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Cash for Work Training –Profiling Management and Incident Reporting Tool

Date: 09th January 2021

Training Component:

 Training on New Cash for Work Profiling Management and Incident Reporting Tool (60
 Rectification of Errors – CFW Data Entry and Attendance Sheet (45 Minutes)
 Open Group Discussion – Issues and Challenges in the Field (45 Minutes)

Training Agenda:

 Introduce New Cash for Work Data Collection Tool to the Field Enumerators and show
them practically how it works.
 The New Tool has four sections –Profiling, Attendance, Rotation and Incident Reporting
which is essential part of Cash for Work System
 Another part of the training is data collection errors and how to get rid of those errors.
And make our system efficient.
 One important Agenda of the training is Open Group Discussion with the Field
Enumerators. Listen to their experiences and concerns and discuss how to make the
System More efficient.

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