Everyone Expression That Has Meaning Has Sense

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When it comes to semantics, we cannot no mention meanings, as well as references, and

the terms associated with them. Especially, every expression that has meaning has sense, but
not every expression has reference.
Talking about the reference of a word or a linguistic expression is the relationship
between parts of a language and things outside the language (in the world), in which, a
referent is an object or an entity in the real world of your imagination. For example, an apple
tree, a cat, etc. Reference types include variable reference is any expression that has more
than one referent or many potential referents which depend on specific circumstances (for
example “the President of the United States", "Miss Universe Vietnam"). Next, constant
reference is any expression that has only one referent such as "FIFA", "UNESCO". Finally,
two different expressions can have the same referent. An example is the Morning Star and the
Evening Star, both of which commonly refer to the planet, Venus.
To turn from reference to sense, the sense of an expression is its place in a system of
semantic relationships with other expressions in the language. One word can have more than
one sense. For example, in the sentence: "Where is the bank?", the word "bank" can be
understood in two ways: a riverbank or a bank as a financial institution.
On the relationship between sense and reference: the referent of an expression is often
a thing or a person in the world; whereas the sense of an expression is not a thing at all. Every
expression that has meaning has sense, but not every expression has reference. It can be
understood that we can have information and meanings expressed by the senses (smell,
taste, ...) but not all objects of expression are present in the real world. For example, words
like "because, or, almost, ..." have sense but they don't refer to any particular thing in the real
world or otherwise, they do not have references.
A referring expression is any expression used in an utterance to refer to something (or
someone or a clearly delimited collection of things or people), for example, used with a
particular referent in mind such as “that laptop was bought by my mother”, where the speaker
has a particular thing in mind when she says “that laptop”, is a referring expression.
The notion of ‘referring expression' is not always easy to apply and is very much
dependent on the context and circumstances of use. The classic example is that of the phrase
"Unicorns," which are creatures formed by human imagination and in legend. If the speaker
believes the existence of unicorns is real, unicorns will be the referring expression. On either,
if the speaker does not believe in the existence of unicorns, and thinks that they are not real,
then the unicorns are not the referring expression.
Likewise, there is always a question in people's minds about whether God exists or
not. Some people believe that God does not exist and that life is all there is. They believe that
there is no concept of life after death. God is not an object in the real world or in the world of
their imagination, thus God is not the referring expression. On the other hand, others believe
in God's existence. They believe that this is merely a transient existence and that we will
dwell eternally in the next world. God always exists in their mind and we can say in this
situation that God is a referring expression.
Talking about the language that is used for talking about things in the real world, like a
movie, houses, babies, etc. All of these things exist. But the things we can talk about and the
things that exist are not exactly the same. Language creates unreal worlds and allows us to
talk about non-existent things such as superheroes, aliens, etc. When we mention basic and
very safe, the definition of reference, was as a relationship between part of an utterance and a
thing in the world. But often we use words in a way that suggests that a relationship exactly
like reference holds between a part of an utterance and non-existent things. For instance, the
intelligence and courage of the detectives in Detective Conan anime were created thanks to
the imagination of the author Aoyama Gosho.
Aoyama Gosho has created an excellent manga as well as an excellent anime with
extremely interesting and outstanding scenes of the character Conan. With the details of
solving cases as in the cases of deciphering codes from murder cases, as well as how to track
down the traces of the black-robed people. The details in the manga and the movie are all
based on the author's imagination as well as a part of it being fictional and not real. Aoyama
Gosho has combined knowledge from many fields such as science fiction, mystery, as well as
the perfect intelligence of the character Conan. Besides, his work is also created into several
versions that follow each other through each scene. We can imagine and place ourselves in
thrilling scenes, featured in Detective Conan's movie and manga. Thereby, we realize that
language can create unreal worlds, it can be fiction in it.

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