Pe Module 2

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"You can learn more about a man in an hour of play than in a lifetime of conversation." – Plato

The quote really struck an impact on me as I related it to the importance of recreational activities to
each one of us. Enriching recreational activities is an important aspect in life to learn more about
yourself and the others. It is through recreating with others and in the environment, you are
comfortable with, is where you discover and learn about many things that life can offer. Since, the
present generation spends less of their time in natural surroundings and others leading to a weakening
of senses both physiologically and psychologically, this also correlated about how less effective
traditional indoor setting such as simply plain talking and doing unnecessary things rather than
socializing and playing with other people in a healthy environment. Thus, this quote means how
enriching recreational activities especially with others is the most effective way to learn more about
yourself and others in order to improve as well as give a worthy free time for yourself.



- It is a great recreational activity that brings computer programmers and other interested people
together to improve upon or build a new software program while socializing with them. It is a
social event or like a camp and it is pretty helpful in building communication skills and team
building as people have to work in groups to solve problems. There will be more discussions of
ideas and feedbacks and helps people to resolve conflict among themselves and collaborate
with peers and discover new talents and ideas.


- This is one of the most basic and effective way of enriched recreational activities such that it is
very versatile since it enriches the students both physically, mentally, and socially. Through
sports and games, it helps people develop interpersonal and intrapersonal skills while also
enjoying the games.

Out-Door Explorations

- This is a very challenging yet beneficial recreational activity that helps me drastically improve my
life skills. It helps me develop a better attitude towards the environment and more responsible
behavior. It also gives me a practical experience that develops me to become independent and
helps me for an overall holistic development of my mind and body.




1. Having a karaoke night with your family. Singing and spending time with your family enables you
to have that sense of security and assurance that you never knew you needed until you
experienced and received it. You are able to bond and connect with your family which enables
you to connect and relate your feelings to them making you relieve from tension and stress form
all the happenings. And in doing karaoke with your family creates a health environment within
all of you making a strong bond with each other.

2. Going to a beach with friends after an exam week would be very refreshing knowing how much
burden you get to steam off. Having being able to just go for a swim and daydream beside the
beach lets you forget the worries and stress of the exams. Too much work and life
responsibilities are toxic and self-destructing to you, stress and anxiety is inevitable in these
cases. And so, recreation is much needed in order to let go of these things and forget all of your
work and responsibilities and have fun for once in a while

3. Exercising and going to gym gives a big impact to your overall self especially to your self-esteem.
Being able to find relaxation and recreation in things such as exercising or even anything gives
away your doubts and worries in exchange of positives energies that gives you a mental reset
and confidence to continue in life. Recreation takes away things that drags you down making
you feel light and confident to move again.

4. Taking a break from a big project makes you do things more productively, effectively and keeps
the quality of your work on a high standard rather than always continuing making you burned
out resulting the quality of your works to be dull. You can’t just take a big leap again and again
without having a rest because at some point it self-destructs you causing you to lose control and
eventually become unproductive and fail in life. Too much work can hurt your quality of time
and life. And so, recreational activities enable you to take a breath and reset in order to
continue in a refreshed, confident, and productive way.





Sky Diving

- I always like extreme recreational activities since I thirst for challenge and I enjoy in doing big
risks in life. The scenery of the world while you are falling to the ground gives me that
excitement and confidence to conquer my fears and obstacles in life. The idea of being able to
fly gives me that sense of freedom and enjoyment that I need to relax myself.


- Being able to flow through the rivers, look upon the falls, and hear the streams of water gives
me that sense of relaxation and also sense the flow of energy within me. Both the calm and
gushes of the rivers gives a distinct feeling in me that makes me feel fun and relaxed at the same


- The idea of exploring nature bother water and land is a very ideal thing to do when I want to
experience both things at once. Being able to witness different sceneries, species, and natures
creates a health space in my mind about how broad life is and there is more to it that it can
offer. The activity is very adventurous giving you a thirst for what’s out there making you relax
and enjoy yourself in finding out what lies beyond those things.


- It an adventurous activity and I like the idea of reaching the summit which gives me a subtle
sense of accomplishment giving me confidence and proudness of myself. Especially when it is
done with friends, I think it would be a very fun thing reaching to the top and seeing sceneries
with the people whom you love.

Outdoor Skiing

- My forever dream is experience snow, and the best way to enjoy snow is to play with it such as
outdoor skiing. I want to experience sliding down the mountain while feeling the air rushing to
you and seeing beautiful sceneries. It would be an awesome experience jumping and sliding
down to high mountains you never expected you could without the snow.

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