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Project Proposal on a fitness website

Project Name: Hearty Habit

Submitted To: Submitted By:

Pascal National College Nirmala Bhandari
Tribhuvan University Avishek Shah
To help people achieve their dream body, they use fitness websites that tell them what to eat and
what workouts to do every day.

Hearty Habit generates daily plans for people to improve their physical condition. Whether it is to
lose weight or gain weight or just maintain their current weight, Hearty Habit has features to help
them get a good meal and workout plan.

Having a good meal and workout plan is not just helpful for people’s physical health but mental
health as well. That’s how one can be the most productive throughout the day. Hearty Habit website
has all the features one would want to get the shape he/she wants.

Problem statement
Most people are not happy with their physical condition and it affects their psychology resulting in
low self-esteem. But it’s also not easy for most people to get the body and the shape they want
because they don’t have the resources to know where to start or how to start.

[1] According to WHO, “More than a quarter of the world’s adult population (1.4 billion adults) are
insufficiently active”. And that is a major problem.

The main objectives of this project are:

1. To get the information of the user to provide them with the best meal and workout plans.
2. To keep track of their daily workouts done and meals eaten.
3. To do a periodic check of their physical improvements.
4. To guide users to easily understand and use the workouts for their targeted body.

The method used for this project is the waterfall model since every requirement of the project is
already identified and well understood.

a. Requirement Identification
 Study of existing systems
In Nepal, there are not many fitness applications or websites to mention but there
are a few I liked that are on the web. To name a few:,, etc. These websites have been the inspiration to create something
similar and better.

 Requirement Collection

User Requirement:
 Users should signup or login into their account.
 Users should provide their current physical condition and their desired
physical goal.
 Users should get detailed information about recommended mean and
workout plan.
 Users should provide information if they have done today’s workout and
eaten today’s meal.

Functional Requirement:
 User Authentication.
 Generate meals and workout plans according to the user inputs.
 Ability for the user to mark their workouts and meals as done or not done.
 Responsive website design.

Non Functional Requirement:

 Secure.
 Easy to use.
 Easy to maintain if any issue.
 Fast loading speed.

b. Feasibility Study
 Technical Feasibility
This project uses existing web technologies and tools so there is no difficulty in
developing this project. Team members are also well-skilled to work on this nature
of the project.

 Operational Feasibility
The project is very user-friendly and can be easily adapted by any new user that will
use this website. As it uses well-known web technologies, it is easy to maintain.

 Economic Feasibility
This project is very cost-friendly as it uses existing free technologies. There is no cost
for the tools that are being used.
c. High Level Design of System
Data Flow Diagram

Gantt Chart

Expected Outcome
Users would get information about their current physical condition and how to get the desired body
he/she might want. Users will have an interactive environment t improve their physical well-being.

[1 World Health Organization, “Physical Activity”]

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