Reducing Power Consumption of Digital Predistortion For RF Power Amplifiers Using Real-Time Model Switching

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3, MARCH 2022

Reducing Power Consumption of Digital

Predistortion for RF Power Amplifiers
Using Real-Time Model Switching
Yue Li , Member, IEEE, Xiaoyu Wang , Graduate Student Member, IEEE,
and Anding Zhu , Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract— In this article, we propose a new behavioral mod- In modern wireless transmitters, digital predistortion (DPD)
eling method to reduce the running complexity and power is widely employed to mitigate the nonlinear distortions caused
consumption of digital predistortion (DPD) models for radio by the PAs [3]. The use of DPD allows PAs to be operated
frequency power amplifiers. By employing the proposed method,
different cross terms in a DPD model can be switched dynami- at higher power levels for higher efficiency without losing
cally in real time. Each cross-term branch can further choose the linearity. To reduce power consumption of the overall system,
model coefficients from multiple coefficient sets, which improves when the PAs are designed to produce lower power, the
the DPD performance with little extra complexity. The switch of power budget for DPD shall shrink correspondingly. Hence,
both cross-term branches and model coefficients is realized using it becomes important in optimizing the model complexity
a decision tree-based switch controller, leading to very low run-
time complexity. By optimizing the selection process, different and power consumption of DPD blocks to meet the system
input samples can choose the most suitable model configuration efficiency requirements [4].
that contributes most to the linearization performance. As only Traditionally, DPD models are constructed by pruning the
one branch is activated at a time, the power consumption can be Volterra series. Some examples include memory polynomials
greatly reduced. Based on the experimental results, the proposed (MPs) [5], generalized memory polynomial (GMP) [6], and
method can achieve excellent linearization performance with
significantly reduced power consumption. dynamic deviation reduction (DDR) models [7]. To improve
the modeling performance while keeping low complexity,
Index Terms— Behavioral modeling, decision tree, digital pre- different techniques have been proposed to design a composite
distortion (DPD), machine learning, power amplifier (PA), wire-
less transmitter. model by aggregating multiple small models. In the literature,
it has been achieved by combining the different models in
parallel [8] or in cascade [9], [10]. To reduce hardware
I. I NTRODUCTION complexity, model structures different from polynomials have

W ITH various emerging applications, we are seeing

a new landscape of wireless connectivity. To meet
increasing demands for high speed and high capacity, small-
also been proposed. One solution is to replace polynomials
with low-complexity basis functions, e.g., decomposed vector
rotation [11] and spline [12]. Lookup tables (LUTs) are also
cell base stations and large-scale multiple-input–multiple- widely used because of its low implementation cost [13], [14].
output (MIMO) antenna arrays will be widely deployed in 5G Similar to using LUTs, some existing works built model
wireless networks [1]. Compared to that in earlier generation in a piecewise manner by using different coefficient sets
macro base stations, the number of radio frequency (RF) for different input samples. The selection process can be
chains in 5G transmitters is significantly increased, which realized using vector switch [15], magnitude-selective affine
demands for energy-efficient, low-cost, and highly integrated function [16], or decision tree [17].
solutions. This places significant challenges on designing Besides manually designed models, the structure of DPD
RF front-end circuits and systems. In the new application models can also be optimized using machine learning tech-
scenarios, individual RF power amplifiers (PAs) are expected niques. Recently, various model pruning algorithms have
to produce lower power, but they still need to maintain high been developed to select effective model terms and remove
linearity to meet error vector magnitude and spectral emission redundant basis functions from a large Volterra model [18].
requirements [2]. The model selection process can also be implemented in the
DPD model adaptation unit to update the model structure
Manuscript received August 6, 2021; revised September 26, 2021; accepted
October 30, 2021. Date of publication December 16, 2021; date of current dynamically [19]. Thus, with the help of reconfigurable digital
version March 4, 2022. This work was supported by the Science Foundation circuit design techniques [20], power consumption of DPD can
Ireland under Grant 16/IA/4449 and Grant 17/NSFC/4850. (Corresponding be optimized. The complexity of DPD models also depends
author: Yue Li.)
The authors are with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, on the design at digital hardware level. A common design
University College Dublin, Dublin, D04 V1W8 Ireland (e-mail:; method is to realize the polynomial functions using LUTs [21],; [22], which minimizes computation by storing precomputed
Color versions of one or more figures in this article are available at results in memory. For polynomial-based implementation,
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMTT.2021.3132347 power consumption can also be reduced by optimizing the
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see

design of data path [23] or taking advantage of parallel (·)∗ indicates the conjugate operation [26], [27]. For example,
processing [24]. the GMP model [6] uses the term
In this article, a novel real-time model switching technique
is presented to reduce the computational complexity of DPD |x̃ n−m−l | p x̃ n−m (4)
models. In the proposed approach, while multiple cross terms where l is the delay for lagging envelope. In the DDR
and basis functions are implemented in the system, only the model [7], different types of cross terms are used, e.g.,
most useful ones are selected and activated for each input

data sample in real-time operation. After choosing the suitable |x̃ n | p x̃ n2 x̃ n−m (5)
cross terms, the model further selects the coefficients from |x̃ n | p |x̃ n−m |2 x̃ n . (6)
multiple coefficient sets. Thus, the model can dynamically
switch between different model terms and coefficients. The While the incorporation of rich basis functions leads to
switching process is realized via a decision tree model, which improved accuracy, it results in high hardware complexity and
is jointly optimized with the model coefficients using a novel power consumption. On the one hand, considering the high
iterative alternate minimization algorithm. By using the pro- sampling rate required to process wideband signals, the power
posed approach, the computational complexity is significantly consumption of DPD blocks may continue to increase [4],
reduced when calculating the predistorted output, and thus, the while on the other hand, in future cellular systems, the use
power consumption of DPD can be much lower, compared to of MIMO techniques and small-cell base stations reduces the
that using the conventional methods. output power of individual PAs. To maintain the overall system
The rest of this article is organized as follows. Section II efficiency, the power budget of DPDs must shrink accordingly.
gives a brief background on the effect of cross terms in DPD Thus, it is desirable to develop new methods to retain the
models. Section III describes the proposed model switching expressive power of these cross terms while minimizing the
technique and the design of switch controller. The training cost in complexity.
method for the proposed model is presented in Section IV.
The experimental results and complexity analysis are reported III. R EAL -T IME M ODEL S WITCHING
in Section V, followed by a conclusion in Section VI. In this work, we propose a novel model switching frame-
work to reduce the running complexity of DPD model.
II. BACKGROUND In the proposed scheme, different model components can
be dynamically switched ON and OFF. Because only part of
DPD takes effect by implementing an inverse nonlinear
hardware recourses is activated, dramatic reduction in power
model of the PA in digital baseband. For models that are linear
consumption can be achieved. In this section, we introduce
in parameters, DPD can be expressed in a matrix format as
two switching mechanisms, namely, cross-term switching and
u = Xc (1) coefficient switching, as well as the design of switch controller,
in detail.
where u = [ũ N , ũ N −1 , . . .]T is the predistorted signal vector
consisting of N data samples, c = [c1 , c2 , . . .]T is a vector
A. Cross-Term Switching
including all Q model coefficients, and X is an N × Q
regression matrix containing all basis functions constructed In the literature, different types of cross terms have been
with the input signal samples x̃. x̃ and ũ are both baseband proposed to improve the linearization performance of DPD
complex envelope signals. For example, in the MP model [5], models. To ensure the modeling accuracy under varying
the basis functions have the form of operating conditions, careful selection of basis functions is
necessary and the final model may need to include all helpful
|x̃ n−m | p x̃ n−m (2) cross terms.
In the conventional setup, the DPD function is usually
where p is the nonlinearity order, m is the delay number, and
fixed before implementation, and determining which terms to
X can be constructed as
⎡ ⎤ include involves tedious trial-and-error procedures. In some
x̃ N |x̃ N |x̃ N |x̃ N |2 x̃ N · · · x̃ N −1 · · · works [18], the selection of model basis functions can be
⎢ ⎥
X = ⎣ x̃ N −1 |x̃ N −1 |x̃ N −1 |x̃ N −1 | x̃ N −1 · · · x̃ N −2 · · · ⎦. (3)
realized using model pruning algorithms, but they usually have
.. .. .. .. .. .. high computational complexity and can only operate in an off-
. . . . . .
line environment.
To effectively linearize PAs in wideband wireless trans- Besides complexity concerns, from a behavioral modeling
mitters, more complex models are usually needed, due to perspective, using a fixed set of model basis functions may
the complicated nonlinearity caused by high-efficiency PA not be the optimal design choice. Depending on the data
architectures and wideband modulation signals. In conven- distribution and the PA characteristics, different data samples
tional pruned Volterra models, various types of cross terms are may exhibit distinct nonlinear effect, and thus, they should be
adopted, which mixes different delayed samples in polynomial modeled by using different types of nonlinear terms. It is hence
terms. In most cases, different memory samples are mixed reasonable to adopt different model basis functions based
by either multiplying the amplitude |x̃| [25] or combining on the past and current input samples. Therefore, to reduce
different formats of complex samples, e.g., x̃ and x̃ ∗ , where the running complexity, we propose to switch between the

Fig. 1. Illustration of cross-term switching.

Fig. 3. Model architecture with both cross-term and coefficient switching,

where α, β, γ , and θ are model coefficients.

lower order models can achieve comparable or even better

Fig. 2. Cross-term switching applied to the GMP model. performance than higher order models.
Inspired by the previous progress, to further enhance the
different memory cross terms in real time using a switch modeling capability, we use multiple sets of coefficients for
controller, as shown in Fig. 1. Different from the prior art, each cross-term type, and let the model select the most suitable
as the controller is realized using a low-complexity classifi- coefficient set for every data sample. Similar to the selection of
cation model, it can operate at sampling frequency and each cross-term type, which coefficient set to use is also determined
data sample can be predistorted using different parts of the by the controller. Thus, using multiple coefficient sets is
implemented model. equivalent to adding new branches to the cross-term switching
Let us consider the case of GMP model as an example. architecture, except that the new branches have the same basis
Its cross-term part has the form |x̃ n−m−l | p x̃ n−m . Terms with functions as existing ones. Hence, coefficient switching can
different values of l, e.g., |x̃ n−m−1 | p x̃ n−m and |x̃ n−m−2 | p x̃ n−m , also be understood as a generalization of cross-term switching
are viewed as different types of cross terms and belong to technique. With extra degrees of freedom, it can further extend
different branches of Fig. 1. As shown in Fig. 2, for different the modeling accuracy and flexibility of switched models.
input samples, the proposed model switches between different A complete description of the model switching technique
cross-term branches, and only one type of cross term is employing both types of switching mechanisms is shown in
used. For example, if we choose to use the l = 1 branch, Fig. 3. The cross-term switching part controls which type of
|x̃ n−1 | p x̃ n and |x̃ n−m−1 | p x̃ n−m in the diagram will be used. The cross term to activate. When specific cross terms are selected,
final output is then produced after summing up all activated each nonlinear block can further choose the proper coefficients
nonlinear operators. As only one branch is turned on at a from a pool of coefficient sets.
time, the run-time complexity of the model is greatly reduced.
It is worth noting that the proposed strategy is very flexible C. Realization of Switch Controller
and widely applicable to different cross-term formulations. For Considering both cross-term and coefficient switching, the
example, different DDR-type cross terms, such as (5) and (6), controller needs to choose the proper operation state from a
can also be integrated into the switched DPD model. number of possible configurations. In this work, we refer to
Besides the switchable cross terms, we can also designate each potential configuration as an operation mode. Assuming
some terms as “fixed terms.” As shown in Fig. 1, they are used that there are K cross-term branches and T coefficient sets are
by all input data and always turned on. For example, since the used for each branch, the model then has K T operation modes.
MP terms are not considered as cross terms in general, they As an example, we consider a case with two GMP branches
can be set as fixed terms. and two coefficient sets for each branch. The designation of
the modes can be specified as that in Table I.
To build the switch controller, a multiclass classification
B. Coefficient Switching model is needed. Given the input data, such a classification
In prior work [15]–[17], it has demonstrated that, by switch- model will produce an integer output ranging from 1 to K T .
ing the model coefficients based on signal characteristics, If the output is (t −1)K +k, it suggests that the kth cross-term


Fig. 4. Decision tree as switch controller.

branch should be activated and the tth coefficient set of this

branch should be used. It is worth noting that, once trained,
the classification model can usually operate with very low
computational complexity. Thus, the switch controller can
make real-time decisions for every new input data sample.
In this work, decision tree is used to build the controller, and
we use |x̃ n−m | as splitting features for the tree. Compared with
other popular classification models, decision trees are widely
recognized to have low run-time complexity and competitive
accuracy [28]. An example of decision tree is shown in Fig. 4. Fig. 5. Hardware implementation of a switched model.
When a new input sample x̃ n comes in, it is directed to
the corresponding leaf node based on the value of splitting digital circuit design. In many cases, the hardware imple-
features. In this example, if |x̃ n | = 0.5, we have |x̃ n | < 0.6 and mentation of a DPD model is composed of two stages,
|x̃ n | ≥ 0.3, so the model should enter Mode 2. Thus, to process i.e., basis function generation and multiplication with model
this data sample, the k = 2 branch and the first coefficient set coefficients. To reduce power consumption, as shown in Fig. 5,
of the branch will be activated, according to the description the basis function generation blocks are adaptively turned
in Table I. The operational complexity of the tree is also very on/off, e.g., by using clock gating technique [29]. Special
low because it only needs to perform at most D comparisons attention may be required here to ensure that the selected basis
before making the decision, where D is the maximum tree functions are built just in time when they are required. The
depth and we have D = 3 for this example. The design of the same control signal also decides the routing for the output
decision tree controller highly depends on the specific behavior signals of basis functions. To realize coefficient switching,
of the PA under test. An optimization procedure can be used to the switch controller generates another control signal, which
determine the tree structure and the decision thresholds, to fit is responsible for selecting the correct coefficient set. The
the desired behavior, as described in detail in Section IV. selected coefficients and basis functions can then multiply with
To validate the choice of classification model, we compare each other. Thus, the coefficient multiplier can be shared by
three common models, including decision tree, support vector all cross-term branches. Moreover, while the required basis
machine (SVM), and k-nearest neighbor (KNN). The three function generation blocks are still implemented in the DPD
models were used with the proposed model switching method hardware, only one cross-term type is activated, so the average
in a forward modeling scenario. The training procedure in power consumption is expected to be much lower than that
Section IV was adopted, and the GMP model was used as using a full-size conventional model.
the basic model. The setup, test signal, and configuration for Because of the flexibility of model formulation, the arrange-
decision tree were the same as the experimental setup for ment for model terms can be conveniently adjusted for specific
PA 1 in Section V-A. SVM used the second-order polynomial application scenarios. In real-world applications, it is advisable
kernel and quadratic programming. KNN used ten neighbors for the system engineers to design different model terms
and Euclidean distance. The results are listed in Table II. The that best suit individual use cases. For example, the leading
accuracy was measured by normalized mean squared error envelope cross terms in the GMP model [6] may also be used.
(NMSE). To save time, the training time was calculated by Different splitting feature formulations are also possible, as the
using the first 10 000 training samples under ten iterations. The only requirement for them is that they need to be real-valued.
test time refers to the time used to generate the predistorted Moreover, the allocation of cross-term branches can be freely
signal of 80 000 test data samples. Thus, while all methods adjusted, and the overlapping between different branches is
show similar modeling performance, decision tree has signifi- also allowed. For instance, one basis function can be assigned
cantly lower training and test time, which justifies our choice to two branches simultaneously to achieve higher performance.
of switch controller model. Also, if the number of switchable ranches is limited, different
GMP-type cross terms may be merged into a single branch.
D. Practical Implementation Considerations Once the model structure is fixed, there may exist further
In this new architecture, the hardware complexity and power room to optimize hardware utilization. For example, if we
consumption can be minimized with careful arrangement in can switch among different GMP-type branches, hardware

resources can be shared between the branches. As shown in Algorithm 1 Training of Switch Controller
Fig. 2, all cross-term branches can share the same multi- Input: , , y
plier when performing the multiplication between x̃ n−m and Output: Decision tree model
|x̃ n−m−l | p . 1: Initialize mode index rn
2: repeat
To achieve optimal performance, the decision tree model 4: for t = 1 to T do
of the switch controller needs to be jointly optimized with 5: Generate tk and ykt based on mode index rn
the model coefficients for all operation modes. To solve 6: Estimate model coefficients with (7)
this optimization problem, an iterative alternate minimization 7: Calculate residue signal with (8)
framework is adopted. 8: end for
For initialization, we need to choose a mode for every input 9: end for
data sample x̃ n . In this work, each data sample randomly 10: for n = 1 to N do
selects which cross-term branch to activate. The selection of 11: Find mode with lowest modeling error and record the
coefficient set is performed according to |x̃ n |. We uniformly index as rn
divide the range of |x̃ n | into T segments. The sample will 12: end for
use the tth coefficient set if it belongs to the tth segment. 13: Gather all rn into r
Thus, the input data are divided into K T groups, and we 14: Decision tree model = fitctree(, r)
collect the samples for each group into a vector xkt , where 15: Update mode index rn to be the output of decision tree
k is the index for the activated cross-term branch. The index model
of selected mode for the nth sample is denoted as rn . 16: until the error converge or maximum number of iterations
With the initialized mode index, the optimization procedure is reached
iterates between two main steps.
1) Optimize model coefficients and obtain the modeling
residue for all operational modes. After preparing the training data  and r, the decision
2) Optimize the decision tree model of switch controller. tree can be trained using standard tree structure optimization
In the first step, we estimate model coefficients with least algorithms. In this work, the classification and regression
squares (LS) for all modes. In the r th mode, if it uses the kth tree (CART) algorithm [28] is employed. In MATLAB, func-
branch and the tth coefficient set, we have tion fitctree can be used [30]. When the training is
 −1 completed, the mode index is updated using the model output
ckt = tk tk tk ykt (7) of decision tree for use in the next iteration.
Since the training is a nonlinear optimization process, the
where ckt is the model coefficients and ykt denotes the target system may converge to a local minimum. In that case, manual
signal for input data xkt .  is built with all basis functions tuning may be required. Nevertheless, based on our experience,
of the used model and tk keeps the part related to activated the algorithm can converge quickly within ten iterations in
basis functions and selected samples of . most cases. The complete description is shown in Algorithm 1.
The modeling residue can be calculated by Finally, by applying (7) again, the model coefficients can be
ekt = y − k ckt (8) optionally fine-tuned after the main algorithm. The training of
switch controller only needs to be conducted in the system
where y includes all target signals and k is built using all startup. During the real-time operation, the decision tree
input data with the activated basis functions. Note that k controller can be kept unchanged unless the behavior of the
includes all rows and selected columns of . It is different PA varies significantly. In this case, the model becomes linear
from tk used in (7), which uses selected rows and selected in the coefficients, and the adaptation complexity can thus be
columns. reduced to the same level as that in conventional DPD models
Subsequently, in the second step, we train the switch using LS.
controller. Different from the previous step, the decision tree
controller is a classification model, so it is trained to produce V. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS
the target labels, i.e., the index of desired operation mode.
To find the target label for every input sample, we compare A. Experimental Setup
the residue generated by all modes and select the mode that To validate the model performance, a test platform was
results in the lowest modeling error. The mode index rn is then set up, as shown in Fig. 6, which includes PC, signal gen-
updated to be the index of selected mode. The target label for erator, driver amplifier, PA, attenuator, and spectrum ana-
training the decision tree is formed by collecting all rn ’s into lyzer. Two in-house designed broadband gallium nitride (GaN)
a vector r. Doherty PAs were used under test. The first PA operated
The input data for training the tree are gathered in the at 2.2 GHz with 36-dBm output power and 48% drain effi-
splitting feature matrix , where every column represents one ciency [31], whereas the second PA operated at 3.5 GHz with
feature. As mentioned earlier, |x̃ n−m |’s are used as splitting 34-dBm output power and 42% drain efficiency [32]. The
features in this work. excitation input signals were five-carrier 100-MHz orthogonal

Fig. 6. Photograph of the DPD test bench.

C ROSS T ERMS U SED IN D IFFERENT M ODELS Fig. 7. Spectral results for different models using GMP-type cross terms
on PA 1.

was achieved using the magnitude-selective function [16]

with uniform segmentation. Both the proposed method and
conventional models used T = 6 segments. For the design of
decision tree, the maximum number of splits was set to 4K L
and the minimum leaf size was set equal to the number of
model basis functions. The minimum leaf size ensures that
enough data samples were used in the LS calculation.
frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) signals with 8-dB
peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR). The sampling rate
B. Experimental Results on PA 1
was 400 MHz. Recorded I/Q input and output samples were
time-aligned and normalized before training the model. The The proposed DPD method was first compared with con-
model extraction was performed using a closed-loop estimator ventional DPD methods on the first PA. Spectral results
in MATLAB. During the test, 80 000 samples were used for using GMP models are shown in Fig. 7. In this comparison,
model extraction and another set of 80 000 data points were the conventional models with three different settings were
used for performance evaluation. In the DPD tests, we employ tested. The first model used the MP terms only, while the
both NMSE and adjacent channel power ratio (ACPR) as other two models employed additional GMP-type cross terms.
performance metrics. In the complexity analysis, we fol- It shows that the proposed switched GMP model achieved
low the same methodology as in [33] using the number of a similar level of linearization performance as GMP model
floating-point operations per sample (FLOPs). The estimated with all terms and performed better than the conventional
power consumption of the models on field-programmable gate model with similar complexity. It clearly demonstrates that the
array (FPGA) is also reported. model switching technique can effectively reduce the model
In the experimental comparison, different model configura- complexity with little compromise in accuracy.
tions were considered, which are detailed in Table III. The We then present the results obtained with GMP-DDR mod-
available cross terms include the GMP-type lagging cross els. In this comparison, we also tested the conventional models
terms in (4) and two DDR-type cross terms in (5) and (6). The with different settings. The spectral results are compared in
proposed real-time model switching technique was applied Fig. 8. It reveals that the switched GMP-DDR model achieved
to two models, i.e., “GMP (all terms)” “GMP-DDR (all better performance than the conventional models with similar
terms).” The resulting models are referred to as “switched complexity. The detailed results of this case are given in
GMP model” and “switched GMP-DDR model,” respectively. Table IV.
In both situations, only one type of cross term was selected The AM–AM and AM–PM curves with and without the
for each data sample from all available terms. MP terms were switched GMP-DDR model are shown in Fig. 9. The spectral
designated as fixed terms. Note that our configurations were and time-domain AM–AM results show that the PA exhibits a
mainly used as a prototype to illustrate the effectiveness of the significant memory effect, but the proposed method can still
proposed framework. In practice, the cross terms to be used offer good linearization performance.
are not limited to the GMP and DDR types. Many other types Finally, we analyze the selection of different cross-term
of cross terms can be used. branches. In Fig. 10, the selection of cross-term types for test
In the test, the polynomial order P = 2, memory depth signals is displayed. It shows that the first GMP branch was
M = 5, and lagging envelope cross-term order L = 2 were selected most often. It suggests that the GMP term branch
used for PA 1. For PA 2, the same parameters were used is most useful, which agrees with the comparison made in
except M = 4. For a fair comparison, the conventional models Table IV. Moreover, as all branches are used, it validates our
also used multiple coefficient sets. The piecewise operation earlier argument that different data samples are best suited to

Fig. 10. Probability of selecting different cross-term branches on PA 1.

Fig. 8. Spectral results for different models using GMP- and DDR-type cross
terms on PA 1.


Fig. 11. Spectral results for different models using GMP-type cross terms
on PA 2.

Fig. 9. AM–AM and AM–PM characteristics with and without the switched
GMP-DDR model on PA 1.
Fig. 12. Spectral results for different models using GMP- and DDR-type
cross terms on PA 2.
different DPD model structures and justifies the improvement
of the proposed switching method.
shown in Fig. 12. The AM–AM and AM–PM curves in
this case are shown in Fig. 13. A detailed performance and
C. Experimental Results on PA 2 complexity comparison is drawn in Table V. The switched
The DPD test and experimental comparison were then GMP-DDR model again achieved better performance than the
conducted on the second PA. Fig. 11 shows the spectral results. conventional models with similar complexity. Actually, the
It is shown that, by adopting the model switching techniques, proposed method can even achieve similar NMSE and ACPR
the modified model achieves comparable linearization perfor- performance as the full-size GMP-DDR model using less than
mance as the more complex full-size GMP model, which is 60% complexity.
noticeably better than the conventional model with similar The selection of cross-term branches in the GMP-DDR
complexity. model in this test is given in Fig. 14. We notice that the
When the GMP-DDR model was used, the proposed method distribution is very different from that in Fig. 10. In this case,
also achieved excellent performance. The spectral results are most data samples used DDR-2 terms. It again matches the



kept as 32-bit data, where real and imaginary parts each had
16 bits. A 50% toggle rate and a 400-MHz sampling rate
are assumed for power estimation. For the proposed switched
model, the toggle rate of different cross-term branches is set
in accordance with the probability given in Figs. 10 and 14.
It is worth noting that the complexity comparison and power
estimation here are indicative and aim to show the relative
number/trend only. The absolute numbers and power consump-
tion depend on the specific model used and the actual circuit
implementation in real applications.
The comparison for both PAs is given in Tables VI and VII.
Compared with the full-size GMP-DDR models, the proposed
Fig. 13. AM–AM and AM–PM characteristics with and without the switched switched model used only around 60% DSP units and reduced
GMP-DDR model on PA 2.
the power consumption by 40.4% and 38.3% for the two cases.
For reference, the results for using just one type of cross
term without switching are also listed. Thus, it shows that the
real-time model switching technique can greatly reduce the
required hardware utilization and power consumption while
maintaining comparable linearization performance.

In this article, we present a novel real-time model switching
approach to reduce the computational complexity of DPD
model implementation. By combining the cross-term switching
Fig. 14. Probability of selecting different cross-term branches on PA 2. and coefficient switching techniques, the model can dynami-
cally select the most suitable cross terms and coefficient set for
comparison in Table V, which shows that the DDR-2 model every input data sample. The iterative alternate minimization
has better accuracy than DDR-1 and GMP models. Thus, framework is also shown to be an effective method to optimize
the results clearly demonstrate that the proposed method can the proposed DPD model. Therefore, by applying the proposed
accurately identify the important cross terms. As the selection method, the power consumption of DPD models can be greatly
is performed automatically during the training process, the reduced with little cost on performance.
proposed method can bring more flexibility into the DPD
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[9] F. M. Barradas, L. C. Nunes, J. C. Pedro, T. R. Cunha, P. M. Lavrador, [31] J. Xia, M. Yang, Y. Guo, and A. Zhu, “A broadband high-efficiency
and P. M. Cabral, “Accurate linearization with low-complexity models Doherty power amplifier with integrated compensating reactance,” IEEE
using cascaded digital predistortion systems,” IEEE Microw. Mag., Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., vol. 64, no. 7, pp. 2014–2024, Jul. 2016.
vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 94–103, Feb. 2015. [32] M. Li, J. Pang, Y. Li, and A. Zhu, “Bandwidth enhancement of Doherty
[10] Y.-J. Liu, J. Zhou, W. Chen, and B.-H. Zhou, “A robust augmented power amplifier using modified load modulation network,” IEEE Trans.
complexity-reduced generalized memory polynomial for wideband Circuits Syst. I, Reg. Papers, vol. 67, no. 6, pp. 1824–1834, Jun. 2020.
RF power amplifiers,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 61, no. 5, [33] A. S. Tehrani, H. Cao, T. Eriksson, M. Isaksson, and C. Fager, “A com-
pp. 2389–2401, May 2014. parative analysis of the complexity/accuracy tradeoff in power amplifier
[11] A. Zhu, “Decomposed vector rotation-based behavioral modeling for behavioral models,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., vol. 58, no. 6,
digital predistortion of RF power amplifiers,” IEEE Trans. Microw. pp. 1510–1520, Jun. 2010.
Theory Techn., vol. 63, no. 2, pp. 737–744, Feb. 2015. [34] Xilinx. (2017). Xilinx Power Estimator User Guide. [Online]. Available:
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Dec. 2014.
[13] P. L. Gilabert, A. Cesari, G. Montoro, E. Bertran, and J.-M. Dilhac,
“Multi-lookup table FPGA implementation of an adaptive digital pre- Yue Li (Member, IEEE) received the B.E. degree in
distorter for linearizing RF power amplifiers with memory effects,” IEEE information engineering from Southeast University,
Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 372–384, Feb. 2008. Nanjing, China, in 2016, and the Ph.D. degree
[14] A. Molina, K. Rajamani, and K. Azadet, “Digital predistortion using in electronic engineering from University College
lookup tables with linear interpolation and extrapolation: Direct least Dublin (UCD), Dublin, Ireland, in 2020.
squares coefficient adaptation,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., He is currently a Post-Doctoral Researcher with
vol. 65, no. 3, pp. 980–987, Mar. 2017. the RF and Microwave Research Group, UCD. His
[15] S. Afsardoost, T. Eriksson, and C. Fager, “Digital predistortion using a current research interests include behavioral model-
vector-switched model,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., vol. 60, ing and digital predistortion for radio frequency (RF)
no. 4, pp. 1166–1174, Apr. 2012. power amplifiers.
[16] Y. Li, W. Cao, and A. Zhu, “Instantaneous sample indexed magnitude-
selective affine function-based behavioral model for digital predistortion
of RF power amplifiers,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., vol. 66,
no. 11, pp. 5000–5010, Nov. 2018. Xiaoyu Wang (Graduate Student Member, IEEE)
[17] Y. Li, X. Wang, J. Pang, and A. Zhu, “Boosted model tree-based received the B.E. degree in information engineering
behavioral modeling for digital predistortion of RF power amplifiers,” from Southeast University, Nanjing, China, in 2015.
IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., vol. 69, no. 9, pp. 3976–3988, She is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree at Uni-
Sep. 2021. versity College Dublin (UCD), Dublin, Ireland.
[18] J. A. Becerra, M. J. Madero-Ayora, and C. Crespo-Cadenas, “Compar- She is currently with the RF and Microwave
ative analysis of greedy pursuits for the order reduction of wideband Research Group, UCD. Her current research focuses
digital predistorters,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., vol. 67, no. 9, on digital predistortion for radio frequency (RF)
pp. 3575–3585, Sep. 2019. power amplifiers, with a particular emphasis
[19] Y. Li and A. Zhu, “On-demand real-time optimizable dynamic model on applications to multiple-input–multiple-output
sizing for digital predistortion of broadband RF power amplifiers,” IEEE (MIMO) systems.
Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., vol. 68, no. 7, pp. 2891–2901, Jul. 2020.
[20] K. K. Parhi, VLSI Digital Signal Processing Systems: Design and
Implementation. Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley, 2007. Anding Zhu (Senior Member, IEEE) received
[21] C. D. Presti, D. F. Kimball, and P. M. Asbeck, “Closed-loop digital the Ph.D. degree in electronic engineering from
predistortion system with fast real-time adaptation applied to a handset University College Dublin (UCD), Dublin, Ireland,
WCDMA PA module,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., vol. 60, in 2004.
no. 3, pp. 604–618, Mar. 2012. He is currently a Professor with the School
[22] L. Guan and A. Zhu, “Low-cost FPGA implementation of Volterra of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
series-based digital predistorter for RF power amplifiers,” IEEE Trans. UCD. His research interests include high-
Microw. Theory Techn., vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 866–872, Apr. 2010. frequency nonlinear system modeling and device
[23] B. Fehri and S. Boumaiza, “Automated symbolic optimization and high characterization techniques, high-efficiency power
level synthesis of single- and multi- band digital pre-distortion hardware amplifier design, wireless transmitter architectures,
in an FPGA,” in IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. Dig., May 2015, digital signal processing, and nonlinear system
pp. 1–3. identification algorithms.
[24] H. Huang, J. Xia, and S. Boumaiza, “Novel parallel-processing-based Dr. Zhu is an elected member of MTT-S AdCom, the Chair of the Electronic
hardware implementation of baseband digital predistorters for linearizing Information Committee, and the Vice-Chair of the Publications Committee.
wideband 5G transmitters,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., vol. 68, He is also the Chair of the MTT-S Microwave High-Power Techniques
no. 9, pp. 4066–4076, Sep. 2020. Committee. He served as the Secretary for MTT-S AdCom in 2018. He was
[25] E. G. Lima, T. R. Cunha, H. M. Teixeira, M. Pirola, and J. C. Pedro, the General Chair of the 2018 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave
“Base-band derived Volterra series for power amplifier modeling,” in Workshop Series on 5G Hardware and System Technologies (IMWS-5G) and
IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. Dig., Jun. 2009, pp. 1361–1364. a Guest Editor of the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON M ICROWAVE T HEORY AND
[26] C. Crespo-Cadenas, M. J. Madero-Ayora, J. Reina-Tosina, and T ECHNIQUES —Special Issue on 5G Hardware and System Technologies.
J. A. Becerra-González, “Formal deduction of a Volterra series model He is also an Associate Editor of the IEEE Microwave Magazine and a
for complex-valued systems,” Signal Process., vol. 131, pp. 245–248, Track Editor of the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON M ICROWAVE T HEORY AND
Feb. 2017. T ECHNIQUES .

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