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Feasibility Assessment for inclusive Humanitarian Cash

Transfer Programming

Questionnaire code: ___________

The Feasibility Assessment Survey is conducted during the project planning phase for a humanitarian cash
transfer program, with the purpose of gaining an understanding of cash-related barriers and socio-economic
risk factors of persons with disabilities, older persons, women and girls and persons of other identified at-risk

The assessment informs 1) the appropriateness of a cash transfer to meet multi-sectoral needs, 2) the setting
of the transfer value and choice of delivery mechanism, and 3) the design of complementary measures for
reasonable accommodation to ensure full accessibility and equal participation. It complements the market
assessment and financial service provider (FSP) assessment.

The questionnaire is divided into four sections, which can be used as needed. If previous assessments
adequately cover any of the sections, these can be shortened or left out.

Use Section A to assess the appropriateness and accessibility of available delivery mechanisms.

Use Section B to assess the accessibility of markets and the support measures which must be in place to
ensure everyone can access markets safely and independently.

Use Section C to identify protection risks for cash recipients.

Use Section D to calculate the minimum expenditure basket (MEB) and assess extra cost for persons with
disabilities, older persons and persons from other at-risk groups, to set the transfer value.

The survey should be administered physically or via telephone (in case of limitations on door-to-door
surveys), with a minimum of 60 respondents, following a purposive sampling method to ensure a gender-
balanced and proportionate sample of persons from different identified at-risk groups as direct respondents
in the survey.

Make sure a proportionate number of respondents are:

 Persons with sensory impairments (blind persons, deaf persons, persons who are hard of hearing);
 Persons with intellectual, psychosocial or learning disabilities;
 People with mobility limitations (older persons, persons with physical disabilities, pregnant women,
chronically ill persons).
 Households headed by legal minors (children below the age of 18).

The survey template must be contextualized and translated into local language. Complement it with
community consultations, focus group discussions and expert interviews to triangulate and broaden the
survey results.

CBM Global, 2020

This tool was developed by the CBM Global Humanitarian Team. For feedback or further information please

1. Introduction and demographic data

To start an interview, introduce yourself and CBM Global.

"CBM Global works alongside people with disabilities in the world’s poorest places to transform lives and
build inclusive communities where everyone can enjoy their human rights and achieve their full potential."

The aim of this survey is to assess social and economic questions related to cash-based assistance. It will
help us to plan more inclusive and accessible cash transfer programs. It is not linked to a concrete project
nor to any assistance we can provide for you.

The survey will take approximately 60 minutes to complete. Your participation in the survey is voluntary and
you can end the interview at any time. The information that you provide will be confidential.

Do you agree to continue?

 Yes  No

(Proceed with the interview if the respondent accepts to continue. If the respondent is not willing to participate,
thank the respondent and proceed to the next household).

Personal information of the respondent:

(The questionnaire is conducted anonymously. Name and address of the respondent do not need to be

Age: ________

Gender:  Male  Female  Would rather not say

Size of the household: ________

Location/place of residency: ________________

Number of dependents (persons who are not income earners): ________

Washington Group Questions:

(Introduce the Washington Group Short Set Questions. Their purpose is to assess difficulties with everyday
tasks of the respondent. Do not mention Disability.)

No Some A lot Cannot

do at
1) Do you have difficulty seeing, even if wearing glasses?

2) Do you have difficulty hearing, even if using a hearing aid?

3) Do you have difficulty walking or climbing steps?
4) Do you have difficulty remembering or concentrating?
5) Do you have difficulty (with self-care such as) washing all
over or dressing?

6) Using your usual (customary) language, do you have difficulty

communicating, for example understanding or being
Never Rarely Often Daily

7) How often do you feel worried, nervous or panicked?
8) How often do you feel sad or hopeless for longer periods
(more than an hour)?

Note: Unless stated, the questions assume no assistive device (e.g. hearing or walking aid, etc.) is used.

2. Vulnerability Assessment Questionnaire

# Questions Guidance for Responses

A. Cash Access
1 Do you currently receive Check more than one  Yes, currently earning income from paid
any financial income? if applicable. work (regular or irregular)
 Yes, currently receiving financial
assistance through an official assistance
scheme (social protection, social security,
pension or similar)
 Yes, receiving financial income through
support from relatives, care givers or other
private persons.
 Yes, receiving financial income through
NGO or other charitable organization.
 Other (specify):
 No

2 Did you receive a financial Check more than one  Yes, from paid work (regular or
income at any time in the if applicable. irregular)
past year?  Yes, from financial assistance through
an official assistance scheme.
 Yes, through support from relatives,
care givers or other private persons.
 Yes, through NGO or other charitable
 No

3 How do you pay for goods Check more than one  Cash (banknotes, coins)
or services? if applicable.  Bank transfer
 Mobile cash/E-wallet
 Credit card/Debit Card
 I never pay myself

4 If you have an income, how Check more than one  Cash

do you get paid? if applicable.  Bank transfer
 Mobile cash/E-wallet
 In-kind

5 Which cash/money transfer Check more than one  Bank transfer

services are available in if applicable and write Examples: ________________________
your area? down examples.  Wireless money transfer via a cash
agent (shop, outlet) in my village/quarter.
Examples: _________________________
 Mobile transfer/E-wallet
Examples: _________________________
 Other (specify): ___________________

6 Do you have a bank  Yes
account?  No
 Yes, but joint account

7 Do you have an e-wallet?  Yes

 No

8 Do you have a national  Yes

identification document?  No

9 When receiving aid from  In-kind

NGOs, do you prefer it to be  Cash
in-kind (relief items) or in
cash (without restrictions
about how to spend it)?
10 To receive a cash transfer  Direct cash (banknotes)
(cash support), what would  Transfer to my bank account (after
be your preferred method of opening a new bank account if you don't
receipt? currently have one)
Wireless transfer via a cash agent
(shop, outlet) in my village/quarter.
 Mobile transfer to my e-wallet
 Other (specify):

11 Which modality of cash If needed explain  Direct cash (banknotes)

transfer is most accessible "accessible" as "easy  Transfer to my bank account (after
for you? to use by yourself opening a new bank account if you don't
independently to currently have one)
manage and withdraw  Wireless transfer via a cash agent
money". (shop, outlet) in my village/quarter.
 Mobile transfer to my e-wallet
 Other (specify):

11a Why is this the most Write down all

accessible modality for you? answers in short
Please explain. sentences.

12 How accessible/easy to use  Very accessible

is direct cash (banknotes)  Somewhat accessible
for you?  Not very accessible
 Not accessible at all
12a If the answer is not very Write down all
accessible or not accessible answers in short
at all: Why is it not sentences.
accessible? Please explain.

13 How accessible/easy to use Only ask question if  Very accessible

is a bank account for you? respondent has own or  Somewhat accessible
joint bank account.  Not very accessible
 Not accessible at all
13a If the answer is not very Write down all
accessible or not accessible answers in short
at all: Why is it not sentences.
accessible? Please explain.

14 How accessible/easy to use If the respondent is  Very accessible
are wireless money transfer unfamiliar with  Somewhat accessible
services for you? wireless money  Not very accessible
transfer services, give  Not accessible at all
an example of such a
service available in the
14a If the answer is not very Write down all
accessible or not accessible answers in short
at all: Why is it not sentences.
accessible? Please explain.

15 How accessible/easy to use If the respondent is  Very accessible

of an e-wallet for you? unfamiliar with e-  Somewhat accessible
wallets, explain.  Not very accessible
The question should  Not accessible at all
be answered under the
assumption that a
mobile phone/sim card
is provided.
15a If the answer is not very Write down all
accessible or not accessible answers in short
at all: Why is it not sentences.
accessible? Please explain.

15b How accessible are smart Assumption: An  Very accessible

phones for you? Android or IOS  Somewhat accessible
smartphone.  Not very accessible
 Not accessible at all

15c Have you ever used a smart If the question is  Yes

phone with accessibility unclear, give  No
features? examples: a phone
with “voice reader” and
“voice control” for blind
persons, or “subtitles”
and “video call option”
for deaf persons.
16 Are there any restrictions for Ask this question only
women to access, own or to female respondents.
manage cash?
Write down all
answers in short

17 Are there any restrictions for Write down all

people with disabilities to answers in short
access, own or manage sentences.

18 Are there any restrictions for Write down all

legal minors (persons below answers in short
the age of 18) to access, sentences.
own or manage cash?

19 Do you prefer accessing  myself

and managing a cash  relatives or caregivers

transfer yourself or if
relatives or care givers do it
for you?
19a Please tell us more about Write down all
why you have this answers in short
preference. sentences.

20 What kind of support must Write down all

an NGO provide to ensure answers in short
that you can access and sentences.
manage a cash transfer
yourself, independently and

B. Market Accessibility Assessment

21 Can you currently buy  Yes, all available goods and services
goods and services  Partially, I can buy some goods or
yourself, independently and services myself.
autonomously?  No, I always require assistance of
relatives or care givers to buy food or
 No, my relatives or care givers buy food
or services for me.

22 Which goods or services  Food

can you currently  Hygiene items
buy/access independently  Household- and kitchen items/utensils
and autonomously?  General health services
 Dental services
23 Which goods or services  Food
can you currently  Hygiene items
buy/access with support of  Household- and kitchen items/utensils
relative or care givers?  General health services
 Dental services
24 What are the main barriers  Shops, Markets, Services are physically
which prevent you from inaccessible for me.
buying goods or services  I cannot communicate well with shop
yourself, independently and keepers or service providers.
autonomously?  I cannot handle cash well.
 My family and care givers do not
allow/encourage me to do it.
 Negative attitude of shop keepers and
service providers prevents me from doing
 Rules or regulations prevent me from
buying goods or services myself.
 I do not feel safe going outside to buy
goods or services.
 Others (specify):

25 Apart from the barriers Write down all

above, are there any answers in short
restrictions which prevent sentences.
women and girls from
accessing market and
shops to buy goods and

26 Apart from the barriers Write down all

above, are there any answers in short
restrictions which prevent sentences.
persons with disabilities
from accessing market and
shops to buy goods and

27 What kind of support do Write down all

your relatives and care answers in short
givers provide for you to buy sentences.
goods or services?

28 Does the assistance  Yes

provided by relatives or care  No
givers limit your choice
about which goods or
services to buy?

28a If you answered yes, why? Write down all

Please explain. answers in short

29 Do you prefer to buy goods  I prefer to do it myself, independently

(food and non-food items) and autonomously.
yourself or when relatives or  I prefer to do it myself, but with support
care givers do it for you? of relatives or care givers.
 I prefer others to do my shopping

30 What kind of support must Write down all

an NGO provide to ensure answers in short
that you can access sentences.
markets and shops to buy
goods and services
yourself, independently and

31 Is online shopping (through If yes, please write  Yes.

internet) possible for you? down examples of Examples: ________________________
available online  No, online shopping is not available in
shopping options. my area.
 No, online shopping is available but not
accessible for me.
 I am not familiar with online shopping
and do not know if it exists in my area.

C. Protection Assessment

32 Who in the household Multiple answers are  Myself

usually decides how to possible.  Main breadwinner/head of household
spend the household  Parents/Caregivers
income on everyday items  Joint family decision
(when, where and what to
 Other person (specify):
33 If you receive a cash Multiple answers are  I would decide myself.
transfer, how would you possible.  I would decide in consultation with my
decide how to spend it? family or care givers.
 My family member or care givers would

34 If you decide yourself about  Yes

how to spend the cash,  No
could this create tensions,
conflict or harassment in the

34a If yes, why? Please explain. Write down all

answers in short

35 If you receive a cash  Yes

transfer, could this create  No
tensions, conflict or lead to
harassment in your

35a If yes, why? Please explain. Write down all

answers in short

36 If you receive an income/a  Yes

cash transfer, is there any  No
risk that someone will take it
from you without your

37 Do you currently receive  Yes

any regular or sporadic  No
financial- or in-kind
assistance (from relatives,
other NGOs, government
schemes etc.)?
38 If you receive an additional  Yes
cash transfer, is there any  No
risk that you will cease to
receive other financial- or in-
kind support?

38a If yes, please explain? Write down all

answers in short

39 If you receive a cash Write down all

transfer personally for your answers in short
own use, how does this sentences.
make you feel?

40 Do you feel safe when you  Yes

go out to withdraw cash or  No

to buy goods or services in
markets or shops?

41 If no, why? Please explain. Write down all

answers in short

42 Have you heard of  Yes

instances when women or  No
persons with disabilities
were abused, violated or
harassed when going out to
withdraw cash or to buy
goods or services in
markets or shops?

43 If yes, please describe the Write down all

instances. answers in short

44 If you were to experience Write down all

any abuse, violation or answers in short
harassment, who could you sentences.
contact for support?

45 Do attitudes, perceptions or  No, women and girls can equally

stigma in the community access, own and manage cash.
make it difficult for women  Yes, it is difficult for women and girls to
and girls to access, own and access, own and manage cash.
manage cash?  Yes, it is impossible for women and
girls to access, own and manage cash.

45a If impossible, please Write down all

explain. answers in short

46 Do attitudes, perceptions or  No, persons with disabilities can equally

stigma in the community access, own and manage cash.
make it difficult for persons  Yes, it is difficult for persons with
with disabilities to access, disabilities to access, own and manage
own and manage cash? cash.
 Yes, it is impossible for persons with
disabilities to access, own and manage

47 If impossible, please Write down all

explain. answers in short

48 Are you aware of any laws  Yes

or frameworks (at national  No
or international level) which
protect your right to equal
participation and freedom
from harm?

48a If yes, which ones. Write down all
answers in short

D. Minimum expenditure basket calculation (This section needs to be contextualized. Categories

need to be understandable and possible to estimate by respondents.)

Please indicate how much your household usually spends per month (on an average month of
the last year) on the following items?

Expenditure: (in local currency)

Hygiene /Self-care
Other household essentials
Other expenses

Please indicate how much your household would need at a minimum per month to ensure
wellbeing and dignity of all household members?

Expenditure: (in local currency)

Hygiene /Self-care
Other household essentials
Other expenses

Extra cost for specific essential needs. Please answer the following question for you

49 Which health services have Multiple answers are  Doctor, local clinic
you used past 6 months? possible.  Hospital (inpatient)
 Emergency health services
 Rehabilitation services or therapy
 Mental Health/Psychosocial counselling
or treatment
 Other (specify):

49a How much do you spend on Add cost in local Current average monthly cost:
average per month on currency.
specialized health services Needed average monthly cost:
(rehabilitation, maternal
health, mental health)?
How much would you need
spend to receive adequate

50 When you seek health Multiple answers are  Public transport (bus, train)
services, how do you possible.  Own car or motorcycle
usually travel?  Driven by car or motorcycle of family,
friend, care giver
 Taxi, motorcycle taxi
 Walk or drive with wheelchair
 Unable to travel
 Other (specify):

50a How much do you spend on Add cost in local Current average monthly cost:
travel to seek health currency.
services per month on Needed average monthly cost:
How much would you need
to spend for travel/transport
to receive adequate health

51 How much do you spend on Add cost in local Current average monthly cost:
average per month on currency.
specific medicine related to Needed average monthly cost:
your age, disability,
pregnancy or any other
specific health related
How much would you need
to spend to receive
adequate type and quantity
of medicines?
52 How much do you spend on Add cost in local Current average monthly cost:
average per month on currency.
specific health, hygiene or Needed average monthly cost:
clothing items related to
your age, disability,
pregnancy or any other
specific health related
How much would you need
to spend to receive
adequate type and quantity
of these items?
53 How much do you spend on Add cost in local Current average monthly cost:
average per month on currency.
specific food or dietary Needed average monthly cost:
items related to your age,
disability, pregnancy or any

other specific health related
How much would you need
to spend to have an
adequate diet?
54 How much do you spend on Add cost in local Current average monthly cost:
average per month for paid currency.
home based care or Needed average monthly cost:
personal assistance?
How much would you need
to spend to receive
adequate home-based care
and assistance?

55 When you buy goods in the Multiple answers are  Public transport (bus, train)
market, how do you usually possible.  Own car or motorcycle
travel?  Driven by car or motorcycle of family,
friend, care giver
 Taxi, motorcycle taxi
 Walk or drive with wheelchair
 Unable to travel/don't travel to the
market or work
 Other (specify):

55a How much do you spend on Add cost in local Current average monthly cost:
travel to markets per month currency.
on average? Needed average monthly cost:
How much would you need
to spend for travel/transport
to access markets at a
sufficient frequency?

56 What types of assistive Multiple answers are  Wheelchair/Three-wheeler/Handbike

devices do you use? possible.  Cane, Crutches, Walking Frame
 White Cane
 Orthotics, Prosthetics
 Modified eating, drinking or clothing aid
 Modified tools or equipment for
work/income generation
 Modified hygiene facilities or items
(toilet handle, shower chair, brush with
extended handle etc.
 Other (specify):
 I am not currently using any assistive

56a If you are currently using Add cost in local Current average monthly cost:
assistive devices, how much currency.
do you spend on to repair, Needed average monthly cost:
maintain or replace them
per year?
How much would you need
to spend per year to ensure
adequate repair,

maintenance or

57 Are there any extra costs Write down all Please specify and add the current
which you pay to ensure answers and add cost average monthly cost:
equal access to health care, in local currency.
education, work or social

This is the end of the questionnaire. Thank you for your time. Is there anything else you would like to add in
relation to the above?






Responding to a survey can sometimes put a person at risk, particularly if it is perceived that that person
may be at an advantage due to completing the survey or if the survey has brought up difficult issues such
as abuse or violence. Before ending the survey, check the person is feeling safe and ok with the answers
they provided and if they need any further support?

Completed by: ________________________ Date: __________________________

Checked by: ________________________ Date: ____________________________


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