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Name: Hesham Al-Khalawi ID: 201783050 Section: 05

Q8 Answer:
 Since we have two questions with answers from scale 1 to 5, the number of
possibilities is 5^2 = 25 possibility.
 The sample space consists of:
 (1,1), (1,2), (1,3), (1,4), (1,5), (2,1), (2,2)…, (5,5).
 Or we can rewrite it as:{(x1,x2)| x1,x2 ∈ (1,2,3,4,5)}
Q25 Answer:
 First, we represent negative as 0 and positive as 1.
 Then we create the sample space based on A and B.
 Since A holds three positives and B holds three negatives, we can write the
sample space as follows:
 S={(1,1,1), (1,1,0), (1,0,0), (0,0,0)}. Since we are observing the number of
cells and not the order, (1,0,0) and (0,1,0) are considered equal.
 Then we represent the sample space graphically using a tree diagram:

1 0

11 10 00

111 110 100 000


(a) Answer: A = (1,1,1)

(b) Answer: B = (0,0,0)
(c) Answer: A∩B = φ
(d) Answer: (A∪B)’ = A’∩ B’ = φ
Q37 Answer:
 We can find the number of possible designs by applying multiplication rule:
 3(shapes) * 4(sizes) * 3(input valves) * 4(output valves) = 144 possible
Q42 Answer:
 By using permutation and combination counting techniques we can find
the number of layouts possible when the chips are of different types
(permutation) or the same type(combination):

15 15 ! 15 !
(a) Answer: P5 = ( 15−5 ) ! = 10 ! =360,360 layouts.
15 15!
(b) Answer: C 5 = 5 ! ( 10 ! ) =3003 layouts.

Q55 Answer: Given the probabilities P(a) = 0.2, P(b) = 0.1, P(c) = 0.2, P(d) = 0.3,
P(e) = 0.2:
(a) Answer: P(A) = P(a) + P(b) + P(c) = 0.2 + 0.1 + 0.2 = 0.5
(b) Answer: P(B) = P(c) + P(d) + P(e) = 0.2 + 0.3 + 0.2 = 0.7
(c) Answer: P(A’) = P(d) + P(e) = 0.3 + 0.2 = 0.5
(d) Answer: P(A union B) = P(A) + P(B) – P(A intersect B) = 0.5 + 0.7 – 0.2 = 1
(e) Answer: P(A intersect B) = P(c) = 0.2
Q63 Answer: Assume the first three digits are represented as D1, D2, D3. And
the second three letters are represented as L1, L2, L3:
 P(D1) = 1/10, P(D2) = 1/10, P(D3) = 1/10
 P(D) = P(D1 ∩ D2 ∩ D3) = 1/10 * 1/10 * 1/10 = 1/1000
 P(L1) = 1/26, P(L2) = 1/26, P(L3) = 1/26
 P(L) = P(L1 ∩ L2 ∩ L3) = 1/26 * 1/26 * 1/26 = 1/17576
 P(L∩D) = 1/1000 * 1/17576 = 5.68*10^-8
Q77 Answer: We can solve this question by representing the given information
in the form of a table (Where SH represent “Shock Resistance” and SC
represent “Scratch Resistance”):
SH(High) SH (Low)

SC (High) 70 10 80

SC (Low) 15 5 20

85 15 100 (Total)

(a) Answer: P(SC High ∩ SH High) = 70/100 = 0.7

(b) Answer: P(SC High ∪ SH High) = P(SC High) + P(SH High) – P(SC High ∩ SH
High) = 80/100 + 85/100 – 70/100 = 0.95
(c) Answer:
 To check for mutual exclusivity, we must prove: P(SC High∩SH High) = 0
 Since 0.7 ≠ 0 these events are not mutually exclusive.
Q88 Answer:
We can solve this question similarly to the previous one. We create a table
where ME represents “Melanin Content,” and MO represents “Moisture

ME(High) ME (Low)

MO (High) 13 9 22
MO (Low) 48 30 78

61 39 100 (Total)

(a) Answer: P(A) = P(ME Low) = 39/100 = 0.39

(b) Answer: P(B) = P(MO High) = 22/100 = 0.22
P ( ME Low ∩ MO High)
(c) Answer: P(A|B) = P ( MO High)
= 0.09/0.22 = 0.4091 (Approximated
P ( MO High∩ ME Low)
(d) Answer: P(B|A) = P( ME Low)
= 0.09/0.39 = 0.2308 (Approximated

Q102 Answer: Given A = 5292 (Event of total visits in hospital 1), B = 953
(Event of LWBS visits of all hospitals):
P (A ∩B) 22252 195
(a) Answer: P(A|B) = P( B) = 953 = 953 =0.2046
270+ 246+242
P ( A ' ∩B) 22252 758
(b) Answer: P(A’|B) = =
P( B)
P (A ∩B ' ) 1277+3820 5097
(c) Answer: P(A|B’) = P( B ') = 4485+16814 = 21299 =0.2393
P (B ∩ A) 195
(d) Answer: P(B|A) = P( A) = 5292 =0.0368

Q108 Answer: First, let event A be a roll that contain a flaw and B be the roll is
 By applying total probability:
 P(A) = P(B∩A) + P(B’∩A)
 P(A) = P(B)*P(A|B) + P(B’)*P(A|B’) = (0.7)(0.01) + (0.02)(0.30) = 0.013
Q125 Answer:
(a) Answer: We have to prove: P(B|A) = P(B) to confirm independency:
 P(B|A) = 4/599 (without replacement)
 P(B) = P(A)*P(B|A) + P(A’) *P(B|A’) = (5/600)(4/599)+(5/599)(595/600) =
 Since 4/599 ≠ 5/600. They are not independent
(B) Answer: Since we are allowing replacement, P(B|A) = 5/600 and P(B) =
5/600, P(B|A) = P(B), hence A and B are independent.

Q141 Answer: If we can prove that P(A∩B) = P(A)*P(B) then these events are
 P(A) = (3*5*3*5)/(4*3*5*3*5) = 0.25
 P(B) + (4*3*4*3*5)/(4*3*5*3*5) = 0.8
 P(A∩B) = (3*4*3*5)/(4*3*5*3*5) = 0.2
 Since P(A∩B) = 0.2 and P(A)*P*(B) = 0.2, the events are independent

Q149 Answer: By applying both total probability for multiple events and bayes
theorem we can reach the answer:
(a) Answer: Using total probability. Where S = signal, C = chlorinated
compound, O = organic pollutants, V = volatile solvents:
 P(S) = P(O)*P(S|O) + P(V)*P(S|V) + P(C)*P(S|C) = (0.60)(0.997)+(0.27)
(0.9995)+(0.13)(0.897) = 0.9835 (rounded up)

(b) Answer: By applying bayes theorem and using the previous result:
P ( S|C ) P ( C ) ( 0.897 )( 0.13 )
 P(C|S) = = =¿0.1186 (rounded up)
P (S ) 0.9834

Q153 Answer: Similar to the previous question, we will apply total probability
for only two events this time and use bayes theorem. Where S = search site, A
= affiliate site, B = blue, G = green:
 P(B) = P(S)*P(B|S) + P(A)*P(B|A) = (0.7)(0.4)+(0.3)(0.7) = 0.49
P (B∨S) P( s) (0.4 )(0.7)
 P(S|B) = P(B)
=¿ 0.5714

Q172 Answer:
(a) Answer: P(No error) = 0.25 (Given that 25% of technicians completed it
(b) Anwer: P(Error) = P(Major error) + P(Minor Error) = 0.70 + 0.05 = 0.75.

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