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Story of Seammeet

The Story (as known by the villagers)

About 6 days ago the hamlet woke up to find fog had rolled in. This was a fairly common
occurrence so no one thought twice about it. One of the fishermen headed to his boat to prepare
for the coming day. He walked into the mists toward the docks. Villagers later heard shouts
coming from the dock. Being hardy folks, many headed toward the docks in the mist. They
found the mist was so thick they soon lost sight of one another. More shouts were heard and the
mist suddenly vanished as if by magic. Four bodies serrated and ripped of fishermen were found,
the terrible wounds had been inflicted upon them by something in the mist. The fishermen were
aghast at the incident and immediately sent a runner to the manner to rouse the Lord.

The Lord sent his Reeve to see what had happened. The Reeve, a good man, was aghast at what
the villager showed him. He returned to the manor and informed the Lord of the Tragedy. The
Lord, an elderly man, called for his armor to be made ready and his sword brought to him. The
Reeve and the Lady of the Manor delicately calmed the Lord, at his age, he can barely wield his
great sword as he once did. Instead, they counseled him to send for aid. It was agreed three
runners would be sent to the closest villages to ask for assistance and to warn them of the attack.

As it was decided so it was done, three runners were sent from Seameet.

Since then, there have been four more days of mist and four more attacks, all resulting in deaths.
In all attacks but one the bodies were found. In the second attack the eldest daughter of the
farmer, Sineag MacNia, was lost. Her screams were heard but her body was never found. It is
believed whatever is attacking Seameet took the body. The farmer and his family are in deep
mourning over their loss.

The third attack showed something different, not only were people killed, but the fishing boats
were attacked and two were sunk in their moorings. The fourth and final attack was twofold, the
mist rolled in and despite precautions taken two villagers were caught outside and killed. As the
town buried these bodies one of the fishermen set sail, determined to make his catch. As the
villagers watched in horror the most returned rolling in from either side of the protected cove of
the harbor. Screams and the smashing of wood were heard as the mist enveloped the boat. The
mist cleared, again as if by magic, and the villagers watched as the oat sank. The bodies of the
fishermen floated toward the beach.

Not only is the loss of life devastating to the hamlet but the fishermen have not been able to go to
see for almost a week now, afraid of the mist and what it brings.

The Rest of the Story (as known by the DM)

Unbeknownst to the town none of the runners were able to get help. The runner who went north
ran afoul of the smugglers hiding in the ruined keep. They want no chance of their enterprise
being interrupted. The runner sent south was killed by a Sea Hag unknown to the hamlet or its
attacker. The runner who sped west to find help was killed by the bite of a poisonous snake. It is
the third body that was discovered by the passing patrol.

The village is under attack by giant crabs that have been directed to attack the village by a Dark
Druid. The Dark Druid behind the attack is Sineag MacNia, the farmer’s daughter. She was
known for her exploration of the beach and collecting shells she turned into jewelry for sale.
She was in love with Colum, the oldest son of the Innkeeper. Colum know this and seduced her,
promising to marry her. After he had his way with her, he laughed and told her it would never
happen. Colum bragged to his brother Toag but swore him to secrecy. Colum considers himself a
ladies’ man and will try to hit on any female PCs. His attempt will be almost laughable to them
but to hamlet girls he is a lothario, picture a guido with fake gold chains and a v neck shirt
showing off his chest hair. The PCs will have to confront him with hard evidence before he will
admit to anything. His parents are well respected in the town so any accusation without evidence
could some townsfolk against the PCs.

Sineag fled to the beach where she felt safe and it was here, she found an injured woman. She
tried to take the woman to the village but the woman protested. Instead, she directed her to a
hidden sea cave. The woman was a Dark Druid fleeing from good Druids that had attacked her
Druid enclave. She was the only survivor but was gravely wounded.

Knowing her time was limited without help and seeing the vulnerability of Sineag she played the
innocent victim. She convinced Sineag to keep her presence secret from the hamlet and bring her
things in secret. Sineag did this and the woman subtlety played upon Sineag convincing her all
the hamlet knew what Colum had done and condoned his actions. The villagers, according to the
woman, thought Sineag deserved what happened to her and that the Lord himself was actually an
evil man. Sineag fell for the woman’s trickery and began to believe her words.

As the woman healed, she taught Sineag the way to cleanse her village of the evil infecting it.
Sineag willingly an eagerly took to her lessons. By the time the woman was healed, Sineag had
become a Dark Druid. She carved her armor and dagger from large pieces of driftwood and then
consecrated the cave to her new god, Aajill (evil goddess of nature). The woman gifted her with
a Wand of Fog and Amulet of Charm Crustaceans. Two minor magic items she had saved from
the good Druids. She told Sineag she should use the amulet to summon giant crabs and use them
to cleanse the village.

The woman was a Dark Druid, believes it is the duty of all druids to combat civilization
whenever and wherever they can, and make life miserable for all of those who live a kind of
civilized life. For instance, fishermen of Seameet with their fishing are considered such civilized
people, and should have their boats and lives destroyed. Thus, she turned Sineag into the enemy
of the village of Seameet.

After training Sineag, the woman left. She promised to return with more Dark Druids to aid
Sineag in razing Seameet. She truly means this and if the party takes too long (DM’s discretion)
they could face a large number of Dark Druids.
Sineag believes, as do all Dark Druids, that they are the True Druids and other Druids have fallen
from their duty. This belief is now central her being. She sees her task as righteous and needed.
The party will not easily, if at all, convince her of her error.

Seameet’s Location

Seameet is located in a unnamed small bay on the east coast of ap Meryk within the kingdom of
Ellan Vannin.

Getting the Party Involved.

As stated in the DM section of the Story of Seameet, the third runner was discovered by a patrol
of Soldiers. They are troops of Ellan Vannin conducting a routine patrol. They discovered the
body but the message the Lord had penned had been rained on and was not longer legible. The
following are the words the patrol could make out:

12 Týsdagr, Ý lir,
I humbly request aide my lands of Seameet are under attack by
unknown forces and some of my tenants have been killed. We lack
trained men-at-arms to protect the citizenry. I beseech you to spare some
of your guardsmen to help us in this dire situation.

Lord Aonghus Friseal

The leader of the patrol, Man-at-Arms Vincent Rekker, knows he must attempt to find out who
sent the note and why. He is leading a patrol of only five men, hardly the number he needs to
search all the villages and hamlets in the area. With this in mind Man-at-Arms Rekker has hit
upon a novel idea.

He and his men start out each toward a separate village or hamlet and one to their headquarters.
He knows travels through Ellan Vannin are plentiful and is confident he and his men can find
reinforcements on the way. He has authorized his men to offer a letter to draw 25 silver pennies
and 5 gold shilling from their headquarters. Each has a note with his mark. The man-at-arms is to
determine if the village they are assigned is the one in trouble. If not, they are to requisition
troops from the local Lord, knowing the strength of the local Lords he was firm in ordering his
men to only ask for five. The furthest North and South runners are instructed to waste no time
but to start out immediately after giving the request for troops. They are to meet the troops in the
next village.

Man-at-Arms Rekker is the one that will find the party along the way to Seameet, the village he
picked. Each party member will see the same thing and get the same speech.
[You see an armored man approaching you, he is wearing bronze leg vambraces, bronze arm
greaves, bronze breastplate and a bronze helm. At his left hip is a longsword, his right hip sports
a dagger and a short bow and quiver on his back. You see the rim of a shield just over his
shoulders. (it is a brass embossed shield with the Erin Vannin coat of arms of a gold Pegasusd
rearing). His stride is brisk and as he gets closer, he as grim look of determination on his face. As
he nears, he stops and raises his right hand, open with the palm facing you (the global signal of
nonaggression). He is a barrel-chested man with auburn hair and green eyes. He stands about
average height for Kelt and is leanly muscled (5’8” tall. 168 lbs.). There is one thing that sticks
out immediately, he is stunning good looking.

“I am Man-at-Arms Vincent Rekker of Ellan Vannin, I wish to speak with you.”

Once he is acknowledged he will approach and gruffly give this speech:

“My patrol and I are tasked with patrolling these parts. We have found the body of a
simple villager, killed by a venomous bite. He had a written note with him. It was a request for
help by a village, but the rains made most of it unreadable. I have split my patrol to search out
what village is in need. I, myself, am headed to the hamlet of Seameet. Without help I fear we
cannot aid those in need. You look like adventurers so today is your lucky day, you are now
working with me and I need you to aid me as I we look for the village in need. Yeah, I know
your type works for gold, I will give you a letter to draw 25 silver pennies and 5 gold shilling
from our headquarters to split between you and any others we find on the way. I’m not going to
haggle nor am I letting you do anything but accept this
task. Now be a hero and follow me to Seameet, if we
find nothing then I guess you are free to go on your
merry way with the coins.”

Man-at-Arms Rekker is true to his word and will give

the PCs the letter and is genuinely concerned about the
hamlets. He just doesn’t have enough men so he is
making do with what he has. The silver and gold he
offers the party is a little more than he could make in 6
months, if the party tries to haggle, he will haggle, by
lowering his offer every time they try to get more.

Once all the party if together, should be only a day or

two at the most, the very next day they will arrive at
Seameet. Rekker will take them to the Manor first ELLAN VANNIN COAT OF ARMS
where the Lord will have the Reeve brief the party on
the situation. The Lord will automatically assume the
PCs are part of the Erin Vannin forces so he will not offer any extra reward. He will be shocked
and distrust the PCs if they try to ask for any coins.

The air in Seameet is of fear and sadness, they are mourning the loss of their friends and family.
Will wanting to help none of the villagers no why the town is under attack. Colum’s brother
Torag knows about his actions with Sineag but doesn’t think it has anything to do with the
attacks. Many of the villagers will offer to aid the party once they find out who is attacking
them. They are looking for someone to lash out at, but will still be hesitant to believe one of
their own is responsible, it will take just about a confession in the town square.

Sineag will know of the party’s arrival thanks to a chance moment of her watching the hamlet
just as the PC arrive. She knows they are not part of the village and recognizes the crest on
Rekker’s shield from other Soldiers she has seen. Knowing the party is there she will plan
accordingly; she is not stupid enough to try a frontal attack. She will plan taps and make sure to
attack only in the mist or when she has one party member alone, away from any witnesses.

Town of Seameet
Seameet is a small harbor and coastal hamlet and is a modest place, with a population of about
three hundred souls, who live in fifty or so houses. It is, essentially, a fishing harbor, where the
majority of the populace make their way by fishing or working on the sea. There is also a modest
farming side to the hamlet activities; with quite a number of sheep, a few cattle and a small
acreage of arable fields where wheat, corn and root crops are grown for the residents' food.

In many ways this little settlement is self-sufficient, producing enough food to survive on by
themselves. They also export a good quantity of fish, the surpluses from their catch, as well as
sheep's fleeces, which are made into wool and then woven into cloth in a wool town, just up the
coast. These outward-bound goods are balanced by importing finished goods, metals, salt and
exotic, 'foreign' foods not otherwise available in the hamlet.

The entire hamlet is the property of the Lord of the Manor, a Squire of the Realm, although it is
not really run on a feudal basis these days. His tenants (basically, everyone) pay his Lordship
money rents for their houses, farms and so on. The Lord of the Manor is an oldish man, who
lives quite comfortably on the incomes from this Manor. He has no other manors or estates

Life in this modest hamlet is generally quiet. Most contact, with the outside world is via the sea;
for the roads out of the hamlet leading inland are unsurfaced, and therefore only useable by
travelers on foot, or mounted on horses and ponies, in the dry season. These paths turn into
impassable muddy quagmires whenever it is wet and for most of the wintertime. You could say
the life-blood of this place is the sea; goods come in and go out on boats and small ships, as do
people and travelers.

The community here is very insular; everyone knowing everybody's business; gossip can be a
problem, as well as being a constant source of entertainment for the inhabitants. They say word
gets round the hamlet faster than a seagull. By the time a fisherman has walked up the lane from
the harbor to his home, his wife will already know; he is back from the sea, what sort of catch he
landed, and how tired he looked as he stepped ashore. For this reason, it is not a great place to do
anything underhand or felonious.
Ships from foreign parts and coastal traders stop in this harbor two or three times a week. It is
not large or deep enough to take big, ocean-going great cogs and ships that are much over forty
foot long. If such a vessel needed to collect or drop off anything or anyone here, then it would
anchor off shore and send a rowing boat into the harbor.

There are no soldiers or guards here; the Lord bore arms as a squire in his youth but could do
little with his great sword if attacked in his dotage, as he is now. His plate armor is on display in
his hall but could do with oiling and a good polish. Both of his young and vigorous sons are
away at present. The Squire has a small store of weapons in the manor; half a dozen swords,
some shields, helmets, crossbows and bolts and a few spears. There is a store of longbows and
arrows kept in the lookout tower, for defense, should they be needed. Many of the villagers,
toughened by a life with the sea, can be very hardy in a fight, even if the only weapons to hand
are knives, old cutlasses and wooden clubs. If they have enough warning, the men folk would
arm themselves with the long bows and put up a stout defense. They practice their archery every
week, as is set om in the King's law. No doubt they would all rally round manfully if there were
any threat to the hamlet from invaders or hostile forces.

Mist Chance
Roll Result
1 Mist, no crabs
2 No mist
3 Mist, 1-2 crabs
4 Mist, 3-4 crab
5 Normal mist that lasts until burnt off by the sun, terrifies the villagers
6 Arrival of one of the other Soldiers
1. Valkyrie
2. Giorgi Romanov
3. Shiro
4. Kyle Blackwood
7 Mist, 2 crabs and Sineag
8 Mist and a larger amphibious predator that followed the crabs

All villages will know 1d3 rumors. These rumors are not necessarily relevant to the crab attacks.
The villagers whose description says no usable information still know rumors and will rely them
to the party if asked correctly.

Rumors D20:
1. Sailors have reported strange sightings of icebergs in warmer water.
2. One of the last ships that dropped trade here spoke of seeing other ships docking north of here, by
the old towers. Weird ain’t it?
3. The smith is a dwarf in disguise (The smith is a short muscular man), Wouldn’t risk pissing him
off though he is a Guild Smith
4. Before the attacks, a strange man was seen skulking about the edge of the village. Devotee before
he was captured
5. There is a legend about a powerful ice creature that once attacked the village, I bet this is what’s
6. Giant sea creatures are responsible for the attacks
7. The one-armed man cursed the town to be attacked by one legged hopping demons
8. The Char Woman is a spy for the royals, their up to something
9. The Lord’s sword is a powerful magic weapon
10. Some of the sheep in the grazing fields have been acting strange, almost like they have started
watching the villagers and seem to be talking to one another with their bleats. Puts you off don’t
you know
11. Strange lights can be seen on some nights in the old ruined towers
12. Everything is pointing to a cold winter, we need to get help
13. The packhorse man is secretly a mighty wizard that would save the village but is cursed,
preventing his help unless one speaks his true name backwards. Lots of arguments over this one
as to whether or not it be your name or his
14. A short, fat, blonde hair orange skinned man runs around the village at night claiming outrageous
things. Like he is the greatest leader in the world, the election was stolen, he will be reinstated, he
is being hunted by Witch Hunters. He will give you a red hat with MAGA on it if you seem to
believe him.
15. Couple of weeks ago some folk saw some people up by the ruined towers, not sure who would
want to stay there, the towers be haunted, don’t cha know?
16. The hat maker is only pretending to be insane and is actually the village’s savior
17. That shifty Sim MacGilleathain knows something but he ain’t talking, never did like that fella
18. The watch tower is haunted, it is said howls and screams can be faintly heard in the tower on the
night of the full moon
19. Some children were digging and found what looks like part of stone path or road that was once
here, some say it’s a pathway to hell and the attacks are demons trying to find their way back to
hell. (There is a hell spiral under the hamlet)*
20. The village is being attacked by creatures led by the spirit of one of the past residents who hate
the hamlet, just seems the name o’that person is usually right on the tip of their tongue but they
can’t quite recall it.

*Unbeknownst to the villagers there is a hell spiral is under the village. This spiral, if
walked, will transport the walker to the 13th plane of hell and open a portal to and from
that plane. Without prior preparation they will die instantly. The 13th plane is the home
of the ice demons and Urandos their king.

Arable Fields

There are a number of arable, or ploughed, fields around the hamlet, here crops, mainly grains,
are grown. These are worked by the Fanner (north east quarter) and the Ploughman (north west
quarter) all year and other villagers (e.g., fishermen and their wives) help out at busy times, such
as harvest time.

There are only two barns in the hamlet, one belongs to the Lord and is on the grounds of his
manor, (SW quarter) and the other the only farmer in the hamlet (NE quarter) these are used to
store sacks of grain, hay, straw and root crops.

Basket Maker (Neacal MacAnndrais)

A small and meticulous man who lives in a cottage off the harbor in the NE quarter. Here he
makes baskets and lobster/crab pots as needed by the other villagers. He has a wife and two
small children. He is boarding his house up and will not allow his family outside until at least
midday to keep them safe. He does not know who or what is attacking the hamlet.

There are several sandy beaches in the harbor and another can be found close by the Manor. If
the party has a ranger, hunter or character with tracking ability they may check the beach for

Successful Tracking Roll: The PC will find some crab tracks in the sand, but unless they are a
coastal ranger, all they will know if it looks somebody picked a stick in the ground at strange

Failed Tracking Roll: The beach is covered with too many tracks to determine anything.
If the party camps on the beach to await the mist they will be attacked in the mists by 1-2 giant

Blacksmith (Cuithbeart MacÀidh)

A large building, which is the blacksmith's house and forge combined, lies at the center of the
hamlet (SW quarter.) Here the smith, who is a powerful and muscular man, makes metal tools
and implements for the hamlet. He forges everything from horseshoes to plough shares, shovels
to shackles, nails to chains.

The Blacksmith is not able to make weapons, other than crude ones that do -2 points to the
damage roll. He can provide repairs to existing weapons that will hold them until they a
weaponsmith can be found. He is a Guild Blacksmith so would be wise not get on his bad side.
He will willing help the party in any way he can; however, he doesn’t know anything of use to
the party.

Boat Builder (NW-Tormoid MacRobaidh and SW- Seaghdh MacCormaig)

There are two boat builders in this modest coastal hamlet, one lives off River Lane (NW) and the
other has a larger establishment opposite the Blacksmith's (SW) They both tend to make small
boats; rowing boats, fishing boats and the like, up to about thirty foot long. They are fairly, well-
to-do for such a poor hamlet, for their skills are in much demand.
Tormoid MacRobaidh – Tormoid is a proficient boatwright and does quality work at reasonable
prices. He and the other boatwright are working together to build a boat for the family of the
fisherman who died in the boat attack. He does not know anything of use.
Seaghdh MacCormaig – Seaghdh charges a slight mark up from Tormoid but does not need to
charge a great deal because of the amount of work in the village. If asked the correct questions
(DMs decision) he can tell the party he saw a woman walking on the beach and disappear
quickly. He really didn’t think to was much more than a trick of the light. It was Sineag, who
had quickly ducked back into the hidden cave when she saw Seaghdh.

Bosun (Mànus Matasan)

A professional sailor; the Bosun, as he is widely known, is liked in the hamlet and is a loud and
rumbustious art-of fellow. He plies his trade on much larger vessels than any seen in, his
home port. Coastal traders and large Cogs are the Bosun's preferred vessels, so he is away at sea
for weeks or months on end. He has a quiet, unassuming wife, who seems to enjoy the peace
(when he at sea) and his jolly company, when he returns, equally well.
The bosun is quite drunk when the party finds him, he was friends with one the fishermen that
was killed. He has a cutlass and will gladly help the party if the identify the theft. He is no shape
to tell the party anything, if they get him sober he had nothing to share.

The Bridge
A solid stone bridge crosses the largest of the three rivers in the hamlet, it connects the square,
the center of the hamlet, with the south west quarter of the settlement and is a favorite place for
the locals to meet and gossip.

Butcher (Peadaran MacCaluim)

A red faced and slightly portly man, vigorous and jolly, the butcher not only sells meet, but he
slaughters and butchers it too. He is the only provider of meat in the hamlet and does very well
by it. The butcher, his wife, and a handful of noisy children live at the heart of the hamlet,
opposite the large inn.

Neither the butcher nor his wife no anything of value to the party. If the children are calmed
down enough to be questioned one of the younger ones remember seeing the crying lady running
to the beach a long time ago and that she in now flying with the gods (the child saw Sineag
running to the beach after Colum had his way with her. They only remember because people
have been talking about Sineag lately.

Chair Bodger (Isaac Màrr)

This scrawny and scruffy little man makes his living by making chairs and small tables to meet
the needs of the villagers. He cuts his wood from the forest, and pays the Lord a modest fee for
the privilege. These poles and branches he tums on a whip lathe (operated with his feet) into
chair legs and the like.

Isaac will do what he can to help the party but he has no skills other than wood working and
knows nothing of value for the party.

The Chapel
A small church, presided over by the Parson. This building is little more than a converted house,
with a few larger than usual ·windows. It is sparsely furnished and services are held there every
Sunnudagr, as well as marriages, funerals and so forth. The villagers are quite religious, although
there are a few who are not so keen, the church is dedicated to Aescbourne, the god of the sea.

Boat Rigger (Peadar Buideach)

This tall and thin man makes and repairs the rigging for the fishing boats of the hamlet. He is a
wheedling sort of fellow but his work is sound. He works closely with the boat builders and the
rope-maker.Other than being annoying there is nothing the party can learn from him.

Charcoal Burner (Solamh Fòlais)

This tall and thin fellow burns twigs and branches in the forest, turning the wood into charcoal.
His biggest customer is the smith, who uses copious amount. of it in his forge. The charcoal
burner always has black smudges on his face, clothes and hands, something which irritates his
peevish wife no end!

Solamh will offer to help the party search for clues just to get away from his wife. He has no
skills to really help and has nothing of value to tell the party.

Char Woman (Flòraidh Bòid)

This widower is very poor and makes a few pennies washing clothes and house cleaning for
tradesmen and the other wealthier folk in the hamlet. She is a small, meek, woman who has a
mysterious secret.

Flòraidh is pitied by most of the villagers, they see her shuffling around like a mouse, seeming to
jump at her own shadow. She moved to the village a few years ago, claiming she had to leave
her former village because the memories of her late husband were too much.
The reality is Flòraidh was sent to Seameet. She is a Lighthouse Keeper. A Keeper is a member
of the secret organization known as the Lighthouse, and members are scattered all across the
world. These individuals are dedicated to battling evil, discovering and preserving forgotten lore,
and maintaining the balance between nature and civilization. While Flòraidh appears meek and
mousy she is really a dedicated Metaphysician: (if optional classes are used); if not she is an
Astrologer. She is unaware a cult of Vorcas has reopened a temple to him in the sea caves, nor
the fact another Lighthouse Keeper is undercover with the cult.

The Lighthouse, as bastion of knowledge and good, found a fragment of a scroll hidden in an
obscure text. Even their best Riddle Masters couldn’t figure it all out. All they gleaned from the
fragment was an evil of great power was hidden near the village that meets the sea. So Flòraidh
was sent to Seameet, mostly as a precaution because for the text to mean a small hamlet that did
not exist at the time of the writing so clearly would be unheard.

Flòraidh has investigated and believes Seameet is the place named in the fragment. She is right.
There is a Talisman of Ultimate Evil is hidden in the ruins of the keep to the north of Seameet
that the smugglers have made their hideout. She doesn’t know where the Talisman is or that it
can be used to summon the castle of the Lord of the Sea Demons. The party, if the adventure is
played all the way through, will encounter the castle later on.

Flòraidh will not reveal herself unless she absolutely has to (or a PC gets killed and you need a
replacement). She will eventually reveal herself to the party, especially if they are there for the
appearance of the castle. Her spell choices are limited so she feels she cannot offer aid to the
hamlet in that way but she has begun investigating the attacks. Here is what she knows and
1. She knows the fog is definitely magically summoned and dispelled.
2. She believes the attackers are sea-based humanoids (incorrect)
3. The attacks are centered on the hamlet itself; she believes if the villagers flee the village,
they will be safe. (actually true)
4. She knows there are multiple sources of evil in the area, she just doesn’t know where:
a. Sineag
b. Smugglers
c. A couple of the villagers
5. She believes someone in the village knows why the attacks are happening but don’t know
they know
She will part with one or two of these bits of information if questioned correctly and she
believes the PCs are good.

Cheese Man (Asgall MacNeacail)

The cheese maker and dairy man for this small community. He processes the milk from the
farmer’s small herd of cows into cheese, cream, butter and so on. The 'cheese man' also sells
milk from door to door around the hamlet.
If you want gossip this is your guy, he travels around the village collecting and dropping off
dairy products. He hears almost everything:
Rumors D20:
1. One of the farmer’s daughters was seen sneaking out of Colum’s, the oldest son of the
Innkeeper, bedroom window early in the morning.
2. The Inn Keeper is thinking about closing the inn and leaving the village because of the
3. The smith is a dwarf in disguise (The smith is a short muscular man), Wouldn’t risk pissing
him off though he is a Guild Smith
4. The Lord has spent all his gold on frivolous things and the village does not have long to last
5. The attacks are the result of a red moon that occurred when a black cat was seen talking to a
6. Giant sea creatures are responsible for the attacks
7. The one-armed man cursed the town to be attacked by one legged hopping demons
8. The Char Woman is having an affair with the Fish Monger
9. The grocer is losing money on the credit he allows people to use, and will soon be using more
aggressive tactics to collect his money
10. Some of the sheep in the grazing fields have been acting strange, almost like they have started
watching the villagers and seem to be talking to one another with their bleats. Puts you off
don’t you know
11. The cobbler doesn’t actually make shoes, he has fae creatures that do the work for him for a
bowl of milk
12. The deckhand is thinking of leaving his mother and taking a job of the next big ship that
comes to port
13. The packhorse man is secretly a mighty wizard that would save the village but is cursed,
preventing his help unless one speaks his true name backwards. Lots of arguments over this
one as to whether or not it be your name or his
14. A short, fat, blonde hair orange skinned man runs around the village at night claiming
outrageous things. Like he is the greatest leader in the world, the election was stolen, he will
be reinstated, he is being hunted by Witch Hunters. He will give you a red hat with MAGA
on it if you see you believe him.
15. The hat maker is really insane and the cause of all the problems in the village
16. The hat maker is only pretending to be insane and is actually the village’s savior
17. That shifty Sim MacGilleathain knows something but he ain’t talking, never did like that fella
18. The watch tower is haunted, it is said howls and screams can be faintly heard in the tower on
the night of the full moon
19. Some children were digging and found what looks like part of stone path or road that was
once here, some say it’s a pathway to hell and the attacks are demons trying to find their way
back to hell. (There is a hell spiral under the hamlet)
20. The village is being attacked by creatures led by the spirit of one of the past residents who
hated the hamlet, just seems the name o’that person is usually right on the tip of their tongue
but they can’t quite recall it.

Apart from the sandy beaches in the harbor and by the manor, the rest of the coastline around the
village is craggy m rough, steep cliffs. Very difficult to climb or land on, these cliffs make a
good natural defense against attack from the sea. There are several sea caves along the coastline
in these cliffs.

Cobbler - Murchadh MacMharcais
His Wife - Lili
Teenage Son - Mungan
Daughter - Flòraidh
A smiling, friendly fellow, the cobbler makes shoes and boots for the villagers. He is fairly poor
but content with bis lot. He has a pretty wife and several older children; his teenage son works as
a deck hand on the fishing boats and his daughter as a maid at the manor house.

The cobbler is a friendly fellow is is distraught over the plight of the hamlet, if spoken with
about the current situation he will tell the party how sad it is and how much he hopes they can
stop whatever is attacking them. He is loyal to the Lord and hopes one of his two sons return
and he is sure they could save the village in one day. If asked about Sineag all he can say is how
nice she was and that he thought she was sweet on one the boys in the hamlet.

There are quite a few enclosures and areas of common land to the north west and north cast of
the harbor. Here the hamlet sheep are kept, both the Lord's considerable flock, and a fair number
owned by several of the villagers, as well as the farmer's stock. Obviously, the common land is
'owned' by the Lord of the Manor. But the villagers have rights to graze their animals on it and
collect fallen firewood, although they may not cut any trees down.
So far there have been no attacks on the livestock, just the villagers. This will not last long, 2-3
days after the party arrives when the mist rolls in, instead of attacking a villager, the crabs will
destroy parts of the pasture fences, scattering the animals. Animals that will be needed during
the winter. The time needed to gather the animals will be dependent on how fast the attack is
reacted to. IT will take at least a day if not 2-4 to round up all the livestock.

Crabber (Raonull Anndrasdan)

A fisherman who has his own small rowing boat and specializes in catching crabs. He has a
number of crab pots; round basket-like snares with a flat bottom and a hole in the top which
allows crabs to get in but not back out again. He is a solid, reliable kind of a man, who quietly
gets on with his trade, come rain or shine. He has a wife and three small children.
If the party has Raonull examine the wounds on the bodies of the dead villagers, he will see a
similarity to the damage done to his bait by crabs. He will be hesitant to say anything as he will
be worried to be thought crazy. Once the party determines the attacks are by giant crabs, he can
help with pointers on crab behavior and possible traps.

Caulker (Gillìosa Dunaidh, NE)

This rough, tough rogue earns some money working for the boat builders. His job is to 'caulk' the
gaps between the planks that make up the hull of the fishing boats, sealing them with string
soaked in tar and thus reducing the chance of leaks. He is a greedy fellow and always on the
lookout for ways of making a bit more money. The Caulker is not above stealing, should the
opportunity arise.

Gilliosa is a thieving man who will take anything he think he can get away with. The problem is
once he has it, there is no where to get rid of it because of the size of the village. This quandary
has caused Gilliosa to fill up his basement with things he has stolen but not been able to get rid
of. He has plans of renting someone’s cart, loading all his “treasure” on to it, travelling to
another village and selling it all for a huge profit. He will fiercely protect his stash and is not
above cracking a head or two to ensure his secret stays safe.

He knows the pirate and smuggler are up to something and intends to blackmail them once he
discovers what it is. For this reason, he will feign ignorance of any suspicious activity in the
hamlet, especially his own.

Deck hand
Deck Hand - Pàdruig MacBhàtair
His Mother - Moireach
An unskilled young man, who lives with his widowed mother, he works for various fishermen in
the hamlet in return for a penny or two a day. Not the cleverest of men but reliable enough if
given clear instruction. He hopes to become a deep-sea sailor one day and to get work on a grand
ship plying the wide oceans.

The young man is earnest in his desire to learn and do his job. If someone takes the time to
explain to him what needs to be done, he will do it correctly. He sees the job of deck hand on a
large ship as the best way to provide for his mother and while living his dream of seeing the
world. If a member of the party is kind to him or if they give him money, he will become
fascinated with the idea of being an adventurer. He will try to follow the party member around
and copy things they do, it will be even worse if it is an attractive female as will also be smitten
with them.
Neither he nor his mother know anything about the attacks.

Farmer - Marcas Tulach Daughter 3 - Sineag Son 7- Cuithbeart
Farmer’s Wife -Anna Son 4 - Artur Daughter 8 - Milread
Son 1 - Iagan Daughter 5 - Sìle Daughter 9 - Liùsaidh
Son 2 - Horas Daughter 6 - Eithrig Daughter 10 - Teàrlag
The only farmer in the hamlet, he is a well-to-do, down to earth fellow; rotund, hardworking and
jovial. Like all farmers he pleads poverty but his table is never bare and he has a small herd of
cattle (for milking and beef) as well as a goodly number of sheep. He also grows corn and wheat.
An important man in the hamlet, his wife is round and jolly too and between them they seem to
have an endless number of children, ten or more, ranging in age from three to twenty something.
The farmer and his family are in mourning their third child, and eldest daughter, Sineag MacNia,
id believed to be one of the victims of the mists. She was seen heading to the docks one morning
when the mist rolled in. People heard her scream and when they investigated blood was found
but no body.

Fisherman 1 - Hùisdean MacLagain Fisherman 6 - Mìcheal Canonach
Fisherman 2 - Tadhg MacIlleChatain Fisherman 7 - Amhladh MacThomaidh
Fisherman 3 - Tearlach MacEachainn Fisherman 8 - Mhoirbheinn Tàillear
Fisherman 4 - Caomhainn MacCrithein Fisherman 9 - Seumas MacSuain
Fisherman 5 - Pàdair MacIlleChruim Fisherman 10 - Gill-Eòin Mac'IlleBhàin

There are around ten full-time fishermen in the hamlet and most of them live around or near the
harbor and the fish market. Most have their own boats, which vary in size and condition,
depending on the success of their fishing and their dedication to the job. They are all married,
with children, and live in modest circumstances. A close group, who enjoy each other’s
company and are suspicious of strangers.

The fishermen are bitter, angry and afraid. They have lost friends and family in the attacks and
their livelihood relies are fishing, something they cannot risk now. Of all the people in Seameet
this group is the most willing to accept a suspect, even one of their own, as the cause of the
deaths. The party will need to be careful when talking to the fishermen, if they hint they suspect
someone the fishermen will hound them for a name. If that dosen’t work they will watch the
party covertly and when they think they have discovered the who the party suspects they will act.
This means they will break into the person’s house at night, drag them out into the street and
threaten to kill them if they don’t stop the attacks.

If they are not stopped quickly enough, they will decide Aescbourne will save them if they
sacrifice their prisoner to him. To this end they will drag their victim to the beach where they
plan to sacrifice him. The party will need to act quickly without attacking the fishermen to stop

There are multiple ways to stop them each with different effectiveness.
Way 1 – Rousing speech made by a player that appeals to the goodness in the men (will shame
the men into stopping and will earn the party respect in town). Must be roleplayed and will give
PC an extra 100 xp.

Way 2 – Threat of force, the party can threaten to use force against the men, this will stop the
men without really changing their mind and will cause some of the villagers to begin to see the
party as bullies not really there to help them

Way 3 – Thief’s CON ability; however, if this fails the victim will be killed.

Way 4 – Use of appropriate non-weapons proficiency. Varying results depending on the skill
and the roll

Fish Market
A low, square building, built around a courtyard which is paved with pebbles. Here the
fishermen sell their catches, the crabber his crabs, and so on. In fact, not only the harvest of the
sea is sold here; all kinds of produce made or grown locally is available from time to time.
Bread, cheese, milk, diary produce, and sometimes local craftwork too; lace, knitted hats or
scarves and the like, made by the women of the hamlet to supplement their husband's meagre
earnings from fishing.

Fish Merchant (Fionnghan MacGill'Earnain)

There is one fish merchant in the hamlet and he has the monopoly on the wholesaling of fish. He
buys direct from the fishermen, often on the foreshore of the harbor, and exports the fish to other
towns and ports. He uses coastal trader's ships, one of which visits this hamlet every few days, to
transport the fish he handles to bigger markets. However, since much of the fish caught is eaten
in the hamlet, he does not make a great fortune from his dealings, and since the price he can pay
is fairly low, the fish merchant is not terribly popular with the fishermen.

As the fishermen have not been able to fish, no ship has come to get fish from Seameet.
Fionnghan is desperate for this threat to be over before he goes broke. Unfortunately. he knows
nothing of value.

Fish Monger (Neacal Mac'Uirigh)

A proper fish shop, the owner buys fish from the fishermen, the fish merchant, and even imports
some from other ports. He generally pays a better price than the fish merchant and saves the
fishermen the bother of standing around in the fish market (where they can get a still better price)
waiting for customers. The 'better' sort of folk prefers to buy from the fish monger and don't
mind paying a bit more to have their fish cleaned and gutted.

The fishmonger has no information to help the party

Fore Street
The north side of the harbor, this paved road overlooks the foreshore and beach. A good spot to
watch the boats coming in and out and where the boats are stored and maintained in the winter.

The Front
The cobbled roadway above the foreshore on the west side of the harbor, this overlooks and gins
access to the south west pier.

Several enclosures of grazing land on the cliffs to the south of the harbor are kept by the Lord for
his own exclusive use. Here his shepherd fattens up his masters' flock of sheep before d1ey are
sent off to market in a coastal trading vessel.

Grocer (Comhnall MacGillIosa)

This shop sells all sorts of dry goods and foods; pretty much everything not already provided by
the butcher or the fish monger. It is like a general store; with sacks of grain, flour and peas, as
well as candles, tools, nails, clothes, bolts of cloth and so on. The Grocer himself is fairly
prosperous but he makes the mistake of extending credit to some of the poorer fisherfolk and
then is unpopular when the time comes to settle up the 'slate’ (an account of what he is owed,
written on a piece of slate with chalk.)

Comhall tries to be a fair man but is worried with the current situation his allowing customers to
use credit to purchase items will see his store fail. HE is considering no longer accepting credit
until the attacks are stopped.

He has no knowledge of use to the party.

The Harbor
The whole reason for there being a settlement here in the first place. Originally a modest cove
created by three small rivers. Now developed, with the piers and cobbled roads, into a successful
little community. There are always a number of boats in the harbor or coming and going; up to
thirty rowing boats (up to fifteen feet long) and a similar number of sailing boats used for fishing
and coastal trade, the latter are from twelve to thirty foot long.

Hat Maker (Tomag Geadasach)

An odd fellow, who somehow manages to make his way by making hats of every description.
Some he sells to the better off villagers (the poor knit their own woolen hats) and the gentry The
rest he seems to export to nearby towns, where he rents a stall in the market to sell his wares. He
is a bachelor and viewed with suspicion by the fishing community.

Tomag is a bit insane and a bit peculiar. He is not originally from the village, having moved their
15 years with little more than some simple handmade hats and the ambition to become a famous
hat maker. Many questioned why he would choose Seameet to reach his dreams. His response
was always the same: Seameet has an active port that I only have to pay a boat captain to take
my goods anywhere, I am going to single handedly put Seameet on the map. Just you watch.
He is an excellent hat maker, everyone agrees with that, he is always wearing one his new
creations. Always. Tomag Geadasch is a Hylian named Drens Onneliart who was moved to
come to Seameet on because a vision he had 15 years ago. Because he is a little off, he thought
the vision told him he would become a famous hat maker if he moved to Seameet. He can
sometimes be heard arguing with someone about how he knows this is the right place and they
just need to trust him. He also always has tea set for two on his table and when offers a customer
tea he pours another cup saying the other cup is for his rude friend.

Drens’ friend is a tiny fae creature called a Swydd Gaer Cath, it argues with him over his vision
and hats out of fun. It has not bored of the game yet and will stay until it does. The Swydd Gaer
Cath knows exactly what is going on in hamlet. He knows about the crabs, who is directing
them, what Sineag has become and where she is. He knows about the smugglers, the hell spire
and the Talisman. He even knows who the Char Woman is. The problem, he will not tell a
simple mortal creature or any fae race helping these simple mortals. He thinks what is happening
is great fun to watch and will occasionally set false leads for the Char Woman or make it look
like someone is watching the smugglers. He is having immense fun with the villagers and could
even try and stop the party from stopping the attacks.

Drens’ has some training as a man-at-arms. He was hit in the head during his training and it
caused his “problems”, He had the vision and left the training grounds before he could be helped.
HE will not willingly admit to the training as part of his vision is that if he ever reveals who he is
he will never be famous.

Drens had no vision, this has all been the work of the Swydd Gaer Cath. The blow to his head
made him susceptible to suggestion and the Swydd Gaer Cath decided to have some fun with
him. If Drens were ever healed he would be hit with overwhelming feelings of anger and

There is a two-handed sword hidden under the floor boards of Drens’ shop. He unconsciously
brought it with him but leaves it buried because it could challenge his reality.

The Inn
Inn Keeper - Dubh Dùghlasach
Wife – Màili
Child - Colum
Child - Taog
A huge building, the biggest in the hamlet, and the only place where it is possible to buy a drink,
a meal or rent a bed or a room for the night. Here just about everybody in the community comes
to drink and make merry. In the evenings, this is the heart of the hamlet. The Innkeeper rents his
Inn from the Lord of the Manor, and he runs a successful and thriving business. He and his wife
cook in the kitchen and his older children serve drinks and food to their guests. Since there are
no brewers in the hamlet, the Innkeeper has to import beer and wine from further afield. There
are deliveries of beer, food and wine several times a week, which all come in by sea. There are
three or four large rooms on the ground floor, all with roaring fires and many benches and
tables. Some are better furnished than others, the poorest always having a few old fishermen
tucked in the corner, keeping warm, smoking pipes and muttering into their small beer (which is
basically beer mixed with water.) Upstairs are a number of guest rooms, or sleeping chambers,
which can be had for two or three silver pennies a night. The food is simple and hearty.
The Inn is also at the heart of the attacks on the village. The inn keeper’s son Colum considers
himself a ladies’ man, the most desirable man in the world and a masterful lover. He will try to
hit on any female PCs. His attempts should be played up as almost laughable to them but to
hamlet girls he is a lothario. Picture a Guido with fake gold chains, slicked back hair, always
trying to pose to show off his muscles, walking toward women like he is dancing (badly) to some
song in his head and wearing a v-neck shirt showing off his chest hair. He seduced Sineag and
then laughed at her for believing his lies. He is currently carrying on with one of the farmer’s
daughters. He will never admit to hat he did to Sineag without hard evidence. Further his
parents are well respected in the town so any accusation without evidence could turn some
townsfolk against the PCs. Toag knows what happened but his brother swore him to secrecy.

A successful Pereception roll would show TOag is hiding something but that is all,

Lobster Man (Fearchar MacShanndaidh)

A fisherman who mainly catches lobsters in barrel shaped baskets, with a flat bottom. Every day
he rows around his pots, which he finds by way of small floats on the surface, attached to a line
down to the pot. He draws up the pot, takes out any lobsters, refreshes the bait and then lowers it
back to the bottom. Most days he lands (brings ashore) a few lobsters, sometimes a dozen. Since
they fetch a high price (the meat is delicately flavored like crab meat but smoother and creamier
in taste) in the hamlet and the nearby towns, the Lobster Man manages to survive doing this one
very specialized trade.

Currently he is too afraid to check his traps and is living on his savings. If the attacks are not
stopped soon, he fears he will go broke. He knows nothing of value to the party.

The Manor House

The Lord - Aonghus Friseal
His Lady - Seònaid
A large and commodious house on the southern edge of the hamlet. The Lord is an elderly man,
and a traditionalist, who doesn't like change. His wife is obedient, graceful, and rarely leaves the
manor. The Lord has four children, his two sons have both gone off to seek their fortunes in the
world, one as a soldier (a gentleman mercenary, if you like) and the other is studying for the
clergy. His two daughters are both married to local gentry a couple of weeks ride away and now
have children of their own.

Lord Aonghus bore arms as a squire in his youth but can do little with his great sword if attacked
in his dotage, as he is now. His plate armor is on display in his hall but could do with oiling and a
good polish.

The manor house is atypical one, with no remarkable features. Lord Aonghus is very traditional
and will expect all visitors to act accordingly. The party would be wise to allow Man-at-Arms
Rekker to introduce them and then follow his lead. The Lord will welcome them to the village
and thank them for answering his summons. He will than have his Reeve provide them
refreshments and tell them the story of Seameet.
A map of the manor is provided should the party somehow explore the estate.

Manor Way
A small road leading out of the hamlet from near the manor house. It goes inland and soon
reverts to little more than a pathway for pack ponies and small carts.

Net Maker (Ailig MacIlleBhàin)

A craftsman who makes and repairs fishing nets, he buys his string, lines and rope from the rope
maker, using these raw materials to knot into fishing nets which he then sells to the fishermen.
Ailig enjoys his work, he finds it peaceful and meditative. He stays to himself for the most part
and his good friends with his neighbor the blacksmith. He wants to help stop the attacks on his
village and has a longbow he sometimes uses to hunt, well of the Lords protected lands of
course. He provide any pertinent information to the party.

North Hill
The biggest track way in the hamlet, heading pretty much due north out of the settlement. It
heads up the coast and leads to the nearest market town, about a day’s walk distant.

There are a couple of small orchards in the hamlet; a small one in the grounds of the packsaddle
man's house, he takes his apples and fruit abroad and sells it in markets around the local area.
The other Orchard is larger and on the north side of the hamlet, it belongs to the Lord of the

Packhorse Man (Benneit MacLùcaidh)

A small, slightly built man, who transports goods on his pack ponies for a fee. He takes out
produce in panniers hung on the backs of his half a dozen animals and brings other goods back
into the hamlet on the return journey. His is the only way to have goods brought in or taken out
overland. Anything heavy or bulky usually goes by sea.

Benneit is seriously considering moving, he can pack up all his belongings on his ponies and
leave without a care. He loves his home in Seameet and had many friends but is no warrior and
is afraid of the mist and what it brings. He is not in town for long stretches of tie and has no
information regarding the attacks.

An open area of grassland in front of the Manor House. On a large estate this might be the deer
park. Here, however, it is little more than a level field of closely cropped grass, where sheep
munch and fairs are occasionally held on high days and holy days.

Parson (Peadaran Niocalsan)

Peadaran is a devout priest of Aescbourne man who preaches in the chapel and presides at
weddings, funerals and christenings. He is a scholar who lives alone with his many books.
Thought dull by the fishing community, he occasionally enjoys a high-brow conversation with
the Lord of the Manor.
He is only an acolyte with not much desire to strive for the heights of power, He loves the village
and his place in it. He has tried to use his priestly abilities to help the village but the victims of
the attacks are dead before he can get to them. He only has one spell per day. He believes there is
magical component to the attacks but cannot figure out more than that.
There are quite a number of enclosed pastures around the hamlet, mainly to the north and around
the Manor. These are mainly used for grazing sheep and the farmer's small herd of cattle.

There are two piers protecting the harbor; one to the southwest and one the north. The piers
were built simply by driving two rows of piles (tree trunks sharpened at one end) into the seabed.
These piles are pinned together, with iron bars, the resulting enclosures filled with rock, rubble
and soil a lid then topped off with a plank deck. They are effective at holding back most waters
but a really powerful storm can damage or even wash away such structures.

Pirate (Sìm MacGill'Fhiontag)

This middle-aged gentleman does not openly declare his piratical career but it is common
knowledge amongst the gossips of this small community. Born in the hamlet he went to sea
young, had many piratical adventures, married a barmaid and brought her back, along with a
chest full of gold, to settle in his hometown. This is his story according to the villagers; if you
want to know the truth of it, you might ask him. But he is tight-lipped and minds his own
business. The cutlass and tricorn hat he sports do tend to lend some credence to the rumors.
Sìm is a pirate, a cutthroat a villainous rogue. He is working with the smuggler in town and the
ones in the ruins. Sìm is in this for himself and couldn’t care less about the hamlet or the people
that live there. He puts on an act of a slightly bumbling good natured rogue who always has a
story or a joke. The truth is he is far more dangerous. By trade he is a Sea Rover, a 6th level
mariner. He has seen the crabs as one thought to take him unawares. He killed it and destroyed
the body.

As far as he is concerned he owes nothing to the town and ahs already secured passage on one
the smuggler’s ships. He will be gone three days after the party arrives.

Pleasure Garden
Behind the Manor house the Lord keeps a pleasure garden, maintained by an elderly gardener.
There are lavish beds stocked with flowers and shrubs etc. Here the Lord and Lady might be seen
taking a stroll arm in arm on a Sunnudagr afternoon.

Ploughman (Isaac Glas, Oeridian)

This ploughman works for the Farmer and the Lord of the Manor in turn. He likes his
independence and plays one master off against the other when it suits him. He is a large and
muscular man who keeps a team of four oxen, these are the only animals able to pull a plough in
the hamlet.

Isaac is a quiet man known for his strength in Seameet and the surrounding area. Isaac is a 0-
level human with an 18/00 strength. He towers of his neighbors standing 6’6” and weighs 200
lbs. He is the largest man in the hamlet. He has learned to control his temper and strength from
an early age as he could easily kill a grown man with his bare hands. He enjoys his work and is
willing to do anything to protect his village. He wields a simple staff if needed. He will willing
aid the party in any fights against the attackers. Further he had a crush on Sineag and once he
believes what Colum did the party and the villagers will be hard pressed to calm his wraith.

Reeve (Maolmhuire MacRaghnaill)

An upright man, whose house is close by the Manor. He has the management of the Lord's lands
and estate in return for a salary. The Reeve is a good man, if old-fashioned and stiff-backed in
his, views. He treats the villagers fairly and serves his master well.

Maolmhuire will the party’s main contact in the village for just about anything they need. He
aids them to the best of his ability but knows nothing of value.

Maolmhuire is of Oeridian stock standing 5’8” tall with a medium build (164 lbs.) for an
Oeridian. His brown hair is graying but his brown eyes are still bright.
River Lane

A wide path beside the river, leading from the hamlet square out towards the commons to the
west of the hamlet.

Rope Maker (Samuel Dunaidh)

A short, rough character who winds and plaits ropes and lines which he sells to the fishermen
and the net maker. His house, on Fore Street, overlooks the harbor and has a long attic workshop
where he winds his ropes and twines using wooden machinery.

Samuel spends most of his days on the attic winding and plaiting rope, Evenings he heads to the
Inn to have a drink or two with friends. Because his attic overlooks the harbor, he has become a
watchman of sorts for the town. He can watch for the mist without leaving his house. HE has
no information for the party.

Sailor 1: Fionnlagh MacDhùnShléibhe
Sailor 2: Maol-Dòmhnuich MacGilleGhlais
Sailor 3: Seòsaidh Dubh
Sailor 4: Maol-Chaluim Peucag
Sailor 5: Brian MacCeasain

There are five or more sailors living in the, hamlet, when they are not away at sea. These are
seamen work on larger ships than the fishing boats based in the harbor. Being a deep-sea sailor is
an obvious choice of career for any youngsters in the hamlet, who want to see more of the big
wide world. They learn basic boat skills from a very young age and so are natural recruits for
working on the great trading cogs that ply the high seas, or the small coastal trading ships that
call into this little harbor regularly.

These men are torn, if they head to another port they can put to see but they don’t want to be
seen as cowards. Also, as a superstitious lot they are not sure they are not cursed and would die
at sea if they fled.

School Teacher (Catrìona Mac'IlleNaoimh)

A single woman, or maiden if you like, who is supervised by the parson. She teaches a few of the
hamlet children to read, write and add up in return for a fee. Most of the villagers and their
children cannot read and write but the middling sort; tradesmen, merchants and so on, like to
have their offspring educated a little. The school teacher’s school is her own front room and her
house is next to the chapel.

Cartiona is the newest resident of the hamlet. She was sent to teach people in Seameet at the
request of the Lord. She is one of the most beautiful women in the village. Colum has made
several attempts to seduce her. Until recently she has been able to politely fend him off.
However, the last time he became aggressive but fortunately several of the fishermen and sailors
were near by and Colum left before they got involved. She has told no one about the incident. If
the party finds out and are able to convince her to tell. It will support any case they have against

Sea Captain (Pàdraig MacRàild)

A successful sea captain who was the son of a long shore fisherman in the hamlet. He no longer
has his own vessel but occasionally takes command of coasters for a fee or a share of the profits
of the voyage. A good leader and a popular man, fairly comfortable off and no bodies' fool.
Pàdraig is the very image of Kelt sea captain. His back is ramrod straight, his demeanor is
always calm and people look to him for leadership. Pàdraig is exactly what he appears a sea
captain. He is a 9th level Mariner and quite formable. So far Sineag and her crabs have been
lucky enough to encounter him. HE knows the mist is not just killing people and that there is an
intelligence behind it. He has been quietly looking into the matter so as not to alert the true

It is his best guess the sea caves near the village, he will share this with the party and tell them he
will check one direction while they check the other.

Seaman (Ailpean MacCathasaigh)

A hardened sea-faring man, who has sailed the seas for many a year. He rarely goes to sea
anymore but has not completely retired. He is a well-muscled, much tattooed individual who
enjoys a tot of rum and gambling of an evening.

Ailpean has no information for the party.

Shepard 1 - Goiridh Camshronach
Shepard 2- Sim MacGilleathain
There are two shepherds in the hamlet, one works mainly for the Lord of the Manor, the other for
the Farmer, he also cares for the sheep owned by a few of the other well-off villagers. The
shepherds live near to each other in the north of the hamlet. There is a gentle rivalry between
them as they herd their sheep from pasture to pasture, with their well-disciplined sheepdogs and

Ship's Master (Fionnghan MacPhilip)

A professional ship's master (another name for captain really) this man has commanded Royal
naval vessels as well as merchant ships of considerable size. He still goes to sea a couple of
times a year, for weeks at a time, and lives fairly comfortably on the proceeds. His, wife makes
exquisite lace and embroidery, perhaps to amuse herself whilst he is away on a long voyage.
The Ship Master is currently at sea or he would have used his contacts with the royal navy to get
help. His wife Brìghde is home but has no information of value for the party.

Smuggler (Cathal MacNaomhain)

This rogue does not openly admit to being a smuggler, of course. He illicitly brings small
quantities of valuable merchandise such as wine, rum or jewelry, into the hamlet and avoids
paying the harbor dues and taxes. He would, privately, call himself a 'free trader' others would
call him a thief and an untrustworthy rogue.

Cathal is a member of the smugglers that operate out the abandoned keep. HE is the smugglers
spie in the village who keeps an eye out for the authorities and any other information that might
be of note to the smuggler captain. He will not revel who he really is unless threatened with
death and actually believe it. He does not know what or who is attacking the village but will try
to get whatever information the party has to report to his boss.

The Square
The center of the hamlet and an open, cobbled, space, which isn't square; the villagers like to call
it 'The Square.' This is the bustling hub of activity and here you can meet and chat with all and
sundry, most of the roads and paths of the settlement lead to or through the Square.

The Lord is the only resident to have proper stone-built stables, although the Inn has a few
wooden lean-tos for guests' horses. The Lord of the Manor has several horses and ponies and
they are housed in his stable, which is in the grounds of the Manor.

Stores (St.)
Most of these small buildings, separate from but attached to a number of houses in the, hamlet,
are 'net lofts. This term is used to describe the fishermen's stores where they keep their nets
hanging up in the eaves to dry; because wet nets rot and fall to pieces quickly. Also, their
equipment and fish are stored here; either in barrels or in stone-lined holes in the ground which
keep the catch cool and fresh for as long as possible.

Tinker (Crìsdean Grannda)

A travelling pot, pans and hardware salesman. He has a large back pack which he stocks up with
goods when he visits larger towns and markets. He then travels the country and this, his home,
hamlet, selling these wares. He is a bit sharp in his bargaining's and dealings but essentially
honest when it comes to the pinch.
Crìsdean is packing to leave, he can carry his wares on his back and feels it is safer to head to the
next village where he has family he can stay with at until the attacks stop. He has no information
of value for the party.

The Tower
A fortified and battlemented stone lookout tower which is principally used as a way marker to
enable vessels travelling along the coast to fins the harbor, and also to spy out either approaching
enemies or shoals of fish rising to the surface. (see watch tower map).

The party can easily use this tower to watch for the mist, currently no one is using the tower out
of fear of getting trapped there and have to run through the mist to get to their home.

The Well
The main fresh water supply in the hamlet, to the north of the Square. That said, many of the
villagers are happy to dip their water jars in one of the rivers to get water, although these are
often muddy and murky.

Wool Merchant (Dùghall MacShitrig)

A wealthy and prominent man, he buys the fleeces from the Lord, the Farmer and the other sheep
owning folk hereabouts and then exports them to bigger and richer markets further afield, mainly
towns and cities further up or down the coast. There it is made into woolen cloth or clothes and
he sometimes imports some of these finished goods back into the hamlet as well.
Dùghall is very well off, he has a nice house he is not quite ready to leave, plus all his business is
set up here in Seameet. He is not a fighter and has no information of value for the party.

Mist Chance
Roll Result
1 Mist, no crabs
2 No mist
3 Mist, 1-2 crabs
4 Mist, 3-4 crab
5 Normal mist that lasts until burnt off by the sun, terrifies the villagers
6 The magic mist lasts all day but nothing else happens.
7 Mist, 2 crabs and Sineag
8 Mist and a larger amphibious predator that followed the crabs

The Mist
Dense and gray it rolls off the water faster than any mist you have ever seen. It is as if storm
clouds have down from the sky and now seek to cover Seameet. No sound accompanies the mist,
it just rolls over the hamlet engulfing the buildings and hiding the sun. You are barely able to
see your own hands in the fog that now covers everything. Sound has become dampened and
there is an eeriness in the silence.

Crab attack
A strange clicking noise echoes around you soundly, it seems to come from everywhere at once.
You can tell what it is. You see a dark shadow moving and suddenly it is upon you, large
pinchers reaching out snapping at you as it stiff legs click along the ground. IT is 4 feet in
diameter and its hardened shell is brownish blue. This crab looks like a horror of the deep
brought to life.
While the crabs are controlled by the amulet Asal is in possession of, there are some instincts
that are hard to fight. If food is thrown around them, specifically chicken parts they must roll a
save vs. spells. If it is failed they continue attacking, if successful they break off the attack and
go for the food.

No Attack

The mist envelopes you, leeching the warmth from your body, you feel an almost oppressive
sense of watchfulness, waiting and then a shadow looms out of the mist reaching toward you
with long dark fingers, just as you move the mist is gone and you are standing in Seameet
blinking in the sudden light of day,

Mist, Amphibious predator

“The mist has covered you, the sounds are muffled yet you think you hear….something. Ragged
breathing with an almost gurgling sound. Wet footsteps make a plop as they hit the ground. The
mist slips away as a large, barrel-chested creature with great webbed claws and enormous
mandibles emerges from the mist. Its skin is varying shades of mottled green and slimy, its great
webbed claws swipe at you as it lunges forward.”

This is a deep goliath.

Sea Cave
Eventually the part will make their way to the sea cliffs along the shore line and the caves there.
Many fo the caves of just empty caves hollowed out by the water. Some will contain sea
creatures washed into them by the waves, driftwood, ripped nets and other debris can be found in
most of them.

A sea cave, also known as a littoral cave, is a type of cave formed primarily by the wave action
of the sea.

The caves all have at least ankle-deep water, sometimes deeper, depending on the cave. The
water is cold and during high tide a person can get swept out to sea in a strong current. Seameet
experience two low tides and two high tides every day. During the beginning and end of the high
tide a character caught in the cave would need to roll a Strength check to avoid getting swept out
to sea. During the height of high tide, a character must roll a Strength -4 check to avoid the same

Some caves will contain other more, interactive, encounters.

Roll Sea Cave

1-9 Empty
10 Goblin Tribal Complex
11 Empty but for flotsam and jetsam
12 Trapped fish and smaller crabs and clams
13 Giant Clam, page 256
14 Poisonous coral, page 256
15 Froghemeth lair, page 263 (the party should run when they see this)
16 Opening to Shrine of the Demon Lord Vorcas
17 Crystal Ooze
18 Giant Oyster, page 276
19 Marine Troll, Saltwater page 280
20 Sineag’s Sea Cave

Sineag’s Cave
Entrance – “You have found a cave entrance barely visible behind a grouping of rocks, strange
light can be seen within the cave and a strange clicking noise is coming from behind the largest

As the party moves to either the light or the sound read the following: “The giant rock, is not a
rock. The rock seems to stand up some, shake and stands up more. It seems to be a creature with
a pyramidal shell supported by masses of misshapen arms that end in crab claws. The shell is dotted with hundreds
of tiny, black eyes. Eyes that see you and it begins to move your clacking its pincers as it moves toward you faster
than something like should be able to move.”

The creature is a Crabomination; HD: 5d10; THAC0: 15; #of Attacks: 4 + special; Dam: 2d6/2d6/2d6/2d6; Special:
Creatures that are constricted by a crabomination’s claws for 1whole round are passed up to the monster’s feeding
tube, through which it is swallowed whole. See New Monster section below for more information on
crabominations. Some bizarre ritual that Sineag had actually messed up summoned this crabomination. It is fiercely
loyal to Sineag and will follow her commands to the best of its ability, it would die to protect her.
The party will most likely no nothing of the above until way after this encounter if ever. If the party figure out the
crabomination is protecting the cavern and scare them off give them an extra 100 xp on the spot. If a plan is devised
to capture the carbomination with the least amount of injury give 50 xp to all that participate on the spot

Parlour - A chunk of seaglass, some ancient empire's relic, washed up here ages ago, throws
prismed light across the tumbled walls. The seaglass sits in the middle of a bubbling, sulfuric
pool and its poisonous (and cleansing) vapors are carried about the vast space by a freshet of
cool air, gusting through one of the many cracks and holes throughout this spongework cavern
system. This particular chamber is filled with a carpet of fungi, growing up and over the walls as
well, of all shapes and sizes. Lizards run through the darkness and bats hunt overhead. Only the
bubbling pool is lit with some submerged arcane illumination, and the yellow glow washes the
chamber in alien light. Crystals and shattered geodes throw dazzling sparks.

Sleeping Chamber – “The fungi and crystals continue into this chamber. The small chamber
you have entered is simply furnished. A wooden bed is along the far wall with a small chest at its
foot. A small dresser is against the east wall.”

A search of this room will reveal Sineag’s clothing, a roll 1 or 2 on d8 will allow the party to find
Sineag’s diary. The diary details her crush on x and his actions.

Store and Larder – “You have found Sineag’s storage, dried fish hang from one wall, buckets
with strange tubers piled in them are on the opposite wall. Crude wooden shelves have been built
here and contain various supplies like blankets, fishing line, pots and pans. There is not a lot of
items here.”

Sineag is still building up her supplies, the is enough food here for several days if one doesn’t
mind having no spices or vegetation.

Secret Treasure Stash – Hidden behind a large boulder on the west wall, just passed the
entrance to the store and larder is Sineag’s treasure. A combined strength of 36 is needed to force
the boulder, but a successful Find Secret Doors check will reveal a lever the moves the boulder

“having moved the boulder, you enter a small cavern the has two chests in it.” The chests are
locked and trapped (poison needle save or take d6 damage).
Chest 1 - Sineag found a secret cache of potions, ones her mother had kept hidden incase
of dire emergency, Sineag will believe that this is a dire emergency. The potions she has
access to are: Potion of Animal Control (6 doses); Potion of Full Rejuvenation (3 doses;
restores all hit points and spell points); Poseidon’s Wine The user gains the benefits of the
water breathing spell. This wine isusually found in a larger bottle than most potions, containing 6
‘doses’ of the potion.
Potion of Animal Control
There are six different kinds of potions of animal control, unless secified, the type can be
determined randomly
Potion of Animal Control (type)
Die Roll (d20) Type of Animal Affected
1-4 Mammal and Marsupial
5-8 Bird
9-12 Reptile and Amphibian
13-15 Fish and Crustaceans
16-17 Mammal, marsupial and Bird
18-19 Reptile, amphibian, fish and Crustaceans
20 All
This potion allows the wearer to control the actions of a number of creatures (of the type
indicated above) depending on their size:
Size Number Affected
Small 5d4
Medium (man sized) 3d4
Large 1d4
Creatures with an intelligence score of 5 or higher are entitled to a saving throw
vs. spells. The potion only affects natural animals; monsters, humans, humanoids,
magical creatures, etc. are immune to its effects. The effect lasts 40 minutes plus
10d4 minutes. It requires a brain of the type of animal to be controlled in order to

Chest 2 – 100 silver pennies and 15 gold shillings

Temple – “The cavern you have entered has larger crystals and split geodes, the fungi carpet has
now become very lush, like walking on an extremely plush carpet. Corals and oysters,
periwinkles, and scallops fill the spaces on the wall between the crystals. The light from the glass
behind you barely reaches this chamber, but the small light is caught and bounced from crystal to
crystal bathing the are in a blue green color, almost like one was underwater. In stark contrast is
the red tooth and claw made from drift wood hanging on the far west wall. To the front of this art
is a smoothed boulder, that almost resembles an altar. Brownish stains cover the rock. A book
rests on top of the table, lying open and inviting.”
This is Sineag’s temple to Aajill, a successful Religion check will let the party know the symbol
on the wall is Aajill’s symbol. The book on the boulder is a book of rituals for Aajill. It is
written in common and the page that is open to depicts a dagger, mace and armor and describes a
ritual of Aajill’s Blessing. This is what empowers a Dark Druids arms and armor. The book is
filled with rituals regarding Aajill and describe dark druid rituals and teachings.

Sineag does not overestimate her ability to fight an adventuring party; however, she is extremely
hot tempered. The party has two options:

1. Fight: The party can attack Sineag and she will fight back. She only has two spells and her
dagger and mace. If the party does attack, her first move will be to use the Wand of Fog and fill
the cave with fog. After that she will attempt to escape the cave. To this she will summon crabs
she has charmed to help her. This will be done every other round as her action; the other round
will be her attempting to escape. Her first move after using the wand to summon the fog (if she is
still alive) will be moving the next round and the next will be calling crabs until she escapes, is
caught or killed. If she can escape, Sineag can become a recurring villain as she will blame the
party for stopping her plans. In her current state and if she escapes, she will find even more poor
and downtrodden victims. This in turn will fuel her anger and she will be taken by a true coven.
She will learn her true powers and abilities, be taught to use them, and finally get her revenge on
the party the wrecked her plans in Seameet. The Horn of Dark Seas can be in her possession now
if she needs toughening up or it can be something she posses in her next encounter with the party.
a. Wand of Fog: You create a 20-foot-radius sphere of fog per charge expanded centered
on a point within range. The sphere spreads around corners, and its area is heavily
obscured. It lasts until a wind of moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour)
disperses it or the wielder of the wand dispels it. The fog will lower visibility to 1d6x10’
on land, and three times that distance at sea (very bright lights will visible; however, such
as those on lighthouses.
b. Amulet of Charm Crustaceans, this charm allows the wearer to control Fish and
Crustaceans. It allows the wearer to control the actions of a number of Fish and
Crustaceans depending on their size:
Size Number Affected
Small 5d4
Medium (man sized) 3d4
Large 1d4
Creatures with an intelligence score of 5 or higher are entitled to a saving throw
vs. spells. The necklace only affects natural animals; monsters, humans,
humanoids, magical creatures, etc. are immune to its effects. The effect lasts 40
minutes plus 10d4 minutes.

c. Horn of the Dark Seas This appears to be a black conch shell, but will radiate magic if
detected for. It can be sounded but once per day. It can cause the following effects when
blown (user’s choice)
 Turn calm seas into a raging storm, including summoning creatures from the
elemental plane of water
 Cause panicked flight amongst all sea creatures within 120’ that have an intelligence
of 1 or less and fail a saving throw vs. spells. Those who make their saving throw
will have a -5 penalty “to hit” for 30-180 minutes (3d6x10)
 Summon sea beasts who will obey the user as best they can, given the limitations of
communication. They will be able to understand simple desire such as “attack that
creature”, “allow me to ride you”, etc., but not complex instructions with conditional
variables, etc. If some other means of communication is available, then more
complex instructions could be communicated.

Horn of the Dark Seas

Die Roll Creatures Summoned
1-2 5d4 giant barracuda
3-5 5d6 sharks
6 1d10 sea lions

2. Talk: If the party has found out the truth of what happened or even enough to know there is
something with the missing girl and someone in town and that he may be related to the attacks.
The party approaches cautiously but not hostile, Sineag will allow them to speak, looking for an
advantage. If the party begins to lay out what they know about what happened to her without
judgement she will fill in any missing information, the biggest piece was she was trying to get the
crabs to kill Colum. She never meant for anyone else to be hurt. She has all the knowledge of
crab attacks and knows smugglers are hiding in an abandoned fort up the coast.
a. Sineag knows the smugglers killed her mother, but wanted to use them until she didn’t
need them anymore. So, this works to her favor, she gets a bonus with the townsfolk for
telling them about the smugglers and hopes the party is filled with murder hoboes that
will want to kill all smugglers, which would hide her secret dealings quite nicely.
b. If the party succeeds with this plan, they can take Sineag to the Lord for his judgement
but with the party standing with her or they could let her go never to return home. If it is
the later, they use she will leave but continue to blame the town and now the party for
any wrongs that happened to her in the village and those that happen to her in exile.
She will quickly find a coven and throw herself into her tasks. From here on whenever
the party encounters her, she will be higher level than the party anywhere from 2 – 5
depending on the DM’s decision.
If they are taken to the Lord and the party does validate the story of what actually
happened the Lord is enraged. He will immediately tell Sineag she will need to help fix
property damage from the crab attacks but that she will not be jailed. He will then ask
the party if they would do one last thing for him, bring him this Colum, now!

At this point it is up to the party how they bring Colum in and healthy he is when he gets to the
Lord. The townsfolk will be watching and will remember how they treat Colum. The DM should
decide what is the right and the wrong for the party to handle Colum based on their game.

Sineag will perform her community service, while doing so she will meet a true Druid who will
recognize the mark on her of the Dark Druids, but after hearing her tale she will offer to train her

Men at Arms Rekker and his patrol will be ordered to stay on at Seameet for awhile to help it
restabilize and just keep a general eye on things.
This ends the first adventure in Seameet, but more follow.

During the course of their investigation the PCs should figure out there is at least something
happening in the abandoned ruins. The following adventures can be used however the DM wants
based on their and play style. These are the following follow-on adventures
1. Sea Smugglers
2. Shrine of the Demon Urandos
3. Castle of the Sea Demons
4. Castle Ghoul
5. Bonus

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