used to teach
speaking performance that is designed the lines of the dialog.
to practice some phonological or c. Chain drill
grammatical aspect of language. A chain drill gets its name from the chain
c. Responsive: a good deal of student‟s of conversation that forms around the
speech in the classroom is responsive; room as students, one by one, ask and
short replies to a teacher or student- answer the question of each other. The
initiated questions or comments. teacher begins the chain by greeting a
d. Transactional (dialogue) transactional particular student or asking him a
language, carry out to convey or question. That student's response then
exchange specific information, is an turns to the student sitting next to him.
extended form of responsive language. The first student greets to ask a question
e. Interpersonal (dialogue): the other form of the second student and the chain
of conversation interpersonal dialogue continues. A chain drill allows some
carries out more to maintain a social controlled communication, even though
relationship than for the transmission of it is limited. A chain drill also allows the
factual information. teacher to check each student's speech.
f. Extensive (monologue): to give d. Single-slot substitution drill
extended monologue in the form of oral The teacher says a line, usually from the
reports, summaries, or speeches. dialog. Next, the teacher says a word or a
In the classroom, the language student phrase-called the cue. The students repeat
is expected to learn correct pronunciation the line the teacher has given them,
and speech patterns. Harmer (2003: 40) says substituting the cue into the line in its
that communication occurs because there proper place. The major purpose of this
are communicative purposes between drill is to give the students practice in
speakers and listeners. It means that the finding and filling in the slots of a
purpose of speaking is to share what the sentence.
speaker wants to communicate to the e. Multi- slot substitution drill
listener and to get information from the These drills are similar to the single slot
speaker and understand the spoken at substitution drill. The difference is that
normal speed, the ability to answer the teacher gives cue phrases at a time
questions that require a short or extended that fit into the different case in the
answer. dialog line, the students must recognize
The Audio-Lingual Method is like the what part of speech each cue is, or at
direct method that is also an oral-based least where it fits into the sentence, and
approach. make any other changes, such as subject-
According to Larsen- Freeman (2000: 47) verb agreement. They then say the line
there are some techniques described below fitting the cue phrase into the line where
that already using or can adapt to the Audio- it belongs.
Lingual Method: f. Transformation drill
a. Backward build-up (expansion) drill The teacher gives the student a certain
where the students repeat a part of the kind of sentence pattern, an affirmative
sentence, usually the last phrase of the sentence for example. Students are asked

Jurnal Suluh Pendidikan (JSP), Vol 9, No 1. Maret 2021 P ISSN: 23562596 E- ISSN: 27147037

to transform this sentence into a negative teaching materials delivered through the
sentence. Other examples of website interface.
transformations to ask of students are b. Sources of knowledge are everywhere
changing a statement into a question, an and can be easily accessed by everyone.
active sentence into a passive one, or This is due to the globalized nature of
direct speech into reported speech. Internet media and can be accessed by
g. Question and answer drill anyone who is connected to it.
This drill gives students practice with c. Learners/educational institutions function
answering the question. The students as mediators/mentors
should answer the teacher‟s question d. Obtained from a restructuring of
very quickly. Although we do not see it education system policies, curriculum,
in our lesson here, it is also possible for and management that can support the
the teacher to cue the students to ask the application of Information and
question as well. This gives students Communication Technology for
practice with the question pattern. education optimally.
h. Use of minimal pairs e. The four characteristics above are what
The teacher works with pairs of words distinguish the Online Learning System
that differ in only one sound; for from conventional learning activities. In
example, „ship/sheep‟. Students are first Online Learning System, Students' and
asked to perceive the difference between Teachers‟ understanding of learning
the two words. The teacher selects the materials no longer depends on the
sounds to work on after she has done a teacher or student, because students and
contrastive analysis, a comparison teachers process their knowledge through
between the student‟s native language learn and teaching materials that are
and the language they are studying. delivered through the application
i. Complete dialogue interface for online learning systems.
Selected words are erased from a Even in online learning systems,
dialogue students have learned. Students knowledge resources are scattered
complete the dialog by filling the blanks everywhere and can be easily accessed
with the missing words. by everyone including teachers and
j. Grammar game students
Games like a supermarket alphabet game Although some researchers believe
described in this chapter are used in the that all English teachers guarantee to make
audio- Lingua Method. The games are sure learners have the capacity to learn and
designed to get students to practice a acquire English as a foreign language, there
grammar point within a context. Students are still many students who encounter
can express themselves, although it is English Speaking as found in Siska and
rather limited in this game. Fauziah, Departement of English,
Online Learning System is a teaching UniversitasNegeri Padang “Involving Audio-
and learning system carried out by using Lingual Method (ALM) and Communicative
information and communication technology Language Teaching (CLT) in Teaching
and has characteristics. Rudi and Riyana in Speaking Skill at Junior High School”. The
Indrakusuma and Putri (2016:5) said there writer uses experimental quantitative and
are four characteristics of an Online the previous researcher used classroom
Learning System, namely: action research. This article describes the
a. The attractiveness of students to learning teaching of speaking skills using Audio-
material does not depend on the Lingual Method where the teacher gave a
instructor/learner, because students picture and situation to the students and
construct their knowledge through asked the students to make a short
conversation based on the situation in the

Jurnal Suluh Pendidikan (JSP), Vol 9, No 1. Maret 2021 P ISSN: 23562596 E- ISSN: 27147037

picture. In this activity, the teacher used the class to perform their speaking base on the
role to play as an activity in the classroom. topic that given by the teacher. The
Realizing the phenomenon discussed researcher asked the students to speak
previously, the writer is either interested in clearly since the students‟ performance
the teaching method analysis which applied recorded during the test. The writer gave the
the theory of Any Yuliana, same pre-test to the experimental and
PendidikanBahasaInggris STKIP PGRI control group before starting the treatment
Sidoarjo ”The Application of Audiolingual process that uses the Audio- Lingual
Method to Improve Students’Speaking Method. To score the test, the writer applied
Ability SMA PGRI 1 Sidoarjo” The topic of a Foreign Service (FSI), as a component to
this study is “The Application of Audio score vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation,
Lingual Method to Improve Student‟s fluency, and comprehension (Fulcher,
Speaking Ability as an Action Research 2003:12). As in the following table
Given to the of the second year students of Table 1
SMA PGRI 1 Sidoarjo in the academic year Scoring the test
2011/2012. The writer expected that the
result of the study will provide a deeper Proficiency 1 2 3 4 5 6
understanding of using the Audio-lingual Description
Method as the teaching method for English Pronunciatio 1 1 2 2 3 4
teachers and also for the readers. n
Method Grammar 6 1 1 2 3 3
The design of the research was the 2 8 4 0 6
experimental quantitative design. There Vocabulary 2 8 1 1 2 2
were two variables, such as a dependent 2 6 0 5
variable as a speaking ability and an Fluency 2 4 6 8 1 1
independent variable as an Audio- Lingual 0 2
Method. According to Best (2002: 133) Comprehensi 4 8 1 1 1 2
experimental research is the classic method on 2 5 9 3
of the science laboratory, where elements Total
manipulated and effects observed can b. Technique of Analyzing the Data
control. In this experimental research, the To know the difference between the two
researcher used two groups of the study groups, the writer uses T- test formula as
namely, the experimental group and the follows (Arikunto, 2010: 354):
𝑀𝑥 −𝑀𝑦
control group. In the experimental group, t= 2 2
𝑑𝑎 + 𝑑𝑏 1 1
the speaking taught by using the Audio- [ + ]
𝑁𝑎 +𝑁𝑏 −2 𝑁𝑎 𝑁𝑏
Lingual method and the control group
taught without giving the Audio- Lingual In analyzing the data there are some
Method. The Population in this research was procedure applying, namely:
the second grade of students onEnglish a. Collecting the data from the scoring of
Department of the HKBP Nommensen the experimental and control class.
University Medan in academic year 2018/ b. Identifying the score of the students
2019 which consists of the second-year who are being treated and who are not
students. It consisted of 3 classes namely c. Comparing the score
group A, group B and group C. Each class d. Conclusion and answer the hypothesis
consisted of 25 persons, so the total number e. Writing some finding.
of the population was 75 students. In 4. Research Finding
selecting the sample the writer used cluster In this research, students did the task
sampling. The data was taken by giving the relate to the speaking skill, practice use, and
speaking test orally. The teacher called the the process of the words. The result shows
students one by one to come in front of the that the Audio- Lingual method helps the

Jurnal Suluh Pendidikan (JSP), Vol 9, No 1. Maret 2021 P ISSN: 23562596 E- ISSN: 27147037

students to increase their speaking skill. The 21 JA 63 65 2 4

point of the students kept growing from the 22 CF 63 67 4 16
pre-test until the post-test in the 23 FO 71 75 4 16
experimental group. The Audio- Lingual 24 RL 59 63 4 16
method was used to increase the students‟ 25 MS 64 67 3 9
speaking skills. Having Total ( 1548 1632 75 371
analyzed the data, the writer found that the ∑)
Audio- Lingual Method affects students‟ Mean 61,92 65,28 3
speaking ability. There was a different mean
score obtained from the both control group Table 4.2.2
65,28 and the experimental group 8,031. The Score of the Experimental Group
The students who taught speaking by using No Stude Pre Post D(X D2
Audio- Lingual Method get higher scores nt – – 2-
than students who did not teach without the Initial Test Test X1)
Audio- Lingual Method. The result of the X1 X2
calculation is: 1 JA 58 79 18 324
Tabs > table (P = 0.05); (df = 48) 2 DF 62 76 14 196
8,031 > 2,010 (P = 0.05); (df = 48) 3 AJ 59 72 13 169
The alternative hypothesis is accepted 4 AF 70 79 9 81
b. The Data Analysis 5 AY 63 72 9 81
In order to know the differences of 6 AS 71 85 14 196
students‟ score in both control group and 7 AH 75 89 14 196
experimental group, the readers can see the 8 DK 56 71 25 625
following data: 9 PF 71 78 7 49
Table 4.2.1 10 LF 62 75 13 169
The Score of the Control Group 11 DD 65 78 13 169
No Student Pre – Post D(Y2- D2 12 ES 63 75 12 144
Initial Test – Y1) 13 IL 59 78 19 361
(Y1) Test 14 MT 75 83 8 64
(Y2) 15 LI 76 81 5 25
1 AF 69 70 1 1 16 SF 56 68 12 144
2 BA 54 57 3 9 17 SH 65 85 20 400
3 JB 66 68 2 4 18 KS 61 73 12 144
4 AS 56 60 4 16 19 SL 75 78 3 9
5 AP 55 59 4 16 20 JH 57 70 13 169
6 JA 67 69 3 9 21 SR 61 73 12 144
7 HH 59 62 3 9 22 IM 60 78 18 324
8 EW 53 56 3 9 23 JS 65 86 21 441
9 IS 64 69 5 25 24 FD 67 81 14 196
10 IP 71 73 2 4 25 IP 63 89 26 676
11 FD 58 59 1 1 Total 1615 1952 328 5123
12 AA 70 77 7 49 (∑)
13 DF 72 74 2 4 Mean 64,6 78,0 13,1 340,
14 PP 64 66 2 4 8 2 68
15 YB 63 65 2 4 From the data above, in order to
16 KP 51 59 8 64 know whether the conversation application
17 HM 55 61 6 36 of peer support method has a significant
18 WT 54 57 3 9 effect on students‟ speaking ability, the
19 AR 69 70 1 1 result of the t-test is calculated by using t-
20 RJ 58 64 6 36 test formula.

Jurnal Suluh Pendidikan (JSP), Vol 9, No 1. Maret 2021 P ISSN: 23562596 E- ISSN: 27147037

𝑀𝑥 − 𝑀𝑦 t=
𝑡= 2
𝑑𝑥 2 + 𝑑𝑦 2 1 1 10,12
+ 𝑁𝑦 t=
𝑁𝑥+𝑁𝑦 −2 𝑛𝑥 20,11 (0,08)
Where: t= 1,60
t : the effect t = 8,031
Mx :the mean of experimental group The result of t-calculation showed that t-
My : the mean of control group observed is 8,031. To find out whether t-
𝑑𝑥 :thesum square of standard observed is accepted or not accepted; see the
deviation of experimental table of distribution in Appendixes. The
group critical values of t- distribution are
∑dy :the sum square of standard calculated according to the probates of two
deviation of control group alpha values and the degrees of freedom.
Nx : the total of experimental group The alpha ( ) values 0,05 one-tailed and 0.1
Ny :the total sample of control two-tailed are the two columns to be
group compared with the degrees of freedom in the
Mx= 𝑁 row of the table.
328 Discussion
Mx = = 13,12
25 In this research, sometimes students
Dx2 = 𝐷 2 − 𝑁𝑥
lack of vocabulary that will influence the
(328)2 influence of their speaking ability. So they
= 5123 - – need the time to think about what they want
107584 to say.Emotional Literacy Education is the
= 5123 -
teaching of basic language elements. These
= 5123 – 4303,36
elements are the Emotional Literacy
= 819,64
Vocabulary. When these words are learned,
𝐷 they are used to interpret the emotional
My = content of any situation. With Emotional

Literacy Education, students are taught the
My =25 skill of understanding the meaning of words
My = 3 in the Emotional Literacy Language. They
𝐷2 are also taught how these words are
Dy2 = 𝐷2 − 𝑁𝑦 connected. By connecting the words, they
75 2
= 371 - – 25 form a larger emotional picture. They help
5625 the student understand why they are
= 371 - 25 experiencing emotions.
= 371- 225 The vocabulary helps the student
= 146 become conscious of the purpose of their
emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. This
Mx −My
t= leads to greater self-acceptance. The
Dx 2 + Dy 2 1 1
Nx +Ny −2
Nx Ny
individual learns the value of their feelings
13,12−3 and how they can be helpful. It removes
t= 819 ,64 +146 1
1 self-denial, and the inherent problems of
25 +25 −2 25 25
10,12 rejecting, repressing, and making feelings
t= 965 ,64 1 1 unconscious. This results in an inability to
25 +25 −2 25 25 use feelings to evaluate people, problems,
t= 965 ,64 2
and circumstances. The student learns how
48 25 their feelings can help them evaluate and
solve problems in relationships.

Jurnal Suluh Pendidikan (JSP), Vol 9, No 1. Maret 2021 P ISSN: 23562596 E- ISSN: 27147037

The skill of Emotional Literacy knows that refers to a component of grammar made
how to recognize emotional content and its up of the element and principles that
structure within the language. It is being determine how sound vary and pattern in a
able to relate that information to everyday language.
life. Emotional Literacy Education is the In this study the students were
learning of a new language. That new difficult to produce great pronunciation. So
language is the Emotional Literacy sometimes their partner does not understand
Language. This language, when it is learned what she or he talking about.
by the student, gives coping mechanisms to There are two features of
help them control their emotions, thoughts, pronunciation: phonemes, and supra-
and behaviors. It does this by integrating segmental features. A speaker who
emotion, thought, and consciousness. This constantly mispronounces a range of
gives the individual greater insight into their phonemes can be extremely difficult for a
behavior and helps them choose actions that speaker from another language community
produce positive outcomes and feelings. It to understand. Pronunciation is also defined
also gives the student planning skills and as how to say a word in which made of
greater self-confidence to execute plans and sound, stress, and intonation. Pronunciation
achieve goals. For the student, this results in is “to say the sounds right, to use the words
higher self-esteem. It also reduces negative to express the appropriate meaning, or
choices which lead to bad outcomes, construct their sentences in a way that
feelings, and low self-esteem. sounds acceptable”.
The Emotional Literacy Language is a One factor of in factor influencing the
structured vocabulary of common words students‟ speaking skills is functional
that contain emotional content and meaning. grammar, the fact shows that the students
These familiar words are used to create sometimes want to speak with other people
symbolic words and pictures of feelings, but they have lack functional grammar. The
thoughts, and behaviors. This promotes students sometimes misunderstanding and
better awareness of the internal actions of confuse if their partner said the wrong
one's mind. It is the primary tool used in the grammar. So their conversation will
educational process. Emotional Literacy meaningless if they often do that.
Language and Vocabulary are structured Throughout the ages, grammarians
based upon these criteria: and linguists have been attempting to
a. Organizing words into a structure based formulate the speakers‟ grammar in a set of
upon the way words are connected in rules, though it is probably fair to say that
language. they have not yet been able to do so
b. Organizing words into a structure based completely for any language. This sense of
upon the way words are connected to the grammar is known as descriptive grammar
individual's experiences. (Laurel J. Bilton ).
c. Words are organized by level of Fluency can be defined as the ability
difficulty from easier to more difficult. to speak fluently and accurately. Fluency in
This criterion is used to assign words by speaking is the aim of many language
grade level. learners. Signs of fluency include
d. Students are taught based on their level reasonably fast speed of speaking and only a
of perception of their own emotions. small number of pauses and “us” or “ers”.
e. New words are introduced to the student These signs indicate that the speaker does
at the language development stage with not have to spend a lot of time searching for
words that are familiar to them. the language items need to express the
Pronunciation is the way for students message. Fluency is ready and expressive in
to produce clearer language when they the use of language. In speaking ability,
speak. It deals with the phonological process Fluency always is a problem. In causes by

Jurnal Suluh Pendidikan (JSP), Vol 9, No 1. Maret 2021 P ISSN: 23562596 E- ISSN: 27147037

some factors, some example: self- If t- observed < t-table, the null hypothesis
confidence, motivation, vocabulary, interest, (Ho) accepted and the alternative hypothesis
grammar, etc. (Ha) rejected. Based on the result of the
The main goal in teaching the study, the researcher concludes that there
producing skill of speaking will be oral was a significant effect of the Audio-
fluency. This can be defined as the ability to Lingual Method on the students‟ speaking
express oneself intelligibly, reasonably, ability. The students‟ speaking ability by
accurately, and without too much hesitation using the Audio- Lingual Method shows
(otherwise, communication may break down better results compared to those who did not
because the listener loses interest or get teach by using the Audio- Lingual Method.
impatient). This is supported by the result of the data
The sign that students compare their analysis in which
conversation is they understand what they tabs> table (P = 0.05); (df = 48)
are talking about and there is no 8,031 > 2,010 (P = 0.05); (df = 48)
misunderstanding. So they can respond to Based on the finding and conclusion, some
their partner without need much time to suggestions are stated to the following:
think about what they want to say. The term a. English teachers are suggested to apply
of comprehensibility has something to do the Audio- Lingual Method in teaching
with the way of test-taker gets the examiner speaking because it is proved can
to understand the speech he produced. It is improve students‟ speaking ability.
specific to the thinking process. Residence b. It is suggested for English teacher to
in such Elisabeth (2014) formulated three use the Audio- Lingual Method as the
principles of comprehension. This principle way to improve the students‟ English
includes (1) the importance of the students‟ speaking ability
prior knowledge in the acquisition of new c. Other researchers want to conduct a
information; (2) the level of the text study related to speaking by using the
understanding to be achieved in the lesson; Audio- Lingual Method for its
and (3) the organization of information to effectiveness toward speaking skill
aid long-term retention. improvement.
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