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Demonstrator : CERILYD D.

Date : NOVEMBER 13, 2018

Lesson Plan in Mathematics 1

in ESP, Science, and Arts, Integration

I. Objectives:
a. Separate a whole object into halves.
b. Identify of a whole.
c. Share things with others.

II. Subject Matter:

Separating a Whole Object into Halves
Strategy: Explicit Teaching
Reference: K12 TG p. 129-131, LM p.182, BEC/LG p. 246-247
Materials: Real objects, Visual Aids, Power point, Pictures,

Value: Sharing

III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Sing a Song

“A whole”

A whole, a whole, a whole

Divided into two,
One part is called one-half
and so the other one. (3X)

2. Drill: “Let’s Match”

Distribute cutouts of objects and shapes into halves in a group.
Let everybody find the other half or partner on their shapes. Be sure it
matches correctly and would form a whole.

B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation:
Do you know the two animals who shares a fruit tree?
What fruit tree did they share?

2. Presentation:
“Reading of the story about The Monkey and the Turtle”
Guide Questions:

1. Do you know which part of plant grew?

2. What do you think happened to the part which the monkey chose
and planted?

3. Discussion/Modeling

Showing real object and divide one-half.

To get of a whole, divide the whole equally into 2 parts. One part of
it is called one-half or .
If we get one part of the 2 parts, what shall we call this part?

3. Guided practice

Group Activity
 Group the pupils into 3.
 Giving Directions
 Show the Rubric

Group I
Draw the following objects. Divide them into 2 equal parts.
Shade of each.
1. ball
2. glass
3. apple
4. box
5. heart

Group II
Slice the cupcakes into 2 equal parts to separate into halves.

Group III
Divide the tree and write on the first half. Write on the other half the
parts of the plant.

4. Application/independent activity
Tell the word 0ne-half if the picture shows one-half, if the picture
showing a whole of an object clap your hand 3 times.

C. Value Focus:
Have you learned something from the story of the monkey and the
turtle? Can you be like them? If you have something, learn to share it
with others.
IV. Evaluation: (worksheet)
A. Which objects are divided into 2 equal parts? Encircle.




B. Color the first half and write on the other half.




V. Assignment
Draw any kind of fruit, at least 5 and divide them into 2 equal parts.
Write on part of it.

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