Data Pro 2015 Waec

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Which of the following persons invented the punch card machine?

A. Blaise Pascal

B. Gottfried Leibniz

C. J. Prosper Eckert

D. Dr. Herman Hollerith

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2015


Convert 478 to its binary equivalent.

A. 10011122

B. 11001122

C. 1000122

D. 111101122

View Answer & Discuss (2) WAEC 2015

The operation of checking input data against specified criteria is referred to as.

A. data verification

B. data validation

C. data cross check

D. data control

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2015


Which of the following is not a source of data collection.

A. observation

B. interview
C. questionnaire

D. classification

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2015


Which of the following is true about digital computers.

A. They consist of magnetic core memory.

B. they understand data as a continuous measurement of a physical quantity.

C. they represent numbers through a string of binary digits.

D. they are mainly used for scientific purposes

Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp are examples of

A. social media

B. social communication

C. networking media

D. search engines

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2015


Which of the following is not an application of computers?

A. bank notes counter

B. point of sales terminal

C. Automated Teller Machine

D. traffic lights control

View Answer & Discuss (1) WAEC 2015


Which of the following is secondary storage device.


B. bubble memory

C. floppy disk


View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2015


Information analysis procedures includes the following except

A. skin and scan

B. recognizing interrelationships

C. interpret and conclude

D. identifying propaganda and bias

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2015


The advantages of electronic data processing includes the following except

A. automatic processing

B. hacking

C. fast and reliable processing

D. storage capacity

Which of the following is not a transmission medium?

A. twisted pair cables

B. coaxial cables

C. wireless

D. modem

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2015


Information transmission by television is classified as

A. multimedia transmission

B. polymedia transmission

C. unimedia transmission

D. monomedia transmission

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2015


Which of the following are the basic components of a computer network? I. A

minimum of two computers II. Printers III. Network interface card.

A. I and II

B. I and III

C. II and III

D. I, II and III

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2015


Social networking does not promote.

A. personal publicity

B. business expansion

C. e-commerce

D. e-payment

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2015


Companies that provide internet access are referred to as

A. fixed network operators

B. network service providers

C. internet service providers

D. internet network operators

While typing a MS word document, Akin inserted footer in the document in

order to 

A. enhance the overall appearance of the document.

B. make the document more readable

C. insert page numbers

D. make it appear on the document when printed.

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2015


The spreadsheet symbol used to convert a number to a label is

A. quotation marl (

B. equality sign (=)

C. underscore (_)

D. apostrophe sign (')

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2015


In spreadsheets, data would not be accepted into a cell by pressing the.

A. Enter key

B. Arrow key

C. Esc key

D. Tab key

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2015

A field in a database table is alos known as 

A. index

B. relation

C. attribute

D. key

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2015


The property of a system software that enables it to execute more than one
program at a time is referred to as 

A. compiling

B. virtual memory

C. multitasking

D. load modules

Which of these operations would not close MS word application?

A. Pressing the Alt + F4 keys

B. clicking the X button on the title bar

C. choosing exit from the file menu drop down box

D. selecting the close from the file menu drop down dialogue box

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2015


The feature in a database application that acts as an interface between the user
and the database is called a?

A. query

B. report

C. form
D. table

View Answer & Discuss (1) WAEC 2015


Planning and creating websites are stages in?

A. web analysis

B. web maintenance

C. web design

D. web publishing

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2015


The type of data entered into a table in database follow a set of rules known as?

A. protocols

B. regulators

C. algorithms

D. constraints

View Answer & Discuss (1) WAEC 2015


Which of the following drawing tools would create special effects for texts?

A. Smart Art

B. Shape tool

C. Textbox

D. Word Art

The study of the effect of interaction between the computer and human users is
referred to as computer

A. ergonomy
B. economy

C. ergophobia

D. biomechanics

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2015


In MS Powerpoint, the action of holding down the left mouse key and moving
the mouse around the slide would

A. highlight an item

B. drag an item

C. select an item

D. move an item

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2015


A file kept in case of an accident or natural disaster is called

A. master

B. transition

C. back-up

D. reference

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2015


Which of the following is not a preventive maintenance measure?

A. Regular update of the operating system

B. Proper shut down of the system

C. use of uninterrupted power supply

D. data recovery
View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2015

Which of the following is not a safety equipment in a computer laboratory?

A. surge protector

B. metal detector

C. smoke detector

D. fore extinguisher

Which of the following is a computer professional?

A. Network Administrator

B. Web Master

C. System Analyst

D. File Manager

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2015


The following are desturctive software except 

A. drivers

B. worms

C. trojan horses

D. logic bomb

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2015


The type of file organisation in a DVD-ROM is?

A. direct access

B. sequential
C. serial

D. hierarchical

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2015


Which of these measures would not secure data in database?

A. Encryption

B. Data integration

C. Personal Identification Number

D. Username and passwords

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2015


The diagram illustrates the relationship between two tables in a database.

The student ID in Tables II is referred to as 

A. primary key

B. foriegn key

C. normal key

D. composite key

View Answer & Discuss 

The diagram illustrates the relationship between two tables in a database.

What type of relationship exists between Tables I and II?

A. one to one

B. three to four

C. four to three

D. one to many

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2015


A program developed to protect the computer from malicious software is

referred to as

A. trojan

B. driver

C. antivirus

D. spyware

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2015


One of the advantages of a parallel database is

A. data sharing

B. data security

C. faster processing of data

D. uniform memory access

View Answer & Discuss (1) WAEC 2015


In a relational database management system, files are organized as relations


A. tuple

B. modules

C. tables

D. forms

View Answer & Discuss (1) WAEC 2015


The exchange of information over a network follows a set of rules called

A. transmission rules

B. transfer rules

C. channels rules

D. protocols

a (i) Define an operating system.

    (ii) State two functions of an operating system
    (iii) List two differences between an operating system and application system

b Starting from the Save As dialogue box, outline the steps involved in
passwording a document in a word processing package.

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2015

(a) Define the following

(i) Database

(ii) Database management system

(b) Mention three functions of a database management system.

(c) Mention two ways through which data can be destroyed.

(d) State three precautionary measure to prevent data loss. 

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2015


(a)(i) Define application package.

(ii) State one use each of any four application packages

(b) List two benefits of a presently package

(c) Outlines three guidelines for creating a good MS PowerPoint Presentation

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2015


(a) Define; 

(i) Data Security (i) Data risk assessment

(b)(i) What is Access Control

(ii) List the access control methods in database security.

(c) State three roles of a database administrator.

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2015


Given an internet connected computer, outline a step by step procedure for

carrying out the following operations;
(a) How to log on to and obtain the prices of books W, X, Y, Z
and M.

(b) How to tabulate the prices in a worksheet, showing the prices in dollars and
the naira equivalent, for each book and save the workbook as "Prices of Books".
Assume that the prices of the books are given in dollars, [use $1.00=N120.00].

(c) How to send the workbook in 5(b) as an attachment to your father's email
address ( with the subject "Price of Books".

A student was asked to record the type of vehicle that entered the school
compound through the school's main gate on a Monday morning. The passage 
below is an excerpt from the student's report on the assignment. "Report on the
vehicular traffics at the gate on Monday.

1. Introduction; I was directed by the school principal to sit at the main gate and
record the type and number of vehicles that passed through the gate on
Monday morning.

2. Observation; I arrived at the gate at about 8;00am and left at 12 noon. During
this period, I made the following observation; Car, bus, bus, car, lorry,
motorcycle, car, tricycle, motorcycle, bus, bus."

(a) Beginning from the desktop, outline a step by step procedure of how to type
the passage in MS word, using A4 paper size and portrait orientation.

(b) State the procedure for carrying out the following operations in the passage;

(i) Begin the second and third sentences in new paragraphs; (ii) Write the first
sentence in capital letter underline it and bold it. (iii) Begin the first letter of a
sentence with capital letters (iv) Represent the student's observation in a table
with three columns under the headings; Serial Number, Type of vehicle, Number
of vehicle (v) Merge the first two cells of the ast row of the table and type
"Total"and give the total number of vehicles observed in the column for number
of vehicles (vi) Save the document with the name: "Vehicular traffic"(vii) Print the

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