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^ ^ B d ^ ^ ^ jjJRCYH^jgij^^EGE, GI4ENWPOD HILLS* ERIE, PA. 16546 November ^ 1996

By John Murphy "I didn't know we had a coun- offers. He also believes that there
at 'Hurst
training program here is good." Even though both Hohwold and
and Zoe Cohen seling service," said Venus Sali- is enough two-way communica- Hohwold said that on average, Hvzeda are only employedfor12
Merciad Writers nas. I've never been to them, tion between the counseling of- a college counseling service hours per week each, comment-
never talked to them. I didn't even fice and RAs, but that it is diffi- should expect to see 10-15% of ing on the adequacy of the re-
know they were there," said Brian cult to tell accurately. "We get a the student body in t year, and sources he has to work with,
11 it normal that in the lead up to
Ramsak. lot of callsfromRAs and faculty that this figure is approached at Hohwold said he believes,that
finals week college students un- $u
dergo a certain amount of stress. ; l feel the school made no effort referring students. Students them- Mercyhurst Mercyhurst has responded to a
If that stress becomes too much to tell us that such a service ex- selves also call and set up ap- There is a general stigma at- need for counseling since his re-
for students, there is a counseling ists," said Tabitha Dyke. pointments,'* said Hohwold. \ tached to counseling services turn in 1992. c
service on - campus. Most Commenting on why the ser- They told us about the coun- across campuses in die U.S. Be- "I feel that die availability of
Mercyhurst students know very vice was not advertised more, seling services during RA train- cause of our size here at counselors is inadequate to cater
little about the services offered. Hohwold said that the reason there ing, butl don'tfeelI know enough Mercyhurst, the problems are for die needs of a campus this
Furthermore, those who do de- hasn't been as much publicity about it to comment,'' said compounded," said Hohwold. "A size," said Rybczynski.
cide to seek couns ding help have done this year is mat when it was Baldwin RA, Mindi McDowell. lot of referrals we get, and even "They pretty much let us know
to deal with a service that baa done in the past, it did not in- "In training we know what pro- students who make the appoint- ' in RA training that they work
little resources. crease the number ofstudents who cedures to follow in case ofemer- ments themselves, often do not 1
with limited resources and do not
The counseling service offered sought counseling. gencies. In emotional crisises that Will ie in," he said.
have a great deal of time to work
here consists ofa one room office "We try to ensure that all the requires counseling, we know Hohwold said he wanted to em- with," said Reid. "In my personal
on the secondfloorof Eg an. The residence-life staff, members of where to send the residents. Al- phasize that the counseling ser- experiences, I have had to wait
staff consists of Dr. Warren the faculty and administration are though, I have never referred a vice off erred was absolutely con- for up to two weeks to get in to see
Hohwold and Maria Hvzeda.Each aware of the service we provide. student, said RA, Brad fidential, and encourage students a counselor," she said. They are
is employed to spend 12 hours, Usually, these people are in a Rybczynski. to come and talk early on, and not very good at their job, but their
Tuesday through Friday, serving better position on campus to be- "We are made aware of the ser- let things reach a crisis point. office hours are I united," she said.
the needs of some 2,700 students. M i l 11 te aware of crisis situations vice in training, yet we are not "This is a place to come in and Counselor office hours are;
A sampling of Freshmen ques- involving students. If, in their given specific techniques to use sit down with a trained profes- Tuesday, Hohwold 1-4 p.m.;
tioned revealed that many mem- opinion we should be involved, in the case of emergencies,'' said sional who hat wide experience Wednesday, Maria Hvzeda 9-3
bers ofthis class are not aware of then we usually are," said Baldwin RA, Tiffany Reid. dea 1 ing with college students. We a.m., Hohwold 5-8 p.m.; Thurs-
the counselling. service. "What Hohwold. • Although Hohwold was reluc- want to affect behavioral change, day, 9-12 a.m., and 1-4 pan.; Fri-
counselling service?" asked Eliza- Hohwold explained that each I tant to comment on the counsel- and help the students develop in* dav. Maria Hvzeda 9 a.m.-3 D.m.
beth KolojcL "If mere is one of- year during RA training, a pre- ing training RAs received, he said sights that will help them feel
fered, I've never heard about it," sentation is given that explains that "within the parameters they better about him or herself," he
she said. the counseling service and what it (the housing office) deal with, die said.

Malcolm and Martm:

A Meeting in the little Theatre
By Chris Wloch othcr area colleges were also in
News Editor attendance, said Yvonne Maher,
assistant director of the Perform-
Last week, Mercyhurst students ing Arts Center.
received ex posure to the different From the vantage point of the
philosophies of Malcolm X and audience, it was easy to become
Martin Luther King, Jr., two of engrossed by the realistically por-
the most significant and influen- trayed interactions on stage. "I
tial leaders of the 1960a Black felt 1 ike I was actually in the room
Civil Rights movement la die U. with them," sa id sophmore crimi-
S. A dramatized re-enactment of nal justice major Cameron Wash-
afictionalmeeting between these ington.
two great African-American in- j Senior forensic science major
tellectua Is and activists was pre- Tiffany Reid sa id that, "the expe-
sented Wednesday Oct 30, at 8 riencc was very real. It helped to
p.m. in the Taylor Little Theatre. personalize history. Watching the
Lasting a little over an hour, The actors on stage elevated the true
Meeting provided an oppurtunity meaning of their words which we
» mm w

for everyone present to compare usually read on paper."

and contrast the messages of both Fresher communications major
individuals and their effects on Sha'Kele Brown said, "I found it
the Black community and discus- enlightening. It really made me
sions about face-related issues in think about what would have hap-
this country. The show was prao pened if the two had met in real
tically sold out, and studentsfrom&%]. see "Malcolm," page 3

PAGE2 THE MERCIAD November 7.1996
• - • * * » « - • » •* •

Survey Says Hurst is AboveAverage MSG News: Courtesy

Phone Installed in Old Main
By Chris Wloch tions. A disclaimer on the test private colleges, Mercyhurst stu- By:Melissa Lang \
News Editor notes mat it "does not a ddress the dents were significantly less sat- Merciad Writer ,
issue of practical significance or isfied with residence hall rules On Monday, Nov. 4, Mercyhurst Student Government held its
In a recent articlefromUS. the appropriateness of the .Mill and regulations regarding behav- weekly meeting in the union.
News and World Report, a na- parisons being made. . ior, student voice in college pol i- SAC chairperson Brian Marshall gave his weekly update of events
tional survey ofcollege freshmen According to'Bill Kennedy, cies, die use of student activity along with a reminderthat Quiet Study in the Cafe will be held Tuesday
revealed that "incoming college Dean of Student Services. The fees, course availability, general and Wednesday, Nov. 12-13from11-3 pJO* and
students are increasingly disen- vast majority of private colleges registration, billing andfeepay- Thursday, Nov. 14from11-2 p.m. Food for Finals will be held in the
gagedfromthe academic experi- that Mercyhurst is being villi ment procedures and the avail- Laker Inn on Tuesday, Nov. 12 at 9 p.m.
ence." A similar study was con- pared with are not located in the ability of student housing. President Stacey Fitzpa trick announced that the courtesy phone will
ducted at Mercy hurst near the end East, but in the Midwest, where According to Kennedy, the high be installed in Old Main sometime this week or next week. Last week
of the spring term of the 95-96 attitudes regarding higher educa- level of dissatisfaction with cam- Fitzpatrick and Marshall met with Dr. Gamy to discuss security
academic year; tion are very different" Kennedy pus housing is a result of the large problems and maintenance issues. Marshall explained to Dr. Garvey
said that he believes mat die sur- number of students who had not the concern students have about the lack of security guards and
Resultsfromthe ACT Student
vey results would be somewhat received their housing placements response time by security in an emergency. Dr. Garvey will be looking
Opinion Survey Report were re-
different if we were to be Mill for the next year at die time mat into hiring more security guards to improve on the problems brought
leased this week. The questiona ire
was distributed in 9:40 classes in pared to private colleges on the die survey was conducted. Al- to his attention.
late April of last year. Nearly 500 Eastern coast - though the college guarantees Fitzpatrick questioned the decision to take the ft sellers off the
Mercyhurst students filled it out Mercyhurst students were more housing to all students who need library shelf. Dr. Garvey told Stacey he hadn't heard anything but that
and related their satisfaction with satisfied than the average private it, that does not mean that they he would look into it
different facilities and services college student about our Student will automatically receive their The following day Dr. Garvey met with Stacey and told her that the
Union, Campus Bookstore, op- first choice, he said.
provided by the campus commu- >ks were put back on the shelf and that he supports any reading that
• : • : •

nity in addition to various aspects portunities for student employ- Kennedy also admitted his sur- students participate in.
of academic, athletic and social ment, course content and instruc- prise that a significant number of The Freedom Zone is looking for submissions to go into the
life at the college. tion in their major field, out-of students felt that die college does December issue. The committee is also looking into making the issues
The result! were then compared class availability of their profes- not show concern for them as more elaborate and interesting. If you have any ideas please contact the
with other private colleges around sors, level of preparation'for their individuals and mat they are gen- committee. - ,»,... wm £
the country. In addition,the careers, and their personal secu- erally dissatisfied with the atti- A note to all students and reps-next week's student government
difference -between Mercyhurst rity and safety on this campus. tude of the college non-teaching meeting has been canceled due to finals.
students* responses and this Overall, Mercyhurst college as a staff towards them as students.
sample was provided as a means
of contrasting students' attitudes
whole received a significantly
higher rating of satisfaction than
"Our students are important,"
Kennedy said, "and we need to do Business School Named in
about the college with those of die sample of private colleges. what we can to bring about
people enrolled at other institu- In relation to students at other changes in all the areas of the
college that affect them."
Honor of Dr. Barret C. Walker
By Chris Wloch. ness Division has' the most majors
News Editor and is comprised of 467 students, 343
FIPSE Grant Promotes WritingAcro^ On Thursday, Nov. 7, Mercyhurst
of whom are purs ui ng their studies on
a full-time basis.
will name its business school after Degrees offered by the Barrett C
By Chris Wloch Erie philanthropist, Dr. Barret C Walker School of Business include
although some courses will re- will also be provided for travel Walker, At an 11 a on. ceremony, a the bachelor of arts in accounting and
News Editor main more writing-intensive than expenses and reimbursement for plaque will be unveiled in honor of business administration* as well as
others. j a reduced load of one class per Walker who gave the college $1 mil- concentrations in advertising, busi-
Starting this fall, Mercyhurst Dr. Hell en Mullen, chair of the year for each of the three partici- lion.! The gift was part of the 18- ness education* business and chemis-
will participate in a nation-wide business division, is very familiar pants who will meet with faculty month "Continuing the Dream" fund try,finance,marketing, management
Writing»Across the Curriculum with this particular WAC Pro- members from Robert Morris drive which occurred two years ago and sports organization* Three asso-
(WAC) program sponsored" by gram. She spent 29 years at Rob- and raised a total of $123 million. ciate degree programs in sales man-
College in Pittsburgh during the
Robert Morris College, which has J Walker's contribution will be used, agement and medical and legal office
ert Morris which has been a pio- second week in December. in par^ to fund a research canter training are also being offered i neon-
been made possible by a grant neer in the area o f Writing Across These three representatives in- named in honor of Mrs. Catherine junction with the McAuley division
from the Fundforthe Improve- the Curriculum. \ clude, Mullen, ;Ms. Janet Price, Walker*The Center will be included Dr. Hellen Mullen, dean of the busi-
ment of Post-Secondary Educa- "Robert Morris College has an director of the sports medicine ness school, said.that she was vary
in the building addition to the
tion (FIPSE). The new WAC pro- extensive background in these program, and Dr. Heidi Hosey, pleased that "Dr. and Mrs. Walker
Hammermill Library, which will be
gram to be implemented by the types of programs," she said. associate professor of English. started try spring term. are supporting the college's strong
college will strongly emphasize Additionally, they have many The money that was donated will commitment to the liberal arts in the
Each of the three will work to
the process of learning through years ofexperience in developing serve to improve the la rgest academic preparation of students for careers in
incorporate principles and prac- the business world *
• . *

writing. video tapes for demonstrating to ticesfromthe WAC method into department at Mercyhurst The Busi-
"This is a significant boost to teachers several methods for in- existing classes and to design new
the Writing to Learn* movement," corporating "writing to learn 0
courses for both themselves and tram ouncement
sa id Dr. Joseph Gower, Academic strategies into the design of their other Acuity members to teach.
Dean. "We expect to learn much courses. Five other schools are also tak-
3 on 3 Basketball Turkey S) wot
from coll aborating with other in- Mullen explained that the grant 9
ing part in Robert Morris grant- Sunday, November lOtb
stitutions," he said. will cover the materials that will sponsored WAC program: Hme 10:00PM \ \ \
According to Gower, the ulti- be used in in furthering the devel- Golden Gate University, Kent
opment and implementation of a Place: KECCenter
mate goal Is to look beyond the State University, Southeastern
core curriculum and make writ* Writing Across the Curriculum University, Bryant College and Divisions: Men,W< I II '-I Co-ed
ing an element in every class. program at Mercyhurst Funds Babson College. Sign upfyNovember 7th at Lacrosse office or call ext 2138 for details.
WA-H. . :x:
* - : ,: ::'.»:-Vv
November 7.1996 MERCIAD PAGE 3

cont'dfrompage 1 Jim Lucas made an incredibly *

convincing King both because of he would not be able to continue King responded to X's poignant Malcolm's house following a
life. It also makes you wonder
his physical resemblance to the causing any more unnecessary criticisms by pointing out tha t he bomb,Yolanda King asked her
how we would think about civil
southern Baptist Muslim and his pain for other innocent people. follows his belief in non-violent father to take one of her dolls to
rights today if they had come to
expert handling and delivery of As a result; X's famous saying action and protests, not because the meeting so mat it could be
terms with their differences and he liked to do it or because it was
worked together," she said. the dialogue. Mark Anderson's abou tending racist oppression "by given to Malcolm X's daughter.
momentary appearances as
any means necessary is not an easy, but because his convictions The two part asfriends,with a
One of thetilingsthat surprised told him that it was "the right
Malcolm X's bodyguard, Rashad, excuse which condones wanton greater understanding and appre-
several people, like Cameron and thing to do," even when the con-
served to provide a balance to the violence. Instead, it is a way of ciation of the other's views and a
Reid, was the fact that MalcolmX sequences are unbelievably tragic
strains in what sometimes turned expressing X's belief mat every shared commitment to continu-
was actually older 'than King. and seem almost impossible,,to
into a heated confrontation. alternative should be explored in ing the struggle.
"People tend to associate mfli-
Correspondingly, a aeries of the struggleforequality, and more accept "I could relate to the conversa-
tancy with you th fulness, and thus
three arm-wrestling matches be- important), social and economic X countered by pointing out tion because I vividly remember
assume th at you 're the older one"
tween King and X resulted in a Improvements for African- mat there are people who partici- King's speeches, the marches and
Ersky Freeman said in his por-
draw which served to reconcile Americans. pate in non-violent marches snd certain events that he was refer-
trayal of X.
the viewpoints of both leaders. Fr •411 noticeably men return home to their commu- ring to," said Betty Damper, Di-
Additionally, the influence of nities where they commit acts of
Just what we could have accom- turbed when reading a copy of a rector of the Act 101. Pro
one's environment on thoughts, violence against other African-
pl Lshed if both of us were using speech in which King stated that who grew up In Huntsv ille, AL, a
beliefs and conclusions was made
our strength to push in the same African-Americans had a capac- Americans. X strongly believed hundred milesfromBirmingham.
apparent with regards to King's
direction," Malcolm X said after ity | to suffer any injustice that that Black outrage and anger "And being aware of Malcolm's
country upbringing in the south
the tie was reached. would overcome every obstacle should be focused on racist op- thoughts and stance, I was able to
and X's living in Harlem under
The differences between the two that could be placed in the way of pressors and directed toward ret- Mil iprehend the dialogue of two
the often harsh and brutal condi-
were made evident in their re- the eventual goal of racial har- ribution, instead of being denied, equally strong men who wanted
tions offiieinner city.
sponses to an actual event where mony. Specifically, King had said internalized and unleashed on fel- the same thing, which is freedom
As Malcolm X, Freeman com- from racist oppression, * she said.
a young girl was seriously injured the power of love was far greater low Blacks.
bined seriousness with a few hu- At first, the only thing that the
after a Molotov cocktaflexploded than any attempts to thwart it by
I t l l irous on-sta ze antics that helped

to lighten the often somber and in a crowd ofpeople participating white supremacists, even when two can agree on is when the
meeting is over. Then, a connec-
The 8 p.m. Mass
in a civil rights march. While King their hatred took the more violent
tense mood. At times, Freeman
could have been mistakenforthe soughtfirstof all to rush over and forms of discrimination, such as tion is made between the two on
the common level of family rela-
on Sunday, Nov.
the beatings, lynchings 'and
Muslim minister who split with comfort the suffering girl, X
thought it best to go after the man church-bombings which kill in- tionships when King presents X 10 will be offered
the Nation of Islam because of his with a doll for his little girl. After
powerful oratory. who ha d thrown the bomb, so that nocent men. women and children.
seeing the devastation of for George Pek).

RAV4 "Toyota's New RAV4 Seems To Bridge The Cast Casm Between Car And Truck. I
More Nimble Than Any SUV Made." -AutoWeek, June '96 Little Wagon With Big Wheels Is A Car And A Truck" - O AndDriver, April 9t
"The RAV4 Is A Fun-Junkie's Dream Machine." -Car And Driver, April '96 "Rally-Car Performance, Camry-Like Quality" -Car And Driver, July '96
PAGE 4 THE MERCIAD November 7, 1996

Grand Delusions
By James Bain Mr. Baldwin got wind ofthe event ship, Baldwin's modest proposal
MerciadA&E Editor and raised a nationwide stink. sounds a little ridiculous. After
This begs the question: Doesn't all, a few years ago, Hollywood
It's amazing thetilingsrich Baldwin have anything better to boycotted Colorado because of
people find to occupy their time. do than to meddle in local poli- its anti-gay politics. Let's see,
A few weeks back, Alec Baldwin tics? Baldwin enlisted some of that's 48 states left What if New
and some other big time Holly- his colleagues, including Denis York does something they don't
wood types announced an oh - so- Leary, who just did afilmin like? God forbid, what if
trendy boycott of Pennsylvania which an elephant is traumatized California'sigovernor suddenly
because Gov. Ridge refused to by being chucked out of an air- proda ims that clubbing baby sea Is
put a stop to a pigeon shoot in plane. Their mission: bully the is a neat idea? Pretty soon, all
some backwater village in cen- governor into putting his execu- movies will be shot in Baldwin's
tral Pa. tive foot down. Baldwin sent a backyard.
For those of you unacquainted vaguely threatening 1 etter to Har- .Pennsylvania stands to lose
with our commonwealth's local risburg, warning of dire conse- little from the Baldwin boycott
color, every year tne residents quences if Ridge didn't comply Ultimately, the location of a film
get together and trap wild pi- with hisjactorly demands. If shoot is determined by the studio's
geons, then set them free so Ridge didn't stop the? shoot, wallets. If it's cheaper to shoot in
some toothless rednecks ca n pick warned Baldwin and Co., then Pittsburgh than in, say, Toronto,
them off with high-powered filmmakers might just decide not the filmmakers will opt for the
rifles. But decent people do ex- to film in Pennsylvania anymore. more financially favorable locale.
ist, as some residents dart into the Regardless ofwhetherlagree But Baldwin is setting a poor ex-
fray to rescue injured birds and with their cause (I do, but that's ampleforthe causcmongers of
nurse them back to health. It all not important), I disagree with Hollywood. Better hope your
sounds like one great big Monty the approach., Baldwin has a his- home state doesn't offend Mr.
Python routine, doesn't it? • tory of trying to bully politicians Baldwin's sensibilities! You
The pigeon shoot has been the into seeing things his way, usu- might just be next
subject of statewide controversy ally on animal rights. Aside from
annually, as animal rights groups the unfairness of characterizing
attempt every year to put a halt to an entire state by the actions of
the carnage. This year, however, some members of a tiny town-

Musician Dec Stewart will appear at the Taylor Little Theater

Monday, Nov. 11 it 8 pan. Call the Performing Arts Center for
On the Big Program Tonight...HRIM reservations. a
Pay close attention to the audi- in charge of arranging the trip,
ence on TheLate Show With Davidsaid they just got the word that Movie Quote of the Week: "No, you can't go as a te till
Letterman on Monday, Novem- they've secured tickets to Mon- on his choice of a Halloween costume in E.T. Line
ber 11. Among die crowd taking day night's taping. The HRIM
in Dave's antics will be 11majors have also sent Letterman
Mercyhurst HRIM majors and a Uote alerting him of their pres-
two faculty members. Pete Zohos ence, so they may just wind up on
Justice is blind in "Primal Fear."
Frustrated with the legal sys- the prosecutor. Local and church and a later .plot twist brings
and Adam Kleinhenz, the students ca mera. Tune in and see. —J. H. tem? Ready toripthat damn politics also come into play, and Norton's performance full circle.
blindfold off Lady Justice? Pri- Vail soon finds h imself in a twist- Look for him later this fall in
malFear is your movie. A some-1 8 labyrinth Woody Allen's Everyone Says J
what self-righteous but compel- conjecture. Love You and Milos Forman's

Captain Wiseguy's Stumper ling drama presents a worst-case Gere gives one of his best
scenario ofjustice gone amuck. formances in his most com
The People vs. Larry FlynL
Gregory Hoblit's cold, clinical
Richard Gere stars as Martin character role to date. Vail is direction enhances this sometimes
Q: Who were George Lucas%first choices to Vail, an unctuous defense attor- very likable guy, but once his gra phic story, which unfolds very
ney with pretensions of civic- motivations are made dear, it's much like a I novel (as well jt
play the three leads in Star Wars (1977)? mindedness. When a simple easier to sympathize with his frus- should; it's based on one). A few
young altar boy (Edward Norton, tration as he stuggles not only to plot twists don't work, and a sub-
In a brilliant debut) is accused of exonerate his client, but to till plot involving a street tough
\ butchering a beloved archbishop, to terms with his own search foi (Steven Bauer)goes nowhere, but
* Vail leaps on the case lor its pub- truth. overall, Primal Fear docs what it
licity value. Soon, however, he Norton is someone to watch sets out to do—it causes the viewer
ainrt ta (ojDfj wxjzuty $&W9J£> **Z) begins to believe the boy la inno- for. He presents a vulnerable to take a harsh look at the inequi-
cent, and struggles to save him <*aracter who may or may not be ties of our legal system and, per-
from the gaa chamber. telling the whole truth. Bearing a haps, may even make you see the
1»tds Matters are complicated by the striking resemblance to John OJ. Simpson case in a new light
stDirj fact that Martin 'a bitter ex-lover Lennon, he conveys a sense of
(Laura Linney, front Congo ) j innocence mixed with cunning,
- • •

November 7,1996 THEMERCIAD PAGE 5

ON THE DITCH E l 6 C t i O n po tical
!* Columnists Offer
Their Views on Post-
By John Murphy
Editor-in-chief 1996 election Results
hk an attempt to cheer everybody Up before finals, I had thought about
writing an article regarding my experiences with women at this college.
But then I sobered up and realized that my experiences with the opposite
Clinton Gets Victory, No Mandate
sex have not been funny. Indeed, after a mote sober reflection, my Gephardt as the next Speaker of prived of that dream due to the tax
unimpaired mind settled on quite a different word to describe my By Emillo Colalaco vo use, Democrats will still
Merciad Columnist and spend policies of the present
experiences, the word, 'sad. * have to contend with Newt administration. Though Bob Dole
So now that my attempts to cheer anybody up have failed, it's time to Gingrich. really never got out of the starting
Yes, Bill Clinton is still presi- While •111e people were criti-
remind you that this is a stressful time for students. Papers due, or gate, I do not believe his loss
dent! Yes, the man who gave this
overdue,finalslooming, failing threathened, all that good stufC Like I cizing the 73 Republican fresh- reflects badly on the conservative
country the largest tax increase,
said last week, events like those.that afflicted myfriendsgive you sort men because they were too radi- movement in American politics,
who cut the drug czars office by
of a wake-up call that puts our college worries into perspective. Simply, cal, all but a dozen were re-elected. j j This election is not a repudia-
80%, Who attempted to institute a
the concerns that we have here are notas crucial or as intense as those that However, the Republicans made tion of conservatism, but a long-
socialized medical program, and
affect people in the real world. their most impressive showing in ing for real reform based on com-
who declared the era of big gov-
Nevertheless, the truth is that most of us let these concerns become the Senate, picking up two seats mon sense, conservative ideals
ernment over la still our presi-
crucial; we get caught up in coll ege life, caught up in Mercyworld. From and increasing their majority to and principles. Bill Clinton was
dent Many Democrats on cam*
the trivial issues like roommate squabbles and frustrated relationships, 54-45, with one seat outstanding. re-elected president largely on a
pus, even those who write in the conservative agenda. CI in ton sa id
to more serious ones like grades and career plans, we allow ourselves to Hopefully, this more conserva-
pages of this paper, must believe himself that if he was a Republi-
be consumed with anxiety. tive Senate will be able to pass the
this to be a massive mandate for Balanced Budget Amendment can running with his "record", no
Accepting th at this is part offliccollege experience, it is to be assumed
President Clinton and his poli- which eluded the last Senate. one from the conservative wing
that a responsible institution would care enough about its students to
provide adequate services to cater to their needs In this area. Mercyhurst The Republican majorities in would be criticizing him. Though
I must sharply disagree. Though both the House and Senate will the American people forgot die
does provide two highly professional individuals to counsel students.
Bill Clinton won 50% of the popu- hopefully force the President to first two liberal years of his *&•
The problem is, these individuals are only employed on a part-time
lar vote, let us recall that 50% of live up to his campaign p till j ministra tion, I have not
basis.They do not have the time, and are not paid enough, to cater to some the voters voted against BUI of campaignfinancereform and
2,700 students. They have been given a scanty single room office and no » President Abraham Lincoln
a into n. Having half of the coun- restoring the solvency to Medi-
secretarial staff. This shows that Mercyhurst does not treat its counseling Mice said, "You canfoolsome of
try not supporting you is not what care and Medicaid. Also, do not
services seriously enough. I can call a mandate. Though Bob the people all of the time, and all
They ought to. There are students here who ha ve problems* In my yean expect Republicans to forget of the people some of the time,
Dole lost the election, I do not
at this school, there have been several reports of suicides and attempted about Clinton's criminal prob- but you can'tfoolall of the people
believe the popular vote waa as
suicides among the student body. lems. Expect to see Senators Fred ill of the time," ,
bad aa die political pundits were
This campus is no different than any other in America. There is a Thompson and Orrin Hatch lead
expecting. This election illustrates investigations into illegal cam- Bill Clinton has done a good job
percentage ofstudents h ere who ha vc pyschological problems. A certain that engaging in demagoguery and
number ofstudents comefromdysfunctions 1 families. There are victims pa ign contributions to the Dcmo- of masking his teal intentions and
scaring people into believing Re- cratic party acquired by John fooling the American people*
of ra pe, child abuse, and incest on this campus. These, as well as the lesser publicans would dismantle Medi- Huang from Indonesian compa- However, the information is out
pyschological stresses that are part of college life, demand more atten- care and Medicaid, anyone, even nies. Historically, moat of the there and so is his liberal record.
tion from school authorities. a draft-dodging Democrat, could
The present situation on this campus is inadequate. Certain things are scandals in Presidential adminis- Whether or not the American
win an election. trations (eg. Watergate and Iran- [people realize this is totally up to
uncontroll able. No one could hold a college responsible for tragic events Republicans should not hang
that occur involving students. However, a college can and should be, held Contra) occur la the second ad- them. Though the *American
their heads in shame over this ministration. Bill Clinton's ad- people,
accountable for not making enough of an effort to help its students deal election. Regardless of what the ministration will be no different. constantly say politicians are not
with, what to them, are traumatic events in their lives. liberal news media say about the IJ Bob Dole should not be ashamed trustworthy, it baffle* me to see
presidential election, Republicans

The Merciad
of the campaign he ran* He van a how a man, as crafty and slick as
still maintained control of the campaign with a real virion, hop- BID Clinton is, got elected to
House and die Senate. Though ing to return a piece of the Ameri- the highest office in the land. You
some were predicting Dick can dream to those who were de- figure it out

Wants You Clinton Must Keep Promises

By Joe Wong fit will be, justas the 1994 "Repub- ca ns, and so he should have over-
The Merciad is looking for a few good men

Merciad Columnist lican Revolution" was seen as a whelming popular support But as
and women who are interested in helping us mandate, rightly or wrongly, for exit polls suggest, most Ameri-
The 1996 election isfinallyover, [-Republican ideals. cans do not trust the President, and
improve the newspaper. Writers, typists,, and now, hopefully, we will not be If President Clinton upholds the his record shows he is likely to
photographers, layout workers, all are wel- bombarded by the multitude of Values, promises and ideas he es- back off on his promises. If so,
uninformativc, inaccurate, and P pouscd in the campa ign, then the then Candidate Clinton promised
come. Workstudy positions are available. condescending political ads that fact Congress is still controlled by what he had to and co-opted the
office have permeated the air Waves in Republicans will not be nearly as popular ideas to remain President
the past few months. important because Candidate Q in ton.
824-2376. President Clinton has been re- Clinton dearly took a moderate, If the President reneges on his
elected, thefirstDemocrat to have just lcft-of-center stance on most promises or announces he is chang-
Merciad wishes students luck on a second term since FDR, and of
course believes he has a mandate.
[•Tissues, many ideas used by Re-
[ publican candidates.
ing them, then the American voter
waa once again played for a fool.
finals and a happy Thanksgiving Is 50% of popular vote a mandate?
For the purposes of the President,
The President's stated policies
IniatcJi.thebeJ iefe of.nipst Ameri- _
Wong Cont pg. 7
PAGE 6 THEMERCIAD November 7,1996

Helmet Workingwiththe Dead
By Michael J. opperman By Dan Hilfiker dangers that are posed to society
body, much less watch the de-
Merclad Columnist Senior Wrber in the same light The victim in
ceased be cut open to undergo a
medical examination. Even this case was a young man, only
The elections are over. There axe few who axe sorry about the As the term comes to a close, so
though it smells s bit bad, and 19 years of age. He was killed
conclusion. Even those who were unable to gain a seat are relieved and does my internship wit the County
there is a great deal of blood in- outside of an eastside bar that had
looking forward to the resumption of their lives. Some of the results Detectives Office. There are so
volved, I would like to tell all of seen another murder a little over a
satisfied me, some did not This will always be the case* One thing, many things that I have learned
you mat it really is not as grue- year a go. What really troubles me
however, tends to play in my mind. I was disappointed by the number during the course of my intern-
some as you may think. is the fa ct tha t this whole incident
of twenty-somethings that were active in the campaigns. ship that it really makes me think
the rest of the classroom experi- This was a very good opportu- didn't have to happen. It was a
This £all91 attended several fundraisersforarea candidates and was
surprised tofindmyself the youngest one there by nearly 20 years. At ence has done little to prepare me nity to see the assistant coroner at total waste of a life, and didn't
work, as he used his skill to col- have to occur.
one of these fundraisers, I spoke to Dick Gephardt; senator from for the real world like the hands-
Missouri, about this absence of younger activists. He said that this was on experience of die internship. lect evidence from the body. This I The coroner Dr. Eric L. Vey,
consistent Few of the people who turnout for rallies and fundraisers are was s really good opportunity for referred to by some as Dr. Death,
There was one morning about worked through the procedure
three weeks ago where I was sur- me to learnfirsthand the differ-
under35.Why? with a great deal of humorous,
prised to find out that there had ences between entrance and exit
Either the candidates are not interesting or engaging or the process is —

although somewhat tasteless

not interesting or engaging or, and I believe this to be the case, twenty- been a homicide the evening be- wounds and the damage that a
somethings feel both disenfranchised and ineffectual. There is also an fore. Atfirst,there was a feeling cheap piece of lead can inflict on jokes. I suppose that if you had to
the human body. There also was work with dead bodies all the
undercurrent of hard, bitter cynicism that prevents and short circuits of excitement that came over me
beca use I thought tha 11 might get a great deal of other trace evi- time you would probably develop
participation and pa ssion. It is embarrassing to be idealistic or to believe a sense of humor about it as well
in anything. Where does this leave us? the chance to help investigate a dence that was to be obtained
homicide case. from the body. ' as a way of dealing with the ever
All those older than 35 will get older and, eventually, die. Who will
take over? Either no one will stepforwardor, more likely, only those A little later, I realized that a This was also a good opportu- present loss of life. I give these
nity for me to reflect on the ease people a great deal of credit for
with vested personal interest (social, financial, etc) willfillthe gaps left very vital part of that investiga-
tion is the autopsy, which I was with which someone can take the the job that they perform. It is an
by predecessors. Although this generation is, collectively, better edu- essential service that I am sure
allowed to attend. Many people life of another. It also is a very
cated than any that has e before, it is not more active in government that I would not want to do on a
These fundraisers and rallies exposed this. don'tfindit too pleasurable to be scary and troublesome thought I
never really thought about the daily basis, f
Reluctant to call for action because of the same socialization that in the same room with a dead

Letters to the Editor

ridicules Idealism, I do so anyway. It is, again, an issue of control.
Reasons and excuses are worth less than the air it requires to issue them.
They also do little more than reduce the amount of oxygen. Reasons
don't build houses and excuses don't feed people or, for that matter, fill Dear Editor
the boxes on voter cards. So you don't believe that your vote makes a mat we 'checked-out' during the serves more than "wh en you get a
difference, not voting makes less ofa difference. The elections are over, I admissions process at several col- room, what you are payingforis
I'm writing this as a rather dis- leges was with regard to housing. a place to stay, and a place to put
your opportunity to vote has passed,but your ability to effect change is gruntled father whose daughter
eternal. No one wants to hear an excuse. j. Wewere told that at Mcrcyhurst, your things," ( M a a a i M2-96,
would be mortified to read this. housing is guaranteed. Although p. 3). I'm the one paying Dr.
Yes, I'm protective of my first- the statement was true, I did not £ Brown, and the "things" I'm put-
born. Oncof the multitude ofitems realize tha tl also needed to assure ting mere include my daughter.
I myself regarding the quality of
The Merciad housing at Mercyhurst as well.
(For my daughter, Freshman year
Each student should have his/her
own desk at which to study, a
bookshelf, a bunk, and adequate
VOL. 70 NO. 8 was no problem (apparently this living space beyond the common
Merciad Editors I is not the case this year), but her areas of Uvingroom and kitchen.
assignment to Briggs leaves much There may be more * expensive
ohn Murphy H Editor-in-Chief James Hain A&E Editor •to be desired this year.
cott Vance apartments available in Erie, but
Sports Editor Jason GifTen Advertising I I am fully aware of how expen-
hrisWloch News Editor Michelle Mizla Copy-Editor I'd wager they arc also air condi-
irad Rybczynski sive it must be for any college tol tioned with at least two mil-sized
Features Editor lAaron Connell Graphics
Jerry Trambley 1 supply housing. However, tea bedrooms, adequate domes clos-
an Hilfiker Senior Writer Advisor
weeks at $850 per term (three I ets, a complete kitchen/dining area
Merciad Staff months if you stretch it) times large enough to seat the number of
four students crowded into an occupants simultaneously and
amzForzio Jessica Russell Shawn tea Howard Tavis Overstreet
tepben Nolan Carrie Tapped apartment designed for less resi- t£UH >rtably and probably would
Joe Wong Emilio Colaiacovo
ill Melville *j Nicole Ponstingle dents in $3400 per term, per apart- with 11/2-2 baths. I
Mindi McDowell Rich Costcllo J
• M i l l

oddZielinski Jody Washington ment Three terms equals $10,200 Apparently I had been under the
elly Green Steve Torricro and if there are seven apartments v mistaken impression that what I
Kara Clark
icolc Esposito Zoe Cohen Heather Cvitkovic in each building, there is an an- was paying for was a place where
nual gross return of $71,400 per my daughter did not have to be
e Merciad is the student-produced newspaper of Mcrcyhurst College, Box 161, building. Evenwith maintenance concerned With bousing arrange-
01R 38th St, Erie, Plu, 16546. Phone 824-2376. and utilities, I sense tremendous ments, a place of comfort (not
profit. Nevertheless, my real is- luxury), a place to study (why
sue is not with the actual cost per she's there), and a place to relax
e Merciad wel V i l l i ! * * letters to the editor. student; that cost istypicalany- 1 (pressure demands it). College is
where in the area colleges. My much, much more man *a place to
issue is with the accommodations j stay and a place to put your things."
Tlie Merclad'i editorial opinionit determined by the Editorial Boardwith the Editor-in-Chief as compared with other available Dr. Brown; at least it was implied
holding final lesponsibility. The opinions expressed in The Merclad are not necessarily those of bousing. At $1133 per month, by Mercy hurst's admission depart-
| The Merclad, its staff or Mcrcyhurst College. , J per apartment* each student de- I
PAGE 7 THEMERCIAD November 7,1996

iPlitt M.

D y< U MkC t h e t r i m e s t e r s stem

CCUHDUS OllCStiOIl* ° * y hercat Mercyhurst?
Why or why mot?

Tony Greida nus, Senior, Dana Gills, Senior, Michael J. Opperman, Junior, :. Kevin Segedi, Junior, Michelle Borsos, Sophmore,
HRIM/Golf Course Management Nursing English/Philosophy ;< Graphic Design\ Elementary Education ff
"It's nice in the sense that you "I like the trimester system be- 1 think the trimester is an advan- "I like the trimester system be- 1 like the trimester system be-
only have the same dass for 10 cause I get sick of my classes tage because it gives students an cause I think it's a key point for cause this way you only have to
weeks and you only have three really early and really soon, so I ability to pack more into the school pulling people to the college. I'm take afewclasses and we have
classes, four classes, three classes. like the trimester system being year, but I think it's a disadvan- an ambassador and I tell them time to do stuff1 ike our pra cticums
At the same time it's not because they're only 10 weeks long and tage because it hinders the ability about the trimester* system and so that we're not in class all the
yon don't have a long period of not IS as in die semester program to cover lots of material." W. i i'how it makestilingseasier, espe- time.''
time, it's too compacted and so that way yon can hurry up and cially come finals time when you
you're always taking exams. It's get through your courses and get • only have four or threefinalsin-
too high intensity, I guess." n
on with the next one. stead offiveor six."

Wayne Greiser, Freshman, Patrick El kin, Senior, Krissy Zevnik, Freshman, Maureen Cavanaugh, Freshman, Mike Williams, Freshman,
Elementary Education HBIM I Communications Dance Biology v .
1 like the terms because you get "The reason why I like trimesters *1 like the trimester system be- "I like the trimester system be- "I like the trimester system be-
a little longer breakforThanks- is that I think they're a lot easier cause it gives me time to do other cause it gives me time to get ev- cause it gives us more time off
giving and Spring Break and Ifs on the students, and instead of things, like other activities.'* erything done that I have to get and it's spread out More vaca-
nice to have those longer breaks." studying for five finals you only done.* tions even though they're not as
have to studyforthree per term or long."
four. I like it better.'* &
student concerns -Instead of ex- It is the duty of the moderates in Congress, both Democrat and Republican^ to force the President to stick to hia
ment and by the current college pansion or beautiGca tion projects promises, and if they do, something productive may actually be accomplished.
catalog and by the vast majority -priorities? What It comes down But is the election all that important? Obviously not, as only about 49% of those eligible to vote (about 180
of the staff with whom I have had to is if Mercy hurst expects to keep million) did so (about 90 million). That means roughly 1/3 of Americans arc deciding the government for the
contact. ^ '' 5 the students it has, let alone ex- remaining millions. Wha t concerns me is what goes through the mind ofthose few Americans who do vote, and
Andfinally,I'm much more dis- pa nd, It needs to attend to student decide the shape of our government In exit polls, over half of those voting said they did not trust the President,
gruntled with this situation than is housing immediately. Perhaps yet voted for him* * Almost 80% of thole Voting did not believe Senator Dole had a vision for the future, yet
my daughter. She's young, and Carpe Diem might become Saper half of those still voted for him. ~
much moreflexibleand adaptive Vedere. .. It's confusing what goes through the mind of an average voter, and perhaps it is better to just not know. So,
than I am. However, I'm a father although most Americans did not exercise their "right" to vote, an over-fated gift from government not right
who sees "the system taking ad- Name withheld by request
9 by birth, those who did were intelligent enough to realize a split Congress and president is a good thingforthe
vantage. She would not make an country, and gridlock is not always a badivord.; <
In the months to come, I am sure we are going to test that idea. *l HELP WANTED
issue of this situation, but I must Dear Editor,
The new facilities over just the Men/Women earn $ 4 8 0
la st couple of years -the perform- weekly assembling
I want to thank Andrew $ Attention All Students! $
ing arts center, the computers Canfield for coming to the de- circuit boards/elec-
FREE Money is currently available for tronic components at
(somewhere?), and the new addi- fense ofthe pro-life movement in College Students Nationwide. Over $6
tion to the athletic center, refur- order to protect both the unborn Billion in aid is now available from home* Experience
bishing the campus rec center, and as well as the elderly. private sector grants & scholarships. All unnessary, will train.
the new stadium complex were all I do wish that other young men students are eligible to receive some sort of Immediate openings in
probably desperately needed. Hats and women would do what An- aid regardless}of grades, income, or
parent's income. Let us help you. For your local
off to JacquelineTamas, (Msioad* drew has done. more information call: Call 1-520-680-7891
9-19-96, p. €% she has accurately Sincerely, Student Financial Services
described the bureaucratic attitude e x t C200
1-800-263*6495 ext.F52491
ies to . Sister M. Juliana.
y hurst » II
November 7.1996 THEMERC1AD PAGE 8

Golga Leaves With Q B Records In T o w
By Brad Rybczynsld a quarterback."
Features Editor Kimball said of Golga leav-
ing, "We're going < to miss his
Senior Matt Golga is capping experience, it>is like having a
off an outstandingfouryear foot- coach on the field. It is a big
ball career this season for the blow, a big loss, it is obvious just
Mcrcyhurst Lakers. This career by his-numbers. We are never
was characterized by Head Foot- going to replace the three and a
ball Coach Joseph Kimball as "tre- half years of experience."
mendous." Golga's record does speak for
Golga has indeed done tremen- itself. He has broken almost ev-
dous things during his tenure as ery Mercyhurst record possible
quarterback for the Lakers. In his for a quarterback He is the all-
freshman season, he assumed the time, all purpose yard gainer, all
starting position after his fourth time career passing leader, the
game and "never looked back and only quarterback to pass for more
has started every game since," than 1000 yards in three consecu-
Kimball said,ftwas in this fresh- tive seasons, has tied die record
man year that Mercyhurst was for most touchdown passes in a
invited to theirfirstECAC bowl single game with three and is third
game. all time rusher.
This achievement speaks vol- Golga has not limited his ex-
umes. In most programs, quarter- tra curricula r activities to the field.
backs usually serve two years as He has the opportunity to per-
starters. In Golga's case, he will form with the theater department
have controlled the Laker offense as a "brother" in the musical "Jo-
for three and a half years. seph and the Amazing Golga pauses for a picture on his way to practice for hisfinalgame
Coaches and •"imfiin^f alike Technicolor Drea MTV* it* in 1994. Golga, Mercyhurst "gave me ployment Golga said "I did an Golga will graduate in Febru-
realize the great loss of Golga's Golga has been on WMCE, one opportunities I wouldn't internship at Cathedral Prep' in ary 1997 with a BA. in psychol-
graduating. Junior outside line- Mercyhurst*s radio station, doing i ve had at a bigger school** counseling and really enjoyed ogy. He is engaged to Jessica
backer Frank Figliano said, "It Is play-by-play for basketball. He When asked about his football that" Golga is also trying to Cuffia, class of 1996. They will
a big loss because of the leader- also aspires to work for the Laker career at Mercyhurst, Golga said arrange a coaching position un- be returning to Mercyhurst for
ship be has, we are going to miss hockey team mis coming season "I have no regrets. I'm very happy derformerMercyhurst Head Fool- their wedding lone 14,1997, in
that most." Golga'a ccntcrman as a P A announcer. that there was some place that ball Coach Dave Armstrong at Christ the 'King Chapel. The
Brian Ash displayed the same sen- Looking bade on his experi- would give me a shot w
Thiel College. Golga said "I have

ceremony will be performed at

timent about the loss of leader- •Mr* w
at Mercyhurst, Golga was l4K>king to the future, Golga is always wanted to get into coach- their request by Pr. Stephen
ship and added "he has been cap- extremely favorable. According exploring many avenuesforem- ing college football." Anderson, College Chaplain.
tain for two yea rs, he is more than

Students Success! in San Francisco

By Bill Meyer The first day was one of rest policy. Tracing the history of the
snow squalls. Happy to ha ve mad c have been allowed to present, we
Merciad Writer We took the day to tour the city to "Just War Theory *fromclassical new friends, excited at having came bade to Erie to plan for next
China town, North Bea ch, the Bay times to the present, Joe, Emilio, been in one of the United States * year's conference in Atlanta.
Last Wednesday, Oct 29,10 and Golden Gate Bridge. After and Brian were key contributors most spectacular cities, proud to
honors students end Dr. Bud returning to the hotel a few of us to a professional discussion of
Brown boarded a small twin en-
gine planc-our destination, San
sat in on brief sessions. At the end
of the day, we found ourselves at
contemporary socio-political con-,
cerns at the fin de siecle. The Greensleeve Players
Francisco, Ca 1 if. After aflightto an NCHC Halloween party. With .- During their presentation, I read present:
Cleveland, a layover extended by Cajun music a nd a costume com- a pa per on the application ofchaos
A Mercyhurst Little Theater Production
delays, and another flight, we petition, it was truly a perfect end theory to the archa eologica 1 study
touched down in San Francisco. to a great day. of the, "Origins ofAgriculture.*
The largest group of Mercyhurst The next day signaled our re- Later in the day, the four danc-
students chosen to present at the turn to business. Friday morning, ers,! Rachel Zak, Theresa
annual meeting of the National Kerri Mullins and Lesa Bednarski LaComb, Jennifer Corneau, and
Collegiate Honors Conference opened the day with found table Stephanie Todd gave a sympo-
sium. They * discussed the psy-
(NCHC) had arrived.
Preparations for the trip began
discussions. She instructed the as-
sembly in the factors that lead to chology of dance, while Stephanie Welcome to the Moon
focused on dance education (or
in luly* when we received word and the techniques for dealing 4by: John Patricl^Shanley
that the proposals that we sub- the lack thereof in the schools of
with "Fragile X Syndrome." Lesa directed by: Kim Mc.
mitted had been accepted. What followed with a presentation on the United States).
followed were months of research Traumatic Brain Injury,** On Sunday morning, a tired Dec: 12,13,14 at 8:00pm.
and presentation formulation un-
der the direction of faculty advi-
^Saturday, foe Wong, Emilio Mercyhurst delegation reluctantly
boarded the jet to return to Brie,
•Dec: 15 at 2:00pm.
Cohiacovo, and Brian Donnelly
sors and Dr. Brown. examined the ethics of foreign already having heard stories of *
PAGE 9 THE MERCIAD November 7, 1996



By Brad Rybczynsld So far, I appear pretty happy strained into a half-smile. Some-
Features Editor and content I know. So, you may times these dees mutter hi till
\AX the end of thefirst.term of
ask, why am I disenchanted, fit
has everything to do with atti-
times they do not
Apathy hat .waned a bit with
Jlis& USkSfymnt
v WEm
the 96-97 school year, I have tude. the new football field. There is a NO PERFORMING TAUNT REQUIRED
mixed emotions. Some develop- My brother preceded me at common area where we can go \ If you are an applicant who
ments have encouraged me and Mercyhurst I was lucky in that and cheer on our football team. It qualifies and are between the ages of
others have discouraged me and I sense because I was able, for two is close enough to walk to. 18 and 27 by February 1,1998, never
am unsure what to make of it all. years, to come and visit, to make Apathy, however, has gripped married and at least a six month resi-
One question comes to mind, Is friends. I remember my initial the souls of individuals. When dent of Pennsylvania, thus college
Mercyhurstgettingbetterorworse astonishment on myfirsttrip here. | | dorm students are eligible, you could
alone and walking through the I be Pennsylvania's representative at
or are we at a point ofstagnation? 1)11teone I did not even know halls,fromdie Union to Old Ma in the CBS-nationally televised Miss
I am not referring to physical said hello to me in the hallway. or from Zurn to the Union, people ^ ^ USA® Pageant* in February 1998 to
and academic growth. Physically, This shocked the hell out of

often look down or away from l l l j compete for over $200,000 in cash
Mercy hurst has been expanding me. At the same time, while re- others. JWlll ^ prizes- The Miss Pennsylvania
at great speed. The new football Where have all of the smiling, l ^ S f l f f i USA Pageant for 1998 will be pre-
covering from my shock, I felt rVrt>

field, the D'Angelo Performing happy faces of Mercyhurst gone? CARA KENDRA BERN0SKY sented at the Palace Inn, Monroeville,
welcome. People were friendly; Pennsylvania, March 1 & 2,1997. TL-
Arts Center, the remodeling*of they were open to meeting people. The case does not just apply to Miss Pennsylvania USA*
the Rec Center and the soon-to- new Miss Pennsylvania USA, along
It did not matter what someone students* I am shocked by the with her expense paid trip to compete in the CBS-nationally televised Miss
be addition on the library, this all looked like or how they dressed. amount of faculty that are shy in USA Pageant, will receive over S2.000 in cash among her many prizes. All
speaks volumes for the tenacity Imagine die humanity of accept- the face of a hello. Faculty and ladies interested in competing for the title must respond by mail; Letters
of die spirit of the college and the ing someone as an equal before students alike need to be more must include a recent snapshot, a brief biography,
confidence that alums and the you know them. friendly. I am guilty as well. address and a phone number. WRITE TO:
community have in Mercyhurst 'It was with that singular hello It may feel uncomfortable at Miss f p f MISS PENNSYLVANIA USA PAGEANT 1 'A Carvern Production'
Academically, the quality of that I wanted to come to first, but foreign things, actions,
USA * c/o Tri-State Headquarters - Dept. CA A Celebrating over
20 jtars of
Is seen 347 Locust Avenue, Washington, PA 15301-
students is increasing. The cali- Mercyhurst Upon arrival, I was usually.arex.iyy opening up a few annually \ Tri-State Headquarters Phone Is (412) 225-5343
| "Pageantry with |
ber ofstudent has greatly changed not disa ppointed. Smiles were on times. Give yourself some time on . ^Purpose**
™ .if
in the classes I have watched en- every face and hellos hung from to think about it Well have over Application Deadline is December 14, t99&$
. *Miss USA*Pageant is pari of the Madison Square Garden Family.
ter the gates. They just keep get- every tongue. It was so new and two weeks ofThanksgiving break Miss Pennsylvania USA3*1 Pageant is aA Carvern Productiontt
ting better. The value of an A heart-warming. * to think it over. Hopefully, some
grade means more today than it I do not get that same feeling will come back) refreshed and i f ) f i f i f j f i f i f i f i f i f ¥ - ¥ - J f ¥ * ¥ - ¥ - ¥ * < ¥ • ¥ * ¥ ¥ ¥

did in the past We are being anymore. It seems as if a cloud of ready to say hello.
challenged to think critically, to unconfidence has settled over the I began my writing with the
develop and women in campus. People do not react the Merciad with an a rti cl e very simi- Feature's Fast Fact:
true fulfillment of our liberal arts same any longer to strange faces. lar to this one. It was very small. It takes ataail115 days to travel one mile
philosophy. > *t I think of the words of lim I wasfrightenedby die prospects Drawing Contributed by Aaron Connell
The physical growth and in* Morrison, "People are strange of seeing my thoughts and emo-
crease, in both tile size of the when you 're a stranger, faces look tions appear in print before die
student body and its intellectual ugly when you're alone." audience of Mercyhurst
capacity, are exciting to see. This I sometimes feel like a stranger. That fear has subsided and each
is truly a wonderful time to be at I fed alone among the 2,700 stu- week it gets easier to write wha 11
Mercyhurst \% am witnessing dents here. I meet faces that often feel. I believe the same will apply
growth in every facet of the col- look at the sky or at blank walls with beingfriendly,not only for
lege. The growth ofan institution instead of people. Faces that at me, but for everyone willing to
I take pride ill being a part of. best offer bland upturned lips

Field? Hockey Returns to the Hurst

not be as much of a factor as next the University of California, aa made it evident that only the elite
By Todd Zlelinskl like The Edinboro Teachers Col- will be chosen for Mercyburst's
lege, The Lake Erie College for year's team starts up in early Sep* well as her past experience with
Merciad New* Writer tembcr, hopefully avoiding the success in the sport, has made her team, and cany on a lost tradition
Women in Pa ins e ville Ohio, or fl
bitter* weather of late October. the best candidate. Stmnk points thatwas started more than 60 years
In the fill of 1997 there will be Mercyhurst Seminary ago.
(Mercyhurst [ Prep), next year's The two or more games a year, out,"Pmoptimisucaboutthenew
mother hockey team that will team and hard work ahead."
crew will jump straight the team of the 1930's were
dressft*Laker green and blue. >•) I
thrilled to play, will be expanded While recruiting has already
This team will not be made up of petition with some of the areas
; top Division II colleg to a full NCAA schedule. And begun fornext year, Stmnk points
guys, nor will they ttkc the ice. instead of Geraldine He il behind out, due to the program being
Instead, it will be the Grst girl's The homefieldwill move from
the Erie Memorial Stadium to ei- the bench for the Lakers, mere brand new it will take at leaat
field hockey team in more than 60 will be Dawn S trunk. % another three to four years until
years here at Mercyhurst ther one of the north/ south play-
| Dawn Stmnk, a 1992 Ail- she sees the team being competi-
This team will be vcty different Ling fields or even at the name American goal keeper, at East tive. For now, there have been
thin me onefieldedby the Sisters place the soccer team pi ay s, Fam-
fly First Sports Center. Stroudsburg, has been named several players that Stmnk has set
of Mercy over six decades ngo. head coach of the team. Her cre- her eyes on. Recruiting in Pcnn-
t The biggest hurdle for the Lak-
Instead ofcompeting with schools dentials as afieldhockey coach at tyrvania and New York, she has
tcn back then, the weather, will


November 7,1996 THE MERCIAD PAGE 10


Scott Vance
MerciadSports Editor
Hurst's score as he was able to
poke the puck into the net after a
were en their way to victory, but
with just over a minute left in the
scramble infrontofthe goal. This game, Bra ndt wa s given a contro-
The Mercyhurst hockey team gave the Hurst a 2-1 lead going versial penalty for tripping, to give
bad mixed fortunes this weekend into the second period. Niagara a power play opportu-
at th e BIT to urn am en L The Hu rs t Steve Torriero scored a third nity. With 13 seconds left in the
lost its first game in overtime gpal for the Lakers. Torriero got game, Niagara scored to tie the
against Division I team Niagara, himself into position in front of game at 4-4. "I thought at that
al though they lead throughout the the net and when the puck came point emotionally our team was
game. However, the*team was into the slot, he was mere to give devastated. I thought in llll

able to get back on the track as the Lakers a 3-1 lead. Niagara really had all the mo-
they defeated Villanova 16-0 the It was at this point that the game mentum going for them," said
following day in the consolation started to swing in favor of Coach Rick Gotkin.
game. Niagara. Mercyhurst missed three The Hurst went on to lose in Chris Herbolsheimer stands ready to defend his goal
The team played Niagara on chances which should have given overtime a fter having led most of trouble. We played in spurts, scored two goals, John
Friday, a team they beat 3-1 the the Hurst a 6-1 lead, but Brandt, the game. "You lose games, there were times where we looked Evangel Lsta had a goal and Gve
previous week. The Hurst was Mike Massis and Kevin Rawlick that's part of coaching and play- really, ieally good and there were assists and Torriero had two goals
unable to get off to the start they were unable to convert their ing. Niagara is a good team, the times we didn't look good at all," and two assists.
wanted, as Niagara scored in the chances. I
way we lost was the part that said Gotkin. The team plays their nemesis
opening minute after a defensive At the end of the second period, bothered me. Just to be 13 sec- Thefollowingday, the Lakers Canisius this weekend as they lost
mistake by the Lakers. Niagara scored two goals in five onds away on what would have played a weak Division I to them three times last year. They
Aaron Morrison tied up the minutes to tie the game up at 3-3 been a good win for us. We let Villanova team in the consolation will hope to improve upon their
score midway through the first going into the third period. them off the hook. I thought the game. The team only allowed the current 3-1 record. T i n excited
quarter. Morrison scored in front With seven minutes gone in the misses in the second period were opposition 12 shots on goal in a to be back home a fter a couple of
of the net with a wrist shot a fter a final period, Mercy hurst's Kevin the turning point We let them
game which saw the Lakers crush weeks on the road and I'm ex*
nice pass from Trevor Brandt Ayer scored to give the Lakers a hang around, and anyone that lets
the opposition 16-0. Both cited to see our team play," said
Fedor Zakusilo doubled the 4-3 lead. It looked like the Lakers a team hang around is asking for Rawlick and Scott Ludeviks Gotkin. -*# i m r mi-

Positive Outlook For T h e Upcoming Season

championship win 5-3 against cessful with the help of coach's have 10 returning varsity players one ofthe top small school hockey
Fredonia. assistant, Michael Sisti, who iden- who all contribute to the game. teams in the league. They hope to
Each year the team is different,' tified the players needed to make "The team will get better each win the ECAC league tide, and in
By Maureen McMahon with new players coming in and the tea m better and sold them the practice, and on any given day the back of their minds, would
Merciad SportsWriter old players graduating. However, school. The new freshmen on the this tea m will do well," said Coach like to take an NCAA champion-
it is to the Lakers'advantage that roster for the season are forwards, Gotkin. There is a positive out' sh ip. However, the team has to
The Laker Hockey team is back they have "26 hard working play- Pa ul Calvori, Aa ron Morrison, look for the upcoming season as take one game at a time. The
on the attack after a good season ers that are real good. They do and Fedor Zakusilo, defenscmen the Hurst has already gone 2-1, Hurst is hunting for its next win,
last year, ending with 18 wins, great in the classroom, on the ice, Paul Colontino, Colin Kirkey with wins over Niagara and and since the team is so demand-
seven losses, and two ties. The and they represent the college and Kell y Koshma n, and goal ten- Fredonia. ing with their high playing stan-
Hurst has come out with a big well," said Coach Gotkin. der Ashley Stevens. Along with With high expectations for the dards, the team w Ul be applying a
tournament victory against the The recruiting process was suc- these seven freshmen, the Lakers year, the Laker team has built into never say die attitude in this
one. TT

Lady Laker Volleyball Team Go 1-2

In Their Last Three Games Games
were unable to sustain their im-
By Kara Clark pressive performance and lost the
Merciad Sport* Writer next three games.
The team wa s not given much
The Mercyhurst women's vol- time after to rest, as they hosted
leyball team traveled to Hillsdale Cannon on Tuesday night Hav-
last weekend where they were ing already defeated Cannon ear-
defeated in a very one sided g amc, lier in the season, the outlook was
three games to zero. positive for the Hurst The team
The lady Lakers then traveled did not let the supporters down as
to Ohio to play another difficult they defea ted the ir arch rivals in a
match against Ashland Univer- closely fought 3-2 match to give
sity. The Lakers started off strong, them a sweep over Gannon this
winning thefirstgame 15-9, but season. The women's volleyball team never say die attitude earns them a big win against cwss townrivahGannon

PAGE 11 THEMERCIAD November 7, 1996

Football team In Marathon Encounter


ByPatRobb At the start of the second half, In college overtime, each tea m
Merciad Sports Writer I the Lakers failed to make any- gelsfour"downsfromthe oppo-
thing happen on offense and were nents 25 yard line to score, first
Four hours long, five over times, forced to punt Buff St wasted no downs are possible. If the teams
more than 100 combined points time in capitalizing on the change are still tied at the end ofthe first
and close to 1,000 total offensive of possession and quickly took a overtime, the process is repeated
yards. These arejust a few of the 21-14 lead on a fourth and 25 until there is a winner. \
amazing stats that marked the touchdown pass. After the kick- Buff St he'd the first opportu-
Lakers' return to action Saturday off, the Lakers were again forced nity to score in the first overtime
as they traveled to Buffalo to take to punt *nd Buff St scored again and did so oh a seven yard touch-
on the Buffalo St Bengals. with a little overfiveminutes left down run. The Lakers countered
Coming into the game, the in the third quarter to takes 28-14 the Bengals when Gibson ran in
Lakers were not favored to win. ^) lead. Down by 14 and die game from IS yards out to tie the score
Last year, Buff St came to speeding towards an end, it was and send the game into a second
Mercyhurst and beat the Lakers *1 pivotal that the Lakers score some CfT i The Lakers werefirstto try
by a score of44-17. This year, the points in the third quarter. After to score this time and did on a 22-
Bengals are ranked 12th in the Buff St scored, sophomore re- yard touchdown passfromGolga
country among Division III ceiver Tom Wilson took the kick- to Bredinger.
schools and have lost only one off and ran itba ck 29 yards. Golga Buff St played the spoiler by
game. However, the. Lakers then marched the Lakers 65 yards scoring a touchdown of their own
proved that on any given day, I in? eight plays which ended in to tend the game into a third OT.
anything is possible. -«&« Gibson's 20 yard touchdown ran The third OT saw the two teams Brian Hamlin in fullflightduring Saturdats game against Buffalo State
The Gist quarter got off to a and cut the Bengal lead to 7. On traded field goals with Buff St
terrific start for the Lakers as se- the ensiling kickoff, sophomore scoringfirst,putting the pressure Andres. However, as the ball was was led by senior linebacker Paul
nior quarterback Matt Golga hit linebacker Bob Eastmen jumped on the Lakers. '( V ^ just about to be caught, a Buff St Maleski who had 16 tackles and
junior receiver Tim B red ig ex with on a loose ball to give the Lakers Junior Eric Wicks answered the defender dragged Andres down senior defensive back Sean
a 43-yard pass on the first play of great'field position deep inside call and hit a 37-yard field goal from behind preventing him from Hamlin who had nine tackles and
the game. That pass started a six) Buff St territory. Eighfcplaf^__ which hit the crossbar and rolled making -the catch. The game one interception.
play 75-yard drive which ended it was Gibson again going in for over, sending the game into a ended, no penalty ever being The Lakers dose out their sea-
when freshman Justin Gibson ran his third touchdown of the day* fourth OT and the fans into a j called. > son Saturday aa they travel to
the ball infrom21 yards out to 'andtoeingthe score at 28 with frenzy. .| ^ . *\* > * It was clear enough that Buff Ohio to take on Ohio Wesleyan.
give the Lakers a 7-0 lead. The j 13:30 left in the game. ,^ In the fourth OT, the Lakers St was a good football team but Kickoff is scheduled for 1 pjn.
lead would prove too little as the After the Lakers kicked off, went first and failed to put any the game ended with the better and the game can be heard on
Bengal s scored twice infivemin- the Bengals started to drive, but points on the board. However, the team coming up short If the offi- S8.5WMCE.
utes to take a 14-7 lead after the were stopped deep in Laker terri- Bengals also failed to score when cials would have made the cor-
first quarter. . k tory and wereforcedto punt With senior defensive back Sean rect call, there is no way oftelling
The second quarter started new life, it took Golga only two Hamlin intercepted the Bengali* who would have won, but you
much in the same way for the [plays to reach the end zone as he quarterba ck sending the game into had to like the Lakers' chances.
Lakers. With 11 m inutes rem a in- ran 85 yards for the go-ahead^ afifthovertime. On the day, Golga threw for
ing, Golga capped off a nine play touchdown and a35-28 lead. The Bengals had the honor of 236 yards and two touchdowns
65-yard drive when be hit senior The joy of the touchdown was going first and again scored a while runningfor116 yards and a
receiver Jeff Andres with an eight- short lived aa die Bengals again touchdown to give them a 59-52 touchdown. Gibson led the Laker
yard touchdown pass. With the tied the score with a touchdown lead. The Lakers a ppea red to be ground attack with 24 carries for
Laker defense denying the of their own with under four min- on their way to tying the score but 134 yards andfourtouchdowns.
Bengals the end zone in the sec- utes to play. Neither team would Stalled on the Bengals. 13 yard Bredinger led all receivers with
ond quarter, the first half ended] again score in regulation, sending line. Faced with afourthand 10, six catches for 129 yards and a
with the score tied at 14. the game into overtime. the Lakers attempted a pass to touchdown* The Laker defense Justin Gibson in action

Striders perform well at the. GLIAC championships

Scott Vance 35:32. Next in line was Andrew
Merciad Sports Editor afieldof 110finishers.This was
the fastest time that Holzheimer Culler (36.19), Steve Siemienski
The Mercyhurst cross country has recorded in a Mercyhurst uni- (37:27), Tbm Van Fleet (3737),
teams reached a new level of per- form. Not far behind was fresh- Jay Porter (37:40), Brad Parks
formance last weekend at the man Catherine Fletcher, who fin- (39.19), Shane Lynsky (39:59),
GLIAC championship meet. ished in 26th place with a time of and team captain Thomas
Nea rl y all ofthe runners recorded lfc55. Humphreville completed the
personal best times for the sea- Wendy Lampart was the other lineup In a time of 41:32*
son. twenty -minutefinisheras she fin- The men's team finished ninth
The women's team finished in ished right behind Fletcher in a overall defeating their cross town
rivals, Gannon, who placed 10th.
fourth place out of 13 teams with time of 20 minutes. I
three runnersfinishingwithin 20 The men's team also had a good The Laker runners hope to con-
minutes. BridgctHolzheimerlead weekend, leadby David Dausey's tinue their fine form this weekend
the way for the Hurst as she fin- 45th placefinishout of afieldof as they compete in the Division II
ished the 3.1 mile course in 19:45, 104 runners. Dausey completed regional championships at Slip-
•*.- A. <% mix* murse in a time ofpery Rock. Thomas J. Van Fleet shows Concentration during last weeks Gliac Meet
eood for 20th place overall out of
S o c c e r Defeats Region's No. 1T o Earn Playoff Spot
emphatically, "We thumped 'cm." Yurkovich needed only to redi-
Delighted, he continued to elabo- rect the ball off bis chest into the
Nikki Esposito rate saying, The lads controlled net V
Metclad Sports Writer every facet of the game." The Lakers continued to out
The Lakersfirstgoal came 17 play West Virginia Wesleyan for
The Mercyhurst men's soccer minutes into thefirsthalt Mike almost the entire 90 minutes.
team beat top ranked West Vir- Shields, who came in for an in- However, within the last 30
ginia Wesleyan 2-1 last Sunday. jured la n Dickers on, put pressure seconds of the game, the
Hie win came at a crucial time on the Wesley an goalie and forced Wesleyan team was able to finish
after a 4-4 overtime tie against him on to his left foot The from a corner kick, making the
Wheeling Jesuit on the previous keeper's attempted clearance was final score 2-1 in favor of the
Wednesday. The Lakers lowered controlled nicely by freshman Rob Lakers.
their standards and let Wheeling Yurkovich. Yurkovich got the There were many keys to the
Jesuit come away with a tie at the ball down for a superbfinishon success of the Lakers, namely,
ends of both regulation time and goal. Ji their cohesiveness and their depth
overtime. Within 10 minutes of this first as a team. In this particular game,
% This draw put added pressure on goal, the Lakers rallied again to Hogg's control- of the mid-field
the Lakers to get a result against double their lead. Stuart Hogg played a vital role in their victory.
West Virginia Wesleyan. The placed a pin-point pass out to left Hogg, the Mid -field Maestro, said.
Lakers, however, were up to the mid-fielder, Shawn Kroener. They came out to intimidate us,
challenge and rose to the occa- Kroener then crossed in an inch- but we used their tactics against
sion. perfect ball for on-running for- them. They weren't able to cope
When asked about the game, ward Rob Yurkovich. Kroener's with our physical game, superior Ian Dickerson steadies himself as he gets ready to beat his opponent in
Head Coach Rich Hartis said cross Was so precise that technique, and skill." last weekends game. The Lakers won 2*1

Lakers Are Hoping To G o A U T h d W a y

24th and they will host the game; Senior captain Jimmy Reen has
Nfldd Esposito however if they are ranked sec- been a steadyforcein the Laker's
Merciad Sports Writer ond or third, they will play on defense and the team often turns
Nov. 17th. T to him for leadership. Senior Jack
After their win against West Ltj The Lakers are prepared to take Lengel, who is i"*frifl£ his come-
Virginia Wesleyan, the men's on any competition. Junior Shawn back after a serious achilles in-
soccer team has secured its place Kroener put it best when he said jury, also adds strength to an al-
In the NCAA tournament. The "We are more confident this year, ready powerful Laker defense. fjj

nation is divided into four regions, because we are the team to beat Most of the team's players have
the South, West, Northeast and instead of being the underdog. already experienced NCAA com-
Central, with the Lakers having a The Lakers have a senior group petition with the exception oftwo
chance to represent the Central of six players who have proved to freshmen. These two freshmen,
legion. be the back bone ofthe squad. The

Rob Yurkovich and Barry Allen,
The Lakers do not know just yet scoring abilities of players like however, are irreplaceable on the
which team or teams they will Glenn Francis and Ian Dickerson Lakers* squad. Both are
ha veto beat to claim their region. r
have been able to break down among the leading scorers.
When and where they will play many teams. The distance and This season, the Lakers are truly
depends on the rankings of the positioning of the clearances by a team with little to no weak-
top three teams which are soon to keeper Darren Murray have added nesses. If they continue to raise
be decided. a new dimension to the Lakers' their level of performance
If the ranking committee ranks offense which most teams cannot throughout the NCAA tourna-
the Lakers number one, then they - -

ment, they have a good chance of

boast of, not to mention Murray's Return of the Messiah JackLengelis back after injury
will not have to play until Nov. bringing home a national tide.
excellent goal tending talent

Cold Weather E n d s ACold S e a s o n For

half performance. a 9-8 record on the season, .529
Ladies / #

By Stevt Torriero Thefirsthalf ended in a 2-0 lead winning percentage.

Merciad Sports Wr for Canisius. Canisius continued It was frustrating for
its offense in the second halfwith Mercyhurst, in a season that saw
an early goal capitalizing on some five of the eight losses by one
This past Sunday, the shoddy Mercyhurst defense, The goal a nd fa il ure to qua 1 i fy for post
Mercyhurst women *s soccer team Lakers then stepped up their level season play. Even more frustrat-
hosted Division I Canisius Col- of play, scoring late In the second ing for the Senior members ofthe
lege, In terrible weather condi- halLMarisaRosetti buried an Erin team, was the fact that Mercyhurst
tions, with some areas of the field Stewart pass with a beautiful far had been to three NCAA tourna-
covered ankle deep in snow, the post strikebreaking the Canisius ments in the past three years.
Lakers put forth, a lackluster first shutout The loss gave Mercyhurst bus tries to gain control ofthe ballin impossible conditions

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