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PMC ROLL # D17218

Nadia tajik

Pakistan Montessori Council

Language and phonetic exercises and resource materials

Nadia tajik

Module 4, Assignment 4
PMC ROLL # D17218

Nadia tajik

Q1. Cut out all the 10 shapes of metal insets on tough chart paper and make creative designs of all
levels as described in the book? Paste the inset papers carrying your designs on your assignment.
PMC ROLL # D17218

Nadia tajik
PMC ROLL # D17218

Nadia tajik
PMC ROLL # D17218

Nadia tajik

Q2. Explain how to word building is introduced to children using Movable Alphabet and
Alphabet boxes at Pink, Blue and Green Levels.
At this stage the child has already learnt the alphabetic phonetic sounds. The child can now
recognize the words and associate them with their sounds. The directress can carry out the
word building activity with the help of large movable alphabets.

Material Overview:
• It consists of a large box of 28 partitions, dedicated to each letter and two spaces for
“i”s and “j”s.
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• The letters are formed of hard plastic.

• Letters have been segmented in blue as vowels and red as consonants.

This large movable alphabet box presents two objectives:
a) Reinforcement and apprehension of letters and their sounds.
b) To facilitate memorize and accurate spotting of letters in the box.

➢ Take the consent of the child before starting the activity. This activity can be done in
a group of three to four children.
➢ Bring the material to the workplace. Place it on the mat and open the box by placing
the lid under the box.
➢ Introduce the material to the child and them tell that we are going to make words
with their corresponding sounds.
➢ The directress will sit on one side of the mat and children on the opposite side,
facing the material.
➢ Now pronounce the sound and ask the children to find the letter corresponding to
that sound.
➢ When the child finds the letter, ask him to place it on the mat such that it is visible to
➢ Repeat the steps for other letters.

Pink level word work

Pink level word work comprises diverse activities of segmentation and blending with three
lettered CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) and two lettered phonetic words. At this level,
all the letters must be giving their basic sound and not a different sound.


Material Overview:
• Large movable alphabet (LMA) box.
• Wooden/plastic/cardboard boxes color coded pink.
• Small objects of three-lettered pink level words, e.g., bat, rat, cat, mat, hat, pin, tin,
cup, rug etc. (6-8 approximately in each box)
• A large mat.
• Small writing booklet with traceable words printed on it. (Booklet size, 6” x 2” with
horizontal lines)
• A pencil
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The child should be familiar with the large movable alphabet before stating this activity.

➢ Take the consent of the child before starting the activity.
➢ Bring the material to the workplace. Place it on the left-hand side of the mat and
open the box by placing the lid under the box.
➢ Place the object box beside you towards the right and take out the object.
➢ Introduce the material to the child and tell that we are going to make words with
their corresponding objects.
➢ Ask the child if he knows the name of the object, else tells the name of the object.
➢ Take out the required letters, pronouncing their sounds, one by one from the large
movable alphabet box and construct the word next to the object. Then, read the
whole word.
➢ Take the second object, introduce its name, and place it under the first object, asking
the child to construct the word.
➢ Construct its name using letters from the large movable alphabet in the same way as
➢ Repeat the steps with all the objects in the box.
➢ In case, a child misspells a word, sound the letters with him and help him correct
➢ Once, all the words have been built, now ask the child to trace the words in the
➢ Ask the child to work with other pink boxes whenever he likes.



Material Overview:
• Large movable alphabet (LMA) box.
• Wooden/plastic/cardboard boxes color coded pink.
• Small objects of three-lettered pink level words, e.g., bat, rat, cat, mat, hat, pin, tin,
cup, rug etc. (6 in each box). Middle-level Grapheme words can be included at this
• A table.
• Small writing booklet with traceable words printed on it. (Booklet size, 6” x 2” with
horizontal lines)
• A pencil

➢ Take the consent of the child before starting the activity.
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➢ Bring the material to the workplace. Place it on the table and open the box by
placing the lid under the box.
➢ Place the object box beside you and take out the object.
➢ Introduce the material to the child and tell that we are going to make words with
their corresponding objects.
➢ Take out an object and ask the child if he knows the name of the object, else tells the
name of the object.
➢ Take out the second object, introduce its name, and place it under the first object.
➢ Repeat the steps until all the objects have been introduced to the child.
➢ Take the name cards of the objects and make a pile of them.
➢ Now take the first card out and place it in front of the child. Initially, pronounce the
letters individually and then the whole word.
➢ Ask the child if he could see that object and place the card next to it.
➢ Repeat the steps with all the cards in the box.
➢ In case, a child misspells a word, sound the letters with him and help him correct
➢ Once, all the cards have been matched, now ask the child to trace the words in the
➢ Ask the child to work with other pink boxes whenever he likes.

Blue level word work

Once, the child has done reading three-lettered phonetic words well, he is prepared to work
on four or more letter phonetic words.


Material Overview:
• Large movable alphabet (LMA)

• Box with objects having longer phonetic words. *Use C(C)V(C)C words initially, ring, skunk,

➢ Take the consent of the child before starting the activity.
➢ Bring the material to the workplace. Place it on the left-hand side of the mat and
open the box by placing the lid under the box.
➢ Place the object box beside you towards the right and take out the object.
➢ Introduce the material to the child and tell that we are going to make words with
their corresponding objects.
➢ Ask the child if he knows the name of the object, else tells the name of the object.
PMC ROLL # D17218

Nadia tajik

➢ Take out the required letters, pronouncing their sounds, one by one from the large
movable alphabet box and construct the word next to the object. Then, read the
whole word.
➢ Take the second object, introduce its name, and place it under the first object, asking
the child to construct the word.
➢ Construct its name using letters from the large movable alphabet in the same way as
➢ Repeat the steps with all the objects in the box.
➢ In case, a child misspells a word, sound the letters with him and help him correct
➢ Once, all the words have been built, now ask the child to trace the words in the
➢ Ask the child to work with other pink boxes whenever he likes.



Material Overview:
• Large movable alphabet (LMA) box.
• Wooden/plastic/card-board boxes colour coded blue.
• Small objects of four more-letter words, e.g., helmet, plug, basket, camel, hotdog
etc. (6 in each box). Middle-level Grapheme words can be included at this stage.
• A table.
• Small writing booklet with traceable words printed on it. (Booklet size, 6” x 2” with
horizontal lines)
• A pencil

➢ Take the consent of the child before starting the activity.
➢ Bring the material to the workplace. Place it on the table and open the box by
placing the lid under the box.
➢ Place the object box beside you and take out the object.
➢ Introduce the material to the child and tell that we are going to make words with
their corresponding objects.
➢ Take out an object and ask the child if he knows the name of the object, else tells the
name of the object.
➢ Take out the second object, introduce its name, and place it under the first object.
➢ Repeat the steps until all the objects have been introduced to the child.
➢ Take the name cards of the objects and make a pile of them.
➢ Now take the first card out and place it in front of the child. Initially, pronounce the
letters individually and then the whole word.
➢ Ask the child if he could see that object and place the card next to it.
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➢ Repeat the steps with all the cards in the box.

➢ In case, a child misspells a word, sound the letters with him and help him correct
➢ Once, all the cards have been matched, now ask the child to trace the words in the
➢ Ask the child to work with other blue boxes whenever he likes.

Green level word work

When the child is proficient in reading three and four-lettered phonetic words, he can be
introduced to words containing phonograms for reading and building words. In green level,
children are taught words that contain one phonogram. For instance, “sh” phonogram can
be taught using words like a shell, brush, ship, shrub, fish, etc.


Material Overview:
• Green boxes with pictures and word cards. Both shall be colour coded green (size 2
½” square)
• Phonograms must be in red, and the rest shall be black.
• The box lid should show the name of the phonogram. E.g., ch, ph, oa etc. if a box lid
has ph written then that box should contain all the words with this phonogram.
• Prepare the box for each phonogram as many as twelve.

➢ Take the consent of the child before starting the activity.
➢ Bring the material to the workplace. Place it on the table and before opening the box
show the lid to the child and tell him that whenever we see two letters together,
they make a different sound.
➢ Show the child how to place the lid beside the box and lay out the picture cards in a
➢ Make a pile of all the word cards and show the first card to the child, asking him to
read it and place it beside the corresponding picture.
➢ All the word cards are to be read and placed besides corresponding pictures in the
same way.
➢ Once, the child has finished working, show him the other green boxes on the shelf
and tell him that he can work with anyone of them whenever he likes.
PMC ROLL # D17218

Nadia tajik



Material Overview:
• 2 sets of alphabet boxes, one in red and the other in black or blue. (Vowels and
consonants should be of the same color in each box and alphabetically arranged)
• Bring the material to the workplace. Place it on the table and before opening the box
show the lid to the child and tell him that whenever we see two letters together,
they make a different sound Purpose:
• Word building containing phonogram.
• Identifying letter patterns in words.
• Developing spelling skills.

➢ Take the consent of the child before starting the activity.
➢ Bring the material to the workplace. Place it on the table or a mat.
➢ Show the child how to set up the alphabet box.
➢ Invite the child to select the box of phonograms with which he is familiar.
➢ Now ask the child to select the letters present on the lid from the red box and build
the phonogram on top of the lid.
➢ Now take out the picture cards and make a pile of them.
➢ Place the first card on the mat, name it at the same time and invite the child to form
the word, using the alphabet boxes.
➢ Repeat the exercise with the other cards.
➢ Ask the child to take out any of the phonogram boxes he has used previously and
practice building the words.

Q3. Write a comprehensive note on Exercises of Oral Language.

By the time, children reach Montessori school, they are well versed with spoken language.
That is because they are learning a language unconsciously but after three years, they are
capable of a learning language consciously. They are curious to learn more and inquire a lot
at this stage. Hence, it is the ideal phase for them to acquire language skills as much as they
To impart language proficiency, the process has been into categorized in two phases by
• The Enrichment of Vocabulary
• Language Training

The Enrichment of Vocabulary

As the name suggests, new vocabulary is introduced to them through formal lessons and
group activities. Language enhancement lessons should begin right from the start when the
child enters the class. It should be progressed following the “simple to complex” Montessori
rule for instance starting with a general classification such as insects and then moving to
PMC ROLL # D17218

Nadia tajik

subcategories like the bumble bee. To perform the activities three-period lesson is required
so the children learn in a better way.
Show me: at this stage, the child is supposed to show you the object.
Get up and go: In this phase, it requires a child to stand up and move around, explore the
objects himself.
Demonstrate activities: in this final phase, the Child shows whatever he has done during his
learning process.
During activities, it is essential to incorporate the vocabulary, the child is acquainted. In
these exercises, the child should not be given a lot of vocabulary words at the same time.

Objects of the environment

As the name indicates the objects chosen for the activity could be easily seen in the class for
instance sink, rug, table, shelf, floor, chair etc.

Three words at a time should be introduced, for example,

• chair, shelf, table

• soap dish, brush, sponge

• bowl, spoon, tray

This activity can be performed in a small group of children by sitting on the floor.

First period
These activities are performed using three period lesson in the first period, the directress
should begin by naming one of the objects, for instance, touch the bowl and say, “this is the
bowl”. After several repetitions with the children, proceed to the next object and touch the
spoon and say, “this is the spoon”. Make sure that the children repeat and learn the new
vocabulary. Repeat the names for each of the objects.

Second period
At this stage ask the child to show you the bowl, the spoon, and the tray. Moreover, ask the
child to show you by touching the object to make sure that the child can now recognize the
object. Repeat until the children are comfortable with these three words.

Third period
Now ask the child the name of the three objects 1 by 1 while touching them. For instance,
touch the bowl and ask, what is this? Once the child answers, proceed to the next object
and so on.

The sensorial materials

PMC ROLL # D17218

Nadia tajik

During this exercise, sensorial materials are introduced using three period lessons while
introducing language lessons that are related to those materials. These language lessons are
followed by mastering the handling of those materials.

Classified cards

A set of labelled and unlabeled picture card are introduced to the child that mainly
represents broad classification of animals, kitchen tools, cleaning tools, plants, etc.

Presentation one (Three period lesson)

During the conversation, casually introduce one set of cards to a child or a group of children.
Show the classification card to the child and discuss the picture shown on the card, for
instance, animals. Now place the card face down and go through all the cards one by one.
With the help of a three-period lesson Introduce the name of the pictures given on the
cards. Three cards should be used at a time. Once, the child has learned all the names, now
mix the cards with the ones he did not know. Now invite the child and ask him to tell the
names of the objects given on the card. Repeat the three-period lesson and all the cards
have been introduced.
Presentation Two (Sorting cards)
In this activity, two sets of classified cards are shown to the child that he is already familiar
with for instance transport and living room cards.
Take one classification card of each set out and place them on the table next to each other
and mix the remaining cards and make one pile. Now ask the child to choose one card from
the pile and place it under the picture of the same category on the table.

Nomenclature cards
In this activity, picture cards are introduced which are unlabeled to illustrate the terms used
in Arts and Sciences specifically and in geography, biology, geometry etc., this activity could
be carried out during casual conversation. Three period lesson is utilized to perform this
exercise. The directress then shows the card and talk about the picture given, before placing
it down. Separate the cards that the child is not familiar with, so she can repeat the three-
period lesson to ensure that the child learns well.

Social vocabulary
This activity is performed through role-play and grace and courtesy words are
Introduced, so that children learn to interact with each other. Role play activities should be
displayed by the directress herself to make children communicate in a better way. It is a
unique way to extend children’s vocabulary and observation.

Language training

Telling and Reading stories

PMC ROLL # D17218

Nadia tajik

Storytelling is odd and requires children’s attention throughout the activity. For this reason,
make them sit in a semi-circle when dealing with a group of children. Directress facial
expressions and gestures are the key element to keep your children involved in listening.
Stories close to reality is a better option, whether true or fictional. Fantasy so stories can be
included to older children, after they have the sense of reality. This activity help build a
strong relationship between the child and the directress. To strengthen the sense of
imagination pictures should be shown during storytelling time.

Poetry - rhymes, jingles, and songs.

One of the pleasurable activities and amusement for children is poetry. Children enjoy
rhyming poetry as it also helps in memorization. It should be kept in mind that the poem
delivers a very strong message; therefore, it is important not to select any negative, racist,
violent, taunting, or abusive category in poems.
To give the general idea of the poem, it is recommended to read the whole poem first and
then read the first line and let the children repeat after her. The process should follow for
the entire poem. To facilitate children, memorise better, one poem a week is advisable.

Books corner
It is a kind of a small library in the classroom to facilitate children to relax and read a book or
enjoy the picture given in the book. It should be kept in mind that the shelf is reachable to
the children. Also, a floor mat, two small chairs, a table and a lamp be provided.

News time
This activity should be carried out spontaneously any time of the day. It could be done in a
variety of ways with one child or in small groups or even with the whole class. It is an
essential activity to build child confidence and self-expression. We can say that it is a
listening activity, and the directress should give ample time to the children to speak and
share the news with the class.
The best time to perform this activity is when the session starts as most of the children are
shy and introverted. By talking to them frequently in an informal manner they will get
familiar with the environment quickly and feel comfortable in the new class.

Asking questions game

To develop thinking abilities this activity is quite useful. By asking questions the child will
think more and develop a healthy habit or a creative mind. It can be practiced in a group or
with an individual child.

Grammar games
It is also an informal activity for two familiar eyes children with different parts of speech
like noun, article, verb etc. to be used correctly.
PMC ROLL # D17218

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Q 4. Prepare a complete set of Montessori language materials to be used at pink, blue and
green levels.
Blue level materials

Blue six picture cards

Blue level wordlist

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Blue phrasal strips

Blue phonetic picture boxes and written cards

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Pink level materials

Pink six picture cards

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Pink level phonetic booklet

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Pink level word list

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Pink phrasal strips

Pink phonetic picture boxes and written cards

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Green Level Materials

Green lists of words
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Green sentence strips (story starters)

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