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Liza Mae D.

12-STEM 2

Homeroom Guidance
Quarter 1 – Module 2:
Accepting the Individuality of Others

Observation of Other’s Uniqueness


Persons Lively or Nurturing or Conservative Thinker or Planner or

Reserved? disciplinarian? or liberated? doer? easy-go

Name: Lively Nurturing Liberated Doer Planner

Rabiya Mateo

Name: Lively Nurturing Conservative Doer Easy-go lucky


Name: Reserved Disciplinarian Liberated Thinker Planner


Processing Questions:
1. Were you able to fill out all related descriptions for each person? Which of the
descriptions is the most observable?
-Yes i was able to fill out all related descriptions for each person.The most observable
descriptions were the lively,nurturing,liberated,doer and planner.
2. What is the most difficult description to observe? Explain.
-The most difficult description to observe is the Thinker or Doer. Because people tend to always
think before doing anything else, it should be the other way around that to think and to do are
both descriptions should be applied in one.
3. What can you say about the differences that you observed among these three
-The three personalities have their own differences in any terms despite having similarities.They
have their unique way to deal with life because all people have their own beliefs,values and
experiences.These three are the one of the strongest powerful women that i have ever known in
showbiz.They stand out on their own way and provide a vibe that would make people love and
support them.

Showing Support for Others

Situation Physically Emotionally Socially Spiritually

1. A new classmate I’ll be friends with I’ll never mention I will introduce I’ll respect her/his
with a physical him/her by showing their disability as a him/her to my other beliefs. It is also
disability gentleness and person but their friends and treat good to get to know
sincerity in my good characteristics him/her as we treat his/her beliefs
actions. that attracts me and others as a normal deeper by having
others. person because conversations as we
there’s nothing wrong understand each
with having a other's beliefs.

2. A friend who lost I will make time to be I will let her cry on I will let her adjust first I will play some
his parents due to with my friend and my shoulder just to to the new situations worship songs that
accident make sure her health make her feel that before letting her get she loves listening
will never affects by she always has me involved socially with to.I will invite her to
the circumstances always by her side other people.But, it is church just like
through thick and all up to her if having usual. I will write a
thin. an interaction socially bible verse in ‘post it
will be her coping note’ and give it to
mechanism.I will her because I know
support her. she will appreciate it.

3. A neighbor who I will approach her I will give her hope I will maintain our I will invite her to go
chose to stop and invite her to our and courage by friendship as a to our church if she
schooling for house to study with helping her in any neighbor by visiting has time.Or i will
employment me if she’s not busy. way I can. her in their house.I invite Sisters in our
I will also lend her will also support her area to have a
some of my past to socialize with her reaching out
notes and reviewers. past classmates to missioning there
maintain their and help them to
friendship despite realize things about
stopping for a job. God and for having
a God.

4. A sibling who I will confiscate her I will have a serious I will support her to I will share with her
spends most of phone and return it if talk with her.I will have a friend outside about what I have
his/her time playing her schoolworks and also spend time to divert her attention learned in our
online games household chores bonding with her and spare her time church.
are all done. more often than to socializing with
let her have her others.

5. A friend who plans I will consult her I will talk to her and I will remind her to I will also advise
to leave their house about the situation in try to remind her of treat her family God to reach out for
because of a family their family without things that would members with deeper help to God. If her
problem invading their make her mind understanding family members
personal problem. clearer and better as because they are still would not be there
to what is right and her family and family to hear her out,
wrong. will always be there there would always
for her despite having be God to do so.
a problem in their God will provide.
family.Problem is just
for a mean time and
love for a family is for
a lifetime.

6. A new group I’ll be gentle to her in I will smile more I will make her feel I will pray to God to
member who loses approach.I will show often in front of her, that she belongs to give her more hope
hope because of her my the smile which will our group and our to surpass all her
many problems understanding of her try to say group is always open problems and
situations and my ‘everything will be for her. worry.I will also be
ears are willing to going to be fine, so thankful for a new
listen anytime. smile now’..Also a group
smile is also a good member.Through
restart to face many prayers i will support
problems in life. her spiritually.

7. A cousin from an I will be by her side I will be watchful of I will deal with her I will respect her
ethnic group who is through the way of my words in order with openness.I will beliefs about her
still adjusting to her her adjusting time. not to offend her in initiate to get her religion and God.
new school her beliefs and involved with us while
culture. still adjusting.

8. A relative who is I will interact with him I will think before I I will support him to I will not use
confused with his like a normal day we speak. I will put in socialize with his anything versed in
gender preference used to do. Gender my mind to be very prefered peers that the bible that is
preferences are not careful around them will not affect him in against him or
anything to do to in order not to hurt being confused in his anyone on
hinder us from being and offend them in gender preferences. LGBTQ+.I prefer to
a person. any way. see them live a
normal life than to
try to point out what
is right or wrong.

9. A classmate who I will be right beside I am ready to listen I will try to make I will tell her to talk to
experiences social her to protect her to her problems or things out by God if anything is
discrimination due to from any insecurities in order explaining to our bothering her which
his poor academic discrimination that for her to voice it out classmate what is the gives her a hard
performance she receives. and ready to start root of having poor time to focus on her
again to learn. academic studies.
I will also try to help performance.It might
her to understand be the dicrimination
our topics and try to that she receives is
pull everything out the reason why she’s
that is hindering her having a hard time
to give her best in dealing with her
her academic academics.
10. An older sibling I will do his I will make him feel I will tell him to also I will support him
who needs help on household chores that he has us-his give time for himself everytime he goes to
time management and try to understand family- that is willing and bond with us. church.
him if he doesn’t to adjust for him in
have time to do it order to give him
himself. time for his
schoolworks and all.

Processing Questions:
1. What do you notice with your answers?
I have noticed that my answer is about understanding differences in life.
2. Which of the situations is the most difficult to handle or manage? Explain.
A friend who lost his parents due to an accident.Because we have our own coping mechanisms
to cope up with such a tragedy in life,handling a situation like this will be very difficult
considering that we have to adjust in any form we can in order to understand them deeper and
have patience within as long as possible to help our friend in need.
3. What type of support or help is the easiest to provide? Explain.
-Just being with them in their hardest time is the help and support that is easiest to provide in
any situation.Because being there is one crucial thing in a hard situation,it is you,your presence
that will give them hope to fight.It is your presence that motivates them to do their best because
they know they have you always that sees everything in them that worth fighting for.They trust
you for fulfilling that duty,to make them realized things within them because difficulties make it
blurred in their eyes.
4. What have you realized after doing this activity?
I have realized after doing this activity is, I always have an ability to help and support in any
circumstances even in the simplest way.It is always on me how I will handle things, whether I
avoid it or face it with determination.So I choose the latter.

“I Care” Policies

Respect opinion of Respect opinion of Respect every Respect everyone’s

family members classmate and individual in the views on a certain
teacher community topic and trend

Let them have their Listen attentively to Follow the policies of Don’t argue with
privacy the teacher in front. the community. other people about
their point of view
and beliefs.

Clean up your own Follow the rules and Clean your Use the internet with
mess policies regulations in school. environment. maturity.Don't go too
far from the line.
Don’t argue with Help someone in Respect the different Don’t use the internet
elders. need in class. religions and beliefs. to discriminate.

Be disciplined in Be respectful and Be considerate to Be a disciplined

doing household disciplined student.Be people around. netizen.
chores. an EDUCATED

Processing Questions:
1. How do you compare your answers in each column?
-Each column my answer depends on the different places I am in.I act and naturally act with
policies and right to do where i know i am.
2. Given the current situation, how do you intend to practice them?
-I intend to practice by just staying in our house and doing my very best to meditate and make
myself get better and evolving each day.
3. What made you practice such ways to respect individual differences and care for
-It comes naturally,growing up in an environment where everything is unfolding. I tend to
observe everything and be someone that would fit in the society who is progressing enough to
respect individual differences and care for others.

How should we celebrate our individual differences?

Each person has their own identity and personality. Living life,diversity is about what makes
each of us unique and includes our backgrounds, personality, life experiences and beliefs, all
of the things that make us who we are. It is a combination of our differences that shape our
view of the world, our perspective and our approach.

Individual differences don’t make us any less of a person.Differences is a great way to start
molding someone that is unique and worth remembering for. Interacting with our peers and
other people was a great way to celebrate our individual differences. We are not simply
individuals of our community but we are part of a bigger, more diverse community that each
member has its own differences and uniqueness who will put and fill every missing piece of
the community in the right places.

However,with differences in beliefs,cultures,values,experiences and perspective in life, we

have witnessed conflicts, misunderstanding and dispute resulting in chaos and destruction.

Thus, it is necessary that we try to bridge the gap between cultures, beliefs and all the
differences.It is essential that we build bridges and find the shared benevolence in all of us.

Celebrate our individual differences by being one as a respectful human to each one of us
despite differences and walls.Celebrate it by opening our hearts to everyone's beliefs and
culture. Be a bridged builder that bridges and connects between people,between races,
between cultures and between beliefs, celebrate it by trying to find our common ground as

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