Lesson Plan 5

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Subject : English
Class/ semester : XII/6
Meeting :I
Time : 60 x 45 menit
Standard of Competency : English Communication At Level Intermediate
Basic Competency : Understanding a Monologue

1. General information in a monologue can be answered correctly
2. Detail information question can be answered correctly
3. A monologue in certain situation can be rewritten becomes a summary

1. Targets
a. Listening
 Students are able to complete cloze report/ advertisement based on oral
b. Speaking
 Students are able to announce a monologue correctly
c. Reading
 Students are able to read a monologue
 Students are able to answer the questions based on the monologue
d. Writing
 Students can write sentences of yes-no question in a short

2. Material
a. Example of monologue
Career for a better job
Data entry/ Clerk
Insurance firm seeks reliable person for operations divisions.
Must be good with detail and computer literate.
Responsibilities include data entry, filling, and word processing.
Good salary and benefits.
Pleasant atmosphere.
For more information, please contact
(021) 651985, 652987, Fax. 657890

3. Methods
a. Demonstration
b. Reading passage

4. Teaching Learning Activities

a. Pre-activities
 Brainstorming
b. Whilst Activities
 Teacher gives a chart consist of the example of monologue
 Teacher reads the monologue
 Teacher explains the use of announcement and ask them to answer the
questions that will be given by the teacher
 Teacher gives written exercises: completing cloze report.
c. Post activities
 Teacher gives homework by asking the students to collects as many as
monologue they can find.

1. Targets
a. Listening
 Students are able to answer some questions given orally
b. Speaking
 Students are able answer some questions orally
c. Reading
 Students are able answer some questions based on the passage given
d. Writing

2. Material
a. Example of monologue


We have an opening for a SMK graduate, experience in book sales to schools

or government institutions. Good English is preferred.
Write to:
CV. Angkasa Publishers
Po. Box 1353/BD

b. Examples of detail information question

- What is the information about?
- Where to apply the application?

3. Methods
a. Demonstration
b. Reading passage
c. Drills

4. Teaching Learning Activities

a. Pre-activities
- Reviewing previous lesson
b. Whilst Activities
- Teacher gives a monolog to the students
- Teacher asks some questions based on the monolog by using
detail information questions; what, who, where, when, why, how
- Teacher explains the use of the detail information question
- Teacher gives other monolog to the student
- Teacher asks students tp make detail information questions
based on the monolog
- Teacher asks students conclude the material together
1. Targets
a. Listening
- Students are able to answer the questions based on oral information
b. Speaking
c. Reading
- Students are able to answer the questions after reading a passage
d. Writing
- Students are able to re-write a monolog

2. Material
a. An example of monolog
3. Methods
a. Demonstration
b. Reading short text
4. Teaching Learning Activities
a. Pre activity
- Reviewing previous lesson
b. Whilst activities
- Teacher gives example of monolog to the students
- Teacher asks the students to read it aloud
- Teacher gives example how to paraphrase a monolog and
make a summary from the monolog
- Teacher gives other example of monolog to the students
- Teacher gives written exercises: paraphrasing a monolog
- Teacher asks students to read it aloud in front of the class
c. Post activity
- Teacher and students conclude the material together

5. Evaluation

Administration Officer
Insurance firm seeks reliable person for operation divisions.
-University Graduate
-Must be good with detail and computer literate.
-Responsibilities include data entry, filling, and word processing.
-Good salary and benefits.

Pleasant atmosphere. For more information, please contact:

(021)51985, 652987, Fax 657890

What is the monolog about?

What position does the company need?
What position is offered?
Approved by Padang, January 2009
The Headmaster of English Teacher
SMKN 1 Padang

Farida Z, S.Pd Drs. Andri Defrioka,M.Pd

NIP. 131 681 239 NIP 131 997 917

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