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Ampayon, Butuan City


General topic: Depth First Search and its Business Applications


1 (Ugurlu et al., A distributed depth first Asynchronous In this research, the authors offered a cost-effective distributed
2020) search based algorithm for c depth first technique for determining a lower limit for a network's edge
edge connectivity search trees connectivity using at most c depth-first-search trees, where c is
estimation the edge connectivity. The suggested approach is
asynchronous and does not require any node synchronization.

A network's edge connectivity is the number of edges that

must be removed in order for the network to be disconnected.
The minimal number of edge-disjoint pathways between all
nodes is determined by edge connectivity. As a result, locating
the edge connectivity can disclose important information
regarding dependability, other pathways, and bottlenecks.

The proposed algorithm starts a distributed depth-first-search

process at the root node, and the nodes choose the next node
in the tree based on their available edges to maximize the total
number of formed trees. The simulation results demonstrated
that the suggested method discovers edge connection with an
average accuracy ratio of 48 percent.

2 (Meiliana et al., Automated Test Case Modified depth This study sought to build test cases automatically from UML
2017) Generation from UML first search diagrams since model-based testing performed early in the
Activity Diagram and algorithm software development process is more efficient. Software
Sequence Diagram using testing is a crucial activity in program development that deals
Depth First Search with software quality. However, the testing process consumes
Algorithm activities that must be automated in order to save a significant
amount of resources. Automating test case generation as the
initial testing procedure is being highlighted as a step toward
automated testing. The activity diagram, sequence diagram,
and SYTG as the combination graph were all employed in this

This study demonstrated that the modified DFS method

produces correct results, with each node on the test case
including any condition. Due to the likelihood of duplicate test
cases for some test cases, the comparison result from three
distinct test cases created reveals that test cases using merged
UML may not definitely result in superior test cases. This report
also included an experiment result demonstrating that
sequence diagrams can provide better test cases.

3 (Wamiliana et al., The hybrid of depth first Depth first In this paper, the authors looked at how a mix of the depth first
2016) search technique and search search approach and Kruskal's Algorithm may be used to solve
Kruskal's algorithm for algorithm and the Multi Period Degree Constrained Minimal Spanning Tree
solving the multiperiod Kruskal's challenge (MPDCMST). This is a problem of determining the
degree constrained algorithm overall minimum installation cost while also retaining the
minimum spanning tree greatest number of edges incident to every vertex given an
problem edge weighted graph G(V, E) when all weights are nonnegative.
To maintain network stability, the linkages on each vertex are
restricted. Furthermore, due to financial constraints, the
installation procedure was separated into many phases.

The study gave a clear explanation of the MPDCMST challenge

and how it may be solved by the use of a degree constrained
minimum spanning tree, traversing it by a depth first search
and finding a minimum spanning forest of an undirected edge-
weighted graph.

4 (Sumathi et al., Discovering Maximal Association In this paper, an efficient approach for determining the most
2013) Frequent Itemset using array, depth frequent item sets is provided. To mine the most frequent
Association Array and first search, itemset, this approach utilizes the Association array
Depth First Search and pruning methodology and the depth first search strategy.
Procedure with Effective
The initial stage in association rule mining is to identify all
Pruning Mechanisms
frequently occurring item sets. All frequent item sets
discovered in the first stage are used to generate dependable
association rules. Obtaining all frequently occurring item sets
in a big database leads to the best overall performance in
association rule mining.

Pruning is done to reduce the search space as well as to

minimize the amount of frequency computations and maximal
frequent candidate sets. Even if the number of Maximal
Frequent Itemset is large, the approach produces superior
results for sparse datasets.

5 (An et al., 2017) Application of Depth-First Depth first The depth-first search algorithm was presented by the authors
Search Method in Finding search to locate the recirculation of airflows in sophisticated mine
Recirculation in Mine algorithm ventilation systems. This recirculation of airflows can result in
Ventilation System a concentration of polluted air, creating an unhealthy working
environment for anyone working in an underground mine.

The depth first search technique was adapted to look for

recirculation of airflows which are of greater benefit, and with
which that does not concentrate the air with dangerous
particles. A few airflow recirculations are discovered and
validated by the mine ventilation simulation results. It is
concluded that the proposed method is a valuable tool in
finding recirculation of airflows in a complicated mine
ventilation system.

Submitted by:
Digitally signed by
Domingo Jen-Eric
Date: 2022.02.02 20:

An, H., Shi, J., Wang, X., & Lyu, L. (2017). Application of Depth-First Search Method in Finding Recirculation in Mine Ventilation
System. Stavební Obzor - Civil Engineering Journal, 26(3), 286–295.

Meiliana, Septian, I., Alianto, R. S., Daniel, & Gaol, F. L. (2017). Automated Test Case Generation from UML Activity Diagram
and Sequence Diagram using Depth First Search Algorithm. Procedia Computer Science, 116, 629–637.

Sumathi, K., Kannan, S., & Nagarajan, K. (2013). Discovering Maximal Frequent Itemset using Association Array and Depth
First Search Procedure with Effective Pruning Mechanisms. International Journal of Computer Applications, 76(13), 14–18.

Ugurlu, O., Khalilpour Akram, V., & Tursel Eliiyi, D. (2020). A distributed depth first search based algorithm for edge
connectivity estimation. 16th International Conference on Network and Service Management, CNSM 2020, 2nd International
Workshop on Analytics for Service and Application Management, AnServApp 2020 and 1st International Workshop on the Future
Evolution of Internet Protocols, IPFuture 2020.

Wamiliana, Usman, M., Sakethi, D., Yuniarti, R., & Cucus, A. (2016). The hybrid of depth first search technique and Kruskal’s
algorithm for solving the multiperiod degree constrained minimum spanning tree problem. Proceedings of the 2015 4th
International Conference on Interactive Digital Media, ICIDM 2015, Icidm, 0–3.

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