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AS – 1(1979) - Disclosure of Accounting Policies


1 Whether all the significant accounting policies adopted

in the preparation and presentation of financial
statements have been disclosed?
2 Whether the disclosure of the significant accounting
policies as such forms part of the financial statements?

3 Whether all the significant accounting policies have

been disclosed at one place ?
4 Whether all the change in the accounting policies which
has a material effect in the current period has been
5 Where the change in the accounting policies is
reasonably expected to have a material effect in later
periods, whether the fact of such change has been
appropriately disclosed in the period of adoption of

6 In the case of a change in accounting policies which

has a material effect in the current period:
(i) Whether the amount by which any item in the
financial statements is affected by such change
has been ascertained and disclosed?
(ii) Where such amount is not ascertainable, wholly
or in part, whether such fact has been indicated?
7 (i) Where the fundamental accounting assumption of
‘going concern’ has not been followed whether
the fact has been disclosed?
(ii) Where the fundamental accounting assumption of
‘consistency’ has not been followed whether the
fact has been disclosed?
(iii) Where the fundamental accounting assumption of
‘accrual’ has not been followed, whether the fact
has been disclosed?
8 Announcement
Where a company has been given specific exemption
regarding any of the following matters, whether the fact
of such exemption has been adequately disclosed in
the accounts?
(i) Accounting policies required to be disclosed
under Schedule VI or any other provisions of the
Companies Act, 1956.
(ii) Accounts have to be prepared on accrual basis.
(iii) The fundamental accounting assumption of going
concern has not been followed and such fact has
to be disclosed in the financial statements.
(iv) Proper disclosures regarding change in the
accounting policies have to be made.
AS - 10 - Accounting for Fixed Asset

1) In case of capitalisation of Fixed Assets whether the

following is included in cost:
a) Purchase price including import duty and other
non-refundable taxes or levies (capital MODVAT if
availed then excluded from cost)?

b) Interest cost (net of income, if any) specific/general

borrowing capitalised?
c) Administrative and other general overheads
d) Expenditure on test-runs and experimental
production till commercial production?
e) However, if commercial production prolonged, then
expenses incurred after plant ready to commence
commercial production charged to P and L A/c?

2) Whether only those expenses, incurred on existing

assets, which increase capacity have been capitalised?

3) In case of following Fixed Assets, is their treatment in

conformity with AS:
a) Hire purchase/Assets taken on lease accounted as
per AS-19?
b) Joint ownership, adequate disclosure given in
Balance Sheet?
c) Consolidated price apportioned to various assets?

d) Goodwill recorded, paid for (AS 26) or arising on

merger (AS 14) and as a prudent policy written-off
over a period?

e) Patents and know-how accounted as per AS-26?

4) Whether Fixed Assets retired from active use and held
for disposal:
(i) Stated at lower of net book value and net realisable
value? and
(ii) Shown separately as part of other current asset?

5) Whether
(i) Critical or stand-alone spares connected with
specific fixed assets and whose use is expected to
be irregular is written off over the useful life of the
Fixed Asset?

(ii) Whether any replacement of above is charged as

repairs in the profit and loss account?

6) Basis for Revaluation

(i) Wherever an entire class of fixed assets has
not been revalued and selection of fixed assets
for revaluation has been made on a systematic
basis, whether the basis for selection of assets
for revaluation has been disclosed?

(ii) Whether the following have been disclosed in

respect of revalued assets:
a. revalued amounts substituted for historical
costs of fixed assets?
b. method adopted to compute the revalued
c. the nature of indices used?
d. the year of any appraisal made?
e. whether an external value was involved?

7) Fixed assets acquired on Hire-Purchase basis

Whether the fixed assets acquired on hire- purchase

basis have been shown in the balance sheet with an
appropriate narration to indicate that the enterprise does
not have full ownership thereof?


In addition, disclosures under AS

19, 'Leases', should also be given for fixed assets
acquired on hire-purchase basis.
8) Fixed assets owned jointly with others

In the case of fixed assets owned by an enterprise

jointly with others (otherwise than as a partner in a firm),

(i) the extent of the enterprise's share in such assets,

and the proportion of original cost, accumulated
depreciation and written down value has been
(ii) Where pro rata cost of such jointly owned assets
has been grouped together with similar fully
owned assets, whether an appropriate disclosure
has been made?

9) General
Whether the following information has been
disclosed in the financial statements:
(i) Gross Book value of fixed assets
a. at the beginning of the accounting period?

b. at the end of the accounting period?

(ii) Additions, acquisitions during the accounting
(iii) Disposals during the accounting period?
(iv) Other movements during the accounting period?

(v) Expenditure incurred on account of fixed assets

in the course of construction or acquisition?

10) Guidance Note on Some Important Issues Arising

from the Amendments to Schedule XIV to the
Companies Act, 1956.
If an enterprise writes off fully low value items on the
consideration of materiality, whether such an
accounting policy has been disclosed appropriately in
the accounts?
AS - 12 - Accounting for Government Grants

1) How are the Government grants and grants received from

similar bodies, in financial statements presented for the

(a) Fixed Assets

(i) Is the grant amount deducted from the gross
value of concerned asset? or

(ii) In case of depreciable asset is it treated as

deferred income and recognised in P and L
Statement over the period and in proportion in
which depreciation is charged?

(iii) In case of non-depreciable asset is it credited to

capital reserve?

(b) Revenue is grant shown under other income? or

deducted from related expenses?

(c) Promoters contribution in such grants credited to

capital reserve?
(d) Non-monetary assets is such asset received at free
of cost, recorded at nominal value?
2) Refund of Government grants:
(a) In respect of grant related to specific fixed asset, is
(i) Book value of assets increased? or
(ii) Capital reserve reduced? or
(iii) Deferred income balance reduced?
(b) In respect of Revenue grants
_ If any unamortized deferred credit available
whether refund adjusted there against?
_ If no deferred credit balance available, whether
charged to P and L Statement?
(c) In respect of promoters contribution whether capital
reserve balance reduced?
3) At the time of recognising Government grants, whether
the enterprise:
(a) Has complied with the conditions attached to the
grant? and
(b) Is reasonably certain for the ultimate collection of
such benefits earned?
4) Have the following disclosures been made:
(a) Regarding accounting policy adopted for Government
grants including methods of presentation in financial
(b) The nature and extent of Government grants
including non-monetary assets received at
concessional rate or free of cost?

5) Whether the government grants that are receivable as

compensation for expenses or losses incurred in a
previous accounting period or for the purpose of giving
immediate financial support to the enterprise with no
further related costs has been disclosed in the statement
of profit and loss for the period in Which they are
receivable as an extraordinary item, if appropriate, in
accordance with AS 5, 'Net Profit or Loss for the Period,
Prior Period Items and Changes in Accounting Policies '?

6) If a grant related to a non-depreciable asset requires the

fulfilment of certain obligations and the grant is credited to
income over the same period over which the cost of
meeting such obligations is charged to income, whether
such deferred income balance has been separately
disclosed in the financial statements?
AS - 13 - Accounting for Investments

1) Is the accounting policy for determining the carrying

amount of investments disclosed?
2) Are investments classified into
(a) Current investments?
(b) Long-term investments?
(c) Government/Trust Securities
(d) Shares/debentures/bonus
(e) Investment properties
(f) Others (specifying nature)
3) Are investments
(a) Verified/confirmed? and
(b) Further classified as per requirement of
Schedule VI to the Companies Act, 1956?

4) Are current Investments carried at the lower of cost

and fair value
(a) On individual basis? or
(b) Category of investment?
5) In case of long-term investments Whether provisions
made for diminution other than temporary in value of
each investments individually?

6) Whether the following disclosed in P and L A/c.

(a) Interest, dividend and rental on investments
shown separately under long-term and current

(b) Profit or Loss on disposal of current and long-

term investment and changes in the carrying
amount of such investments?
7) Statement of Profit and Loss
(i) Whether gross income by way of interest,
dividends, and rentals on investments has been
stated separately for
a. Long-term investments?
b. Current investments?
(ii) Whether gross dividends received on
investments have been further disclosed
separately as .

a. From subsidiary companies?

b. From other companies?
(iii) Whether income tax deducted at source, if
any, has been included under 'Advance Taxes

(iv) Whether the profits and losses with regard to

investments have been disclosed as under:

(a) Profits and losses on disposal of current

(b) Profits and losses on changes in the
carrying amount of current investments?

( c) Profits and losses on disposal of long-

term investments?
(d) Profit and losses on changes in
thecarrying amount of long-term

8) Significant restrictions
Whether significant restrictions of the following with
regard to investments have been disclosed:
(i) Right of ownership of investments?
(ii) Reliability of investments?
(iii) Remittance of income on investments?
(iv) remittance of proceeds of disposals
9) Quoted and unquoted Investments
(i) Whether the aggregate amount of quoted
investments has been disclosed?
(ii) Whether the aggregate market value of quoted
investments has been disclosed?
(iii) Whether the aggregate amount of unquoted
investments has been disclosed?

10) Other Disclosures

Whether other disclosures as specifically required by
the relevant statute governing the enterprise have
been disclosed?
AS - 16 - Borrowing Costs

1) (a) Is the enterprise in the process of

(i) Setting-up capital project?
(ii) Manufacturing inventories.
(b) Is time required for (a) above twelve months or
(c) If no to (b) above, is borrowing cost expensed in
the period in which they are incurred?
2) Are any specific borrowings costs, including of
following nature made by enterprise for (1) above
(a) Interest and commitment charges?
(b) Amortisation of discounts or premium to
(c) Ancillary costs in connection with borrowings?

(d) Finance charges in respect of assets acquired

under finance lease?

(e) Exchange difference arising from foreign

currency borrowing regarded as interest costs?

3) (a) Is expenditure incurred on (2) above capitalized

as part of the cost of the asset?

(b) Is any income earned on temporary investments

out of specific borrowings deducted from the
borrowing costs incurred?

4) (a) Are any general borrowings utilized for any of (1)


(b) If yes, is interest worked out on weighted

average of borrowing cost (other than specific
borrowing capitalized) for the purpose of

5) Are all the following conditions being fulfilled, when

borrowing costs is being capitalised?

(a) Expenditure for the asset is being incurred.

(b) Borrowing cost is being incurred.

(c) Activities to prepare the asset for its intended use

or sale are in progress.
6) Is capitalisation of borrowing cost suspended during
the period when active development is interrupted
without any technical or administrative reason?

7) Is capitalisation of borrowing cost ceased when

substantially all the activities relating to the asset are
8) Are the following disclosure made in the financial
(a) The accounting policy adopted for borrowing
costs and

(b) The amount of borrowing costs capitalised during

the period
AS - 18 - Related Party Disclosures

1) (a) Is the company a level I enterprise as per the

criteria for classification of enterprises?
(b) If yes, is related party disclosures made in financial
2) Have the following been listed out?
(a) Holding company/ies?
(b) Subsidiary company/ies?
(c) Fellow subsidiary/ies?
(d) Person able to appoint or remove all or majority of
directors of the reporting enterprise or vice versa?
(e) Person who has substantial interest in voting
power (20% or more) and power to direct by
statute or agreement the financial and/or operating
policies of the reporting enterprise and vice versa?

3) Have the following been listed out:

(a) Associates (two ways)?
(b) Joint ventures (two ways)?
(c) (i) Individuals, directly or indirectly having voting
power to control or significantly influence
over the reporting enterprise? And

(ii) Relatives of any such individual?

(d) (i) Key management personnel? And
(ii) Relatives of such personnel?
(e) Enterprises owned or significantly influenced by
individuals or their relatives, who have direct or
indirect control or significant influence over the
reporting enterprise?

(f) Enterprises owned or significantly influenced by

key management personnel or their relatives?

4) Is the following disclosure made in financial


(a) Name of related party as appearing in 1 above

even though no transaction has taken place
during the period?
(b) If transactions have taken place during the period
with parties listed in either 1or 2 of above,
(i) The name of the transacting related party?
(ii) Description of the relationship?
(iii) Description of the nature of transaction?
(iv) Volume of transaction in amount?
(v) Outstanding amount of year end and
provision made for doubtful debts relating
(vi) Amount written off or written back in the
period in respect of such due from or to such
(vii) Any other item of transaction (e.g interest
free loans, no repayment period, use of
group trademarks, etc.) necessary for an
understanding of the financial statement?

5) If disclosure for 4(b) not made party wise, are items of

similar nature disclosed in aggregate by type of related.
AS - 20 - Earnings per Share

1) Whether the enterprise has presented on the face of

the statement of profit and loss for each class of equity
shares that has a different right to share in the net
profit for the period, the following:

(i) Basic earning per share before extraordinary

(ii) Basic earnings per share after extraordinary
(iii) Diluted earnings per share before extraordinary
(iv) Diluted earnings per share after extraordinary
Level II and Level III enterprises are exempted from the
disclosure requirements of items (iii) and (iv) above.

2) Whether the enterprise has presented the basic and

diluted earnings per share with equal prominence for
all periods presented?

3) If there is any fresh Equity issue made during the year,

is weighted average number of equity shares
outstanding during the period considered for working
basic equity per share?

4) (a) Has the enterprise during the year or after year

end but before approval of account by the Board
of Directors.
(i) Issued Bonus Shares?
(ii) Issued Rights issue having a bonus issue?
(iii) Made Share split?
(iv) Made a reverse share split?
(v) Made buy-back above fair value?
(b) If yes to above, is the basic equity per share for
current period as well as all reported periods
worked out after considering the above change ?

5) (a) Are the following convertible into Equity Shares

(i) Preference share?
(ii) Debentures?
(iii) Loans?
(b) If yes, to above is the net profit (numerator) for
the period attributable to equity shareholders for
computing dilutive equity per share:
(i) Increased by the amounts of dividend net of
tax saved on preference shares?
(ii) Increased by the amount of interest net of
tax saved on debentures/loans?
(c) If yes, to a) above is the Equity Share
(Denominator) increased by weighted average
number of additional equity shares outstanding,
assumed to be converted for working dilutive
equity per share?

6) (a) Are options issued, convertible at rate less than

the fair value?
(b) If yes, has the dilutive effect been worked out as
a difference between the number of shares
issuable and the number of shares that would
have been issued at fair value?

7) (a) Are Anti-dilutive Potential equity shares ignored in

calculating diluted Earnings share?

(b) For above working in each series of potential

equity shares considered separately rather than
8) Has the enterprise disclosed
(a) Basic and diluted earnings per share with equal
prominence on face of profit and loss statement
for all periods presented?

(b) Basic and diluted earnings per share even if there

is loss as per profit and loss statement?
(c) (i) Amounts used as the numerators in
calculating basic and diluted equity per
(ii) Reconciliation of amount if the net profit as
used in numerator is different from net profit
as per profit and loss statement?
(d) (i) Weighted average number of equity shares
as the denominator in calculating basic and
diluted earnings per share?
(ii) Reconciliation of the weighted average
number of equity shares used in
denominator if different for calculating basic
and diluted earnings per share?

(e) Nominal value of shares along with earnings per

share figures?
(f) On the face of profit and loss statement basic and
diluted earnings per share excluding
extraordinary items net of tax? (though of a
recommendatory nature)?
AS - 21 - Consolidated Financial Statements

1) (a) Does the enterprise has Subsidiary/

(b) Is the enterprise required to prepare and
present Consolidated Financial Statement?
(at present listed companies only required)?
(c) If yes to (b) above, has the enterprise
prepared and presented CFS in accordance
with AS-21?
2) Has the parent at the time of preparing CFS
(a) Eliminated investment in each subsidiary,
worked out goodwill or Capital Reserve as at
the date of investment in the subsidiary?
(b) Shown minority interest in the net income?
(c) Shown minority interest in the net assets in
consolidated balance sheet separately from
liabilities and the equity of the parent’s
3) Have the following relating to Intra-group been
eliminated in CFS?
(a) Balances and transactions?
(b) Unrealised profits arising out of
inventory/Fixed Assets?
(c) Unrealised losses unless cost cannot be
4) (a) Are the financial statements of parent and
subsidiaries drawn up to the same reporting
(b) If no, is the difference between reporting
dates not more than six months and ?
(c) Are significant events and transaction
between the two reporting dates adjusted in
consolidated financial statements?

5) (a) Are accounting policies uniform of parent and

subsidiaries in preparing consolidated
financial statements?
(b) If no, is the fact disclosed together with
proportions of items in the CFS to which the
different accounting policies applied?

6) (a) Is goodwill arising on CFS amortised in

Statement of Profit and Loss?

(b) If no, to (a) above, is impairment test thereof

carried out at each balance sheet date?
7) When consolidated financial statements are
presented first time, has the enterprise not
presented comparative figures of previous period?

8) Has the enterprise ensured at time of preparing

consolidated financial statements that the tax
expense of parent and subsidiaries are not adjusted
against one another but only aggregated the
amounts of tax expenses as appearing in their
separate financial statements?

9) Has the enterprise ensured that only material items

are disclosed and that statutory information having
no bearing on the true and fair view are not included
in the consolidated financial statements?

10) Have the following disclosures been made in

consolidated financial statements:
(a) The reasons for not consolidating a
subsidiary in the CFS?
(b) Non use of uniform accounting policies and
the proportions of items in CFS to which the
different accounting policies have been

(c) (i) List of all subsidiaries with name?

(ii) Country of incorporation?
(iii) Proportion of ownership interest?
(d) Nature of relationship between the parent
and subsidiary, if the parent does not own
directly or indirectly through subsidiaries
more than one half of the voting power of the

(e) (i) The effect on financial position at the

reporting date and the results for the
reporting period and on the
corresponding preceding period in
case of disposal of subsidiary?

(ii) The effect on the financial position at

the reporting date in case of
acquisition of subsidiary?

(f) The name of subsidiary(ies) of which

reporting date is/are different from that of the
parent and the difference in reporting dates?
11) Whether the effect of the acquisition and disposal of
subsidiaries has been disclosed on:
(i) the financial position at the reporting date
(ii) the results for the reporting period?

(iii) corresponding amounts (i.e.,(i) & (ii) above)

for the preceding period?
12) Whether minority interest has been presented in
the following manner:
(i) in the consolidated balance sheet, separately
from liabilities and the equity of the parent's
(ii) in the consolidated profit and loss account as
a separate line item?
13) General
Whether the disclosure requirements mentioned in
the checklist for all other accounting standards
have been met for consolidated financial statements
in the same manner as applicable for the separate
financial statements (subject to modifications
exemptions mentioned in pronouncements of the
Institute of Chartered Accountants of India)?

14) Accounting Standards Interpretation 15, 'Notes

to the Consolidated Financial Statements'

Whether the notes involving material items and

which are necessary for presenting a true and fair
view of the consolidated financial statements are
included in the consolidated financial statements as
per ASI 15?

15) Accounting Standards Interpretation 28,

'Disclosure of parent's/venture’s shares in post-
acquisition reserves of a subsidiary/jointly
controlled entity'. Post-acquisition reserves:

Whether the venturer's share in the post-acquisition

reserves of the jointly controlled entity has been
shown separately under the reserves in the
consolidated financial statements while applying
proportionate consolidation method?

Parent's share in the post-acquisition reserves of a
subsidiary need not be separately disclosed in the
consolidated financial statements.
AS - 22 - Accounting for Taxes on Income

1) Is there a difference between accounting income

and taxable income?
2) Is the difference a timing difference, comprising,
inter alia;
(a) Depreciation?
(b) Section 43B?
(c) Deferred revenue expenses partly
appearing in balance sheet?
(d) Preliminary expenses u/s. 35D?
(e) Income credited in P & L Statement,
taxable in subsequent years?
(f) Provision for doubtful debts/advances?
(g) Voluntary retirement schemes?
(h) Lease income?
(i) Diminution in value of investments other
than temporary?
3) Is the difference a permanent difference
comprising of
(a) Scientific research expenditure (weighted
(b) Penalty for infringement of law
(c) Dividend income (if non-taxable)
(d) Donations to trusts u/s. 80-G
4) (a) Does reasonable certainty of future taxable
income exists when deferred tax asset is

(b) Does virtual certainty supported by

convincing evidence of future taxable
income exists when deferred tax asset is
recognised for carried forward loss or
unabsorbed depreciation?

(c) Is unrecognised deferred tax asset

reassessed at each balance sheet date?

(d) Is recognised deferred tax asset reviewed

at each balance sheet date?
5) Is deferred tax asset/liability measured using tax
(i) That are enacted? Or
(ii) Substantively enacted [if tax rates
announced through budget] by the balance
sheet date?

6) Is deferred tax asset and liability presented in

financial statement as under:
(a) DTA/DTL disclosed separately from current

(b) DTA is shown after Investments but before

current assets and DTL is disclosed after
unsecured loans but before current
liabilities in the balance sheet?

(c) Break-up of DTA/DTL into major

components of balances disclosed in notes
to accounts?

d) The nature of evidence supporting the

recognition of DTA disclosed when DTA
comprises of unabsorbed depreciation or
carried forward loss?
7) (i) Where the enterprise has a legally
enforceable right to set off current tax
assets and current tax liabilities and intends
to settle those assets and liabilities on a
net basis, whether the enterprise has
offset those assets and liabilities in the
balance sheet?

(ii) Where the enterprise has a legally

enforceable right to set off current tax
assets and current tax liabilities and the
deferred tax assets and deferred tax
liabilities related to taxes on income levied
by the same governing taxation laws,
whether the enterprise has offset the
deferred assets and deferred liabilities in
the balance sheet?

8) Whether the break-up of deferred tax assets and

deferred tax liabilities into major components of
the respective balances have been disclosed in
the notes to accounts?

9) Whether the nature of evidence supporting the

recognition of deferred tax assets have been
disclosed, if an enterprise has unabsorbed
depreciation or carry forward of losses under tax

(The above point 8 and 9 have been included in

point 6(c),(d).)
10) Guidance Note on Accounting for Corporate
Dividend Tax

(i) Whether the Corporate Dividend Tax has

been disclosed separately in the profit and
loss account 'below the line', as follows?
Dividend ………….. Corporate
Dividend Tax thereon ..………...

(ii) Whether the Provision for Corporate

Dividend Tax has been disclosed
separately under the head 'Provisions' in
the balance sheet?
11) Guidance Note on Accounting for Credit
Available in Respect of Minimum Alternative
Tax (MAT) under the Income-tax Act, 1961

(i) Whether 'MAT' has been disclosed as

current tax in the profit and loss account?
(ii) If 'MAT credit' is recognised as an asset
(subject to considerations of prudence),
whether the same has been presented
under the head 'Loans and Advances' as
'MAT credit entitlement'?

(iii) In the year of set-off of 'MAT credit

entitlement', whether:
a) the availed credit has been shown as
a deduction from 'Provision for
Taxation' on the liabilities side of the
balance sheet?

b) the unavailed credit has been

presented under head 'Loans and
Advances' (subject to considerations
of prudence)?

In case 'MAT credit entitlement' has not been
recognised as an asset (see (ii) above on
considerations of.prudence but is subsequently
recognised (whether before or in the year of set-
off), in such later period, the presentation
requirements of (ii) above should be met.
AS - 23 - Accounting for Investments in Associates in
Consolidated Financial Statements

1) (a) Is the enterprise required to prepare

consolidated financial statement?
(b) If yes, to (a) above, does the enterprise have
investments in a company, considered as an
(c) If yes, to (b) above, is associate also
considered in consolidated financial statement?

2) Has the enterprise worked out goodwill/capital reserve

arising at the time of acquisition?
3) Is the carrying amount of the investment in associate
increased or decreased to recognise investor’s share
of the profit or losses of the associate after the

4) Are the unrealised profits resulting from transactions

between the investor and its subsidiaries with
associate eliminated to the extent of investor’s interest
in the associate?

5) (a) Is investment in associate acquired and held

exclusively with a view to its subsequent
disposal in near future? Or
(b) Does the associate operate under severe long-
term restrictions that significantly impair its
ability to transfer funds to the investor?
(c) If yes, to (a) or (b) above, is investment in
associate accounted for in accordance with AS-
13, Accounting for Investments.

6) If an investment in an associate has not been

accounted for in consolidated financial statements
under equity method where permitted under AS 23,
whether the reasons for not applying the equity
method in accounting for investments in associate
have been disclosed in financial statements?

7) Whether goodwill/capital reserve arising on the

acquisition of an associate by an investor has been

(i) Included in the carrying amount of investment in

(ii) disclosed in the associate separately?
8) Whether an appropriate listing and description of
associates including the proportion of ownership
interest and, if different, the proportion of voting power
held has been disclosed in the consolidated financial

9) (i) Whether investments in associates accounted

for using the equity method have been
classified as long-term investments and
disclosed separately in the consolidated
balance sheet?

(ii) Whether the investor's share of the profits or

losses of such investment has been disclosed
separately in the consolidated statement of
profits and loss?
(iii) Whether the investor's share of any
extraordinary or prior period items has also
been separately disclosed?

10) Whether the name(s) of the associate(s) of which

reporting date(s) is/are different from that of the
financial statements of an investor and the differences
in reporting dates have been disclosed in the
consolidated financial statements?

11) In case of associates using accounting policies other

than those adopted for the consolidated financial
statements for like transactions and events in similar
circumstances and where it is not practicable to make
appropriate adjustments to the associate's financial
statements, whether the fact has been disclosed
along with a brief description of the differences in the
accounting policies?
AS - 24 - Discontinuing Operations

1) Is a component of the enterprise that represents a

separate major line of business or geographical
area of operations and that can be distinguished
operationally and for financial reporting purposes
been decided to be:

(a) Sold off substantially in its entirety?

(b) Sold off in piecemeal?
(c) Terminated by abandonment?
2) If yes to (a) above when has the
(a) Enterprise entered into a binding sale
agreement for sale of the assets attributable
to the discontinuing operations?

(b) Enterprise’s board of directors approved a

detailed formal plan for the discontinuance
and made an announcement of the plan?

3) Has the enterprise measured the changes in the

assets and liabilities and revenue expenses relating
to discontinuing operation as set out in other
accounting standards mainly impairment of assets?

4) Are prior period figures restated to segregate

assets, liabilities, revenue, expenses and cash flow
of continuing and discontinuing operations as
disclosed in current year?

5) (i) Whether the enterprise has disclosed the

following information relating to a
discontinuing operation in its financial
statements beginning with the financial
statements for the period in which the initial
disclosure event (as defined in paragraph 15
of AS 24) occurs:

(a) a description of the discontinuing

(b) the business or geographical segment(s)
in which it is reported as per AS 17,
Segment Reporting?

(c) the date and nature of the initial

disclosure event?
(d) the date or period in which the
discontinuance is expected to be
completed if known or determinable?

(e) the carrying amounts, as of the

balance sheet date, of the total assets
to be disposed of and the total
liabilities to be settled?

(f) the amounts of revenue and expenses

in respect of the ordinary activities
attributable to the discontinuing
operation during the current financial
reporting period?

(g) the amount of pre-tax profit or loss from

ordinary activities attributable to the
discontinuing operation during the
current financial reporting period, and
the income tax expense (as defined in
AS 22, 'Accounting for Taxes on
Income') related thereto?

(h) the amounts of net cash flows

attributable to the operating, investing,
and financing activities of the current
financial reporting period?

(ii) Whether items (a) to (f) and item (h)

above have been disclosed in the notes to
the financial statements?

(iii) Whether item (g) above has been disclosed

on the statement of profit and loss?

If an initial disclosure event occurs between the
balance sheet date and the date on which the
financial statements are approved by the board of
directors in case of a company or by the
corresponding approving authority in the case of
any other enterprise, whether the disclosures as
required by AS 4, 'Contingencies and Events
Occurring After the Balance Sheet Date', have been

6) (i) When an enterprise disposes of assets or

settles liabilities attributable to a
discontinuing operation or enters into
binding agreement for the sale of such assets
or the settlement of such liabilities, whether
it has included in its financial statements, the
following information when the events
(a) for any gain or loss that is recognised
on the disposal of assets or settlement
of liabilities attributable to the
discontinuing operation,

(i) the amount of the pre-tax gain or loss?

(ii) income tax expense relating to the gain
or loss?

(b) the net selling price or range of prices

(which is after deducting expected
disposal costs) of those net assets for
which the enterprise has entered into
one or more binding sale agreements,
the expected timing of receipt of those
cash flows and the carrying amount of
those net assets on the balance sheet

(ii) Whether item (a) above has been disclosed in

the statement of profit and loss?
(iii) Whether item (b) above has been disclosed in
the notes to the financial statements?

If some of the assets attributable to a discontinuing
operation have actually been sold or are the subject
of one or more binding sale agreements entered
into between the balance sheet date and the date
on which the financial statements are approved by
the board of directors in case of a company or by
the corresponding approving authority in the case
of any other enterprise, whether the disclosures
as required by AS 4, 'Contingencies and Events
Occurring After the Balance Sheet Date', have been

7) Whether the enterprise has included, in its financial

statements, for periods subsequent to the one in
which the initial disclosure event occurs, the
following information:

(i) a description of any significant changes in the

amount or timing of cash flows relating to the
assets to be disposed or liabilities to be

(ii) the events causing those changes?

8) Whether the disclosures as above in 1, 2 & 3 are
continued in the financial statements for periods up
to and including the period in which the
discontinuance is completed?

A discontinuance is completed when the planis
substantially completed or abandoned, though
full payments from the buyers may not have been

9) If an enterprise abandons or withdraws from a plan

that was previously reported as a discontinuing
operation, whether that fact, reasons therefore and
its effect have been disclosed?

For the above purposes, disclosure of the effect
includes reversal of any prior impairment loss or
provision that was recognised with respect to the
discontinuing operation.

10) Whether the disclosures required by AS 24 have

been presented separately for each discontinuing

11) Whether comparative information for prior periods

that is presented in financial statements prepared
after the initial disclosure event has been restated
to segregate assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses
and operations in a manner similar to that required
in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 above?

12) Whether disclosures in an interim financial report

in respect of a discontinuing operation has been
made in accordance with AS 25, 'Interim
Financial Reporting', including:

(a) any significant activities or events since the

end of the most recent annual reporting
period relating to a discontinuing operation?

(b) any significant changes in the amount or

timing of cash flows relating to the assets to
be disposed or liabilities to be settled?

13) If some of the assets attributable to a discontinuing

operation have actually been sold or are the subject
of one or more binding sale agreements entered
into between the balance sheet date and the date
on which the inancial statements are approved by
the board of directors in case of a company or
by the corresponding approving authority in the
case of any other enterprise, whether the
disclosures as required by AS 4,'Contingencies
and Events Occurring After the Balance Sheet
Date', have been made?
Exemptions/relaxations for SMEs
AS 24 is not applicable for Level II and Level III
AS - 2 - Valuation of Inventories


1 (a) Is the inventory valued at lower of cost and net

realisable value?
(b) Is the disclosure made to that effect in accounting

2 (a)    Which is the cost formula used

(i) Specific identification?
(ii) FIFO?
(iii) Weighted Average?
(b) Is the disclosure made to that effect in accounting
3 Have you ascertained whether cost includes
(a) Cost of purchase (net of Modvatable duties)?
(b) Direct labour?
(c) Production overheads?
(d) Such other direct cost to bring inventory to their
present location and condition?
4 Whether fixed overhead is worked out on normal
production capacity; i.e., after taking into account loss
of capacity due to planned maintenance?
5 Have you ascertained that cost of conversion does not
include the following:
(a) Interest, (Unless permitted by AS-16)?
(b) Administrative overheads?
(c) Selling and distribution cost?
(d) Abnormal wastage of material, labour and other
production cost?
6 If standard cost, as a technique of measurement is
followed to ascertain cost, whether standards reviewed

7 In arriving at cost of inventory, whether

(a) Inter-divisional profits eliminated?
(b) Foreign currency fluctuation excluded and charged
as expense in respect of foreign currency loan
obtained against stock?
8 (a) Is physical verification of inventory taken at year
(b) In arriving at net realisable value, have you
(i) Damaged/obsolete/non-moving stock?

(ii) Subsequent sale price after Balance Sheet

9 Are the inventory in accounts classified into:
(a) Raw material and components?
(b) Stores and spares and tools?
(c) Work-in-progress?
(d) Finished goods?
AS - 17 - Segment Reporting

1) Primary reporting format of an enterprise

(i) Whether the enterprise has disclosed the
following for each reportable segment:
(a) segment revenue classified into:
(i) Segment revenue from sales to
external customers?
(ii) Segment revenue from transactions
with other segments?
(b) Segment result?
(c) Total carrying amount of segment assets?
(d) Total amount of segment liabilities?
(e) total cost incurred during the period to
acquire segment assets that are expected
to be used during more than period
(i) Tangible fixed assets?
(ii) Intangible fixed assets?
(f) total amount of expense included in the
segment result for depreciation and
amortisation in respect of segment assets
for the period?
(g) total amount of significant non-cash
expenses, other than depreciation and
amortisation in respect of segment assets
that were included in segment expense
and, therefore, deducted in measuring
segment result?

Items (f) and (g) need not be disclosed if segment
cash flow is presented.
(ii) (a) Whether the enterprise has presented a
reconciliation between the information
disclosed for reportable segments and the
aggregated Information in the enterprise's
financial Statements?
(b) In presenting the reconciliation, whether
(i) Segment revenue has been
Reconciled to enterprise revenue?
(ii) Segment result has been reconciled to
enterprise net profit or loss?
(iii) segment asset has been reconciled to
enterprise assets?
(iv) Segment liability has been reconciled
to enterprise liabilities?
2) Secondary segment in formations
(i) If primary format of an enterprise for reporting
segment information is business segments,
whether the following information is also
(a) Segment revenue from external customers
by Geographical area based on the
geographical location of its customers, for
each geographical segment whose revenue
from sales to external customers is 10 per
cent or more of enterprise revenue?

(b) the total carrying amount of segment

assets by geographical location of assets,
for each geographical segment whose
segment assets are 10 percent or more of
the total assets of all geographical

(c) The total cost incurred during the period to

acquire segment assets that are expected
to be used during more than one period
(tangible and intangible fixed assets) by
geographical location of assets, for each
geographical segment whose segment
assets are 10 per cent or more of the total
assets of all geographical segments?

(ii) If primary format of an enterprise for a reporting

segment information is geographical segments
(whether based on location of assets or location
of customers), whether the following segment
information is also reported for each business
segment whose revenue from sales to external
customers is 10 per cent or more of the
enterprise revenue or whose segment assets are
10 percent or more of the total assets of all
business segments:

(a) Segment revenue from external customers?

(b) The total carrying amount of segment

(c) the total costs incurred during the period to
acquire the segment assets that are
expected to be used during more than one
period (tangible and intangible fixed assets)
(iii) If primary format of an enterprise for
reporting segment information is geographical
segments that are based on the location of
assets, and if the location of its customers is
different from the location of its assets,
whether the enterprise has also reported
revenue from sales to External customers for
each customer-based geographical segment
whose revenue from sales to external
customers is 10 per cent or more of
enterprise revenue?

(iv) If primary format of an enterprise for reporting

segment information is geographical segments
that are based on location of customers, and if
the assets of the enterprise are located in
different geographical areas from its
customers, whether the enterprise has also
reported the following segment information for
each asset –based geographical segment whose
revenue from sales to external customers or
segment assets are 10 per cent or more of total
enterprise amounts:

(a) the total carrying amount of segment assets

by geographical location of the assets?

(b) The total cost incurred during the period to

acquire segment assets that are expected
to be used during more than one period
(tangible and intangible fixed assets) by
location of the assets?
3) Other Disclosures
(i) Whether the enterprise has disclosed the
(a) Basis of pricing inter-segment transfers?
(b) Any change in (i) above?
(c) changes in accounting policies adopted for
segment reporting that have a material
effect on segment information including:
(i) a description of the nature of the
(ii) the financial effect of the change, if it is
reasonably determinable?
(d) the types of products and services included
in each reported business segment, both
primary and secondary, if not otherwise
disclosed in the financial statements?
For disclosures of segment-wise impairment of assets
refer to checklist for AS 28, 'Impairment of Assets'.

(ii) In case there is voluntary disclosure of additional

segment information that is prepared on a basis
other than the accounting policies adopted for
the enterprise's financial statements (provided
that this is reported internally to the board of
directors and chief executive officer for purposes
of making decisions about allocating resources
to the segment and assessing its performance),
whether the basis of measurement for this
additional information is clearly described?

4) Accounting Standards Interpretation 20,

'Disclosure of Segment Information'
If it is concluded that there is neither more than one
business segment nor more than one geographical
segment and consequently segment information has
not been disclosed, whether this fact has been
5) Accounting Standards Interpretati 22,'Treatment of
Interest for determining Segment Expense'
In case interest is included as a part of the cost of
inventories as per AS 16, 'Borrowing Costs' read with
AS 2, 'Valuation of Inventories', and those inventories
are part of segment assets of a particular segment,
and consequently such interest has been considered
as a segment expense, whether the following have
been disclosed:

a. the amount of such interest?

b. the fact that the segment result has been arrived
at after considering such interest?
6) Encouraged disclosures (Non-mandatory)
(i) In case, an enterprise reports segment net profit
or loss or some other measure of segment
profitability without arbitrary allocation
(encouraged) and if that measure is prepared on
a basis other than the accounting policies
adopted for the financial statements of the
enterprise, whether a clear description of the
basis of measurement has been made?

(ii) Whether the enterprise has disclosed the nature

and amount of any items of segment revenue
and segment expense that are of such size,
nature or incidence that their disclosure is
relevant to explain the performance of the
segment for the period?
7) Consolidated Financial Statements
If a single financial report contains both consolidated
financial statements and separate financial statements
of the parent, segment information need be presented
only on the basis of the consolidated financial
Exemptions/relaxations for SMEs
AS 17 is not applicable for Level II and Level III
AS - 15 - Employee Benefits


1) Short-term Employee Benefits

Where other Accounting Standards require
disclosure, whether such disclosures have been
made? For example, where required by AS 18
'Related Party Disclosures', whether the
enterprise disclosed the information about
employee benefits for key management

2) Multi-employer plans
(i) If a multi-employer plan is accounted for as a
defined benefit plan, whether the disclosures
mentioned in (5) below have been disclosed?

(ii) When sufficient information is not available to

use defined benefit accounting for a multi-
employer plan that is a defined benefit plan
and consequently accounted as a defined
contribution plan, whether the enterprise has-

a) disclosed the fact that the plan is a

defined benefit plan?
b) disclosed the reason why sufficient
information is not available to enable the
enterprise to account for the plan as a
defined benefit plan?

c) to the extent that a surplus or deficit in

the plan may affect the amount of future
contributions, disclosed in addition:

_ any available information about that

surplus or deficit?
_ the basis used to determine that
surplus or deficit? And
_ the implications, if any, for the
(iii) Whether contingent liabilities arising in the
context of multi-employer plans have been
disclosed as per AS 29, 'Provisions,
Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets'?
[e.g., any responsibility under the terms of a
plan to finance any shortfall in the plan if
other enterprises cease to participate].

3) State plans
(i) In rare cases, if a state plan is accounted for
as a defined benefit plan, whether the
disclosures mentioned in (5) below have been
(ii) When sufficient information is not available to
use defined benefit accounting for a state
plan that is a defined benefit plan and
consequently accounted as a defined
contribution plan, whether the enterprise has-

a) disclosed the fact that the plan is a

defined benefit plan?
b) disclosed the reason why sufficient
information is not available to enable the
enterprise to account for the plan as a
defined benefit plan?
c) to the extent that a surplus or deficit in
the plan may affect the amount of future
contributions, disclosed in addition:
_ any available information about that
surplus or deficit?
_ the basis used to determine that
surplus or deficit? and
_ the implications, if any, for the
(iii) Whether contingent liabilities arising in the
context of state plans have been disclosed
as per AS 29, 'Provisions, Contingent
Liabilities and Contingent Assets'?[e.g., any
responsibility under the terms of a plan to
finance any shortfall in the plan if other
enterprises cease to participate]

4) Defined Contribution Plans

a) Whether the enterprise has disclosed the
amount recognized as an expense for defined
contribution plans?
b) Whether the enterprise has disclosed
information about contributions to defined
contribution plans for key management
personnel as required by AS 18, Related
Party Disclosures '?
5) Defined Benefit Plans
Whether the enterprise has disclosed the following
information about defined benefit plans:
(i) information that enables users of financial
statements to evaluate:
a. the nature of the plans?
b. the financial effects of changes in those
plans during the period?
(ii) the enterprise’s accounting policy for
recognizing actuarial gains and losses?
(iii) a general description of the type of plans?
Item (iii) distinguishes, for example, flat salary
pension plans from final salary pension plans and
from post-employment medical plans.The
description of the plan should include informal
practices that give rise to other obligations
included in the measurement of the defined benefit
obligation in accordance with para 53 of AS 15
(revised 2005).

(iv) a reconciliation of opening and closing

balances of the present value of the defined
benefit obligations showing separately, if
applicable, the effects during the period
attributable to each of the following:

(a) current service cost?

(b) interest cost?
(c) contributions by plan participants?
(d) actuarial gains and losses?
(e) foreign currency exchange rate changes
on plans measured in a currency
different from the enterprise's reporting
(f) benefits paid?
(g) past service cost?
(h) amalgamations?
(i) curtailments?
(j) settlements?
(v) an analysis of defined benefit obligation into
amounts arising from plans that are wholly
unfunded and amounts arising from plans
that are wholly or partly funded?
(vi) a reconciliation of the opening and closing
balances of the fair value of plan assets and
of the opening and closing balances of any
reimbursement right recognized as an asset
in accordance with para 103 of AS 15
(revised 2005) showing separately, if
applicable, the effects during the period
attributable to each of the following:

a) expected return on plan assets?

b) actuarial gains and losses?
c) foreign currency exchange rate changes
on plans measured in a currency
different from the enterprise's reporting
d) contributions by the employer?
e) contributions by plan participants?
f) benefits paid?
g) amalgamations?
h) settlements?
(vii) a reconciliation of the present value of the
defined benefit obligation in (iv) above and
the fair value of the plan assets in (vi) above
to the assets and liabilities recognized in the
balance sheet showing at least:

(a) the past service cost not yet recognized

in the balance sheet (see para 94 of AS
5 (revised 2005)?
(b) any amount not recognized as an asset
because of the limit in para 59(b) of AS
15 (revised 2005)?
(c) the fair value at the balance sheet date of
any reimbursement right recognized as
an asset in accordance with para 103 of
AS 15 (revised 2005) (with a brief
description of the link between the
reimbursement right and the related

(d) the other amounts recognized in the

balance sheet?
(viii) the total expense recognized in the statement
of profit and loss of each of the following, and
the line item(s) of the statement of profit and
loss in which they are included :

(a) current service cost?

(b) interest cost?
(c) expected return on plan assets?
(d) expected return on any reimbursement
right recognized as an asset under
paragraph 103 of AS 15 (revised 2005)?

(e) actuarial gains and losses?

(f) past service cost?
(g) the effect of any curtailment or
(h) the effect of the limit in paragraph 59(b)
of AS 15 (revised 2005), i.e., the extent
to which the amount determined under
paragraph 55 of AS 15 (revised 2005) (if
negative) exceeds the amount
determined under paragraph 59 (b) of AS
15 (revised 2005)?
(ix) for each major category of plan assets, which
should include, but is not limited to, equity
instruments, debt instruments, property, and
all other assets, the percentage or amount
that each major category constitutes of the
fair value of the total plan assets?

(x) the amounts included in the fair value of the

plan assets for:
(a) each category of the enterprise's own
financial instruments?
(b) (i) any property occupied by the enterprise?

(ii) other assets used by the enterprise?

(xi) a narrative description of the basis used to
determine the overall expected rate of return
on assets, including the effect of the major
categories of plan assets?
(xii) the actual return on:
(a) plan assets?
(b) any reimbursement right recognized as
an asset in accordance with para 103 of
AS 15 (revised 2005)?
(xiii) the principal actuarial assumptions used as at
the balance sheet date, including, where
(a) the discount rates?
(b) the expected rates of return on any plan
assets for the periods presented in the
financial statements?
(c) the expected rates of return for the
periods presented in the financial
statements on any reimbursement right
recognized as an asset under paragraph
103 of AS 15(revised 2005)?

(d) medical cost trend rates?

(e) any other material actuarial assumptions
(f) an assertion under the actuarial
assumptions to the effect that estimates
of future salary increases, considered in
actuarial valuation, take account of
inflation, seniority, promotion and other
relevant factors such as supply and
demand in the employment market?
(xiv) keeping all other assumptions constant, the
effect of an increase of one percentage point
and the effect of a decrease of one
percentage point in the assumed medical cost
trend rates on:

a. the aggregate of the current service cost

and interest cost components of net
periodic post-employment medical costs?

b. the accumulated post-employment

benefit obligation for medical costs?
For item (xiv) above, for plans operating in a high
inflation environment, the disclosure should be the
effect of a percentage increase or decrease in the
assumed medical cost trend rate of a significance
similar to one percentage point in a low inflation

(xv) the amounts for the current annual period and

the previous annual periods of-
(a) (i) he present value of the defined benefit
(ii) fair value of plan assets?
(iii) the surplus or deficit in a plan?
(b) the experience adjustments arising on:
(i) the plan liabilities expressed either as an
amount or as a percentage of the plan
liabilities at the balance sheet date?

(ii) the employer's best estimate, as soon as

it can reasonably be determined, of
contributions expected to be paid to the
plan during the annual period beginning
after the balance sheet date?

6) Whether the enterprise has disclosed each

actuarial Assumption in absolute terms (for
example, as an absolute percentage) and not just
as a margin between different percentage or
other variables?
7) Where an enterprise has more than one defined
benefit plan, whether disclosures have been made
in total
(i) separately for each plan? Or
(ii) in such grouping as are considered to be
most useful?
8) When an enterprise provides disclosures in total
for a grouping of plans, whether disclosures are
provided in the form of-
(i) Weighted average? Or

(ii) of relatively narrow ranges?

9) Where required by AS 18, 'Related Party
Disclosures', whether the enterprise has disclosed
information about:-
(i) Related party transactions with post
employment benefit plans? And
(ii) Post-employment benefits for key
management personnel?
10) When required by AS 29, 'Provisions, Contingent
Liabilities and Contingent Assets', whether the
enterprise discloses Information about contingent
liabilities arising from post- employment benefit
11) Other Long-term Employees Benefits
Where other accounting standards require specific
disclosures about other long-term employee
benefits, Whether such disclosures have been
made? e.g., AS 5, 'Net Profit or Loss for the
Period, Prior Period Items and Changes in
Accounting Policies', AS 18, 'Related Party

12) Termination benefits

(i) Where there is uncertainty about the number
of employees who will accept an offer of
termination benefit, whether the enterprise
has disclosed information about the
contingent liability unless the possibility of
outflow in settlement is remote? (AS 29,
'Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and
Contingent Assets ')

(ii) Where termination benefit is of such size,

nature or incidence that its disclosure66 is
relevant to explain the performance of the
enterprise for the period, whether termination
benefits have been disclosed appropriately?
(AS 5, 'Net Profit or Loss for the Period, Prior
Period Items and Changes in Accounting

(iii) Where required by AS 18, 'Related Party

Disclosures', whether the enterprise has
disclosed information about termination
benefits for key management personnel?

13) General
For additional disclosures, if any, Frequentl Asked
Questions on AS 15 may be referred to.
14) Guidance Note on Accounting for Employee
Share- based Payments

(i) Whether the method used to account for the

employee share-based payment plans has
been described?
(ii) Where an enterprise uses the intrinsic value
method, whether there is disclosure of the
impact on the net results and Earnings Per
Share - both basic and diluted – for the
accounting period, had the fair value method
been used?

(iii) If there are employee share-based payment

plans that existed during the period, whether
the enterprise has disclosed the information
that enables users of financial statements to
understand the nature and extent of such

(iv) Whether the following have been disclosed to

give effect to the requirements of (iii) above:
(a) a description of each type of such plan
including the general terms and
conditions of each plan such as vesting
requirements, the maximum term of
options granted, and the method of
settlement (whether in cash or equity)?

An enterprise with substantially similar types of
plans may aggregate this information, unless
separate disclosure of each arrangement is
necessary to satisfy the requirements of (iii)
(b) the number and weighted average
exercise prices of stock options for each
of the following groups of options
(i) outstanding at the beginning of the
(ii) granted during the period?
(iii) forfeited during the period?
(iv) exercised during the period?
(v) expired during the period?
(vi) outstanding at the end of the period?
(vii) Exercisable at the end of the period?
(c) for stock options exercised during the
period, the weighted average share price
at the date of exercise?
In respect of item (c) above, if options are
exercised on a regular basis throughout the period,
the enterprise may, instead, disclose the weighted
average share price during the period.
(d) for stock options outstanding at the end
of the period:
(i) the range of exercise prices?
(ii) weighted average remaining contractual
life (comprising the vesting period and
the exercise period)?
If item (d) (i) above is wide, the outstanding
options should be divided into ranges that are
meaningful for assessing the number and timing of
additional shares that may be issued and the cash
that may be received upon exercise of those

(v) To enable the users of the financial

statements to understand how the fair value
of shares or stock options granted, during the
period, was determined, whether the following
information has been disclosed:
(a) for stock options granted during the
period, the weighted average fair value of
those options at the grant date and
information on how that fair value was
measured, including-

(i) the option pricing model used and the

inputs to that model, including the
weighted average share price, exercise
price, expectedvolatility,option life
(comprising the vesting period and the
exercise period), expected dividends, the
risk-free interest rate and any other
inputs to the model, including the method
used and the assumptions made to
incorporate the effects of expected early

(ii) how expected volatility was determined,

including an explanation of the extent to
which expected volatility was based on
historical volatility?
(iii) whether and how any other features of
the option grant were incorporated into
measurement of fair value, such as a
market condition?
(b) or other instruments (i.e,other than stock
options), the number and weighted
average fair value of those instruments at
the grant date and information on how
that fair value was measured, including:
(i) if fair value was not measured on the
basis of an observable market price, how
it was determined?
(ii) whether and how expected dividends
were incorporated into the measurement
of fair value?
(iii) whether and how any other features of
the instruments granted were
incorporated into the measurement of the
fair value?
(c) for employee share-based payment
plans that were modified during the
(i) an explanation of those modifications?
(ii) the incremental fair value granted (as a
result of those modifications)?
(iii) information on how the incremental fair
value granted was measured,
consistently with the requirements set out
in (i) and (ii) above, were applicable?

(iv) To enable users of the financial

statements to understand the effect of
employee share-based payment plans on
the profit or loss of the enterprise for the
period and on its financial position,
whether the following information has
been disclosed:

(a) the total expense recognized for the

period arising from employee share-
based payment plans in which the
services received did not qualify for
recognition as a part of the cost of an
asset and hence were recognized
immediately as an expense, including
separate disclosure of that portion of
the total expense that arises from
transactions accounted for as equity-
settled employee share-based payment

(b) for liabilities arising from employee

share- based payment plans:
(i) the total carrying amount at the end of
the period?
(ii) the total intrinsic value at the end of the
period of liabilities for which the right of
employee to cash or other assets had
vested by the end of the period (e.g.,
vested stock appreciation rights)?
In the case of listed companies, the above
disclosures are applicable to the extent they are
not inconsistent with disclosure requirements of
Securities and Exchange Board of India.
AS - 14 - Accounting for Amalgamations

1) Is the amalgamation:
a) In nature of merger? Or
b) In nature of purchase?
2) a) Is goodwill arising out of amalgamation?
b) If yes, whether such goodwill is amortised over a
period not exceeding five years?

3) a) Whether treatment to be given to reserves of

Transferor Company is specified in scheme of

b) If different treatment is prescribed in scheme as

compared to the requirements of AS, are
following disclosures made in the financial

i. Description of the accounting treatment

given to the reserves and the reasons for
following the treatment different from that
prescribed in the statement.

ii. Deviations in the accounting treatment given

to the reserves as prescribed by the scheme
of amalgamation sanctioned under the
statute as compared to the requirements of
this statement that would have been
followed had no treatment been prescribed
by the scheme

iii. The financial effect, if any arising due to

such deviation.
4) Whether following disclosures made in first financial
statement following amalgamation:
a) Name and general nature of business of
amalgamating companies?
b) Effective date of amalgamation?
c) Method of accounting used to reflect
d) Particulars of the scheme sanctioned under the
Companies Act, 1956?
5) If amalgamation under pooling of interest method,
whether additional disclosure made in first financial
statement following the amalgamation of the

a) Description and number of shares issued,

together with percentage of equity share
exchanged to effect amalgamation?
b) Amount of any difference between the
consideration and the value of net identifiable
asset acquired and the treatment thereof?

6) If amalgamation in nature of purchase, whether

additional disclosure made in the first financial
statement following the amalgamation of the

a) Consideration for the amalgamation and a

description of the consideration paid or
contingently payable? and

b) The amount of any difference between the

consideration and the value of net identifiable
assets acquired, and the treatment thereof
including the period of amortisation of any
goodwill arising on amalgamation?

7) When the amalgamation is effected after the

balance sheet date but before issuance of the
financial statements of either party to the

The Standard requires disclosure as per AS 4,
‘Contingencies and Events Occurring After the
Balance Sheet Date'.Under AS 4, such disclosures
are required to be made in the report of the
approving authority only. However, it is noted that it is
a healthy practice to make such disclosures in the
financial statements also.

8) Announcement
Treatment of reserves specified in a scheme of
(i) Where the scheme of amalgamation sanctioned
under a statute prescribes a different treatment
to be given to the reserves of the transferor
company after amalgamation as compared to
the requirements of AS 14 that would have been
followed had no treatment been prescribed by
the scheme, whether the following disclosures
had been made in the first financial statements
following the amalgamation:
a) A description of the accounting treatment
given to the reserves andthe reasons for
following the treatment different from that
prescribed in this AS 14?

b) Derivatives in the accounting treatment

given to the reserves as prescribed by the
scheme of amalgamation sanction under the
statute as compared to the requirements of
this AS that wouldhave been followed had
no treatment been prescribed by the

c) The financial effect, if any,arising due to

such deviation?
(ii) Where in the amalgamation in the nature of
purchase, to comply with the statutory
requirements, if statutory reserves of the
transferor company are to be recorded in the
financial statements of the transferee company
in order to preserve the identity of such
reserves, whether the corresponding debit has
been given to a suitable account head (e.g.,
'Amalgamation Adjustment Account') and
disclosed as part of the 'miscellaneous
expenditure' or other similar category in the
balance sheet?
AS - 25 - Interim Financial Reporting
1) a) Is the enterprise required to prepare and present
interim financial report?
b) If yes, to (a) above, has the enterprise prepared
and presented information for the interim date
as per the form and content as applicable to
annual complete set of financial statement
unless otherwise required in a different form as
per statute or as per regulatory body governing
the enterprise?

2) Are the following information, if material and not

disclosed elsewhere in interim financial statements
been disclosed by way of notes:

(a) A statement that the same accounting policies

are followed or if changed a description of the
nature and effect of the change?

(b) Comments about the seasonality of interim


(c) Nature and amount of items affecting assets,

liabilities, equity, net income or cash flows that
are unusual because of their nature, size or

(d) Nature and amount of changes in estimates of

amounts reported in prior interim periods of
current financial year or changes in estimates of
amount reported in prior financial years?

(e) Issuances, buy-backs, repayments and

restructuring of debt, equity and potential equity
(f) Dividends, aggregate or per share?
(g) Segment revenue, segment capital employed
and segment result for business segments or
geographical segments, depending upon
enterprise’s primary basis of segment reporting?

(h) Effect of changes in composition of the

enterprise during interim period, such as
amalgamations, Acquisitions, or disposal of
subsidiaries and long-term investments,
restructuring and discontinuing operations?

(i) Material changes in contingent liabilities since

the last annual balance sheet date?
3) Has the enterprise in its interim financial statement
(condensed or complete) for the period included the
(a) Balance sheet as of the end of current interim
period and a comparative balance sheet as of
the end of the immediately preceding financial

(b) Statement of Profit and Loss for the current

interim period and cumulatively for the current
financial year to date, with comparative
statements of profit and loss for the comparable
interim periods (current and year-to-date) of the
immediately preceding financial year?

(c) Cash flow statements cumulatively for the

current financial year-to-date, with a
comparative statement for the comparable year-
to-date period of the immediately preceding
financial year?

4) Has the enterprise followed the recognition and

measurement principles in preparation of interim
financial statement as illustrated in the AS in respect

(a) Gratuity and other defined benefit schemes?

(b) Major planned periodic maintenance or overhaul
or other seasonal expenditure?
(c) Provisions?
(d) Year end bonuses where there is legal
obligation or payable as per past practice?
(e) Intangible Assets?
(f) Other planned (discretionary in nature) but
irregularly occurring costs?
(g) Income-tax expense for interim period?
(h) Income-tax expense when difference in financial
reporting year and tax year?
(i) Tax deductions/exemptions for determining tax

(j) Carry forward tax losses?

(k) Contractual purchase price changes such as
discount,rebates not of a discretionary nature?
(l) Depreciation and amortisation?
(m) Inventories?
(n) Foreign Currency Translation?
(o) Impairment of Assets?
5) (a) Has the enterprise changed its accounting policy
other than one as specified by an Accounting

(b) If yes to (a) above, are financial statements of

prior interim periods of current financial year,

6) If the enterprise is listed and required to follow listing

guidelines for quarterly or half-yearly results has the
enterprise followed:

(a) The disclosure requirements of the listing

agreements? and
(b) Recognition and measurement principles as per
the Accounting Standard 25?
7) Minimum Components of an Interim Financial
Whether an interim financial report has included, at a
minimum, the following components:
(i). condensed balance sheet?
(ii). condensed statement of profit and loss
(iii). condensed cash flow statement? And
(iv). selected explanatory notes?
Complete set is, however, neither prohibited nor
8) If an enterprise prepares and presents a complete
set of financial statements in its interim financial
reports, whether the form and content of those
statements conform to the requirements as
applicable to annual complete set of financial

9) (i). If an enterprise prepares and presents a set of

condensed financial statements in its interim
financial report, whether those condensed
statements included, at a minimum, each of the
headings and sub- headings that were included
in its most recent annual financial statements
and the selected explanatory notes as required
by AS 25?

(ii). Whether additional line items or notes are

included if their omission would make the
condensed interim financial statements
10) If an enterprise presents basic and diluted earnings
per share in its annual financial statements in
accordance with AS 20, ‘Earnings Per Share',
whether basic and diluted earnings per share are
presented in accordance with AS 20 on the face of
the statement of profit and loss, complete or
condensed, for an interim period?

11) (i). Whether the enterprise has included the

following information, as a minimum, in the
notes to its interim financial statements, if not
disclosed elsewhere in the interim financial

(a) a statement that the same accounting policies

are followed in the interim financial statements
as those followed in the most recent annual
financial statements or, if those policies have
been changed, a description of the nature and
effect of the change?

(b) explanatory comments about the seasonality of

interim operations?

(c) the nature and amounts of items affecting

assets, liabilities, equity, net income, or cash
flows that are unusual because of their
nature, size, or incidence (see paragraphs 12 to
14 of AS 5, 'Net Profit or Loss for the Period,
Prior Period Items and Changes in Accounting

(d) the nature and amount of changes in estimates

of amounts reported in prior interim periods of
the current financial year or changes in
estimates of amounts reported in prior financial
years, if those changes have a material effect in
the current interim period?

(e) issuances, buy-backs, repayments and

restructuring of debt, equity and potential equity

(f) dividends, aggregate or per share (in absolute

or percentage terms), separately for equity
shares and other shares?
(g) segment revenue, segment capital employed
(segment assets minus segment liabilities) and
segment result for business segments or
geographical segments, whichever is the
enterprise's primary basis of segment reporting
(Disclosure of segment information is required,
in terms of AS 17, 'Segment Reporting', to
disclose segment information in its annual
financial statements)?

(h) material events subsequent to the end of the

interim period that have not been reflected in
the financial statements for the interim period?

(i) the effect of changes in the composition of the

enterprise during the interim period, such as
amalgamations, acquisition or disposal of
subsidiaries and long-term investments,
restructuring, and discontinuing operations? And

(j) material changes in contingent liabilities since

the last annual balance sheet date?
(ii). Whether the above information ((a) to (j))
has been reported on a financial year-to-
date basis?
(iii). Whether the enterprise has also
disclosed any events or transactions
that are material to an understanding
of the current interim period?

Disclosures required by other accounting standards
in the context of complete financial statements are
not required if the interim financial report includes
only condensed financial statements and selected
explanatory notes

12) Whether the interim reports include interim financial

statements (condensed or complete) for periods as

(i). balance sheet as of the end of the current

interim period and a comparative balance sheet
as of the end of the immediately preceding
financial year?
(ii). statements of profit and loss for the current
interim period and cumulatively for the current
financial year to date, with comparative
statements of profit and loss for the comparable
interim periods (current and year- to-date) of the
immediately preceding financial year?

(iii). cash flow statements cumulatively for the

current financial year to date, with a comparative
statement for the comparable year-to-date
period of the immediately preceding financial

On the occasion that an interim financial report is
presented as per AS 25, comparative information
mentioned at (ii) and (iii) above need not be

Encouraged disclosures (Non-mandatory)

In case of enterprises whose business is highly

seasonal, in addition to (6) above, the following:

Financial information for the twelve months ending

on the interim reporting date and comparative
information for the prior twelve months period.

13) If an estimate of an amount reported in an interim

period is changed significantly during the final interim
period of the financial year but a separate financial
report is not prepared and presented for that final
interim period, whether the nature and amount of that
change in estimate has been disclosed in a note to
the annual financial statements for that financial

14) Disclosures not required

The presentation and disclosure requirements of AS
25 are not required to be applied in respect of interim
financial results (which do not meet the definition of
'interim financial report' as per AS 25) [e.g.,quarterly
financial results presented under Clause 41 of the
Listing Agreement entered into between stock
exchange and the listed enterprises].
AS - 28 - Impairment of Assets

1) Has the enterprise assessed at the balance sheet

date whether there is any of the following indication
that indicate impairment of an asset
(a) Significant decline in market value of an
(b) Significant changes with adverse effect in the
technological, market, economic or legal
environment in which the enterprise operates?
(c) Increase in market interest rates or market rate
of return on investment that is likely to affect
the discount rate used in calculating an asset’s
value in use and decrease the asset’s
recoverable amount materially

(d) Carrying amount of the net assets of the

enterprise is more than its market

(e) Evidence available of obsolescence or

physical damage of an asset?

(f) Significant change with adverse effect in the

extent to which or manner in which an asset is
expected to be used such as plan to
discontinue or restructure operations, or
dispose of an asset before the previously
expected date?

(g) Evidence that the economic performance of an

asset is or will be worse than expected?

2) (a) Is the following determined of an asset

(i). Net selling price? Or
(ii). Value in use of an asset determined?
(b) Is the carrying amount of an asset lower than
(i). The net selling price?
(ii). The value in use?
(c) If yes to (b) above, is the amount by which the
carrying amount of an asset exceeds
recoverable amount [higher of b (i) & (ii)]
considered as an impairment loss?

3) Is the net selling price of an asset determined based


(a) A binding sale agreement?

(b) Market price?

(c) Best information available to reflect the

amount that an enterprise could obtain, at the
balance sheet date?

4) Is the value in use of an asset measured based on

(a) Cash flow projections based on recent
financial budgets/forecasts up to a maximum
period of five years?

(b) Cash flows projections using a steady or

declining growth rate for subsequent years,
unless an increasing rate can be justified?
(c) Cash flow projections which uses a pre-tax
discount rate that takes into adjustment
specific risks associated with projected cash
flow and takes into account either of the
following rates

(i). The enterprise’s weighted average cost

of capital determined using techniques
such as capital asset pricing model?
(ii). Enterprise’s incremental borrowing rate?
(iii). Other market borrowing rates?
5) Have the following not been considered in
estimating future cash flows
(a) A future restructuring to which enterprise is not
yet committed?
(b) A future capital expenditure that will improve or
enhance the asset in excess of its originally
assessed standard of performance?
(c) Cash inflows and outflows from financing
(d) Income tax receipts or payments?

6) (a) Is the impairment loss for an individual asset or

for a cash generating unit?

(b) If the impairment loss is for an individual asset,

has the following been recognised and
(i). The carrying amount of an asset reduced
to its recoverable amount?
(ii). Impairment loss recognised as an
expense in the statement of profit and
loss immediately?
(iii). Impairment loss on a revalued asset is
recognised directly against any
revaluation surplus for the asset to the
extent that the impairment loss does not
exceed the amount held in revaluation

(iv). Is depreciation for the asset adjusted in

future periods to allocate the assets
revised carrying amount less its residual
value (if any) on a systematic basis over
its remaining useful life

7) (a) If the
(i). Asset’s value in use cannot be estimated
to be close to its net selling price? and

(ii). The asset does not generate cash inflows

from continuing use that are largely
independent of those from other assets?

(b) If no to above, has the enterprise identified the

recoverable amount of the lowest aggregation
of assets (cash generating unit) that generate
largely independent cash flows from continuing

8) (a) Is goodwill recognised in the financial

(b) Can goodwill be allocated on a reasonable and
consistent basis to the cash-generating unit for
impairment [bottom-up approach]?

(c) If no to (b) above, has the smallest cash-

generating unit that includes the cash-
generating unit for impairment and to which
goodwill can be allocated on reasonable basis
been identified (top down approach)?

(d) Is impairment loss first allocated to reduce the

carrying amount of goodwill allocated to the
cash-generating unit and then to other assets
of the unit?

9) (a) Has the enterprise assessed at each balance

sheet date whether there is any indication that
impairment loss recognised for an asset in
prior accounting period may no longer exist or
may have decreased?

(b) If yes to (a) above, has the enterprise

estimated the recoverable amount of that
(c) If the recoverable amount is more than the
reduced carrying amount is the carrying
amount increased to its recoverable amount?

(d) Is the increased carrying amount (due to

reversal of impairment) for an individual asset
not exceeding the carrying amount that would
have been determined (net of depreciation)
had no impairment loss been recognised for
the asset in prior accounting periods?

(e) Is the reversal of impairment of loss for an

asset recognised as income immediately in the
statement of Profit or Loss except in cases of
revalued asset in which case is any reversal of
an impairment loss on a revalued asset treated
as a revaluation increase?

(f) Is depreciation charge after reversal of an

impairment loss, adjusted in future periods to
allocate the assets revised carrying amount
less its residual value (if any) on a systematic
basis over its remaining useful life?

(g) Is the reversal of an impairment loss for a cash

generating unit?
(h) If yes to (g) above, is the increase allocated in
the following order
(i). First assets other than goodwill?
(ii). Then to goodwill, if impairment loss was
caused by a specific external event of an
exceptional nature that is not expected to
recur and subsequent external events
have occurred that reverse the effect of
that event?

(i) Is the carrying amount for a cash-generating

unit increased lower of
(i). Its recoverable amount? And
(ii). The carrying amount that would have
been determined (net of depreciation)
had no impairment loss been recognised
for the asset in prior accounting periods?

10) For each class of assets, whether the financial

statements have disclosed:
(i). the amount of impairment losses recognised
in the statement of profit and loss during the
period and the line item(s) of the statement
of profit and loss in which those impairment
losses are included?
(ii). the amount of reversals of impairment losses
recognised in the statement of profit and
loss during the period and the line items of
the statements of profit and loss in which
those impairment losses are reversed?

(iii). the amount of impairment losses recognised

directly against revaluation surplus during the
(iv). the amount of reversal of impairment losses
recognised directly in revaluation surplus
during the period?
(a) A class of assets' is a grouping of assets of
similar nature and use in an enterprise's
(b) The above information ((i) to (iv)) may be
presented with other information disclosed for
the class of assets.For example, this
information can be included in a reconciliation
of the carrying amount of fixed assets, at the
beginning and end of the period as required
under AS 10, 'Accounting for Fixed Assets'.

11 Whether an enterprise that applies AS 17, 'Segment

Reporting' has disclosed the following for each
reportable segment based on an enterprise's
primary format (as defined in AS 17):

(i). the amount of impairment losses recognised

in the statement of profit and loss and directly
against revaluation surplus during the period?

(ii). the amount of reversals of impairment losses

recognised in the statement of profit or loss
and directly in revaluation surplus during the

12 If an impairment loss for an individual asset or a

cash-generating unit is recognised or reversed
during the period and is material to the financial
statements of reporting enterprise as a whole,
whether the enterprise disclosed:

(i). the events and circumstances that led to the

recognition or reversal of impairment loss?

(ii). the amount of the impairment loss

recognised or reversed?
(iii). for an individual asset:
(a) the nature of the asset?
(b) the reportable segment to which the
asset belongs, based on the enterprise's
primary format (as defined in AS 17,
'Segment Reporting')?

(iv). for a cash-generating unit:

(a) a description of the cashgenerating unit
(such as whether it is a product line,
a plant, a business operation, a
geographical area, reportable segment
as defined in AS 17, 'Segment Reporting'
or other)?

(b) the amount of the impairment loss

recognised or reversed by class of assets
and by reportable segment based on the
enterprise's primary format (as defined in
AS 17, 'Segment Reporting')?

c) if the aggregation of assets for

identifying the cash-generating unit has
changed since the previous estimate of
the cash-generating unit's recoverable
amount (if any), description of the current
and former way of aggregating assets
and the reasons for changing the way the
cash-generating unit is identified?

(v). whether the recoverable amount of the asset

(cash-generating unit) is its net selling price or
its value in use?
(vi). if recoverable amount is net selling price, the
basis used to determine net selling price
(such as whether selling price was
determined by reference to an active market or
in some other way)?

(vii). if recoverable amount is value in use, the

discount rate(s) used in the current estimate
and previous estimate (if any) of value in use?

Level II and III enterprises are exempted from the
requirements of disclosure of item (vii) above, if they
do not calculate value in use due to exemption
available to such enterprises.

13) If impairment losses recognised (reversed) during

the period are material in aggregate to the financial
statements of the reporting enterprise as a whole,
whether the enterprise has disclosed a brief
description of the following:
(i). the main classes of assets affected by
impairment losses reversals of impairment
losses for which no information is disclosed
under paragraph 3 above? and

(ii). the main events and circumstances that led

to the recognition (reversal) of these
impairment losses for which no information is
disclosed under paragraph 3 above?
AS - 27 - Financial Reporting of Interests in Joint Ventures


1 (a) Is the enterprise required to prepare consolidated

financial statement?
(b) If yes to (a) above, does the enterprise have
investments in a joint venture entity?
(c) If yes to (b) above, is joint venture entity also
considered in the consolidated financial
2 (a) Is the joint venture in nature of jointly controlled
(b) If yes to (a) above, has the venturer in its
separate financial statement as well as in its
consolidated financial statements recognised the
(i) the assets that it controls and the liabilities
that it incurs? and
(ii) the expenses that it incurs and its share of
the income that it earns from the joint
3 (a) Is the joint venture in nature of jointly controlled
(b) If yes to (a) above, has the venturer in its
separate financial statements as well as in its
consolidated financial statements recognised the
(i) Its share of the jointly controlled assets,
classified according to the nature of the

(ii) Any liabilities which it has incurred?

(iii) Its share of any liabilities incurred jointly with
the other ventures in relation to the joint
(iv) Any income from the sale or use of its share
of the output of the joint venture, together
with its share of any expenses incurred by
the joint venture?

(v) Any expenses separately incurred for the

purpose of the joint venture?
4 (a) Is the joint venture in nature of jointly controlled
(b) If yes to (a) above, has the venturer in its
separate financial statement accounted
investment in accordance with AS-13,
Accounting for Investments?

(c) Has the venturer in its consolidated financial

statements reported as a separate line item its
interest in the assets, liabilities, income and
expenses of the jointly controlled entity by using
the proportionate consolidation method?

5 Has the venturer in its consolidated financial

statements separately disclosed goodwill or capital
reserve, considering net asset position of the jointly
controlled entity at the date on which interest is

6 (a) Is the investment in joint venture not resulting in

joint control?
(b) If yes, to (a), has the investor in its consolidated
financial statements reported its interest in
accordance with
(i) AS-13? Or
(ii) AS-21? Or
(iii) AS-23?
(c) If yes to (a), has the investor in its separate
financial statements accounted for interest in the
joint venture as per AS-13?

7 Whether a venturer has disclosed the following

information in its separate financial statements as
well as consolidated financial statements:

(i). The aggregate amount of the following

contingent liabilities, unless the probability of loss
is remote, separately from the amount of other
contingent liabilities.

(a) any contingent liabilities that the venturer

has incurred in relation to its interests in joint
ventures and its share in each of the
contingent liabilities which have been
incurred jointly with other venturers?

(b) Its share of the contingent liabilities of the

joint ventures themselves for which it is
contingently liable?
(c) Those contingent liabilities that arise
because the venturer is contingently liable
for the liabilities of the other venturers of a
joint venture?
(ii). aggregate amount of the following commitments
in respect of its interests in joint ventures
separately from other commitments:
(a) any capital commitments of the venturer in
relation to its interests in joint ventures and
its share in the capital commitments that
have been incurred jointly with other
(b) its share of the capital commitments of the
joint ventures themselves?
(iii). a list of all joint ventures and description of
interests in significant joint ventures?

(iv). in respect of jointly controlled entities, the

proportion of ownership interest, name and
country of incorporation or residence?
8 Whether the venturer has disclosed, in its separate
financial statements, the aggregate amounts of each
of the assets, liabilities, income and expenses related
to its interests in the jointly controlled entities?

9 Where the jointly controlled entity uses accounting

policies other than those adopted for the consolidated
financial statements for like transactions and events
in similar circumstances and it is not practicable to
make appropriate adjustments to the financial
statements of the jointly controlled entity in applying
the proportionate consolidation method, whether the
following have been disclosed:

(i). the above fact?

(ii). the proportion of items in the consolidated
financial statements to which different accounting
policies have been applied?

10 Whether the difference between the cost (or other

carrying amount, if different) to the venturer of its
interest in a jointly controlled entity over its share of
the net assets of the jointly controlled entity at the
date on which the interest in the jointly controlled
entity is acquired has been recognised as goodwill or
capital reserve, as the case may be, and separately
disclosed in the consolidated financial statements?

11 While applying the proportionate consolidation

method, whether the venture’s share of each of the
assets, liabilities, income and expenses of a jointly
controlled entity is reported as separate line items in
the consolidated financial statements of the venturer?
AS - 29 - Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and
Contingent Assets


1) Have the provisions, contingent liability or

contingent assets in respect of the following been
addressed as per their respective Accounting

(a) Construction Contracts? (AS-7)

(b) Taxes on Income? (AS-22)
(c) Leases? (AS-19)
(d) Retirement benefits? (AS-15)
2) Are all the following conditions been met, when a
provision is made;
(a) The enterprise has a present obligation as a
result of past event?

(b) It is probable that an outflow of resources

embodying economic benefit will be required
to settle the obligation? and

(c) A reliable estimate can be made of the amount

of the obligation?

3) Have you ensured that

(a) Where it is more likely than not that a present
obligation exist at a balance sheet date, the
enterprise recognizes a provision?
(b) Where it is more likely that no present
obligation exists at the balance sheet date, the
enterprise discloses a contingent liability,
unless the possibility of an outflow of
resources embodying economic benefits is

4) Have you ensured that the enterprise has not;

(a) Recognized any contingent asset?
(b) Recognized gains from the expected disposal
of assets?
(c) Made provisions for future operating losses?
5) Have you ensured that provisions have been made
in respect of the following liabilities;
(a) Warranties?

(b) Legislation virtual certain to be enacted?

(c) Requirements of a licensing agreement; e.g.,
an offshore oil field to remove the oil rig at the
end of production and restore the seabed,
where the oil rig has been constructed and
where it is estimated that ninety per cent of the
eventual cost relate to the removal of oil rig?

(d) Where a retail store has a policy of refunding

purchases by dissatisfied customers?
(e) Guarantees which give rise to a legal
(f) Court cases where the enterprise will be found

6) Have you ensured that provisions have not been

made in respect of following future liabilities?
(a) Staff training as a result of say change in
income tax system?
(b) Guarantee given which does not give rise to
an obligation?
(c) A court case, where enterprise will not be
found liable?
(d) Refurbishing (future) cost; e.g., cost of relining
a furnace every five years where there is no

(e) Refurbishing (future); e.g., overhaul an aircraft

once in every three years where there is a
legislative requirement?

7) Have you at each balance sheet date reviewed the

provision and adjusted to reflect the current best
8) For each class of provision, whether the enterprise
has disclosed:

(i). the carrying amount at the beginning and end

of the period?
(ii). additional provisions made in the period,
including increases to existing provisions?
(iii). amounts used (i.e., incurred and charged
against the provision) during the period?

(iv). unused amounts reversed during the period?

Note: Level III
enterprises are exempted from the disclosure
requirements of all the four items (i),(ii),

9) Whether the enterprise has disclosed the following

for each class of provision?
(i). a brief description of the nature of the
obligation and the expected timing of any
resulting outflows of economic benefits?

(ii). an indication of the uncertainties about those

outflows.(Where necessary, to provide
adequate information, whether enterprise has
disclosed the major assumptions made
concerning future events, as addressed in
paragraph 41 of AS 29)? and

(iii). the amount of any expected reimbursement,

stating the amount of any asset that has been
recognised for that expected reimbursement?

Note 1:
In determining which provisions may be
aggregated to format a class,it is necessary to
consider whether the nature of the item is
sufficiently similar for a single statement about
them to fulfill the requirements of i and ii
above.Thus, it may be appropriate to treat as a
single class of provision amounts relating to
warranties of different products,but it would not be
appropriate to treat as a single class amounts
relating to normal warranties and amounts that are
subject to legal proceedings.

Note 2:
Level II and Level III enterprises are exempted
from the disclosure requirements of all the three
items (i), (ii), and (iii) above.

10) Unless the possibility of any outflow in

settlement is remote, whether the enterprise has
disclosed for each class of contingent liability at
the balance sheet date a brief description of
the nature of the contingent liability and, where

(i). an estimate of its financial effect, measured

under paragraphs 35-45 of AS 29?

(ii). an indication of the uncertainties relating to

any outflows? and
(iii). the possibility of any reimbursement?
In determining which contingent liabilities may be
aggregated to form a class, it is necessary to
consider whether the nature of the item is
sufficiently similar for a single statement about
them to fulfill the requirements of (i) and (ii) above.

11) Where a provision and a contingent liability arise

from the same set of circumstances whether the
enterprise has made the disclosures mentioned in
1 to 3 above in a way that shows the link between
the provision and the contingent liability?

12) Where any of the information required by

paragraph 3 above is not disclosed because it is
not practicable to do so, whether that fact has been

13) In extremely rare cases, where disclosure of some

or all of the information required by paragraphs 1 to
3 above can be expected to prejudice seriously
the position of the enterprise in a dispute with
other parties on the subject matter of the provision
or contingent liability and accordingly no disclosure
of information required by paragraphs 1 to 3 above
is made, whether the enterprise has disclosed the

(i). general nature of the dispute?

(ii). the fact that the information has not been
(iii). the reason why the information has not been
General Announcement

If an item in the financial statements is treated

differently pursuant to an Order made by the Court/
Tribunal, as compared to the treatment required by
an Accounting Standard, whether the following
disclosures have been made in the financial
statements of the year in which different treatment
has been given:

1 A description of the accounting treatment

made along with the reason that the same
has been adopted because of the
Court/Tribunal Order?
2 Description of the difference between the
accounting treatment prescribed in the
accounting Standard and that followed by the
3 The financial impact, if any, arising due to
such a difference?
The above disclosures are recommended for non -
corporate entities also.
AS - 26 - Intangible Assets

1) Has the enterprise expended resources or incurred

liabilities, iteralia on;
(a) Acquisition?
(b) Development?
(c) Enhancement of intangible resources? such as:
(i) Scientific or technical knowledge?
(ii) Design and implementation of new process
or systems?
(iii) Licences or licensing agreements (e.g.,
motion picture films, video recordings)?
(iv) Intellectual property (e.g., computer
(v) Market knowledge?
(vi) Trademarks, Copyrights, Patents?
2) Is the following criteria met in relation to above in
respect of
(i) Identifiability?
(ii) Control over the asset?
(iii) Future economic benefits?
(iv) Cost can be measured reliably?
3) If all four criteria as mentioned in (2) above are not
met, is the expenditure to acquire it or internally
generate it, recognised as an expense when incurred?

4) Is a software, which is not an integral part of hardware

(plant), treated as an intangible asset?
5) (a) Is intangible asset acquired in amalgamation (in
the nature of purchase), capable of being
measured reliably as to its cost; i.e., fair value?

(b) If yes, to (a) above, is intangible asset recognised

in books of the enterprise (transferee) even if not
recognised in financial statements of transferor?

(c) If no, to (a) above, is the intangible asset

recognised part of goodwill in books of the
enterprise (transferee)?
(d) If active market do not exist for an intangible asset
as recognised in (b) above, is cost recognised for
such intangible asset restricted to an amount that
does not create or increase any Capital Reserve
at the date of amalgamation?

6) (a) Is the enterprise incurring expenses on research

and development?

(b) Is the expenditure on research such as obtaining

new knowledge, or search for new alternative
materials, processes, systems, and formulation,
designs, related thereto recognised as an
expense when incurred?

(c) Is intangible asset arising from development

phase fulfilling all of the following:
(i). Technical feasibility of completing intangible
(ii). Intention to complete intangible asset?
(iii). Ability to use or sell the intangible asset?
(iv). Generate future economic benefits?
(v). Availability of adequate, technical financial
and other resources to complete the
development and to use or sell the intangible

(vi). Ability to measure cost attributable to

development stage of intangible asset?
7) Are following internally generated items or expenditure
incurred not recognised as intangible assets

(a) Brands?
(b) Mastheads?
(c) Publishing titles?
(d) Customer list?
(e) Goodwill?
(f) Start-up costs (unless covered under AS-10)?
(g) Staff training cost?
(h) Advertising and promotional activities?
(i) Relocating or re-organising part or all of the
(j) Product launching expenses?
(k) Preliminary expenses?
Note: The standard is not applicable to termination
benefits like, VRS
8) Is the intangible asset amortised
(a) Over the best estimate of its useful life?
(b) If not as per (a), over 10 years?
(c) If not as per (a) or (b), then as per persuasive
evidence that the useful life is longer than ten
9) Is the enterprise amortising the intangible asset/s using
one or more of the following methods for different
intangible assets

(a) Straight line method?

(b) Diminishing balance method?
(c) Unit of production method?
10) (a) Is the amortisation period and the amortisation
method reviewed at least at each financial year
end for items of those intangible assets where the
useful life exceeds the rebuttable presumption of
10 years?

(b) Is amortisation period/method changed if review

(i). Expected useful life of asset significantly
different from previous estimates? Or
(ii). Significant change in the expected pattern of
economic benefits from the asset?
11) (a) Has the enterprise not recognised as part of the
cost of an intangible asset at a later date, in
respect of expenditure that was initially recognised
as expense in previous annual financial
statements or interim financial reports?

(b) Has the enterprise NOT revalued intangible assets

(note revaluation of fixed assets is permitted but
not of intangible assets)?

12) Has the enterprise estimated the recoverable amount

(as per AS-28 Impairment of Asset) at least at each
financial year in respect of the following:

(a) Intangible asset that is not yet available for use?

(b) intangible asset that is amortised over a period
exceeding ten years?
13) Whether the financial statements have disclosed the
following for each class of intangible assets,
distinguishing between internally generated intangible
assets and other intangible assets:
(i) the useful lives or the amortisation rates used?
(ii) the amortisation methods used?

(iii) the gross carrying amount and the accumulated

amortisation (aggregated with accumulated
impairment losses) at the beginning and the end
of the period?

(iv) a reconciliation of the carrying amount at the

beginning and the end of the period showing:

(a) additions, indicating separately those from

internal development and through

(b) retirements and disposals?

(c) impairment losses recognised in the
statement of profit and loss during the period
(if any)?

(d) impairment losses reversed in the statement

of profit and loss during the period (if any)?
(e) amortisation recognised during the period?
(f) other changes in the carrying amount during
the period?
14) Whether the financial statements also disclosed the

(i) (a) if an intangible asset is amortised over more

than ten years, the reasons why it is
presumed that the useful life of an intangible
asset wil exceed ten years from the date
when the asset is available for use?

(b) in giving the reasons mentioned in (a) above,

whether the enterprise has described the
factor(s) that played a significant role in
determining the useful life of the asset?

(ii) a description, the carrying amount and remaining

amortisation period of any individual intangible
asset that is material to the financial statements
of the enterprise as a whole?

(iii) the existence and carrying amounts of intangible

assets whose title is restricted and the carrying
amounts of intangible assets pledged as security
for liabilities? and

(iv) the amount of commitment for the acquisition of

intangible assets?
15) Whether the financial statements have disclosed the
aggregate amount of research and development
expenditures recognised as an expense during the
16) Encouraged (but not required) disclosures
A description of any fully amortised intangible asset
that is still in use.
AS - 5 - Net Profit or Loss for the period, Prior Period Items
and Changes in Accounting Policies


1 (Net Profit or Loss for the Period, Prior Period Items and
Changes in Accounting Policies.)

(a) Has any of the following transaction/event taken

place during the year
(i) Write down/back of inventories?
(ii) Restructuring Cost?
(iii) Disposal of Fixed Assets?
(iv) Disposal of long-term investments?
(v) Legislative changes having retrospective
(vi) Litigation Settlement?
(vii) Reversal of Provisions?
(b) If yes, are the same disclosed separately or by way of
(c) If yes, are the same not considered as extraordinary
2) (a) Have you come across any extraordinary item of
income or expense clearly distinct from ordinary
activities of the enterprise?
(b) Have you come across any income or expense, which
has arisen due to error or omission in the preparation
of financial statement of one or more prior periods?

(c) If yes to either a or b, have the amount for each item

disclosed separately in P and L A/c. in the manner
that its impact on current profit/loss can be

3 (a) Has the enterprise during the year revised any of its
(b) If yes, and if such change has material effect in
current period or subsequent period whether the
nature and amount of such change disclosed?

(c) If no to (b) above, is the reason for non-quantification

4) (a) Whether the enterprise has revised any accounting
(b) If yes, have you ensured that the change is required
to be made because:
(i) Of statute or
(ii) For compliance with AS or
(iii) Such change would result in a more
appropriate presentation of the financial

(c) If the change in accounting policy has a material

effect, whether such change is quantified so as to
reflect the effect of such change?

(d) If change in accounting policy, which is material and

is not ascertainable whether such fact is disclosed in

(e) If change in accounting policy has no material effect

for the current period but is expected to have material
effect in later periods, whether such change has been
appropriately disclosed?
AS -7 - Construction Contracts

1) Is the enterprise involved in

(a) Contracts for construction of dams, buildings,
roads, ships, refineries, pipeline? Or

(b) Contracts for the rendering of services,

directly related to the construction of the
2) If yes to 1 above, is revised AS-7 followed in
respect of construction contracts entered into on
or after 1-4-2003?
3) How many contracts at the year end are of:
a) Fixed Price Contracts?
b) Cost Plus Contracts?
4) Are the following cost considered as direct cost to
the contract cost?
a) Site labour cost?
b) Material costs used in construction?
c) Depreciation of machinery used for the
d) Cost of moving machinery and materials to
and from contract site?
e) Cost of hiring machinery for the contract?
f) Cost of design/technical assistance directly
related to contract?
g) Estimated cost of
(i) Rectification?
(ii) Guarantee, including warranty costs?
h) Claims from third party relating to contract?

5) Are following attributable cost, allocated to the

contract costs?
a) Insurance on materials/machinery?
b) Construction overheads?
c) Interest cost (if permissible under AS-16)?
6) Are the following cost excluded from contract

a) General administration cost for which

reimbursement is not specified in the

b) Selling cost?
c) Depreciation of idle plant not used for a
particular contract?
7) In recognising revenue under fixed price contract,
are all the following conditions satisfied:

a) Total contract revenue can be measured

b) Both the contract costs to complete the
contract and the stage of contract completion
at the reporting date can be measured
c) Contract costs can be clearly identified and
measured reliably, so that actual cost incurred
can be compared with prior estimates?

8) In recognising revenue under cost plus contract,

can contract costs be clearly identified and
measured reliably?

9) Is contract revenue in case of fixed price contract

or cost plus contract recognised using the
percentage of completion method?
10) Which of the following method is determined to
ascertain the stage of completion of the contract?

a) The proportion of contract costs incurred

bears to the estimated total contract costs?

b) Survey of work performed?

c) Completion of physical proportion of the
contract work?
11) Are contract cost of following nature, recovery of
which may not be probable, expensed as and
when incurred?
a) Which are not enforceable (validity in
b) Completion subject to pending litigation or
c) Relating to property likely to be condemned
(forfeited) or expropriated (dispossessed)?
d) Where customer unable to meet obligation?
e) Where contractor unable to complete contract
or meet obligations under contract?

12) Is expected loss (when contract cost exceeds

contract revenue) recognised as an expense,
disregarding whether or not work has commenced
on the contract or stage of completion of contract

13) Have the following been disclosed in the financial

a) Amount of contract revenue recognised as
b) The methods used to determine contract
c) The method used to determine the stage of
completion of contract-in-progress?

d) The aggregate amount of cost incurred and

recognised profits/losses up to the reporting

e) The amount of advances received? And

f) The amount of retentions?
14) Have the following been presented in the Balance
a) Gross amount due from customers for
contract work as an asset?
b) Gross amount due to customers for contract
work as a liability?
15) Whether the enterprise has disclosed any
contingencies in accordance with AS 29,
'Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent
Assets', e.g., warranty costs, penalties or possible
AS - 6 - Depreciation Accounting

1) Method
Which method of depreciation is followed by the
(a) Straight line method ?
(b) Written down value method ?
(c) Any other method ?
2) Rates
(a) Are the rates prescribed in Sch. XIV followed, to
the extent that these are minimum rates?
(b) If no, are higher rates followed?
(c) If yes, whether disclosed the same in accounting

3) Exchange Fluctuation
(a) Whether, historical cost of Fixed Asset has
undergone a change due to exchange Fluctuation?

(b) If yes, whether depreciation on such amount

provided prospectively over the residual useful life
of the asset?

4) Change in Method
(a) Is the method of providing depreciation changed
during the year?
(b) If yes, whether depreciation as per new method
recalculated retrospectively?
(c) If yes, whether deficiency/surplus adjusted in P and
L A/c.?
(d) Whether such change has been treated as a
change in accounting policy and Its effect
quantified and disclosed so as to reflect the effect
of such change in account as per AS-5?

5) Revaluation
(a) Have the fixed assets been re-valued ?
(b) If yes, is depreciation provided based on
(i) Re-valued amount? and
(ii) On the estimate of the remaining useful life of
such asset?
(c) If yes, how is the additional depreciation on
revalued asset accounted
(i) By charging to Profit and Loss Account?
(ii) By recouping from revaluation reserve?
6) Additions / Deletions
Is addition/extension to existing asset (not retaining a
separate identity) depreciated over the remaining useful
life of the asset?
7) Is addition/extension to existing asset (retaining a
separate identity) depreciated independent of the original
asset based on the assessment of it own useful life?

8) Disclosure in respect of each class of asset

In respect of each class of depreciable asset, whether

the following disclosures have been made:

(a) The historical cost or other amount substituted for

historical cost?
(b) Total depreciation for the period?
(c) The related accumulated depreciation?
9) Other disclosures

Whether the following information have been disclosed in

the financial statements along with the disclosure of
other accounting policies:

(i) Depreciation methods used?

(ii) depreciation rates or the useful lives of the assets,
if they are different from the principal rates
specified in the statute governing the enterprise?

10) Guidance Note on Treatment of Reserve Created on

Revaluation of Fixed Assets; and Guidance Note on
Accounting for Depreciation in Companies

If additional depreciation attributable to revaluation has

been transferred from Revaluation Reserve to the profit
and loss account, whether such transfer:
(i) has been shown in the profit and loss account
(ii) appropriate note by way of disclosure has been
given (desirable) Alternatively, If accumulated
additional depreciation attributable to revaluation
has been transferred directly from Revaluation
Reserve to profit and loss account or General
Reserve, whether suitable disclosure is made in the
AS - 9 - Revenue Recognition

1) In case of sale of goods whether the revenue is

recognized only when all significant risk and
rewards of ownership have been transferred to
the buyer and the enterprise has retained no
effective control of the goods transferred ?

2) In case of rendering of services, whether the

revenue is recognised on:
(a) Completed service contract method? or
(b) Proportional completion method?
3) In case of Interest, Royalties and Dividends,
whether the revenue recognised as under:
(a) Interest on time basis?
(b) Royalties in accordance with terms of
(c) Dividend from investments in share when
right to receive established?
4) (a) Have you ascertained that when significant
uncertainty exists as to the consideration or
measurability, the revenue recognition is
postponed and shall be recognised as
revenue of the period in which the
uncertainty is resolved?

(b) Have you ascertained that adequate

provision is made for expenses to be
incurred for future when revenue has been
fully recognised in accounts; e.g., warranties
on product sold, services to be rendered for
which full fees collected etc.?

5) (a) Is revenue recognised on accrual basis?

(b) If revenue recognition is postponed, the
circumstance for such postponement has
been disclosed?

6) Accounting Standards Interpretation 14

(Revised), Disclosure of Revenue from Sales
(i) Whether the amount of turnover has been
disclosed in the following manner on the
face of the statement of profit and
loss :Turnover (Gross) …... Less: Excise
Duty …... Turnover (Net) ……
(ii) Whether a note has been given in the Notes
to accounts to explain the nature of two
excise duty amounts viz., excise duty
deducted from turnover and excise duty
appearing as an expense in the statement
of profit and loss (may be positive or
negative) representing excise duty related to
increase/decrease of finished goods.
AS - 4 - Contingencies and Events Occurring After the
Balance Sheet Date


1 a) Have you inquired about events occurring after

balance sheet date?
b) Are any adjustments required to be made in accounts,
relating thereto?
c) If not made, whether disclosed with quantification?

As per an Announcement of the Institute, impairment
of assets not covered by other accounting standards is
covered by AS 4.For example, provision for bad and
doubtful debts. However, there is no specific disclosure
requirement under AS 4 for such provisions. Other
provisions are covered by AS 29, 'Provisions,
Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets'. As
regards events after the balance sheet, there is no
specific disclosure requirement in the financial
statements under AS 4.
AS - 3 - Cash Flow Statements


1 Presentation of Cash Flow Statement

Whether the Cash Flow Statement discloses the
cash flows during the period classified by operating,
investing and financing activities in a manner which
is most appropriate to the business of the

2 Operating activities
Whether the enterprise reports cash flows from
operating activities under
(i) Direct method (preferable)? Or
(ii) Indirect method?
3 If reported under direct method, whether
(i) Major classes of gross cash receipts from
operating activities are disclosed separately?
(ii) Major classes of gross cash payments of
operating activities are disclosed separately

4 If reported under indirect method, whether net profit

or loss is adjusted for the effects of
(i) Transactions of a non-cash nature?
(ii) Any deferrals of past operating cash receipts or
(iii) Any accruals of future operating cash receipts
or payments?
(iv) Items of income associated with investing cash
(v) Items of income associated with financing cash
(vi) Items of expenses associated with investing
cash flows?
(vii) Items of expenses associated with financing
cash flows?
Whether the net cash flow from operating activities is
presented by showing
(i) The operating revenues excluding non-cash

(ii) Operating expenses excluding non-cash items?

(iii) changes during the period in

(a) Inventories?
(b) Operating receivables?
(c) Operating payables?
5 Reporting cash flows on a net basis
(i) Whether the cash receipts and payments on
behalf of customers when the cash flows reflect
the activities of the customer rather than
those of the enterprise in respect of the
following activities are reported on a net basis:

(a) Operating activities?

(b) Investing activities?
(c) Financing activities?
(ii) Whether the cash receipts and payments for
items in which the turnover is quick, amounts
are large and the maturities are short in respect
of the following activities are reported on a net

(a) Operating activities?

(b) Investing activities?
(c) Financing activities?
6 Whether the cash flows arising from each of the
following activities of a financial enterprise reported
on net basis:

(i) Cash receipts and payments for the

acceptance and repayment of deposits with a
fixed maturity date?

(ii) The placement of deposits with and withdrawal

of deposits from other financial enterprises?

(iii) Cash advances and loans made to customers

and the repayment of those advances and

7 Foreign Currency Cash Flows

(i) Whether the effect of changes in exchange
rates on cash and cash equivalents held in a
foreign currency is reported as a separate part
of the reconciliation of the changes in cash and
cash equivalents during the period (i.e.,
reconciliation of cash and cash equivalents at
the beginning and at the end of the period)?
(ii) Whether the effect of changes in the exchange
rate in (i) above has been reported separately
from cash flows from

(i) Operating activities?

(ii) Investing activities?
(iii) Financing activities?
8 Extraordinary items
Whether the cash flows associated with
extraordinary items have been appropriately
classified as arising from the following activities and
separately disclosed:

(i) Operating activities?

(ii) Investing activities?
(iii) Financing activities?
9 Taxes on income
Whether cash flows arising from taxes on income

(i) Separately disclosed?

(ii) Classified as cash flows from operating
activities without classifying any amount as
financing or investing activities? if specifically
identified, disclose separately as cash flows

(a) Operating activities?

(b) Financing activities?
(c) Investing activities?
(iii) in case cash flows from taxes on income have
been disclosed separately as cash flows from
operating activities, financing activities and
investing activities, whether total amount of
taxes paid is disclosed?

10 Hedging
When a contract is accounted for as a hedge of an
identifiable position, whether the cash flows of the
contract are classified in the same manner as the
cash flows of the position being hedged?

11 Acquisitions and disposals of subsidiaries and

other business units
(i) Whether the aggregate cash flows arising from
acquisitions of subsidiaries or other business
units have been
(a) Presented separately as single line items?
(b) Classified as investing activities?

(ii) Whether the aggregate cash flows from

disposals of subsidiaries or other business
units have been

(a) Presented separately as single line items?

(b) Classified as investing activities?

The cash flow effects of disposals should not be
deducted from those of acquisitions
(iii) In respect of acquisitions of subsidiaries or
other business units during the period,
whether the following have been disclosed:

(a) The total purchase consideration?

(b) The portion of the purchase consideration

discharged by means of cash and cash

(iv) In respect of disposal of subsidiaries or other

business units during the period, whether
the following have been disclosed:

(a) the total disposal consideration?

(b) the portion of disposal consideration
discharged by means of cash and cash

12 Non-Cash Transactions
(i) Whether the investing transactions that do not
require the use of cash or cash equivalents?

(a) Have been excluded from cash flow

(b) have been disclosed elsewhere in the
financial statements in a way that provides
all the relevant information about these
investing activities ?

(ii) Whether the financing transactions that do not

require the use of cash or cash equivalents

(a) have been excluded from cash flow

(b) have been disclosed elsewhere in the
financial statements in a way that provides
all the relevant information about these
financial activities?
13 Components of Cash and Cash Equivalents
(i) Whether the enterprise has disclosed the
components of cash and cash equivalents?
(ii) Whether the enterprise has presented a
reconciliation of the amounts in its cash flow
statements with equivalent items reported in
the balance sheet?

(iii) Whether the effect of any change in the policy

for determining components of cash and cash
equivalents is reported in accordance with AS
5, 'Net Profit or Loss for the Period, Prior
Period Items and Changes in Accounting

14 Other Disclosures
Whether the enterprise has disclosed, together with
a commentary by management, the amount of
significant cash and cash equivalent balances held
by the enterprise that are not available for use by
it? (e.g., cash & cash equivalents held by a branch
that operates in a country where exchange controls
or other legal restrictions apply.)

15 Encouraged disclosures (Non-mandatory)

Additional information relevant for understanding the

financial position and liquidity of the enterprise,
together with a commentary by the management
(e.g., undrawn borrowing facilities, segment cash
flow, etc.)

Exemptions/relaxations for SMEs

AS 3 is not applicable for Level II and Level III
AS - 19 – Leases

1) Has the enterprise taken asset on:

(a) Finance lease?
(b) Operating lease?
2) Has the enterprise given asset on:
(a) Finance lease?
(b) Operating lease?
3) If asset taken on finance lease:
(a) Is the leased asset recognised as asset equal to the
fair value?
(b) If the fair value exceeds the present value of the
minimum lease payments, is the asset recorded at the
present value of the minimum lease payments?

(c) Is discount rate in calculating the present value of

minimum lease payments taken as:
(i) Interest rate implicit in the lease? Or
(ii) If not practicable, then at lessee’s incremental
borrowing rate?
(d) Are lease payments apportioned between finance
charge and the reduction of the outstanding liability?
(e) Is depreciation provided at the rate for which own
assets are depreciated?
4) If asset given on finance lease:
(a) Is the amount shown as a receivable equal to the net
investment in the lease?
(b) Is the lease rental apportioned between finance
income and reduction of the outstanding receivable?
(c) If commission and legal fees incurred
(i) Written off immediately?
(ii) Allocated against the finance income over the
lease term?
5) If the asset taken on operating lease:
(a) Is the lease payment expensed in the Profit & Loss
statement on a straight line basis?
(b) If no to (a) above, is it on a systematic basis more
representative of the time pattern of the user’s benefit?
6) If the asset given on operating lease:
(a) Is the asset shown as Fixed Asset?
(b) s the income recognised on a straight line basis in the
statement of Profit & Loss?
(c) Is depreciation provided at the rates for which similar
assets are depreciated
7) Is the enterprise:
(a) Also involved in leasing of assets sold?
(b) If yes, is the sales revenue (and corresponding
receivable) recorded at the fair value of the assets?

(c) If no, is profit on sale of asset restricted by applying

commercial rate of interest over lease term?

8) (a) Has the enterprise entered into sale and lease back
(b) If the transaction is finance lease, is the excess or
deficiency of sale proceeds over the carrying amount
amortised over the lease term in proportion to
(c) If the transaction is operating lease, and the
transaction is:
(i) Established at fair value, whether profit or loss
recognised immediately
(ii) Below fair value whether profit or loss recognised
immediately unless falling in(iii) below?
(iii) Below fair value and loss is to be compensated by
charging lower lease rentals than market value,
whether the loss amortised over the expected use
of the asset?

(iv) Above fair value whether the gain deferred and

amortised over the expected use of the asset?
9) Lessee: Finance leases
(i) Whether the lessee, in addition to the requirements of
AS 10, Accounting for Fixed Assets', AS 6,
'Depreciation Accounting', and the governing statute,
has made the following disclosures for a finance lease
including assets acquired on hire-purchase basis:

(a) Assets acquired under finance lease as

segregated from the assets owned?

(b) for each class of assets, the net carrying amount

at the balance sheet date?
(c) 1) a reconciliation between the total of minimum
lease payments at the balance sheet date
and their present value?
2) the total of minimum lease payments at the
balance sheet date, and their present value,
for each of the following periods:
(i) Not later than one year?
(ii) later than one year and not later than five
(iii) Later than five years?
(d) Contingent rents recognised as expense in the
statement of profit and loss for the period?

(e) The total of future minimum sublease

payments expected to be received under non
cancellable subleases at the balance sheet
(f) A general description of lessee’s significant
leasing arrangements including, but not limited
to, the following:
(i) the basis on which contingent rent payments
are determined?
(ii) The existence and terms of renewal or
purchase options and escalation clauses? And

(iii) restrictions imposed by lease arrangements,

such as those concerning dividends, additional
debt, and further leasing?

Level II and Level III enterprises are exempted
from the disclosure requirements of items (c) ,
(e) and (f) above.

(ii) Whether the lessee has presented separately

the liability for the leased asset as a current
liability or long-term liability as the case may
be, without deducting the same from leased
10) Lessee: Operating leases
Whether the lessee has made the following
disclosures for operating leases?
(a) the total of future minimum lease payments
under non- cancellable operating leases for
each of the following periods:

(i) not later than one year?

(ii) later than one year and not later than five
(iii) later than five years?
(b) the total of future minimum sublease payments
expected to be received under non-cancellable
subleases at the balance sheet date?
(c) lease payments recognised in the statement of profit
and loss for the period, with separate amounts for
minimum lease payments and contingent rents?
(d) Sub-lease payments received (or receivable)
recognised in the statement of profit and loss for the
(e) a general description of the lessee's significant leasing
arrangements including, but not limited to, the
following :

(i) the basis on which contingent rent payments are

(ii) the existence and terms of renewal or purchase
options and escalation clauses? And
(iii) Restrictions imposed by lease arrangements, such
as those concerning dividends, additional debts,
and further leasing?
Level II and Level III enterprises are exempted from the
disclosure requirements of items (a), (b) and (c) above
11) Lessor: Finance leases
Whether the lessor has made the following disclosures for
finance leases:
(a) (i) a reconciliation between the total gross investment
in the lease at the balance sheet date, and the
present value of minimum lease payments
receivable at the balance sheet date?
(ii) the total gross investment in the lease and the
present value of minimum lease payments
receivable at the balance sheet date, for each of
the following periods:

(i) Not later than one year?

(ii) later than one year and not later than five
(iii) Later than five years?
(b) Unearned finance income?
(c) The unguaranteed residual values accruing to the
benefit of the lessor?
(d) The accumulated provision for uncollectible minimum
lease payments receivable?
(e) Contingent rents recognised in the statement of profit
and loss for the period?
(f) a general description of the significant leasing
arrangements of the lessor? And
(g) Accounting policy adopted in respect of initial direct
Level II and Level III enterprises are exempted from the
disclosure Requirements of items (a), (f) and (g) above.
12) Lessor: Operating leases
Whether the lessor, in addition to the requirements of AS
6, 'Depreciation Accounting', and AS 10, 'Accounting for
Fixed Assets', and the governing statute, has made the
following disclosures for operating leases:
(a) for each class of assets, the gross carrying amount,
the accumulated depreciation and accumulated
impairment losses at the balance sheet date; and
(i) The depreciation recognised in the statement of
profit and loss for the period?
(ii) Impairment losses recognised in the statement of
profit and loss for the period?
(iii) Impairment losses reversed in the statement of
profit and loss for the period?
(b) the future minimum lease payments under non-
cancellable operating leases in the aggregate and for
each of the following periods:
(i) not later than one year?
(ii) later than one year and not later than five years?
(iii) later than five years?
(c) total contingent rents recognised as income in the
statement of profit and loss for the period?
(d) a general description of the lessor's significant leasing
arrangements? And
(e) Accounting policy adopted in respect of initial direct
II and Level Level III enterprises are exempted from the
13) disclosure requirements
Sale and leaseback: of items (b), (d) and (e) above.
Whether the disclosure requirements for normal leases are
made for sale and leaseback transactions?
14) Sale and leaseback: Lessee
Whether the disclosure requirements for normal leases are
made for sale and leaseback transactions?
15) Useful disclosures (Non-mandatory)
Gross investment less unearned income in new business
added during the accounting period, after deducting the
relevant amounts for cancelled leases.
AS - 11 - The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange
Rates (revised 2003)

1) In case of transactions in foreign currency, how

are the following accounted;
a) In respect of transactions in foreign
currency entered on or before 31-3-2004,
whether AS-11 (1994) followed?

b) In respect of transactions in foreign

currency entered on or after 1-4-2004
whether AS-11 (2003) followed?
2) a) Whether cash flows arising from transaction
in a foreign currency and the translation of
cash flow of a foreign operation in cash flow
statement is presented as per AS-3?

b) Whether exchange differences arising from

foreign borrowings to the extent that they
are regarded as an adjustment to interest
cost is presented as per AS-16?

3) Whether the initial transaction is recorded at:

a) Transaction date? Or
b) Average rate of week or month if more
4) At the reporting date; i.e., Balance Sheet date,
are all monetary assets/liabilities (including the
following) recorded at closing rate, i.e amount
likely to be realised,: or
a) Cash and Bank Balances?
b) Receivables?
c) Payables?
5) At the reporting date; i.e., Balance Sheet date are
all non-monetary assets/liabilities recorded at
rates prevailing on transaction date, like;

a) Investments?
b) Inventories?
c) Fixed Assets?
d) Depreciation?
e) Equity?
6) Are exchange differences arising on the
settlement of monetary items or on reporting an
enterprise’s monetary items at rates different from
those at which they are initially recorded during
the period or reported in previous financial
statements, recognised as income or as expense
in the period in which they arise?

7) If non-monetary item is subsequently measured

at fair value or net realisable value, is the
exchange rate taken on the date when such fair
value or net realisable value determined?

8) a) Whether exchange differences arising on a

monetary item that forms a net investment
in a non-integral foreign operation is
accumulated in a foreign currency
transaction reserve in the financial

b) On disposal of the net investment in non-

integral foreign operation, is the
accumulated foreign currency transaction
reserve recognised as income or an
expense in the profit & loss statement?

9) In the consolidated financial statements, wherein

non-integral foreign operation is incorporated are
a) Assets and liabilities both monetary and
non-monetary of the non-integral foreign
operations translated at the closing rate?

b) Income and expense items of the non-

integral foreign operation translated at
exchange rate at the dates of the
transaction (note, average exchange rates
during the period if approximates the
exchange rates at the date of transaction,
may be used)?

c) Resulting exchange differences

accumulated in a foreign currency
translation reserve until the disposal of the
net investment?

10) a) Is the liability or asset outstanding at the

reporting date converted using the
exchange rate prevailing on that date?

b) Exchange difference arising out of the

forward exchange contracts undertaken to
hedge the foreign currency risk of a firm
commitment or a highly probable forecast
transaction accounted when the
transactions gets settled?

11) Have the following been disclosed as required by

the Accounting Standard:
a) Amount of exchange differences included
in the net profit or loss for the period?

b) i. Net exchange differences accumulated

in foreign currency translation reserve.

ii. Any amount of such exchange

differences at the beginning and end of
the period?

c) When the reporting currency is different

from the currency of the country in which
the enterprise is domiciled, along with the
reason for using a different currency?

d) when there is a change in the classification

of a significant foreign operation, the nature
of change in classification, reason for the
change, the impact of the change in
classification on shareholders’ funds and
the impact on net profit or loss for each
prior period presented had the change in
classification occurred at the beginning of
the earliest period presented?

12) Whether the enterprise disclosed the following

a) the amount of exchange differences
included in the net profit or loss for the
period in accordance with AS 11?

b) the net exchange differences accumulated

in foreign currency translation reserve as a
separate component of shareholders' funds
in accordance with AS 11?

c) reconciliation of the amount of exchange

differences mentioned at
d) above at the beginning of the period and
end of the period?
13) Where the reporting currency is different from the
currency of the country in which the enterprise is
domiciled, whether:

a) the reason for using a different currency

has been disclosed?

b) the reason for any change in the reporting

currency has also been disclosed?
14) When there is a change in the classification of
asignificant foreign operation, whether the
enterprise has disclosed:

(i) the nature of the change in classification?

(ii) the reason for the change?
(iii) the impact of change in classification on
shareholders' funds?
(iv) the impact on net profit or loss for each
prior period presented had the change in
classification occurred at the beginning of
the earlier period presented?

15) Whether the effect on foreign currency monetary

items or on the financial statements of a foreign
operation of a change in exchange rates
occurring after the balance sheet date is
disclosed in accordance with AS 4,
'Contingencies and Events Occurring After the
Balance Sheet Date'?

16) Encouraged disclosure (Non-mandatory)

Foreign currency risk management policy


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