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Calzada, Oas, Albay

Prof. Ed. 12 – Participation and Teaching Assistanship

Name: __________________________________ Course/Yr/Blk: ________________ Date: ___________

I. Module Title: Module 1 – Lesson 3 – Understanding AR Concepts, Processes and Models

II. Lesson Objectives:

At the end of this Learning Episode 3. Students must be able to:

 Use concepts and processes of action research.

 Identify sample models of AR such as of DepEd, 2017: Mcniff and Whitehead 2006; and
Nelson, 2014.
III. Lesson Opener:

Action research has been embraced in education for its value in transforming school practices by the
practitioners themselves. It is used to address practical problems in the classroom. It is a process that
allows teachers to study their own classroom and school setting to improve the effectiveness. Teacher
Action Research (TAR) is a method for educational practitioners (teachers, school leaders) to engaged in
the assessment and improvement of their own practice.

It is a tool to help classroom teachers consider their teaching methods or to adopt a strategy in order
to solve everyday problem in the school setting.

IV. Lesson Content/s:

Lesson 3 – Understanding AR Concepts, Processes and Models

This lesson deals on the processes in conducting action research based from different adaptation
from McNiff and Whitehead 2006; DepEd (DO 16) 2017 model. These processes can be found in the
reference book, FS 2. Participation and Teaching Assistantship on pages 18-28. Please read and
understand very well the content in every page of your book.

V. Activities:

Revisit the Infographic/s

Action Research is a dynamic process anchored on Reflection   Action Cycle of Observing,

Reflecting, Acting, Evaluating, and Modifying.

Study very well Figure 1 and 2 on page 22 of your reference book and explain how the cycle
works in the process of preparing an Action Research.

After studying figure 1 and 2, you are now ready to participate and assist.

Understanding full the concept and the process of Action Research will enable you to learn and
provide the needed assistance to your teacher mentor in doing Action Research.


A. What concepts have been emphasizing in the task and infographics? Give at least four.
B. Since the 3 models are all for Action Research, what are the common elements of the three?

VI. Analyze:

Choose the AR sample Abstract you submitted in Episode 2. Analyze the components vis-à-vis, only one
model out of the 3 presented.

You can choose from any of the 3 models with the components as your guide. The models are found in
your reference book on pages 23-25.

 What have you understood about the concept of Action Research and how will these be utilized
in your practice?


As a future teacher, is conducting an Action Research worth doing?


How can AR be useful for every classroom teacher?


VII. Write Action Research Prompts

Your guide in writing your prompts Actions Research is found in your reference book, page 26. You can
use a separate sheet of bond paper or yellow pad paper you’re your answer.

VIII. Post-Test (Check for Mastery)

Direction: Check from the choices, what awareness/respond to the question correctly and put an (x) if

1. Action research requires a teacher to be:

_____ observant of what is happening in the classroom

_____ asking one-self of how to improve teaching

_____ following the daily routine all the time

_____ finding ways on how children should learn better

_____ blaming learners for their inability to learn

2. There are many ways in doing Action Research which follow a cyclical process. The process

_____ Observe, Reflect, Plan, Act

_____ Observe, Plan, Act, Reflect

_____ Reflect, Act, Plan, Observe

_____ Plan, Observe, Act, Reflect

3. As an action researcher, I will be developing my skill as a person who is

_____ systematic

_____ reflective

_____ rigorous

_____ Futuristic

_____ Situational

4. On which of the following would you choose to conduct an Action Research? Why?

_____ changes in the classroom practices. Why? _________________________________________


_____ Effects of curriculum restructuring. Why? _________________________________________


_____ Understanding of self as a teacher. Why? _________________________________________


_____Teaching a new process to the students. Why? _____________________________________


5. Which of the following relates closely to what action research is?

_____ Used to address practical problems in the classroom

_____ Refers only to everyday life of the learners

_____ Allows teachers to study their own classroom

_____ Brings theories and practices together

NOTE: Submission of Lesson 3 of Module 1 will be on October 20, 2021.


Prepared by:


Director for Academic Affairs

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