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4/15/2019 25 years on, Harshad Mehta scam recovery continues - Times of India

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25 years on, Harshad Mehta scam recovery continues

TNN | May 14, 2017, 05.58 AM IST

Harshad Mehta is long dead and few remember the 1992 stock market scam but the recovery of losses from the Mehta family
continues even after 25 years. The court-appointed custodian--which has so far disbursed more than Rs 6,000 crore to banks
and the income tax department by selling off assets of the late Mehta, his family members and associates--cleared another Rs
614 crore last week to be disbursed to banks.
The custodian, according to a source, has identified additional assets worth more than Rs 2,000 crore to be auctioned.
Collectively, the total properties and shares identified and attached in the case are worth over Rs 8,000 crore.

The government had in June 1992 constituted a special court through an ordinance for trial of offences in the case and
provided for disbursement of dues to banks and the income tax department. The assets were identified, attached and
auctioned by a court-appointed custodian; and disbursements were made.

The latest decision of the custodian to disburse Rs 614 crore is based on a May 2 SC order, which authorised it to further
disburse this amount to two banks--Standard Chartered Bank (Rs 507 crore) and the SBI group (Rs 107 crore) including Rs 16.25
crore to SBI Cap. “With this, the custodian has disbursed Rs 6,310 crore to the income tax department, banks and others,“ the
source said.

The additional assets worth Rs 2,000 crore identified by the custodian, to be auctioned and disbursed to banks and the I-T
department, belong to a group of 27 associates and family members who have now been clubbed as a group and have been
held liable along with Mehta.

The custodian's order of clubbing the 27 entities was challenged in the apex court. The SC has, however, upheld and
confirmed the decision of the custodian that members and entities involved in the scam “formed a group as there was free flow
of funds amongst these members without any protocol“. 1/2
4/15/2019 25 years on, Harshad Mehta scam recovery continues - Times of India

This May 2 order of the SC will help the custodian auction additional properties and shares. “This should largely take care of
the losses incurred by banks and taxes claimed by the I-T department,“ said a senior officer involved with the proceedings.

A source said the banks had a total exposure of Rs 2,000 crore in the Harshad Mehta security scam, excluding the interest
component. The banks, however, have claimed dues of more than Rs 4,000 crore along with interest. If the latest disbursement
of Rs 614 crore is included, the custodian has so far disbursed Rs 2,000 crore to various banks towards their exposure and
losses in the case. This includes Rs 1,000 crore paid to the SBI group. A majority of the Rs 6,300 crore payment has gone to the
I-T department.

In the Harshad Mehta scam at least 70 entities, including Mehta, his family members and associates, were found involved. The
government immediately promulgated the special court (trial of offences relating to transactions in securities) Act in 1992 in
June that year through which it constituted a special court and the office of the custodian to expedite the trial and ensure
speedy recovery . However, 25 years later, the custodian is encountering a series of cases challenging its orders in various
courts of the country, including the apex court. 2/2

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