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Crescent Cult Gangs

Gang Composition
A Crescent Cult gang must follow these rules when it is founded, and when new fighters are added to
the gang:
• There must be one Adept. If they are killed, follow the rules for a Leader’s death (see page 129)
• There can be no more than two Acolytes, plus one for every full 10 Reputation the gang has.
• The total number of Neophytes in the gang must be equal to or higher than the total number of other
(Adepts, Acolytes and Living Saints) in the gang, not counting Hangers-on (see page 112).
• A fighter can be equipped with a maximum of three weapons (four weapons in case of Acolytes).
Weapons with the Unwieldy Trait take up the space of two weapons – these are marked with an
asterisk (*) in the Equipment list.
Crescent Cult Gangs in Campaigns
A Crescent Cult gang works similarly in a campaign to a House gang, with some exceptions.
Gaining Experience
Crescent Cult fighters gain experience in the same way as a normal House gang. Adepts and Acolytes
can have their XP spent on Advancements in the same way as a Leader or Champion. Neophytes
advance in the same way as Gangers and can become Specialists if a 2 or 12 is rolled for their
Advancement. Living Saints also advance like Gangers but cannot become Specialists – instead, if a 2
or 12 is rolled, the controlling player can choose any. other result from the table (respecting the normal
limits on maximum characteristics).
Captured Fighters
If an Adept or Neophyte is captured, the normal rules are followed. However, Acolytes and Living
Saints are worth more when sold to the guilders; the gang that is selling them receives their full value
in credits instead of half their value.
Income and Special Territories
Crescent Cult gangs gain income from their turf as normal – after all, despite their secret agenda, they
are seen as just another gang by most of the locals. Any Special Territory that require one or more
Gangers (for example a Chem-pit or Mine Workings) can instead be worked by one or more
Neophytes. Settlement territories do not generate Juves; instead, they generate a free Neophyte.
Crescent Cults cannot have a Guilder Contact territory; if they roll one on the Special Territories table,
the controlling player should roll again. If a Crescent Cults gang steals a Guilder Contact from a rival
gang, it is not added to their roster – it is simply removed from the other gang’s roster. While the cult
members are masters of infiltration and subterfuge, they shy away from the scrutiny that comes with
direct dealings with the Merchant Guild.
Post-Battle Actions
Each Adept and Acolyte in the gang can make one post-battle action, in the same way as a Leader or
Champion, respectively. In the case of Acolytes, it is assumed that they work from the shadows, often
sending a less conspicuous Neophyte to carry out the bulk of the action. Crescent Cult gangs cannot
make the Sell to the Guilders action, lest they risk revealing themselves.
If an Acolyte or Aberrant is escorted to the Doc with a Medical Escort action, the cost is increased to
3D6x10 credits, the extra coin going towards ensuring the Doc’s silence. Should a gang fail to rescue a
captive held by a Crescent Cult gang then the Cult player can make them disappear (best not to dwell
on what they do with them!) – Simply remove the captive from the campaign.
Skill Access
Crescent Cult fighters have access to the following skills:

Adept Abilities
Crescent Cult Adepts have access to a number of special abilities that represent their connection to the
distant Patriarch. An Adept is given one of these abilities when they are first added to the gang and can
gain additional abilities in same way as a skill from one of their Secondary skill sets.
With little more than a piercing stare, the Adept can dominate the minds of the weaker-willed.
Once per Round, when an enemy fighter within 9’’ of the Adept makes a ranged or close
combat attack, the Adept can use this ability – its use must be declared before the hit roll is
made. The opposing player makes a Willpower check for the attacking fighter. If the check is
failed, the attack is not made – no hit roll is made and no ammo roll is required – but the
action still counts as having been used.
Unbreakable Will
The Adept channels some measure of the Patriarch’s control over nearby cult members.
Whenever a Nerve or Willpower test is made for another fighter from the gang who is within
9’’ of the Adept, use the Adept’s characteristic value.
The mere presence of the Adept can drive their cult brethren to aggressive acts of hatred.
When another fighter from the same gang who is within 9’’ of the Adept makes close combat
attacks, you can re-roll any dice that roll a natural 1.

A starting Crescent Cult gang is made up of the following fighters:
1 Crescent Cult Adept
A Crescent Cult Adept starts with no equipment. They can be equipped with Pistols, Close Combat
Weapons, Adept Weapons, Grenades and Wargear.
Adepts do not start with any skills; instead, they start with one Adept Ability. Additional Adept
Abilities may be purchased in the same way as though they were a Secondary skill set.
Pay 9 XP (plus tax from advancement) and choose the ability you want.
0-2 Acolytes
Equipment: An Acolyte is equipped with a Hazard Suit. They can be equipped with Pistols, Close
Combat Weapons, Acolyte Weapons and Grenades and Wargear.
Starting Skills: Hybrid Acolytes start with one skill chosen from their Primary skill sets.

0-2 Living Saint

Equipment: An Living Saint starts with no equipment. They can only be equipped with Living Saint
Weapons. YAQ: and Wargear.
Skills: All Living Saints have the Unstoppable skill. Note that they cannot gain additional skills.

1 or more Neophytes

Equipment: A Neophyte Hybrid is equipped with a Hazard Suit. They can be equipped with Basic
Weapons, Close Combat Weapons, Grenades, Pistols and Wargear. When the gang is created, one
Neophyte Hybrid can be equipped with a Special Weapon or Heavy Weapon. During the campaign,
additional Neophytes can also take Special Weapons or Heavy Weapons, but the gang can never
include more than one Neophyte with a Heavy Weapon.
Adeptus Militarum Gangs
Adeptus Militarum Gang Composition
An Adeptus Militarum gang must follow these rules when it is founded, and when new fighters are
added to the gang:
• There must be one Leader (if the Leader is killed, see page 129).
• There can be no more than two Champions, plus one for every full 10 Reputation the gang has – for
example, a gang with Reputation 24 could have up to four Champions.
• The total number of Gangers in the gang must be equal to or higher than the total number of other
fighters (Leaders, Juves and Champions) in the gang, not counting Hangers-on (see page 112).
• A fighter can be equipped with a maximum of three weapons. Weapons with the Unwieldy Trait take
up the space of two weapons – these are marked with an asterisk (*) in the equipment list.
• If a fighter can equip a weapon, they can also use any attachment or special ammunition associated
to that weapons. Those are not Wargear but included with the weapon itself.
A starting Adeptus Militarum gang is made up of the following fighters:
Leader (Captain)
Equipment: An Adeptus Militarum Leader is equipped with mesh armour. They have no equipment
Starting Skill: Adeptus Militarum Leaders start with one skill chosen from their Primary skill sets.

Champions (Sergeant)
Equipment: An Adeptus Militarum Champion is equipped with mesh armour. They have no
equipment restrictions.
Starting Skill: Adeptus Militarum Champions start with one skill chosen from their Primary skill sets.

Equipment: An Adeptus Militarum Juve starts with no equipment. They can be equipped with Pistols
and Close Combat Weapons, but cannot be given any weapon that is worth more than 20 credits.
(YAQ: counting special ammunitions and attachments)
Gangers (Soldat)
Equipment: An Adeptus Militarum Ganger is equipped with mesh armour. They can be equipped
with Basic Weapons, Pistols, Close Combat Weapons, Grenades and Wargear. When the gang is
created one Ganger can be equipped with a Special Weapon, during the campaign, additional Gangers
can also take Special Weapons.

House Adeptus Militarum Skill Access

Adeptus Militarum fighters have access to the following skills: fighters have access to the following
Star Corps Gangs
Gang Composition
A Star Corps gang must follow these rules when it is founded, and when new fighters are added to the
• There must be one Leader (if the Leader is killed, see page 129).
• There can be no more than two Champions, plus one for every full 10 Reputation the gang has – for
example, a gang with Reputation 24 could have up to four Champions.
• The total number of Gangers in the gang must be equal to or higher than the total number of other
fighters (Leaders, Juves and Champions) in the gang, not counting Hangers-on (see page 112).
• A fighter can be equipped with a maximum of three weapons. Weapons with the Unwieldy Trait take
up the space of two weapons – these are marked with an asterisk (*) in the equipment list. Any fighter
may take Wargear.
• If a fighter can equip a weapon, they can also use any attachment or special ammunition associated
to that weapons. Those are not Wargear but included with the weapon itself.
Special Rule
Star Corps are physically weaker than the fighters of other Houses. They are bombarded with high
levels of radiation from birth to death due to the nature of their technology, and this has a detrimental
effect upon their health and life span.
To represent this fundamental weakness, Van Saar fighters cannot increase their Toughness
characteristic by more than+1 during a campaign.

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