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What is it and where is it?

Would you like to be on this bus?

Why? / Why not?

The end of the road

Do you read blogs?
Which are your favorite blogs?
Do you write a blog?
What is it about?
Why is his blog called What does he write about
digital nomad ? ?

Because he travels all He writes about his

the time and is always journeys

a group of pages with information

on a subject


writes an online diary


connected to and using the internet


the first page of a website


person who writes for a blog or blogs


adds sound, video, or pictures

to a website or blog


a reply or opinion from a reader


articles on a blog


Where was the writer?
On a bus journey from Lhasa to Kodari
/ in the Himalayas
How many days was the journey?

The journey was three days

What could the passengers see?

the north side of Everest

What happened to the bus?

The bus stopped

Who tried to fix the engine?

The driver
How did the passengers feel?
some of them were angry
Why did the writer feel sorry
for the bus driver?
he looked sad and lonely
Why did the writer walk
to the border?
he wanted a good hotel and a hot meal
Writing a travel blog
Top tips for writing
1. Write about something you really love
2. Write like you talk
(Blog tends to have a conversational style)
3. Take a good picture and share with your readers
4. Share your personal experiences and opinion
5. Be original and try to show your personality and
6. Only include your work and never copy content
(Blog tends to have a conversational style)
Which sentence gives the reason, then the action?
Which sentence gives the action, then the reason?
When do you use so and because?

So and because are conjunctions or connectors.

They join two clauses and go in the middle of the sentence.


We use so to give a result or consequence and because

to give a reason (i.e., to say why).


Note that we often use a comma before so,

but not before because.

Writing Skill
We use because to We use so to talk
give reason for about the result of
something. something.
Jack is in bed because Jack has got the flu so
he’s got the flu. he’s in bed.
Student’s Book
Exercise 2b, P. 89
Student’s Book
Exercise 3, P. 89
We stopped at a restaurant because
………. I was hungry.
so we waited for it.
The train was late ……….
We put on sun cream because
………. the weather
was very hot.
so we bought
It started raining ……….
an umbrella.
I wanted a comfortable bed ………
I booked an expensive hotel.
We hired a car because
……… there were no trains or buses.

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